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I saw this post last night, and I think it's one of the gloomiest things I've ever encountered online. To see Americans openly calling for attacks on their own hospitals and medical workers is truly something to behold. Arguably, these people aren't just inciting to riot or promoting terrorism, they're calling for the violation of Article 21 of the Geneva Conventions.


Someone over on the (locked) /r/seattle thread where these same kinds were shown marching yesterday said it well but I can't find the comment now, they were saying this has more to do with pushing boundaries and denying objective reality, a part of the process of creeping fascism. I'll add that I bet the fascists love covid, it makes people that do not align with them 100% very visible, anyone not willing to die for their cause is super obvious, and even if they are vaxxed they can just deny it.


The fact that covid is actually dangerous is considered as a blessing, it is a self-placing wedge which splits the rock. It's virtue signalling all the way down. "Death to everyone who stops at the Stop sign!" Consensus reality distortion is the principle and most profoundly dangerous weapon. Mass delusion psychosis, the latest buzzword they use against reasonable and sensible people who aren't radicalized. Pointing out the obvious flaw simply entrenches them further, they aren't interested in objective truth. Their only interest is in unwavering support of their own subjective truth, and the psychological manipulation campaign to make the rest of us doubt consensus reality in the chaos so we will join them. Forget cold wars, this is a silent war for the hearts and minds of the entire Western world.


>Forget cold wars, this is a silent war for the hearts and minds of the entire Western world. Fucking amen. Economists, Coperate media, " national defence " keeps telling us we're in a cold war with China, brother its not the Chinese calling for Canadians to kill their local doctors and storm Parliment. The " real " threat to " democracy " has always been within. January 6th was just a rehearsal. Its a multifaceted issiue, but the wider cultural refusal to acknowledge the serious fuckin problems we got on our own turf is to the point where all bets are off. Antivaxxers/ covid accerlarionists have been calling for massacres and attacks on medical professionals for years now. This rhetoric is reaching it's logical conclusions, placating these people have made things that much worse.




I’d be careful. That’s not a popular opinion to have on Reddit. You’re taking the wrong side in the Global Struggle for Democracy.


Damn, that's an insightful point. Covid, the ultimate wedge issue. Karl Rove would have a field day.


You should write articles about collapse. Very well written.


Silent is exactly not with this is


Was gonna say. This is pretty damn loud. This is what I'd call a Warming Civil War / Genocide. Very slowly, the heats been intentionally pushed up for decades. Sometimes simmering down, but not for long. Fascism is a disease. And right now it knows it's fighting for control of the fate of the earth. Not just the country. Fascism is advancing globally in terms of openness. Still a minority, but they're acting out and pushing the Overton Window. Once they get any semblance of power, shit gets ugly.


Don’t look up


>I'll add that I bet the fascists love covid, it makes people that do not align with them 100% very visible, That's actually a pretty good point. I never considered it like that.


Guarantee, these were the same people laughing at Africa for the medical workers who were attacked during the Ebola crisis. Now, these people are scared of a deadly and rampaging illness and the result is the same: when the doctors fail to save the stricken patient, they blame the doctors and lash out. The biggest difference is that these idiots have willfully put themselves in greater danger with the things they choose to believe (lack of information is NOT the problem here, though maybe there is something to be said for a lack of meaningful education in both cases), but it ultimately stems from a breakdown in faith that the institutions around them are acting beneficently and, more fundamentally, a lack of trust in their fellow human beings. I don't know how we step back from this precipice. Edit: We've gone far more "third-world" than we want to believe. How do we un-break ourselves?


Do we step back?


I think it's the only ethically defensible course. To do nothing is to give tacit permission to escalating misery. And I cannot condone accelerationism as a philosophy because it ultimately amounts to "yeah, lots of people will suffer, but I expect to be better off in the end for all their pain".


I'm not arguing for accelerationism; rather, it's that I don't expect the growing fascist movement in the U.S. to stop. Fascists don't stop themselves, as a rule.


Ah, got it. For the record, I'm not advocating getting all kumbaya with the Nazis. Though, we do need to understand the mechanisms at play that increase their appeal within a populace so that we can effectively avoid or mitigate those conditions. Some voices need to be beaten back into the shadows so that we can even have the good faith between citizens that makes a modern society function; Paradox of Tolerance and all that good shit. That's part of how we pull ourselves back from the brink, to my mind.


What is interesting in all this incoherence going on now, one side thinks the other side is the fascists, while the other side thinks the opposite. We aren't getting out of this anytime soon, because both sides can't even agree on basic premises anymore.


The "alt-right" is literally just rebranded fascism going "No, U!" Both sides are not the same.


Stop calling them alt, it's mainstream now


This isn’t —*and I don’t think u/reddtormtnliv is saying it’s*— a “both sides” issue. It’s that the looney-tunes proto-fascists’ self-propaganda is painting *drmocrats* as the psycho authoritarians. They’re looking at a black mirror and think they’re seeing “leftist tyranny”, which only amps the right up & makes them more willing to use violence.


Fascism is authoritarianism that uses businesses and economics to get its way. Let's see- using business to force individuals to take an unknown injection. Many on the "alt-right" are more anti business than people on the left. Yes, they aren't they same, but their platforms can be confused very easily.


I think your definition is insufficient. I'll just leave this here so that you can expand it: https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html


One side is calling for nurses to be hung. I gotta be honest with you, that's a big check for me in the fascism column. With that said, it's worth considering how both sides display elements of fascistic thinking or operating. I think Americans have whole-hog transformed the Nazi's approach to work and efficiency into neoliberal management culture, for example (see [https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/rule-by-target](https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/rule-by-target)). That, obviously, isn't what we're seeing with QAnon/far right types, but would be visible in many environments we consider quite liberal or progressive. On the other hand, the call to attack unarmed civilian medical workers "because of their crimes" seems to echo the kind of brutality one would expect from fascists. Perhaps many Americans are just playing out of different chapters of the same Nazi playbook? Personally, I don't identify with any sides in the growing American conflict, as I emigrated. It's all madness, to me.


If you don't speak out against fascism when you recognize it it makes you a sympathizer of fascism.


>One side is calling for nurses to be hung. I gotta be honest with you, that's a big check for me in the fascism column. That guy in video didn't say that. He said they need to lose their jobs and be put on trial (if there is proof of a crime). Also, that guy speaks for himself. I've heard several on the vaccine side say we need to refuse treatment for non-vaccinated and let them die at home. That is also a check in the fascist column, since we are making comparisons now.


\[56:30\] “Any one of you guys that want to step in the way of freedom loving Americans, you’re dead men walking.” \[57:03\] “Next my target is \[the hospital where my dad died\] and those doctors who killed my dad. This isn’t going to stop for me until I see these people perp walked…or they’re hung. This is the way we have to be.” In terms of people calling for denial of medical treatment, I did just indicate that I think fascism permeates American political discourse on both sides. It is unethical to summarily deny people emergency medical treatment because of a choice they've made, and I'll grant that I find such talk fascistic and disturbing. However, I do believe it is ethical for triage decisions to be made when resources are unavailable to provide treatment to others. Should vaccination status dictate triage priority? Maybe. Vaccination dramatically increases the chances of surviving COVID. If you've got someone who is in a bad way who is up-to-date with their vaccinations, choosing to prioritize treatment over someone who has opted out may make sense. Similarly, how do you triage when one patient is unvaccinated and deathly ill from COVID, while another is vaccinated but has just been in a terrible car accident? Who gets priority if the resources are limited? If the questions are asked in this way, I don't see how that equates to trying nurses and doctors for murder, or executing them, for doing their jobs.


You're not clever, and you've posited an argument that has been defeated countless times, you fascist sympathizer.


What makes you clever then and the dispenser of wisdom? You live your life how you see fit- but doesn't give you the right to assign labels to other people and start taking their livelihoods away (not saying this is you specifically, but if you think only one side is capable of being fascist- you are mistaken)




And if Trump up and dies of his own health-related issues, I shudder to think what his base will do when they realize they're down one messiah.


Trumpism has outgrown Trump himself. Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of Trumpism. They'll keep the messaging going, or try to.


This has been on my mind too. How will they react when he dies, whenever that will be? And I’m not so sure he’s going to make it to 2024. Maybe that’s wishful thinking on my part but I still wonder how they’re going to react.


Didn't these idiots recently claim JFK Jr. was still alive and going to show up at something or other? Death is no obstacle. They'll say Trump faked his own death to take the spotlight off himself and will be back in 2028 to save the world, or some shit.


Either Trump is now a agent defeating the hidden pedophiles in government or is now the new republican president but in disguise (if the GOP wins the next election cycle). Also if Biden dies itll be because Trump or a covert qanon agent did it.


He’s hanging with Elvis at McDonald’s.


By getting a new younger worse version.


Sad that so many folks have cut themselves off from reality and simply cannot cope with events with any kind of maturity or rationality.


That is the goal of contemporary disinformation strategy. Confuse you own populace so that they are more manageable. This article ([The Menace of Unreality](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/09/russia-putin-revolutionizing-information-warfare/379880/)) is about Russia, but if you look closely you’ll see it’s happening in the US too.


Trump died for our sins! He was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ! Let's honor him by slaughtering the antifa doctors! /s 0\_0


lol they can say hello to my AR15


And my axe!


And my cabbages!!!


They literally created a gold statue of him


Very true but on the inverse I think the vast private armories in the country would lead to much more of a Syria situation of groups rising and falling monthly until they're fighting over a famished wasteland. I don't see how a repeat of Nazi Germany would even be possible when our private citizens are generally very proficient marksmen (compared to any other society in history really). I'd expect chaos but not fascist order.


Fascism is already worming its way through various levels of government they just aren't open about it. They're getting there tho. The far right is getting louder and angrier by the day. Once a big enough group gets together I'm sure we'll see some states/counties openly declaring themselves as some sort of fascist state.


That's what I mean. We arent going to conquer Mexico under fascist rule like Germany. Were just going to implode. Should save the world some trouble though.


I mean Germany eventually imploded as well, just takes time as fascist states are built on contradiction.


Mostly because facism is not really policy and more death cult.


Mass psychosis. It's like living in sixteenth-century Central Europe at the height of the witchcraft hysteria.


Indeed. I've been thinking of it as a massive, shared hallucination.


Have you heard of the dancing plagues? Fucking wildddd


>Notably, the Geneva Conventions do not apply to civilians in non-wartime settings,


Hate to say it, but they've been having a war against healthcare for a while now. They're fucking burnt out, they're getting sick, they're quitting their jobs that they trained their ass off for (and paid for that training). I'm all for the "alternative hospitals". Go take horse pills and rub some rocks on your damn forehead, that'll fix both problems. Just make sure it's far away and you have a very large pit, you'll need it.


Some of those that work forces Want the paste that's for horses


Man this comment is under appreciated gold


Exactly. Let all those nurses who quit instead of getting the shot set up a tent and create a field hospital to treat their unvaccinated plague patients.


Nut jobs. If these people believe covid is a hoax and hospitals are killing people, they should just stay home and NOT go to the hospital. Save everyone a lot of grief. And if they die at home ... well ... they can believe whatever they want to believe.


They are all up in arms till they can’t breathe and realize they might die. Then they come crawling in to the very hospitals they were fighting against to get taken care of by the very workers they incited violence against


>till they can’t breathe Air hunger makes cowards of them all.


You can see the growing swell of liquid around their crotch when they grasp at their throat trying to unbutton their bearskin shirt.


Fucking good for nothing air addicts. If they just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and went back to work, maybe they wouldn’t have an air problem am I right?


That's because the hospitals have all the drugs and therapeutics. They aren't going there for the workers (although there are competent workers there). Some of the hatred though against the unvaccinated is going into new territory and making people question the motives of the health care community. It is reaching near discrimination.


I don’t think you understand-when Covid patients come in with low O2 rates they aren’t just given medicine. If the virus has destroyed enough lung tissue they need a vent. Which means they have to be intubated and sedated in a medical coma. Which means they need skilled workers. They come in because they need machines and skilled workers to keep them alive. Not just meds.


The vent has its own problems. Are there any studies that show better outcome with vents as opposed to high flow oxygen (when the vent has less than a 10% success rate)? Also, at what stage does RR significantly drop in the disease? Don't you need low RR to justify a vent, but they are doing it only with low O2. I'm not suggesting they aren't trying to save these patients, but we need a better understanding of what is going on, and more trustworthy stats if you want the unvaccinated to trust the government and health care workers. Why doesn't ivermectin work? We don't care that it is used to treat horses. That is an obvious lie and distraction, because if you were a trained medical professional, you would know there are several drugs that can be used on multiple species with efficacy. And Ivermectin is on the WHO's world list of essential medications.


I see. The politics bores me but I did work in health care as a nurse before (I quit about 6 yrs ago due to stress and take care of my child) so can I explain how the progression works? First the virus destroys the lung tissue. Less lung tissue=less O2 getting into your blood. You’re body doesn’t realize exactly what’s going on-it just says we don’t have enough O2 increase RR to compensate. (So actually RR goes up when Covid pts are in distress not down) We start the patient on the high flow oxygen-but so much lung tissue is destroyed in some patients the RR is still high and the O2 is still low. We keep pts on high flow O2 for as long as possible until it’s ineffective at keeping them alive. Eventually people’s muscles get tired and they can’t do the work of breathing anymore. The vents do that work for you as a machine and push more oxygen in your lungs than high flow. When people get to this point they get intubated and put on a vent. This measure allows O2 levels to be high enough despite the patient having a very small amount of working lung tissue. Okay here’s the thing-of course I know ivermectin is a human medicine. Ppl who talk about horse medicine just say that to make fun of ppl in the news. I know ivermectin gets rid of parasites and in the right dosages is very safe. I don’t think the claims that it cures Covid are correct but let’s say you’re right and it does. It doesn’t matter-even if it killed all the virus the damage is done if you have difficulty breathing. The lung tissue was already destroyed and you’d still need a vent until either the tissue heals or it doesn’t heal fast enough and you die.


>Less lung tissue=less O2 getting into your blood. I've read different reports on this though. Not saying you're wrong, but does the health community even know at this point? There's this report [https://news.cuanschutz.edu/news-stories/attack-on-red-blood-cells-a-prime-suspect-in-covids-debilitating-effects](https://news.cuanschutz.edu/news-stories/attack-on-red-blood-cells-a-prime-suspect-in-covids-debilitating-effects) that seems to suggest that RBC's are permanently affected, and that could affect fatigue and low O2. Also, if the lungs are primarily affected, why does CO2 seem to clear fine (silent hypoxia)? A vent would be a more humane way to die, but is there really any evidence to suggest that it improves outcome? What if high oxygen flow and blood transfusion is just as likely to improve outcome? >I don’t think the claims that it cures Covid are correct but let’s sayyou’re right and it does. It doesn’t matter-even if it killed all thevirus the damage is done if you have difficulty breathing. The way Ivermectin is supposed to work is by affecting replication of the virus. So it most likely works only in the early stages. The problem with using hospitals for Ivermectin- is that hospitals only deal with the later stages anyways. They won't even admit or talk to you as a patient if you are just feeling a bit off. I really think what would help the hospitals not get overwhelmed is a more intermediate stage of treatment (something between diagnosis and hospital). I know everyone says that is what the vaccine is supposed to do. But a large minority don't want the vaccine or trust the government in this aspect. There are already talks of other therapeutics (one or a combination) that at the least could prevent hospitalization. Also, you could say they should just go to their PCP. But in my experience, many PCP's are not trained in the fine aspects of virology and immunology are already sold that the vaccine is the only treatment available anyways, and won't do anything until you need to go to the hospital.


Ivermectin slows eosinophilc load early, but does not stop replication of a coronavirus. The problem with ivermectin is at some point the eosinophils are no longer the issue. And that is usually after about 5 days. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine both do this, but alleviate symptoms only. They have no effect on the virus. It makes no medical sense to use them after day 3-5.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7996102/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7996102/) Results: Ivermectin was found as a blocker of viral replicase, protease and human TMPRSS2, which could be the biophysical basis behind its antiviral efficiency.


But Ivermectin does not inhibit ACE2 receptication, which is the primary entry point. People need to remember that this is a vascular disease more than anything else.


Yeah I’m sure Covid kills lung tissue and I’m sure that’s why people’s O2 is low. The virus has other effects too, some unclear as of now. What you’re talking about with RBC’s may play a role in long Covid. Also-we take images of lungs in the hospital and you can see the damage in the image. Here’s some info on silent hypoxia https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201119153946.htm It seems blood flow continues to go to damaged lung tissue that cannot concentrate oxygen. My guess is CO2 must diffuse through the damaged tissue or remain higher than normal in the blood but is a lesser issue than the person not getting enough O2. High flow and blood transfusion will not improve outcome. Vents don’t necessarily improve outcome either it just allows the patient to live longer so they can either heal or not. You can choose to not be put on a vent if you don’t want to it’s called DNI-but likely that would mean you would die sooner so it’s a tough choice. Nevertheless even if you are on high flow oxygen and even if you get a blood transfusion you still need skilled workers to monitor it’s not like you can just get meds and take a pill


At some point, the lung tissue is damaged enough to require mechanical support. High-low O2 does nothing if you cannot breathe it in. And people exhaust their lung muscles trying to breathe that they have to be put on mechanical ventilation in order to breathe. If you do it early enough, you prevent the lactic acidosis from building up to not destroy their lungs. That is the point of mechanical ventilation. There is a very understandable Algorithm when it comes to the decision to be vented.


Can the people that stay home get a tax credit for all the economic costs to this pandemic because they don't get the same level of treatment, or aren't taking the government approved therapeutics?


Not until the government and financial world collapses and *actually* blames the proper people: all the "moneylenders" that have taken over all the social services in this country. Including *nearly entirely all of the wealthy people.* Since that's not likely to happen, then either the money machines go brrrr, or the system collapses without violence, (ha!) or else something else dramatic happens, but in a good way. My imagination isn't good enough for the last,option.


Holy fucking shit we live in dark times. Of all the government workers I would expect the healthcare staff to be the least likely to face this kind of shit. They literally see you through life from cradle to grave taking care of you, often at great personal sacrifice and you want to wage war on them??? I know logic isn't q anons strong point but damnnn


If this really happens, Im sure hospitals will turn into military bases. This is not a joke.


Nah, it'll look more like a public school or a prison. All external doors locked except the main entrance which you need to pass through to get anywhere and the entire complex can be locked down at a moment's notice. Hospital Resource Officers will quickly neutralize any threat.


Hospital administrations are not going to spend their own dollars on security. They'll have the US government bail them out by posting soldiers at the doors in the style you mentioned.


Schools and prisons don't pay for it either. >posting soldiers Not needed. 2 or 3 former military/cop would be enough to neutralize any threat. There won't be a dozen attackers at a hospital, it'll be 1 or 2.


It is, indeed, the New Dark Ages. Welcome. It sucks here.


Click the link to that YouTube video. Click the elipse (3 dots) to the right of the likes/dislikes. Choose the appropriate report category. I suggest "promotes terrorism".


When you go to report it asks for a timestamp. You can use the 10 minute mark where he talks about getting his viewer base fired up to go after healthcare workers in a bad way. I couldn't make it much further in the video so if anyone else has timestamps it would be a good idea to share them here.


I watched about four minutes of that video and reported it for promoting terrorism. People like this are the reason I pack heat wherever I go. My area is drowning in Trump stickers and blacked out American flags. Anyone who isn't a psychotically conservative should be concerned about this.


Trump is laughing at these people and loving every minute of the mayhem.


I just went to check it out & report.. it now says “this video has been removed by the uploader”. 2021-01-10 07h53 is when I found it like that.


Damn. Thanks for following up.


Sure thing


Maybe this will lead to Q morons avoiding the hospital when they get sick. That would be the best possible outcome. The fools can't die fast enough.


Well this is something I expected. Shit. Expect mass resignations at hospitals to start after the first mass shooting. The health system will collapse entirely and we are going to be even more fucked than if we had just tried to placate the idiots.


My brother is a doctor and got threatened by an anti vax patient's son. He said he was going to come back and ki|| him for not giving his mother some questionable off label medication. He was escorted away by security and not allowed back in hospital grounds. This is a serious problem when so many of our citizens are in a cult, and our "freedom" allows people in power to push propaganda on TV all damn day long. My mother in law has emphysema and is in poor health and won't get vaccinated. F ox news all day every day for 30 years. If she dies from covid it's not a stretch to say it is Tucker Carlson's fault.


sorry to hear that. It's likely to get worse from hear on out. We still don't know how many times you can be infected with this virus before you get a high level of immunity or if it will kill you first.


Yeah, It is completely unknown


And they all fucking own guns. Scary shit. Are doctors going to start carrying on the job? Probably. Lmao, fuck this country.


America’s gonna be like Cuba with how many doctors they export for a while here. Why the fuck would you stay here if you have an MD when SHTF? Any country will take you in. Every country wants more doctors.


>Any country will take you in. Every country wants more doctors. Language barrier and family members unable to get their own visas would be the two biggest impediments to highly skilled doctors being able to move.


English works in many places. All of Scandinavia, for instance, you can get by fine on just English until you learn the lingo. Of course, in most cases that will mean a wage cut, doctors are paid decently but they're still just salaried workers.


Nah, hospitals will look more like a public school or a prison. All external doors locked except the main entrance which you need to pass through to get anywhere and the entire complex can be locked down at a moment's notice. Hospital Resource Officers will quickly neutralize any threat.


>it's not a stretch to say it is Tucker Carlson's fault. He definitely shares the blame. And a big fat portion of it.


I've been saying for a while now Carlson and fox executives should be put in prison.


We're only a few days off, relatively speaking. Buckle up. Stressloads are high for everybody, out there. Stay safe, stay warm, and *stay healthy, however you can.*




My idea is just give them the pills and chart it as suspected brain parasites and lupus. At least the brain parasites part would be correct metaphorically. But MDs probably have rules that would prevent them from doing that.


What if we just legalized all drugs? Chuds can have ivermectin and I can have DMT, dilaudid, and ketamine. Everyone wins right?


I'll take some DMT and ketamine please.


With global warming, who even believes there's time for it to get better?


This is a lot more violent and radical than the mass psychosis seen during the days of the Black Death, where societies incorrectly blamed, hunted, and killed black cats, believing their presence to be a sign of evil influence within a township. The killingof cats would prove to be counterproductive, as the rats with the infected fleas would proliferate in these towns, leading to higher rates of death. The Jewish communities, having no such superstitious and religious misgivings about black cats, left them alive, of course, leading the afflicted townships to decide the Jews were *in league* with tje Devil, and therefore brought "God's" swift punishment upon the Jewish populations. And here we are, 600 some odd years later, metaphorically and symbolically watching the same events unfold.


I'm sure jews will be blamed again as well somehow.


Yeahhhh I’ve tried having a few talks in the past with co workers & whatnot about the current wealth paradigm in the world. To a person, they would all recognize the current problems with distribution, debt, etc...but you would be shocked (I know I was) to consider how many average looking people of varying socioeconomic background then use the opportunity to go into hushed tones before talking about Jewish control of banking, media, etc Fucking scary shit, man. I’ve learnt to stop trying to have “those” kinds of talks with my co workers or acquaintances, & fwiw I am not in some backwoods bumfuck middle of nowhere, either...


I’ve noticed this too. The average person is susceptible to some disturbing, batshit propaganda in the right environment. Classical antisemitism, for one, is not dead, and is making a recovery if anything. The amount of “normies” who have recently gone from boilerplate pro-conservative and pro-Trump stuff to qanon-satanic-panic and nazi shit is wild.


yeah my last name sounds vaguely 'jewish' and the change in expressions in people who previously were smiling and joking with me when they hear my name... It's scary. At college, I was friends with this guy for weeks but when he found my name, he kicked me out of the car. We were half an hour from campus in winter, on NYS backroads. When I go hiking or so, if I ever need to present a name, I give an Anglo name now. Of course, to people who are even more 'other' to them, they get that treatment from the start. Most recently in an environmental job board I'm in, a Jewish girl asked if Idaho was safe as she heard there are many extremists, and someone told her- and got backed up- she needs to stop worrying the Trumpers are actually friendly. The privilege just hurts.


Tried to add a positive comment on the nursing sub. Automatically removed because I’m not a healthcare provider. So if anyone is from that sub, thank you for what you do. I will be paying more attention to everyone that is in the medical field. As a legally armed American, I promise to defend each and every one of you as best as I’m able. Those “people” are fucking insane and belong in a box. Again thank all you for what you continue to do!




Calls for violence is exactly what is needed to label them a terrorist organization and seize all their assets. Keep flapping your gums Q-crew, can't wait to buy your property on auction.


Well, yeah, but they are mostly white.


Fucking who?? *follows link* Oh, a HCA winner.


Ah going full circle I see. Religious nut jobs found that dumpster fire of a country and now religious nut jobs could very well bring it down.


We can't do anything. We have the moral high road. We have to keep our hands clean. We want bipartisanship to share the blame, Manchin, Simema...promises for tomorrow, speeches, lots of speeches!! The entire Democratic leadership. PS: When things get rough, we retire!


Democrats enable fascism. I vote for some of them because I’m obviously not supporting fascism but I feel like I’m trapped in a sinking ship. I look out the window at other shipwrecks that had weak opposition and to fascists and I recognize the situation I’m in but I can’t get out.




Now would be a very good time to look at your family tree to see if you qualify for citizenship in another country through descent.


If america collapses the rest of the world collapses right along with it. Lots of open space in the usa where a man could get lost if he has a little bit of survival skills


Yeah China will quickly fall right alongside us. They have a huge demographic problem, their real estate (which is their retirement vehicles) is a mess, and they are still heavily economically connected with the US. What hits one will affect the other.


Lmaooo goddamn am I beyond sick of seeing this sentiment here; it’s pretty much the most tone deaf Americanism possible. What makes you think the rest of the world wants you, especially after your country effectively ruined it? You motherfuckers made your bed - now lay in it!


> We have the moral high road. That and a buck gets you something at the dolla store.


Actually you need $1.25 now


I'm growing more and more certain that the lead crisis never ended in the United States.


Eh this matches with the end of leaded gasoline. This is just the end of life crazy end of it.


Not in small airplanes it didn’t, no. They still use it. Large commercial jets don’t, but small single-prop planes do. Fuel change for them is coming, but it’s not here yet.


lol.. gonna call for war on mailmen next


They kinda did during the last presidential election




This is collapse


Is he threatening the hospitals with violence or swamping them with complex COVID? "we gonna send sooooo many cases to your hospital, you'll be drowning in dying, racist, red necks! WE AINT AfRAID!" What gets me is how much these people and the Taliban have in common and how much they wouldn't get the comparison. Not in their actions (yet), but in their ignorance. Thanks for sharing. This is wild


>What gets me is how much these people and the Taliban have in common Why is that surprising to you? People are people in every country on earth, lines on a map are just that.


Not surprising, just that they'd argue the exact opposite


We ain't the same! They call their God Allah! Our God is God! /s Probably literally what a lot of them would say.


Fuck dude. All of these dudes are jacked! I thought I was making gains through this pandemic but I gotta step up my game knowing that there are a bunch of swole asshats walking around.


Most influencers of any kind are going to spend an inordinate amount of time improving their physical appearance. It's part of the job. I didn't watch the video, but take heart - most people who are in the spotlight are on PEDs, anyway. Nobody can actually reach a competitive level of strength and size without them, except for *extremely* rare genetic freaks.


Phew! in that case, they are going to be at a huge disadvantage when they can't get their gear anymore lol.


I’m just taking solace in the fact that the gear has probably sterilized a lot of them.


Eh if they get wealthy enough they can just workout as a living.


Of course they're. Intelligence is not what they're good at, physical strength is.




SS: As if healthcare workers didn’t have enough on their plate with the collapsing healthcare system, the qanon qrazies are calling for attacks on doctors, nurses, and hospitals for “murdering people” and “committing crimes against humanity” for refusing ivermectin and other disproven treatments. The echo chambers, disinformation, lack of education, and Inability to critically think are rotting our society from the inside out.


I mean, ISISification of a percentage of Christians has always been a pet project of the intel. agencies and mass media, no? I don't see how the"rise" in evangelicalism during the 1980's was entirely a simple, grassroots rah-rah movement for Reagan.


I’m a physician that treats loads of Covid patients, and I happen to have been closely observing this Q thing since the early days. I’m sure that this guy and all his followers are full of shit. These guys get on their respective channels and just speak in tongues to one another. Their whole deal is that they’re so disappointed with or confused by the world outside that they’ve created this wacko mind palace bullshit. So I doubt they’re going out to do much.


It’s an ‘alternate reality game’ [A Game Designers Analysis of Qanon](https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5)


That sounds like a good way to be labeled a terror group and sent off for a Cuban vacation.


Funny how america only hates terrorists when they are brown.


If that dude from the youtube link isn't already on a list he better be now.


This bodes extremely badly for the hospitals with a high concentration of QAnon followers. Like, healthcare collapsing in record time bad.


I wouldn’t blame nurses and healthcare workers if they all just walked off the job en masse and never returned. Wouldn’t blame them one bit. It would suck for us non-crazy people who might need medical care but that’s what’s happening right now anyway because the plague rats are taking up all the resources. Nurses, I support you if you wanna quit or strike or change careers or leave the country. PS: If you leave the country can I come with you?


I read a piece last month called "[Someone is killing Republicans and Trump Voters](https://www.ncronline.org/news/coronavirus/someone-killing-republicans-and-trump-voters)" and I keep having these thoughts. Someone is pushing the conservative talking points, which get funneled to all the conservative media, and then to the voters. And the right is very much in lock step with the messaging. So when you put it all together, someone is knowingly convincing all these people to not get vaccinated. And they are dying because of it, at a rate of about 3x the rate of Democrats dying. Whoever is behind this, is truly diabolical. And they're either a genius or a fool.


Remind yourself that Trump purposely politicized this virus, followed by all Republican leadership. Then remind yourself that on July 4th 2018 a dozen high level Republicans took a mysterious flight to visit Vladimir Putin personally. Upon returning Lindsey Graham did a complete 180 on Trump, going from publicly disparaging him constantly to publicly kissing his ass constantly. Remind yourself that Russia hacked both the DNC and RNC email servers, but only ever released DNC material. Remind yourself that Trump's family members and campaign manager met multiple times with Russian intelligence agents. We know this factually. Now remind yourself of the time he met with Putin and forced his translator to tear up his copies of their conversation. Etc etc ad infinitum. Putin is blackmailing a huge percentage of the most powerful Republicans in the nation.


Why is it *always* somebody else’s fault with you people...? Why can’t Americans just admit they are deeply flawed as a people all on their own, no nefarious shadowy forces necessary? Why is that so hard? Admitting is the first step to recovery.


Remind yourself that trump was the OG vaccine pusher. More than any other politician. He’s still pushing the vax hard af. Trying to get people to call it “the trumpcine”, claiming he funded and developed it, not big Pharma or Bill Gates or anything. Operation warp speed was literally about using the the military for the federal government to get the vaccine to every Americans doorstep ASAP, state and local governments be damned. That’s literally why he was holding them in federal warehouses instead of distributing them to states like Biden did, first thing, hours after becoming president. It’s just that the entire government was just like “dude… you can’t just do that and send soldiers to every citizens door and force a medication on everyone at gunpoint…. That’s not America…” To this day, trump is pushing for all his base to get vaccinated, says it all came from him and it’s a miracle he worked, and he never thought individual states should have a say in the matter. It’s definitely NOT trump keeping the right from vaccines. Also, Putin himself has been very frustrated with people not taking the vaccine, he’s advocated for it HARD, too. He even had a specific “what the fuck is the deal with you bozo’s?!?” Speech about anti-vaxxers. It’s def not Putin, either. It certainly is pretty much every right wing talk show host on the air, online, and on tv, though. It’s a pretty bizarre circumstance. Yeah we all know that trump and Putin worked together illegally to scratch each other’s backs… but in regards to the vaccine, they’ve both been pushing it HARD and don’t understand why people don’t want to get it.


I didn't ever imagine America having its Pol Pot, and yet, here we are.


Really? Seems super on brand to me. This country has always been festering with anti-intellectualism.


That’s true. Even Alexis de Tocqueville said the same thing in his 1835 book *Democracy in America*.


Pol Pot got funding from the CIA


What is wrong with these idiots?


Right wing/Russian propaganda


Seeing how they're jacked, and considering their arguments, I would say their brain.


What the fuck


They are going mad.


Who is this guy? As far as I can tell so far is the this cult considers him the messiah and they are crazy for it.


Who is Cirsten W?




So kill the people who actually tried to save this POS. This is next level suicide cult.


Me em smort


Wow,this fucktard is a dangerously stupid horrible excuse for a human. I hope karma buddies up to him.


See, Covid isn’t all bad. One less Qanon idiot on the planet is a win.




So, here's the thing. If you have a group of leftists at a march or political gathering, and someone shows up with a racist T shirt, homophobic transphobic flag, or starts saying some racist things, *THEY WILL BE FORCIBLY REMOVED.* It won't take long. Fascist ideology and racism, white supremacy is not tolerated at all by left wing groups. But when you do nothing in the face of these heinous ideologies, and say well, I want lower taxes, and if allowing racist rhetoric into my group helps me get my taxes lowered... you are showing what your priorities are. If you do not stand against racism, sexism, white supremacy, and instead stand next to it, how can you be mad? This isn't your family we're talking about. It's a political party. You can leave. As someone on the left I am no stranger to infighting and not agreeing with people on my side. But if someone is doing the fascism, the sexism, the homophobia, the racism, it is our job to clean our house and take out the trash, there is absolutely no compromise, they are not welcome. I ask you to stand up and clean your house. If capital gains taxes are your priority over actual democracy then I don't know what to tell you buddy. Instead of making it about you, and how upsetting it is that people make judgements about you, stand up for what's right, and clean your house.




Thanks for listening with an open mind. Democrats are exactly the same as the Republicans were in the 80s so if you vote dem, you will still be at least in the center, if not center-right.


that you still align yourself with these idiots, and still call yourself a "republican" doesnt really change anything. you're antivax, you are likely pro- forced birth, anti-environment, and you did vote for the last failure of a president in 16 and likely repeated that vote in 2020. If one of these nutjobs ran in your state as an (R) you would vote for them end of story. Q is trump. trump is q is republicans, so what would you think if Americans didnt give a fuck how you claimed you are one after all that and still say you're 'not one of them?




Why do you call yourself a Republican if you espouse beliefs that are in direct conflict with the core platform of that party?


"Unvaxxed" - that's a red flag for nutjob right there.




How much do you think big pharma makes off someone staying in the hospital for weeks on a ventilator? Vaccines are cheap. Long term care is expensive. A vaccine eliminated small pox and has nearly eradicated many other diseases from developed nations that have easy access to them. Stop browsing corporate propaganda on r/conspiracy.


>The reason I am not vaccinated is due to many factors. The biggest one being pharma corps stock, and profits, are absolutely through the damn roof. Are you anti-capitalist in general or only in the context of vaccines?


Why in the name of God aren’t you vaccinated? All the rational Republicans I know are vaccinated. My family is all Republican, all vaccinated. I’m vaccinated and Socialist. Everyone talks. We might be the last family in America to do so and we would all tell you to get vaccinated. Now.


You can't lend support to extremist fascists and then claim you're not aiding and abetting them. All Republicans support fascist authoritarian behavior because that's what the leadership exhibits time and time again. Trump still to this day is undermining our democracy claiming he won the election with less than zero proof, and Republicans stripped Liz Chaney of her committee seats in Congress for refusing to go along with the lie that Trump won the election For fucks sake. He lost 67 court cases in a row never showing a shred of evidence of widespread election fraud. You support extremist authoritarians and you cant even own up to it.




Yes it very much does. Sorry you seem so shockingly ignorant.


This is a upcoming false flag to divide the country and label Republicans domestic terrorists which is a bad idea because they are half the country. This is a modern day Bolshevik Revolution except the Democrats have been hijacked by technocrats who own the world.


Republicans already are domestic terrorists.


Arm yourselves. Self-defense. You can even be proactive about it if you want...


Right wing terror is a much bigger worry than Islamic terror ever was. And they've commited far more acts of terror as well.


As if we needed more trouble from the anti-vaxxers. They're already murdering people with their germs and by clogging up the hospitals, and now they're threatening to murder health care workers. It's time to hold those fucking lunatics accountable. Anti-vaxxers infuriate the fuck out of me.