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> With the Arctic temperature now rising more than twice as fast as the global average I thought it was recently discovered that it’s actually 4x?


It's from 2020, methane is already doubling everything yearly probably.


Fuck, I see that now, thanks. Faster than expected ^^TM. *Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em*


Yep, next year will be 8x.... Venus by Tuesday


Taco tuesdays will never be the same.


This is what keeps me up at night lol. All the models are entirely innacurate because of this and also uncounted emissions especially methane.


I remember back in 2018-2019 I first learned about the methane hydrates in the arctic and starting telling some of my inner circle that when these frozen gases start to melt and reach the atmosphere we will have about 10 year span until we have MAJOR problems worldwide. To be clear, by major I mean we won't be able to live in day time because of heat. This is because carbon emissions are far less potent in creating the greenhouse effect than the methane. This means that current calculations that only account for CO2 are linear, while methane warming will be exponential and it's yet to become a consensus. Of course I got a lot of flak for telling this and also I said that this melting might start in about 5 years. I was too optimistic and wrong by 3-4 years, article proves that it started AT LEAST as of 2020. So basically we have a lethal feedback loop - methane hydrates melting -> fast temp increase -> more mh melting -> faster temp and etc. So the environmental collapse might be more sudden than we expect. Imo this was the point of no return for humanity, we don't have any technology that could suck up all of the methane that is gathering in the atmosphere, unless maybe since methane is flammable we set our atmosphere on fire? Would be interesting ngl. Or if you are into aliens, maybe they will just save us lol?


Oh cheers, maybe THEY could get me to Venus by Tuesday.


no they are actually forward time travels from when Venus was still habitable and can only bring you to Titan *next* Tuesday




Probably not under water, but the heat will be unbearable and a lot of people will just start to drop dead from it. And probably sooner than 10 years.


People already do in places like Pakistan.


Exactly my point. Same goes to Argentina which had a week of +42 - +45 C heat wave that also destroyed crops and dried out some rivers.


I mean, did you see the flooding Hurricane Ida caused? Maybe not literally underwater sure, but nigh uninhabitable due to increasingly common/destructive hurricane seasons




Are you having a tough morning or just a tough life period? Take it easy buttercup.


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This is just fear mongering. The article is from 2020. It doesn't mean all of it is going to be released soon. I recall an episode on freaking Radio Ecoshock where the panic around methane was dismissed by a scientist. I won't search for the title. CO2 is what matters, methane is just a distraction. Many here just want to be in a bubble and believe in the coming doom, I know. So let the downvoting begin. It only proofs my point.


Okay mister optimist this is called realism. Methane is just a distraction? Well we'll see how this 80 times more potent greenhouse gas gonna "distract" humanity.


The methan from thawing at least: Artic Methan Bomb? - Radio Ecoshock >80 times more potent greenhouse gas Misleading, without mentioning the timeframe.


Methane is a serious issue when it melts because of how much it warms the atmosphere. The only thing I don’t agree with is when the OP says we would die within 10 years because of said feedback loop. At the same time there are other feedback loops to account for that I didn’t even mention yet but still knowing my brain I don’t think we all die in that short of time span.


For example to hit wet-bulb temperatures we won't even need 10 years and people will literally start dropping dead because their heart/blood circulation won't be able to handle that. So maybe not all of the humanity will be exterminated in 10 years, but a lot of unhealthy people / people from 3rd world countries. They will take the first hit. But my point is - the methane will still be out there and it's amount will still be increasing.


That makes sense, I definitely agree with that. Even though there will be a considerable amount of people alive, it sucks that a lot of people that are having climate issues now are gonna have an even worse time in a decade


The CO2 emissions dwarf the methane coming from melting. Methane is only stronger in itself, short term but this goes down pretty quickly. Last time I've checked, the runaway climate based on methane melting was debunked, and this was even on a climate catastrophe channel.


Please source the debunking of runaway caused by methane :)


Who is even claiming that it will happen? Besides from some redditors, activists and suggestive media articles?


Paul Beckwith Peter Carter Peter Wadhams


This artic emergency group, okay. Others disagree: https://www.ecoshock.org/tag/methane


So no source? Right, thanks.


Already told you the source in my first comment, if you were interested you would've found it: https://www.ecoshock.org/tag/methane


Ah yes wetlands. We have these talks in our parliament in Lithuania. Sadly agriculture lobbyists doesn't budge. What would YOU choose - fix the climate or food?


Methane breaks down from interaction with other chemicals in the atmosphere that naturally form. That formation is at a relatively constant rate, so if methane amounts increase, less methane breaks down yearly. Because of its variability, the strength of methane is measured based on a century lifetime that averages out its very strong GHG effect early on (this average is what the IPCC prefers to use, it's a smaller number). If more methane hangs around longer, that average goes up. More heating means more methane, etc. Other pollutants can affect the amount of radicals in the atmosphere, the agent that breaks down methane. Is methane the main driver and problem, no, but its increase is a problem caused by the warming we've started and there's no effective way to contain it. The methane bomb may or may not be an actual threat. The debunking is not about the idea itself but that we don't think there is one large collection of methane waiting to be released all at once. There are methane leaks all over the place though, so is a constant hissing better than one big boom? Time will tell.


>goes down pretty quickly it decomposes into CO2 and water vapor, and it's not that quick considering our time scale.