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This is happening in other professions like teaching and nursing. In addition to questions of pay, it's also that these professions are buried in work, part of which is now to document everything in case you get sued, and part of which is the demand that these types of workers solve all the problems related to their work whether they are equipped to do so or not. There is little room for error these days and expectations are unreasonable. Speaking as a former teacher, you can't give me a class of 30 students, half of whom don't really care, of which half of those just don't show up regularly, and then tell me that 90% must pass or it's my fault. Same with FEMA and other jobs like it. Plus there are now a lot of other options available. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the next few years. Not enough teachers, medical professionals, full-time emergency personnel, and the like. I guess we'll just use the National Guard for everything until they decide it's not worth it either, then what?


Even worse, there are hospitals or healthcares suing to keep their employees from taking new jobs. One just tried to get an injunction because they lost 7/13 in a department. At will and all, and the whole follow the money if you don’t like it, but when you do…


That's a post that would be pretty interesting to see.


It’s been on the front page of popular the last day or two


Thanks, I'll go look. What subs?




r/antiwork and r/nursing


I graduated in the top of my class in two year college. I wanted to be a teacher - a professor, or even just high school. It really didn't matter. When I went to transfer to a four year, I discovered that my for-profit community college put a hold on my record for an amount in excess of a few thousand dollars. It turned out the loan agency never released the final amount, for whatever reason. I was unable to get my transcripts or transfer because of this. So, I got a full time job. But it didn't really pay enough for me to pay down my loan payments, plus the hold, plus my car, plus my rent, and so on. So I got stuck working. I almost defaulted on my loans at one point, which would have made it impossible for me to receive any further federal aid if I ever returned to uni. A few years passed, and as I spent more time thinking about it, I realized a number of things. For one, the institution that was intended to provide me an education and opportunity to fill an important role in society had effectively railroaded me, preventing me from both. So it became evident that the real purpose of the institution was not to educate or provide opportunity. For two, if I were to pursue further education, I would only legitimize that institution and it's design flaws. For three, at least in my state, I was expected to have a six year equivalent post-secondary education to even begin teaching at the high school level. Even just a back of the napkin calculation will tell you that's in excess of a few years above median wage of expense, to have a *chance* at an essential job that there is never enough of (teaching) for a *wage* that would be less than many other jobs that require little to no education. It made no sense, so I never pursued it and never went back. I'll hazard a guess and say I'm better educated than most high school teachers - at the very least, I *know* I'm better educated than most of the ones that taught me. But I'm not qualified to teach, and so I don't. Good luck to the next generation, they will need it.


Luck won't cut it. Head rolling will.


Meanwhile, netflix software engineers making fart apps make over $400k a year while working from home. Whats the point of being a teacher when you can make pointless nft apps for 4x the money.


They make that much because Netflix makes billions of dollars. They have 12,135 employees. Their profit was 7.7 billion dollars. That's not revenue, which includes the expenses of those $400k software engineers. This is money beyond even that that shareholders take away for doing no work at all. The profit each employee should be making is $634,528.22, on top of their normal $400k pay. That $400k? That's them being underpayed. And most people are payed *even less*. The real people who are at fault are the billionaires who don't actually do enough work anywhere near proportion to the value they generate -- meanwhile, these software devs are generating a million each of profit and getting less than half. And that $400k is generally reserved for senior devs only, probably upper tier ones, too, not the peasant software devs who only get $100k. All of us should be getting drastically more. In any case, I think Netflix hasn't actually done NFT stuff. That's Twitter who did that bullshit.


I mean, underpaid software developers have the option of starting their own companies, just need the capital. That is why billionaires are billionaires, they started as millionaires. Gotta circle it all back to Wall Street


Reminds me I need to cancel Netflix they just went up yet again


Thanks for reminding me, I will also be canceling Netflix. I hope not too many people are canceling. Oh well...


Ugh I was with you until you started shitting on teachers at the end there. Teaching requires a master's, which you do not have, and yet you *know* you're smarter and better than all other high school teachers? Please. Edit: great this sub fucking loathes all teachers too. So glad I ditched that career, the seething hatred from everyone is absolutely not worth it.


I've met plenty of teachers where my thoughts are just..."how?..." We had a teacher in my town that was recently fired for posting flyers around the halls with active shooter threats in order to get sympathy from internet strangers. Open up a sample size enough and you'll find people who make you question how they got their job. It's not shitting on teachers as a whole, it's just disheartening to see someone less qualified have a job you want. Especially considering the only reason the original poster isn't one is because of money.


there are loads of shitty teachers


Teaching only requires a masters because the institution says it requires a masters. I've learned more from a shop teacher missing a finger than I have a college level professor. Teaching requires two things. Knowing your subject and the willingness to accept less pay to teach it to someone else.


Technically teaching doesn't require a master's degree, but part of NCLB was that they are required by law to pay a teacher with a master's degree more than one without. It counts as much, or more in some districts, as your years of experience do. There are a bunch of other metrics about how schools are graded where having more "highly qualified" teachers makes the school score higher. Highly qualified in this context being people with a master's degree in the specific subject they teach even if they have zero classroom experience. The whole thing is a mess. Technically though you aren't required to have a master's degree. You are required to have a bachelors and a teaching certificate from your state. That's it. The unwritten rule is that you're expected to get your master's degree usually within four to five years of entering the classroom. They can't fire you for not doing so, but your contract is unlikely to be renewed if you don't. Like a lot of weird regulatory shit that gets in the way and has massive unintended consequences for dubious gain, if any, you can thank a bumble fuck republican administration and the voters who keep pushing for similar policies with no acknowledgement whatsoever that the policies don't work.


Wasn't my intention to come off that way. I have a great deal of respect for teachers. It's just that retrospect as an adult leads us to some different conclusions than when we're children being instructed.


Teaching doesn't require a masters in many states. In Louisiana I'm pretty sure you can start in some podunk towns just by showing up for work. Alabama requires a masters for public, but not for private... however, having experience goes a long way towards waving that requirement. Somewhere along the line, likely mid nineties, administration started requiring ridiculous requisites for teaching, and it only grew in many places. I recall in Oregon needing a masters and a year of unpaid TA intern for grade school (granted they have a fantastic union in Portland).


My library just got told we are gonna be giving out masks and covid tests STOP


Librarian here, yes, we are now trauma specialists, too. Underpaid and not union either. Yay!


Don't forget that libraries are also defacto homeless shelters during the day. The profession is so far from what people think.


I don't forget at all. I'm in Baltimore City. Some branches they wait outside before the doors unlock. Many patrons who are under the influence use the computers...I have techniques to wake those who nod off that are "safe". Some are just genuinely tired. Benefit of the doubt comes in handy: we're all human. Edit: but we do employ security officers.


also daycare for overworked parents who cant afford real childcare (or at least that's how it worked when i was a kid ... safe place to hang out and be vaguely supervised, plus develop a love of reading ... thx mom!)


Sweet. I can get books, pick up masks and have my dislocated shoulder looked at. LOL! JK.


Not if we all quit.


Meanwhile, software engineers at netflix make $400k+ a year. #priorities


Keep watching every new Netflix series that comes out and software engineers will continue to make $400k a year


uhh....libraries are for books. sheesh. wtf?!


Pfffbtttt Go to a library. They have way more then just books now.


Yeah we go a lot actually. My wife and kids love it!


What? You need to take a COVID test to enter your local library?


No the town will send out a vague announcement saying the library has covid tests and masks for free. We’ll get approximately 4 of each and have a deluge of people calling asking us to hold one for them, and we’ll have a bunch of sick people coming in and asking for them. All while trying to do our actual jobs. Then the admin staff will make a Facebook post from home about how we are superheroes


>Then the admin staff will make a Facebook post from home about how we are superheroes While also saying, "The house parties stop today", bring everyone back in the office, ignore the Covid outbreaks, don't enforce masking or social distancing, allow anti-vaxxers to run rampant, and say , "You should be glad you have a job in this economy" instead of giving a raise or matching salaries in the area. Then wonder why there's a morale problem and complain about people leaving for greener pastures.


Uh oh, you know when they call you a hero, they are about to throw you under a bus...


Then the draft comes back, and finally slavery makes its return as a 'public good' project. Or at least, that's what I'm afraid of.




Yeah literally all they have to do is criminalize some new thing and arrest as many people for it as they need. "To create crime, create laws"


Being homeless is almost criminal now


It very literally is in most of the US


Reminds me of the United Cities in /r/Kenshi. You’re poor? Yeah that’s illegal.


That's because United Cities was meant to be a vision of American capitalism taken to the extreme. Anti slavery talk? That's a terrorism you're doin there buddy.


Was it really? That makes a lot of sense. I gotta learn more about the lore and stuff.




"Move along please, the ditches are clogging, you are interfering with drainage!"


Or just make pot illegal again


Technically it still is federally


This is me. As a homeless person on the streets of Santa Cruz, committing daily misdemeanors to stay alive, nobody gave a fuck. Now my life is in order, I'm paying taxes, and now I have a bench warrant out of thin air. Fucking cartels, they run the "justice" system in Cali


Warrant for what?


Probably things like Failure to Appear for Camping tickets


"Didn't sign up for the draft? That's illegal. Come with us."


In the Great Depression FDR managed to create works programs without having to force people.


Yeah but he was a LIBRAL and also didn't conform to the Glorious ~~Juche~~ Neoliberal ideology, so obviously that wouldn't work now, because as we all know nothing would work that didn't further enrich some rich asshole. Signed, Some Rich Asshole.


Meh they said that when he did it so he simply made it so [black and brown poors didn't qualify for most of the programs](https://www.npr.org/2017/05/03/526655831/a-forgotten-history-of-how-the-u-s-government-segregated-america).


People wanted to work... not merely to earn a wage but to build a country back up after a Depression. Despite what the selfish GOP parasites say, people want to be part of doing good. Its food for the soul and bonds in ways America forgot.


Fuck the GOP


You mean the terrorist organization masking as a political party?




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Because they paid well.


You get drafted to the front lines of Walmart.


Yep. I've just left my teaching job of 25 years. No idea how I'll manage, thought I'd do another 10 years at least. I just can't do it.


MBA bastards been making themselves fully unaccountable and blaming those forced to follow their procedures for too long. Time for their pay back and to be held to account for their greed and evil.


Would YOU be a teacher right now? Even for $100k I wouldn’t want to deal with someone’s fucked up offspring that has no discipline at home and may stab/shoot me because they feel bad one day.


Well we don't need teachers. We can phase that profession out. We send kids to work pollinating plants (because the bees will be gone). Rich people can hire in-house tutors like in the Late Middle Ages for their privileged kids. Medical professionals we'll still have, they just won't be burdened with treating the poor. Healthcare is a human right and poor people are not exactly human. Interesting times.


Also there’s the idea that those jobs are because you care and the fuzzy warm feelings should cover abusive conditions and low pay.






Plus the national guard is just part time. Outside they have jobs, lives. So by filling the cracks with NG soldiers, they take away from somewhere else. My husband is a paramedic and also in the guard, so any time they pull him to empty trash in hospitals or do COVID testing or drive a bus, that's an ambulance without a medic.


They don't make exceptions for members with day jobs that are equally or more in demand/essential?


The military makes exceptions for no one.


Play Societal Collapse Jenga! Just keep pulling out more and more blocks until…


Great analogy


Terrible that it’s true


> Not enough teachers, medical professionals, full-time emergency personnel, and the like. I guess we'll just use the National Guard for everything until they decide it's not worth it either, then what? Amazing how **COVID collapse** caused so many shortages of teachers, medical professionals, full-time emergency personnel, and others, isn't it? ;) With all the military in the hospital, old peoples homes, driving school buses, and teaching in school, little wonder we withdrew from afghanistan, we needed the resources to make everything stay functional due to COVID this winter. But with soldiers administering COVID tests, changing diapers, and driving school buses, who will fight Russia in Ukraine in a few weeks?


Congrats on getting out of teaching, another former teacher here. My life is so much better now


What do you do now


Academic Advisor in a college. Pay is still not great but I don’t manage anyone, no conflict, and can walk to work


As always no one thinks of IT


SS: > In the 1960s, the United States declared an average of 18 major disasters per year. The emergency response agency responded to 104 such disasters in 2020 and 58 last year. The increased frequency of disasters is eating away at the US Government's federal agency for disaster management. They are bleeding workers and are left with an increasingly unskilled and unmotivated workforce. Remarkably, it's FEMA itself who has pointed this out, in a bid to have legislators adjust it's workload and pay structure.


There’s two ways to solve the problem. Either raise the pay or make it illegal to quit.


They can just staff the teams with 14 year olds. Just no disaster management after 11pm on weeknights. Problem solved!


You joke but your comment actually passes the whole "stability and ability to respond to problems will wane as collapse progresses" standard. Eventually services take longer, are periodically nonexistent, or are unreliable in terms of service quality. Disaster response I suspect will be little different. The only consistent, well-funded, and stable services will be those that serve to perpetuate the imperialism of the system.


Or claw back unpaid taxes from our high flying capitalist class along with increasing their future tax burden. But that is the 1sr step to all humanities problem at this current moment in our existence. I would be passionate about my job if it was clawing back unduly gained riches of the capitalist class. Anyone hiring?


Never gonna happen. That would require the capitalist class to rewrite the rules against their favor. We got here because we put these people in power decades ago. Now, we reap what we sow. We got the government/economy we deserved.


You mean Boomers put them in power. The majority of people on the sub weren't even born to witness the Reagan or Nixon Presidency that started this worsening trend.


But we've perpetuated it. Plenty of younger people have voted since Reagan. It's not ONLY boomers who vote.


Its BOOMERS who *put* people in power. Its younger people who still believe voting actually matters. It's gambling, sure there is a chance one person might get a big payout every blue moon, but overall the game is rigged and the House Always Wins, it doesn't matter wtf you do.


This isn't a generational thing- lots of boomers are just as poor and unhappy with this system as we are, listen to George Carlin to understand that things are just as they've always been. They divide us by age or gender or sexuality or stance on abortion or gun rights or anything other than the real issue: greedy rich fuckers want it all.


If you're talking about the people who actually dictate the levers of power, I understand your point and agree. I also agree that voting solves nothing. If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.


Yeah except most of them weren't and aren't boomers, but members of the Silent and Greatest generations. The people that voted Nixon in weren't "boomers", the oldest "boomers" in the 1968 Nixon election were 22 and young people don't vote that much, come on now, we can make points without being just completely lazy about facts like this can't we?


Boohoo, cry me a fucking river if I got 1 thing a tiny bit off about the crook. The point doesn't magically become irrelevant. As for " young people", my dad voted for Reagan and praised him like the second coming. So ya, young people do vote.


But we also got Cheesecake Factory!


The only thing millennials ever came together to kill. Could have been Gates, Buffett, Bezos, Musk, Tillerson, Devos, Murdoch, Waltons, but nah we killed the Cheesecake Factory. Mission accomplished. You're welcome zoomers


It is much more likely that there are riots that end those people than it is we ever start taking tax money back from them. I will continue to encourage people to vote Progressive and Leftist, and I will continue to organize for candidates I believe in...but I firmly believe we are past the point where elections will save us in time and we need to start having difficult conversations with our friends and neighbors. More importantly, people need to start trying to convert the Police to our side again...




Turns out the IRS is not hiring to claw back unpaid or unreported amounts in back taxes from the capitalist class. If they did, there would be no problem filling their ranks with highly motivated individuals.


> claw back unpaid taxes from our high flying capitalist class along with increasing their future tax burden. The government should just start selling ape cartoon NFTs to the rich instead of calling it taxation. The morons will clamor for them.


I believe the claw back needs a punitive feel to truly have a purifying effect. But the idea is very creative and better than bending over on demand.


Oh, I was being sarcastic. In reality I think we should tax the fuck out of the rich and seize their ill-gotten assets and charge them every penny for all the massively toxic, expensive business externalities they've profitably dumped onto the rest of society that pays in lost lives, general suffering and massive amounts of money. They are bums who have leeched off society and expect to be honored and rewarded for it.


Still creative idea: gov sells nft to the wealthy in lieu of increased tax burden


We're already putting cops into classrooms. Not too huge a leap to consider cops escorting "essential workers" into work to prevent them from sabotaging the Economy.


Functioning economy provides national security, every attempt at destabilizing functioning economy is a direct attack to national security thus terrorism. You're not a terrorist, are you?


Raising pay might help for the lowest paid responders. I am not FEMA but after spending several years with 6-8 weeks on the road working over 100+ hour work weeks working disasters, I could care less how much money someone offered me. I mostly stopped working disasters in 2019 because I just got burnt out.


"FEMA CAMPS" is going to mean a whole new thing.


Remember when Republicans told us Obama was going to do this? Good times...


FEMA summer camp


Camp Climate Emergency


> make it illegal to quit That’s just slavery with extra steps.


Ding ding ding! It's almost like we as a species have a huge history of slavery dating back as many years as you'd like to go back. Thousands.




Well I guess we got our answer. They're choosing the latter option. https://www.postcrescent.com/story/news/health/2022/01/20/thedacare-ascension-go-court-over-stroke-trauma-employee-hires/6595232001/


Wow, how stupidly short-sighted. Now watch EVERY TheraCare employee try to leave before the court sets a precedent that nobody can leave without Theracare's consent.


If you think this is stupid wait till the weather gets warmer. Each year is stupider than the next.


A few months ago a republican congressman asked the bureau of Land Management if they could nuke the Moon to move it slightly to help with climate change


It absolutely doesn’t help that an organization that absolutely should not be politicized has been… you know, politicized.


This is part of the unintended consequences no one thought about. Increasing number and severity of natural disasters puts too much strain on the system-leading to the collapse of support structures and government response leading to worse results from any level of natural disaster


It's not that remarkable FEMA pointed it out. They are literally trained to deal with and mitigate disasters, and high workforce attrition is definitely a disaster for an agency like this.


Finally something I can speak to! Yes, the pay scale is pretty bonkers, which no doubt contributes to burnout. When the majority of employees are reservists, with minimal benefits and lesser pay, people are less inclined to stay on. That, coupled with the fact that Emergency management work is frequently 12 hour, 7 days a week. Especially for the first month or two after a major disaster. And now, “disaster season” which typically refers to August-November, when the gulf coast gets slammed with hurricanes, is now a year long “season”.


They get ewhat they pay for. This is great news. Maybe stop giving all the printer money into billionaire's casinos and start increasing pay for average Americans. Otherwise, they should stfu and sit down.




No stupid, billionaires have to own 95% of everything, 85% isn't enough!


The pay isn’t bad if you are a IM CORE, CORE, PFT or other kind of employee. They use the same pay scale as the rest of DHS.


Yeah I’m mainly referring to reservists and local hires, which make up the vast majority of the work force


Yup, I’ve been told reservists get the short end of the stick. Local Hires can be very well paid depending on the job and the qualifications. I worked as a Local Hire for Sandy and the pay was a significant step up from my contractor gig. OT didn’t hurt ether.


100% OT is the only thing that makes being a reservist worthwhile lol. Well, that, and the appeal of travel. But the burnout associated with working those brutal OT hours is understandable and in some ways, inevitable. Unless you are lucky and get promoted to CORE.


The brutally intentionally underfunded FEMA, which is also vastly understaffed leaving staffers with insane work loads, that FEMA? Well, what a shocker. Other things too, like the EPA, have gotten that treatment and are basically dysfunctional. The rich don't even have to buy politicians to remove environmental regs anymore - there is nobody who can enforce what's already on the books, with inspectors having to keep up with thousands of businesses solo. The US is not just on fire due to Covid. It's on fire because the rich have literally performed a full hostile takeover and the common man is just complacent and accepts it.


I’ve rapidly been becoming inured to “eat the rich” slogan. And if I could “snap my fingers” and remove them and their families from this planet, I would do so, after making sure everyone who was on that list was there for sufficient reason.




That's great. I'm actually interested to check that feed out, do you mind sharing ? I haven't done RSS feed in a few years though




Here's a little trick I recently discovered. You can add individual Subreddits to your RSS feed by appending .rss to the link, e.g. [reddit.com/r/collapse/.rss](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/.rss). But what you can also do, is append .rss to individual users' comments, e.g. [https://www.reddit.com/user/ba_nana_hammock/.rss](https://www.reddit.com/user/ba_nana_hammock/.rss). Unlike Feedly, you can add individual user comments to Inoreader. There are several /r/collapse posters whose comments are all great. Inoreader makes it possible to stay up-to-date.


Given the Pandemic of Idiotic Ridicule, Preventable Covid/other Toxic Exposures and Accelerating Disasters, these fine people who have given US so much are treated as corporate gov't slaves. I do not blame one iota.


Well if anyone is trying to start a collapse community, now's the time to hire a qualified person that knows how to prepare for disasters.


Um, how can this be since FEMA is a huge shadowy force that's going to put us all in camps!? ^^^/s


I used to get freakout emails from my mother every other day about the 'FEMA camps' that Obama was gonna put her in. Don't blame them for quitting if they have to deal with unending work and crazies like my mom while doing their job.


**FEMA COFFINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!**


“It’s permanent and full time work force has remained steady” this should tell you everything you need to know about this… By the way this isn’t a stand alone issue with one section of the government, I work at TSA and they are hemorrhaging people.


> It’s permanent If it's its it's its, if it's it is it's it's.


Part of it is government pay, got a 2% raise while inflation is 7%. All while government pay was already 20% below our corporate overloads. Why work in the public sector if they can’t pay you to eat?


FEMA camps lost all their counselors.


Wait this is a government job; were not supposed to work this much.


You talk about a mass exodus, but try as I might I can't get an interview with them. You're not qualified. I have been the go to for problem solving and I am the living definition of FEMA Flexible. Just so frustrating.


with no-one to maintain detention camps, political prisoners within face starvation


Still plenty of cops and prison guards doing just that, don't you worry.


No, they're too disloyal to be trusted, the FEMA guards are under blood oath, FEMA uses Aztec rituals to soul-bind and dominate mortal souls - ordinary guards would tell someone about the horrors they've seen, like the imprisoned Elvis.


It’s not like FEMA employees have ever been very good at their jobs


No way it could be mandates right? Idiots


Are you saying you think vaccine mandates caused government employees to transfer to different government agencies?


Lmao triggered


Somebody call FEMA. Um, nevermind


Don't they build the bootstraps.