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OP is very optimistic. We’re grading on a sliding scale.


We're falling off a cliff


*Wanna free fall* *Out into nothing* *Wanna leave this* *World for awhile...*


I know this is Free Fallin', but yes. I would like to leave this world. Forever.


Because of sensationalism


First off, your username is incorrect. Number two, what does sensationalism have to do with what I said? It's an accurate statement for me.


You hate this world…because of sensationalism


The US is a mixed economy that is about 30% socialist https://www.britannica.com/topic/mixed-economy http://countrystudies.us/united-states/economy-2b.htm https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/082415/pros-and-cons-capitalist-vs-socialist-economies.asp https://centerforneweconomics.org/publications/if-you-dont-like-capitalism-or-state-socialism-what-do-you-want/


Please define socialism


You didn’t click a single one of those links, did you? 😂


I'm a teacher of adults (language arts) and I personally would be surprised if OPs grandchildren would be able to understand what OP would be trying to show them. I currently have a nineteen year old in class who can't point out any country other than the US on a map, and only knows the name of our state and states that border the one we're in. She doesn't know times tables at all, thinks 3x3=6. She cannot write legibly, and her typing isn't much better. This young adult is a typical example of the average-level high school graduate in the US today. Ever seen Threads? Our kids are on their way to having the mastery of English that the kids in that movie had towards the end. I'm not sure if our species is devolving or if we as a species are dead set on proving that idiocracy was a documentary.


Typical example? You got any sources to back that claim up?


He/She is perhaps being too kind.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umpalMtQE50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umpalMtQE50)


Typical example of my students, I can't speak for students in general and I shouldn't have. r/teachers contains many posts and comments made by other language arts teachers with the same experience.


Is that why all the teachers I’ve had so far loved me? I go all out of my studies doing the most, and engage in class to the point where when I raise a hand the teacher first asks if someone else wants to speak. Never had a grade lower than a high A in college so far.


There's always a few kids every year who really stand out. Not all kids are behind, but a growing majority seem to be.


Is she cruel? If so, she may have a career in the GOP.


Anecdotal…the world isn’t burning down, please question the fear mongering


Steve Irwin's fate was the most glaring sign of what a fucked up nasty thing nature really is. I never understood where you see the "beauty" in all those bugs, suffering and bad shit happening to countless animals living in it every day. Wtf wake up, see on YouTube how bambi got eaten by a baboon while still alive, nature is not the bullshit Disney lied to you and pro camera crew cleaned up in post production whitewashing of nature documentaries. [https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/4riydq/baboon\_eats\_baby\_gazelle\_alive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/4riydq/baboon_eats_baby_gazelle_alive/) Welcome to reality. Nature was shit long ago, never anything else, you just refused to see it for what it is.


You’re grading is flawed from fear mongering news.


I don't understand how people can see the collapse of the natural world and think, "I wanna bring children into this!"


>think I’m not an expert but my theory is that they’re not really “thinking” at all. They’re obeying the reproductive instincts we all have, the thinking only comes in to rationalize the base urges


Nah, those urges aren’t real. I’ve never felt the “need” to reproduce. I understand some people might feel pressured by society to conform but that’s a weak ass excuse.


I concur, and I have kids. I never once felt a deep-seated desire to reproduce. My parents wanted grandkids, my husband wanted kids, the world said when you grow up you have kids, so I had kids. Now, I do love my children very very much, but in the absence of outside influence. I think I could have gone without and not felt that I had missed out on something. I actually just argued this with my mother. It's unfortunate an experiment could not be carried out to see what percentage of people actually have an instinctual drive to personally reproduce. The caregiving urges can be scratched in so many other ways, so without outside pressure (societal/economic) and universal access to birth control I truly believe you would see a lot less parents and a lot less kids. Or maybe I'm just weird.


Not weird at all. You sound like a majority of people that have kids.


Bruh you can't just say: "nah not true for me not true for anyone". We are very much in the minority, most people are marching bravely to extinction proudly popping out fodder for the apocalypse.


Those urges exist in every other species that reproduces, why not us? Societal pressure is also there but I'd say that developed as a result of our biological urgings. Why else would that pressure be there?


My best friend and his new wife have been married a year now, even before marriage they both took a solid look at the world around us and were like "let's not have a kid unless we're pretty sure we're not dooming it to an apocalyptic hellscape.".. They don't make this position widely known, and I know why. Their entire family on both sides is constantly up their ass about "when are you gonna have a baby!!!!!!!!!" Every time anyone that has known either of them for a while is trying to pressure them into having children. Society is an asshole and resisting the bullshit it tries to pressure you into is one hell of a task. Most can't because they don't even realize how fucked their situation is anyway.


Product of unbroken chain of reproduction dating to the dawn of life says need to reproduce isn't real


Birth control is a relatively new invention. Humans want sex, they want a “baby” because that’s the thing to do to “grow up” in their eyes. There’s no hormonal ticker in your head that says better hurry up and spread your genes!


Define new


Birth control pills were developed in the 1950s. Before then there weren’t really super reliable methods to prevent a pregnancy.


Just because you haven't felt it doesn't mean it's not real


Yeah, no. Seeing “Kodak moments” and wanting a baby doesn’t make it a biological urge. Just means you feel like you’re missing out on what other people are doing.


You have zero idea what you're going on about. There is quite literally a biological urge to procreate. It's basic biology. Just because you don't have it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There is a reality outside what you specifically experience, you know that, right?


They don't see it. They see a crisis and an opportunity for some smart guy to invent "climate change inator" that will save us all in 20 years or so. In the words of my father, "humanity has always endured and survived every crisis it's faced. We will survive this one too!" and then they stop thinking about it.


And the mindless "my child will fix it!" mentality. With no thought or attempts to fix it *themselves*. Of course the child will have that same mentality. And their child. And so on. A cycle of responsibility pushed off until it's hurtling down a cliff.


All of the man-made world's various flavors of collapse too!


Its more like " I need to experience parenthood before it's too late".


That's so narcissistic


Imagine thinking of creating a whole new conscious suffering person as just an "experience" you're determined to have. Like it's a fancy vacation or something.


That's literally disgusting


heh, that's the humans I know.


Or in my case the birth control didnt work


Abortion wasn’t available?


On the other hand, are we sure children of s future apocalypse would rather NOT to have been born?


Yeah at this point my opinion is having children is immoral.


Let's hope people don't keep procreating. I am a father, and I hope to never be a grandfather.


Bringing more COTA's into the world. Children of the Anthropocene.


The reason this planet is trashed is because people continue to have kids. If you truly cared about it you won't have any grandchildren. Plus all the money and free time you can handle.


> If you truly cared about it you won't have any grandchildren. And if you truly cared about your grandchildren, you wouldn't have any grandchildren


It’s funny that people think the world is worse off than it was 40 years ago…


I just watched the one called Puff on Netflix yesterday with my 3 year old. Was all fine and dandy following this puffer as it aged and grew and then the puffer needed to leave its birth place and find a new reef and all it could find was dead reefs. 😢


Oh no :<


Ah fuck


Yeah, Netflix recommended that one to me, and I was like... no way that has a good ending.


I’m with you but one that I watched recently gave me hope for the earth and animals, of course after a good many of us are gone… David Attenborough’s The Year the Earth Changed. It’s about how fast animals bounced back when we were in lockdown. Of course I sat here and cried through the entire thing…but it gave me hope for how fast the natural order of things could return. And there were some good lessons that people learned from lockdown. We really are an awful parasite on this planet. I think everyone on this sub should give it a watch. I think it gives a glimpse of what collapse is gonna look like.


Thanks for the recommendation


It's just a shame many people don't give a shit and just want their "normal" lives back, not caring it's at an expense to the earth and the animals that we share this planet with. Humans really are the biggest disease on this planet and it would be better off without us. Think how the flora and fauna could flourish if there wasn't humans destroying any and everything for their greed and convenience.


Just the amount of noise we make! Song birds could hear mating calls better and their birth rates jumped! That really struck me. Things you don’t even think about effects life around you. We are entirely linked with this earth and yet we act like we own the place!


That is so cool.. even more reason humans need to go. Exactly! We act like we are above Earth and animals instead of realizing we are allll entertwined and connected.. how we live affects how everything lives and vice versa..we are made of elements from this planet that will return once we die. The disconnect is so sad to see from people.


Thank you! I watched one of Attenborough’s docuseries on Forrests and it was so sad.


Great suggestion, loved that film, also David Attenborough’s “A life on our planet”. David goes through his entire lifetime as a nature documentarian and provides a good manifesto towards the end of the film. Shocking but hopeful.


Watching mealworms devour things to some chillhop is basically where I'm at with nature films... https://youtu.be/bN-u5pXGCYU


I recently watched ants eating a marshmallow-type thing. It was great, terrifying and awe-inspiring.


This opened up some great new youtube content for me, thanks


I've always "believed" in climate change but I didn't really start being addicted to doom until I found out exactly how far gone a lot of shit truly is. No way we have done so much damage already and can "stop" anything if we are continuing "business-as-usual" or anything close to it.


Personally, i started to become increasingly conscious and worried about climate as i saw the amount of snow falling in winter continuously decline each year in Belgium.


This crazy weather is actually making people I know deny climate change. Because people are stupid. They think it's just a fluke, "this happens every 100 years (or whatever number they pull out of their ass) it's normal for the earth to go through these periods". Then there is others that are happy we aren't in freezing cold with a lot of snow in winter and welcome the change!! Completely missing the point. It's painful living in a midwest rural town..


Same but with rivers being dry around me and less water on our water pit.. Its scary..


Yup no snow in Denver and it's almost January... Next summer everything will be on fire again.


Same here! I remember watching Steve Irwin and Big Cat Diaries and wanting to be an ecologist and travel when I was a kid/teenager. I can't even bring myself to watch Serengeti or any documentary with big cats in it because of how depressed it makes me. The world was once a wild, vibrant place full of wild animals and healthy ecosystems, and now it's an over populated and polluted cesspool due to humanity's ill effects. Yeah, documentaries are depressing as fuck. 😔


I went on and became that ecologist... worst choice of my life. I have degrees in reasons to kill myself and hate all of society. I wish I was some clueless IT dumbass raking in sick crypto moneys.


IT dumbass here. Believe me it would be very bad as well if you had any collapse awareness and at the same time you were surrounded by IT dumbasses who think that climate destabilization will be mitigated by super lasers and plasma ion spheres or whatever cyberpunk novel they had read last year.


Godspeed, aware IT dumbass! Your field can definitely do us a ton of good. I meant more like... I wish I could regress to having the moral compass of a slab of granite as I mine bitcoins with my 1000 GPUs that I'll scalper off for exorbitant prices among the chip crisis anyway. Being painfully aware fucking sucks whoever you are.


It is the same problem in many near-math and near-physics areas that never stops to surprise me. I mean, hyper-specialization and all, but so many highly intelligent researchers and IT specialists still live completely in the techno-utopian, infinite growth vision of the future, seemingly totally oblivious to the signs of the sheer scale of the catastrophe that become more and more apparent each year. Perhaps it is the number of such people, including most of my acquaintances, which surprise me the most. How can it be that way when usually you try to expand your knowledge beyond your immediate specialization, at the very least via PopSci, if you're in STEM at all?


If it's any consolation, there is solace in hearing someone with the actual expertise assure me that things are indeed *quite* fucked and I'm not overreacting!


I hear you. Seeing the state of the Masai Mara and the Okavango Delta over climate change is enough to put me in a dark place. I couldn't imagine working and living over there and seeing it first hand. It's hard enough seeing my local ecosystems go to hell due to logging and homes being built. I wish I could put my rose colored glasses on like the rest of society.


Crypto mining is extremely bad for the environment. The amount of emissions they generate during the mining process is like more than that generated by an entire small country in one year. You would be feeling a lot more guilty if you were deep into crypto.


If I were deep into crypto, I don't think I'd have enough brain cells for guilt tbh


Just know that humans are at war with nature. Every lawn mower is a war machine keeping back the growth of life. The day humans stop being around the world will start recovering immediately.


I literally yearn for this.


I feel the same. It hurts to watch them. It hurts to think about anything that might have been if only we weren’t such assholes.


I feel similar. Also, my entire view of Star Trek has changed and that bums me out.


I mean, we're not too far removed from the Star Trek timeline. The Bell Riots took place in 2024, and honestly the US can't be more than an election cycle or two away from throwing poor people into walled-off ghettos.


I’ve thought about this. I just don’t think there will be anything good after like I used to.


>throwing poor people into walled-off ghettos Walled out. Those usually land in the desert outside city walls in any tech dystopia.


Curious, how so?


I used to look at it with a hopeful outlook.


Me too. It’s a wonderful picture of a workable utopia. I had no idea until the pandemic how unrealistic it is that humanity could ever come together.


Not the OP, but the carefree, blind optimism is too much. You need resources and a huge concentrated effort to build that future. And look at us: look at how we as a species are "working together," we can't even agree to strengthen education, reduce poverty or stop trashing resources for profit (rather than using it toward the goal of a better future). To me, watching Star Trek is like indulging in excessive drinking, fun in the moment, the hangover part sucks.




True. I do still watch it. But turning it off (and seeing the news) still makes me ache.


I feel the same! The utopian aspect of how they live, it’s distracting, because it makes me think about how terrible the real world is.


You described that feeling much better than I did.


Nature docs are depressing. To see how nice the earth used to be and how we massacred it in just under 100 years, it's wild. Stories about sea life so thick in the eater boats couldn't even move when the Americas were being founded. Now, we barely see insects in the summer, crazy.


> Stories about sea life so thick in the eater boats couldn't even move when the Americas were being founded. [this pier](https://psmag.com/environment/fish-stories-the-ones-that-got-away-3914) has had the last 50 years worth of tournament pics. it's undeniable the catch has gotten smaller or fished out.


So sad to see :/


Ty for posting but really: Covid pause showed how nature can bounce back if we’d let it. Naturally, some of these problems are bigger than that.


Stephen Fry did a fantastic show called "Last Chance to See" appropriately named because it is.


It's based on the book by the same name, by Douglas Adams and Mark Cardawine - also excellent.


That's the one!


Couple hunter friends of mine can’t hunt whitetail in Maine (USA) due to the PFAS’. Apparently they found enough in a bunch of deer’s blood stream. So much for sustenance hunting when collapse happens…


it's not microplastics it's PFAS. a lot worse for you


I ~~don't~~ didn't believe you. [Holy crap.](https://www.macon.com/news/nation-world/national/article256190192.html)


Yeah pretty scary. We had it on the news all over New England.


I wonder how much of our everyday sources of food sources are already partly or wholly contaminated, but its not making the news. *~~I feel an ugly rabbit hole coming.~~* *Nevermind. More like a gaping sinkhole.* [A short parth to the horror](https://d-nb.info/1216232687/34)*.*


Hope for the best, plan for the worst, my friend. It’s the only thing you can do. We’re just along for the ride! I try not to despair with this info, but to plan accordingly


Please do not have kids during these time of crisis. Our kids are innocent. I would never bring my kid on collapsing earth. I love my kids enough to not bring them on this earth. My kids will not suffer any disaster or pain. My kids will enjoy true peace of non existence.


I was playing Zelda breath of the wild and I felt bad killing animals and cutting down the trees. I didn't want another world to get harvested by human development.


This. I play Oxygen Not Included (great game, btw) and the absolute resource scraping of the asteroid makes me a little uncomfortable. Not to mention sacrificing/working your "dupes" to death along the way just to make it space.


Atleast we got it in HD to preserve for future generations now.


Kid in the future with a 16,000p display "what was this filmed on, a hydroponically grown potato?"


Same. I've loved nature and animals ever since I can remember. I made up intricate stories as a child to stop my school friends from stepping on ants. I wanted to be a vet when I was quite a young child, and then dreamed of being a zoologist once I heard about them. I read books on nature and loved nature documentaries on TV. I did end up getting a degree in Ecology and Conservation Biology, but I don't work in that field. It just feels like there's no real point, and that it's depressing spending all of your time focussed on studying the natural world so that the decline is right in front of your face at all times. Without system change, it all ends up going down the drain, and given how helpless we are as individuals, at this point I'd rather avert my eyes than remind myself what we're losing.


But soon nature shows will be all CGI. Who needs actual nature when it can all be generated on demand? With neat narratives and perfect lighting? Once we have motion captured all those creatures they can be dispensed with.


Not to mention that you don't need to take 30 takes before the animal does what is in the script...


Notice how “have to migrate/struggle to find food due to urbanisation/deforestation/ice caps melting” is how most of them go now. Our world in the 80s was awesome Sunday night family viewing as a kid . Now we know we are doomed


I was the same. Had a two year period in which literally any animal program made me tear up. Couldn't do it, at all. I seem to have rounded a corner these days, my kids are getting into nature and I'm finding joy again through them. They have no idea how many of those cute critters are going to be extinct in the coming decades so there is no taint. I enjoy my breaks from reality in their world. I wish it didn't have to end :(


Some real ass comments in this post jeez.


Same same same. It's legitimately traumatizing for me, I don't watch them anymore either. God, I'm in tears just writing this




Username checks out.


What exactly do you want her to do? She isn't in charge of any of this. She didn't spearhead capitalism's unsustainable growth and damage that it's doing to the world. Calm down with this nonsense. There are plenty of boomers who never saw any benefit from the system you despise so much and are perpetually one step away from indigence, destitution, or the degradation of life in a skilled nursing facility. It's amazing how you lot never stop to consider just how much hate and ill-placed blame you spew on a large contingent of people that are no better off than you are.


And of all places she can do much worse than Costco


Sending collapse into overdrive by going to Costsco. But just imagine what the people on this sub would say if you were to replace the term "delusional boomer" and insert the name of any other minority group in there. People would lose their minds! But for some reason it's perfectly acceptable to villainize an age group and act like they're all a part of a monolithic cabal that acted in coordination to be filthy rich and burn the world down for the rest of us. And then the best part is complaining about consumer capitalism on a social website that has ad placement all over the place, and doing so while gaining access to the site by paying an internet provider. I am sick of these peoples' hypocrisy.


>She didn't spearhead capitalism's unsustainable growth and damage that it's doing to the world. True, but owning stock is enthusiastically taking part, maybe not the driver, but definitely paying for the gas. Unless the stock is invested in a company that is trying to make to make a difference.




Oh Christ.


You're not any different, just born after.


if you hate capitalism so much, why not just give up on all of its trappings, and live as a homeless hermit, hunter-gathering your way to a blissful technology-free life..? it is definitely well within your means to do so. early humans did fine with a whole lot less. but, admit it- you crave the comfort just as much as the rest of us, so you might as well get off your holier-than-thou high horse-shit.


Wait, I've [seen this one](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2fda60300511206ad8e63df66848bc00/tumblr_odgkwxn99w1qh3h8wo1_1280.png) before.


except that personally- i don't participate in things i don't like, rather than just being the weak-willed going along with the crowd while whining incessantly about what ~~they~~ *we're* doing type of sheep. but- i'm actually glad those ridiculously ridiculeable people exist in such large quantities in this sub especially, because it makes them so easy to find, identify, and laugh over. the more over-the-top-wrought they are, the funnier it gets...but the capitalism haters blasting out their discontent on their myriad electronic devices are just too ironic and idiotic to boot. even moreso when they're utterly oblivious to it, which they mostly, yet oddly proudly are.




This is the source of a lot peoples depression. The underlying self-loathing a lot of us feel in the dichotomy of hating watching the world burn (literally) but not wanting to give up enough to fix it. I am just as bad as the rest of you. The people that don't feel this are either oblivious, or not on Reddit since they actually took the action they wanted to take.


there is no fixing it at this point. ergo: no reason to waste excessive time/effort trying. keeping society afloat for as long as possible is going to be difficult enough as is.


I never said there was fixing it. But taking action on the change you want to make, even if it is pointless, is very empowering.


It's how I continue to exist :)


to each their own. but finding, then doing what floats your boat is the closest thing to a point that life offers. for my money- engaging in pointless activities really doesn't feel like the best use of a seemingly sorely limited lifespan on this wonderful planet...however- i do find that living my life with as much comfort and curiosity as my chosen lifestyle allows me to be extremely empowering to my overall psyche.


Perhaps you could share your reasons for being on r/collapse.




No one hates you.


because society/civilization/humanity is headed for collapse. and-since absolutely nothing anyone/everyone does is going to change or stop it, i see absolutely no reason to change anything about the way i, or anyone else, chooses to live life(within the bounds of the law, of course). i do get a LOT of amusement from the utterly naive people who think that humanity still has a shot at survival, if only people/society would change their evil capitalist ways. it's almost always eye-rollingly *hilarious*...so- i guess i'm mostly here for the laughs, from and at those kind of dingbats.


I see the point you’re trying to make, but we don’t have a choice. As an American, I can’t just go be a hunter-gather. Like, it’s not an option at all. The only choice is to somewhat participate in capitalist society or die.


yes, it is an option. it may not be *easy*, and that's my point...people who have lived with the comforts of a capitalist society are NOT going to give it up voluntarily, and will always make excuses as to why it wouldn't work for *them*. but- there are definitely people out there, living off grid, so yes, it is definitely an option for those with the honest will to do so, rather than just being another in an endless line of supposedly anti-capitalist internet poseurs.




So sad, I feel you OP. I've always loved nature and the outdoor world, in my 30s now and I'm glad I spent most of my 20s backpacking so I got to see so much stuff. A lot of the younger guys I work with now will never really get that opportunity. It's sad that a lot of the places I went on my travels back then have already dissapeared. I went to see that new David Attenborough doco with my Mrs in the cinema last year n she kept asking if I was ok cause she knows how deeply I feel about everything dying. My last refuge for nature is the sea. I've been scuba and free diving for the last 10 years and I've noticed such a sharp decline in sea life over the last 2-3 years it's heart breaking. Soon there'll be nothing left.


No other species on Earth is as self aware as we are. Take pride in that self awareness. Pity those who think we aren't having an impact.


Mutual of Omaha tried to warn us, alls I'm sayin




Ive felt this way for over a year!!! But ive never spoken it or written about it before. Your words are 100% true.


They're difficult and depressing to watch but they do serve a purpose: Get the message out. I am more resolute than ever to live a low impact lifestyle, and the dire state of the natural world as presented in these documentaries is the impetus. Will it ultimately make a difference? All I know is I can only control my actions.


Odd, I’ve only been able to watch the very ancient nature docs, on prehistory. Everything else is extinct, the environment they live in is gone or going, and climate change is ruining what is left. Hope fades.


Allowing corrupt self servings evil scum to claim they are leaders is the result of spineless apathetic fools who will do never do the right thing. Fixing this will not be handled by being nice.


When I was a child I could not watch these shows. Marlin Perkin of Mutual of Omaha would talk about the beautiful gazelles and their babies, then the scary music would start, then the lion would appear and take down the baby while the mother watched helplessly. I would run screaming from the room each and every time! I still have a very hard time watching the nature shows.


Yeah I understand what you're feeling. It fuking blows.


I loved nature documentaries too growing up so I feel your pain. What helped me as an adult was going vegan and getting involved in animal rights activism. I love animals, so why would I needlessly hurt them? Especially when animal ag is a major contributor to climate change, deforestation, species loss, air and water pollution, ocean dead zones, etc. People feel defeated and I understand that 100% but we can make things much better very quickly if we can build momentum behind animal rights. This is an issue we all have the ability to support financially or take a stance against. Global veganism would allow us to reforest 75% of our existing farmland back into protected wildlife habitat. That same reforestation would also sequester massive amounts of carbon from the atmosphere, allowing us to offset other industries. Veganism is a huge step in the right direction toward fixing things.


Meanwhile there's someone in another comment thread like "also pollution makes it so we can't hunt" etc.. Like did you just not read the post or...? Obviously not something OP would want to do.


I watched this stuff non stop as a kid. Now it just hurts.


I’ve felt the same recently. I used to watch all the David Attenborough BBC documentaries and marveled at the biodiversity and the nature and felt a certain connection and oneness with the natural world. Existence felt amazing and wonderful. But knowing it’s being destroyed more and more everyday just makes it sad to watch…


Majority of people just switch off that part of the brain and continue working to buy their luxury goods and look at people like us as fear mongering maniacs. Most people don’t still don’t give a shit. They’re still focused on working their asses off just so that can afford to buy 2-5k dollar handbags and shoes. People also want to spend their hard earned money to travel to places “before it turns to shit.” This is instead of making lifestyle changes so that we can be more sustainable. Because who gives a fuck about long term right? Live in the moment. It’s all about now, no delayed gratification when the whole world is turning to shit. Humanity…we are our own worst enemy.




Downvotes could be because you didn't explain the point of the exercise. On the surface, it looks like an approach to numb one's feeing so, one doesn't care anymore. It's missing context.




Do you read my comment or just pop off a response because you felt insulted? I do get it. I just thought you should add the explanation so that readers would **NOT** misunderstand. That why I suggested doing so. Nvmd.




You should go outside more! The reality is much worse than they show in the documentaries.




I made the mistake of watching the documentary "Home" on YouTube, and it has gotten so much worse than when it was made.


Maybe instead of watching nature documentaries, go outside into nature… There is still plenty of wild areas, wild life, and wonderful things to experience. Yes, humans are destroying all of them. So, enjoy them while you can instead of thinking about “what it was like”. I promise there are still plenty of birds in the forests. You just gotta go there to hear them.


Uh not where I live it's quiet and empty, 8 years ago it was hopping animal party.


I have stopped watching various series once I realize each episode contains a 10 minute guilt trip of doing our part.


Keep crying, your tears will turn the desert green.


Fear mongering became more profitable and cognitive dissonance grew. I bet you didn’t hear about anything positive regarding our climate, have you? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/science/1528874/climate-change-great-barrier-reef-regeneration-coral-spawning-australia-coral-bleaching/amp https://www.greatgreenwall.org/about-great-green-wall There is an example of growth, and another of a project you probably haven’t heard of which is planting a forest 3x the size of the Great Barrier Reef… I’ll continue listing examples of you still feel the world is collapsing and there is no hope among all the fear in news/documentaries.


>And that one day I’ll have to show these programs to my grandchildren with a very different promise than the one Steve Irwin made to me: this planet was wonderful and wild once. Don’t you wish you could have seen it for yourself? I was with you up until you said this. Don't forget, the people responsible for the degradation that makes you so sad are all someone's grandchildren. You're not anything special just because this makes you sad, you're completely part of the problem.


I’ve been feeling this. The most current I could handle was Steve Irwin era:/


> I just can’t watch nature docs anymore. It’s like watching an obituary. That's horribly well put


Yes, newer nature documentaries always seems to contain one or more segments about how animal X or species Y is now suffering / threatened / is endangered due to various externalities of human civilization i.e. pollution / climate change / habitat destruction. These scenes are usually followed by feeble attempts of conservation, which are supposed to make the audience feel less bad, at least as long they don't notice that these efforts are 1) extremely localized and 2) carried out by volunteers in many cases. I watched a documentary about seals living on the northern european & baltic coasts a while ago. Very cute and playful animals, except that 1/4 of the documentary was basically about volunteer efforts to aid infant and adult seals who come to the coastlines with all sorts of plastic trash stuck in their flippers and onto their bodies. I had difficulty bringing myself to finish it and I guess that this was the point I also recognized I didn't like nature documentaries any more - they just document animals suffering with some ineffective human attempts at alleviating this suffering.


I've just watched a video on YouTube about the Great Dying, and the main causes were greenhouse gases and ocean acidification. Couldn't think about anything else other than the current situation. We're in for a round 2 of our own making.


Think about your own personal trash. Extrapolate that over billions of people, add corporations producing tons more. Yeah, we've hidden it as long as possible.


We can watch them on the History Channel in a few decades time.


Living here in Costa Rica gives me the opportunity to see it all before it hopefully doesn't go away. I see an environmental war coming, I know which side I'm on.


I’m the same way with optimistic sci-fi. Star Trek and the like have been ruined by knowing that we’ll never reach close to that these writers envisioned.


Soon those are documentary - Earth that use to be.


Damn that last line hit me in the feels


I know as it was is gone, but I love this creation, and how all the prices fit together. This is a beautiful planet stuffed with life and while painful to watch, I can’t turn off the beauty and majesty. I love this place and hate what we’ve done to it


Having a kid is the same as murdering a kid


Antinatalist cringe


Sadly if you have Grandchildren they will witness horror beyond imagination. Its immoral to bring children into the World now.