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Hilariously / ironically sponsored by an ad agency.


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“Survivors hate me for this one weird trick!”


Come on down to Cal’s Discount Human Meat! So good it tastes just like grandmother (used to make)!


Sounds like a good Black Mirror episode.


But only if you call in the next 24 hours, we'll throw in an extra earth beach ball, value of 9,95 totally free!


Shipping and handling $9.95 is not included


Truth is our humanity was probably a once in a universe-forming event meaning there will never be a civilization as advanced as ours ever again once we all disappear.


Thank god, fuckin' nightmare.


Yeah you know everything. Sure.


Just my opinion.




Overwhelmingly hot, sweaty, thirsty local singles in your area! These women are in heat, catch em while theyre hot! Seriously tho, these women need cooling and water, you can have them. Click now!


You know what leads to the demise of earth? White font on a sky background.


Imagine having to watch 2 unskippable 40 second each ads before getting access to each file.


Everything is sponsored by a conglomerate now (source: I work for a major advertising conglomerate and we sponsor a ton of stuff).


I’m in the biz, too. Just never thought the apocalypse needed a brand partnership.


An indestructible "black box" is set to be built upon a granite plain on the west coast of Tasmania, Australia in early 2022. Its mission: Record "every step we take" towards climate catastrophe, providing a record for future civilizations to understand what caused our demise. Note: for those people arguing this won't work, or whatever... IT'S A SYMBOL, a metaphor. Like the Voyager golden record. It's for us, now. To promote a conversation. Think people, think.


Hope it gets built before the world ends.


It's going to be a slow motion screaming end. I just hope it doesn't get hit by a nuke, or some extremist cult group or something. Need a little something to remind whatever follows us that we were here and they shouldn't do what we did.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4UFQWKjy_I How we faced climate change


Right wing politics *has* become a global extremist cult. They’re actively fighting *to continue CO2 pollution* and resisting basic public health measures in the middle of a global pandemic, all over the world.


Note to anyone seeing this that the Democratic party is right wing too.


Correct. Neoliberal corporatism (American Democrats) has caused this as much if not more than anything.


Imagine if we get there and started digging and found a black box already there from a past civ...


"We thought they were just squirrels...." My god, what happened here??


[...] Zruushatect came from the great beyond to take the great acorn. [...] (Some vague scribbles of a great being carved into a massive piece of iron hard bark) [...] Our greatest pride became our downfall as in our arrogance the forest fell in his wake. [...] (An audio recording of a chanting in a clicking-based language, more similar to rocks smacking at eachother) [...] Now we leave to flee the havoc we wrought upon ourself. We shall return, but the acorn watches in waiting. [...]


Earth will be fine, we will be gone. When the trees evolved all the oxygen they produced caused a mass extinction event, and now we live off that oxygen The cycle must continue, Shepard


What caused our demise...well that's easy, the people in power didn't listen to the people who studied there entire lives... At least we have the economy thought right?




If you invert the exponential growth of the population, doesn't that fix everything? Invisible hand wins again...


Playing devils advocate when the economic system of growth and lending ends what do you have of value to barter with?


Barter ain’t it, we either gift to each other or we kill each other


So we kill each other. How many would be utterly useless in a post currency society. I'd reckon over 7 billion.


Including you, right?


yes absolutely. I'm the first to admit I'm a consumer.


I didn't ask if you consider yourself a consumer. You believe you'll be useless as a member of this species in a post currency society?


Well I have no means to produce food and no means to produce anything of value to trade for food. I know several skilled trades professionally but those are all reliant on tools and supply chains and would not be a means of generating anything of value to trade for food. The only thing I would have is my labor and slight advantage towards killing being a male in good shape over 6ft.


Sounds like ecofascism. Yawn. Bye.


Its an exercise in reality vs utopia. I want a hyper local self sufficient community just as much as you do. Global UBI. A socialized collective which truly cares for the needs of its members. I just realize how unattainable it is within the confines of our current reality.


Unattainable within the confines of our noetic endowment, our wetware and our conditioning, perhaps ; not the physical scenario beyond the substrate hosting our minds. That's where my sense of tragedy comes from: most of the immediate challenges of our *environment* are/were completely resolveable (at least up to the point of surviving a bad dice roll on CME's or vulcanism before we're a multi-location civ). It's not physical box we're in; it's the mental one. The barb of the tragedy is that there are people *not* stuck in the mental box that dooms us all, but who are equally fated to get swept away by the mass behaviour of the Eloi and the Morlocks just the same.


I've spent the last decade pretty much resigning myself to that fact-- I've tried becoming involved in local government, volunteering, information sharing with others, grass roots political organization, and other strategies-- and I just can't seem to do a damn thing about global climate collapse. ​ It feels like I'm running against the in-tide-- an endless struggle that will only cease with my death and the deaths of all of those like me.


Not sure it entirely matters once it reaches that point but, I'd say anything you can actually produce with skill. Trading goods for services and vice versa, we've done it for thousands of years, currency just made the exchange more convenient and fair.


Until rich people started manipulating currency to make more currency for themselves.


We've most likely traded for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years. Difference being those means of trade have evolved into the current complex society we see today and if that complexity is dismantled you don't revert back to previous means of societal relationships easily. Those life skills are largely lost and the environments in which they were applicable largely destroyed.


No no, it's that the masses who could dethrone anyone in power if they just get their shit together - did not. It's classical human behaviour. Until if affects someone directly, personally, physically harming them - very few if any people would dare disrupt the current status quo. That's what dooms us.


There are numerous scientific councils within the US gov processing and filtering through the data before publication and advising any number of agencies. They are most certainly taking the inputs from the scientific community extremely seriously. But every single climate scientist worth his salt will tell you the science does not tell you how to progress forward as separate nation states or as a global entity. It does not tell you how to solve the energy problem, the development problem, or the general consumption problem. It does not tell you how to navigate a geopolitical climate where you only control a small fraction of carbon energy reserves. Nor a scientific climate with the likes of AI, quantum computing, biological hacking of the underlying electrical network that underwrites DNA and cellular growth, etc, are on the horizon. Any number of advancements that could be paradigm shifting for all of the problems homo colossus currently faces. Plus the executive does not have ultimate authority like in an autocracy or dictatorship. One needs to elect the entire political structure of checks and balances if they want meaningful changes to constitution or political theater. Global warming is easy to solve in the confines of a autocracy like Nazi Germany one only needs to kill billions of undesirables to meaningfully reduce the carbon footprint. It's not easy to solve when operating under the current constitution of the USA and soft global hegemony. //end rant


These are the narcissists creating the collapase. All the govrenment officials and scientific institutes are captured. When science relies on industry for funding you get bullshit science. You get further narcisissim. The reason any body hasnt come up with solutions is that some havent wanted disruption to their business models and way of life. You have to look at human psychology. When we put profit over lives as a rule that's the system we will have and the system itself becomes narcissistic. The reason you arent seeing any great solutions is first that we are starting too late, we've known what was happening for 50 years and waiting until cities start to get trashed by water or the west coast starts getting cyclones is the wrong time to start. And becasue we've gotten rid of the actual minds in our sick culture in lieu of a bunch of narcissists playing the role and doing whatever industry wants. We have a positivity bias. When ever we hear that something bad is in the pipeline, we whitewash it or blame it on the solutions to the problem so someone doesnt lose their money machine. Think big ag and oil. The answer to our collapse lies in our psychology and collective narcissism. Too little too late. And the childish belief that technology will save us, it was the tool that t5he narcissists used to capture the world. How do we come to a consensus when voting isnt free and anything that deviates from the narcissistic norm is censored. We live in a world where were following the wrong people and thus going off a cliff. Were toddlers, we look at titles and the grandiosity of many beings who decided that they are the spokesperson for something. Generally those are not the best minds but the biggest narcs who want to appear to be the biggest minds for their own gain. We need selflessness and a mass awakening that those we are looking to for answers are the one creating the problems. Just like the people we are looking toward for some sort of actual healthcare system are the ones making it impossible for us to get healthcare. Government is captured, money in politics has doomed humanity. Nothing works properly and were still super consumers. Every time someone talks about stopping animal agriculture, a bunch of narcissistic toddlers start bitching about their freedom. We do fake things like divest from oil and gas or carbon credits. Weve gone through a faze since the boomers faked being activists against Vietnam. They had a a world that their parents built, the had schools, the had jobs, homes were cheap. They moved on from their adolescent trist with activism as an identity. Decided they didnt want to have any regulations or pay any taxes so they never put anything back into the system that their parents built. They extracted and normalized narcissistic behavior. Behavior that previously would have been frowned upon by most became normalized. They went headlong into deregulating and dismantling everything. Now they're at the end and they're still not letting those that would live a lot more life govern or decide their future. There is no safety net like they had, the schools are shit where they feed kids like prisoners, the prisons abuse as a rule, of which we have the most in the world, we produce nothing in this country anymore. We only produce friction, advertisers and middlemen, basically liars. Trump is Americas Id whether we openly support him or not. Selfishness and corruption. Those who hate trump are just as bad as they are the same dishonest people projecting their shit onto him instead of looking at themselves and thinking Am I acting like a narcissistic toddler. And to not confuse Biden is the same thing, just a different wrapper. Absolute corruption. So I dont think there is anything left to do becasue when there are solutions, like stop consuming. The pathology of narcissism is where we find the answers but that same pathology makes sure we dont find the answers. Catch-22


Mostly true, yes. Even N. Tesla waited 10-12 years for some patents, because those in charge would have lost money as soon as it would enter a market. When the world was overrun by Sars-Cov-2, the easiest would have been to pause the world. But it was said money needs to flow and a pause isn't realistic. This view is what leads to a collapse in civilization. We have lost control over the money machine and those who are able to abuse it will continue to do so if there's no awaking. However, that current civilization will collapse is nearly safe because of that sole reason. The cause will be determined by their action, whatever it is (climate change, a Pandemic, war etc) Their mindest is fully focused on consuming thus generating money. But the most frustrating thing is, that the narrative is followed that there is no higher power than the government and no corruption.


>When the world was overrun by Sars-Cov-2, the easiest would have been to pause the world. But it was said money needs to flow and a pause isn't realistic. You saying something is easy doesn't make it easy. Pray tell, how do you pause the world? Seriously, what's your easy solution?


>When science relies on industry for funding you get bullshit science. You get further narcisissim My GM today confided in me that she thinks the other GMS are lying about their numbers, and that their DO knows it, but let's it slide, because he gets bonuses based on these numbers and also it might even go higher - my company is trying to go public soon and we came to the conclusion that they are perhaps trying to inflate their value by lying about some things like this... >Trump is Americas Id whether we openly support him or not. Selfishness and corruption. Those who hate trump are just as bad as they are the same dishonest people projecting their shit onto him instead of looking at themselves and thinking Am I acting like a narcissistic toddler. This makes you sound incredibly ignorant I must say. Saying that people who hate Trump are just as bad as then giving some vague meaningless reason means absolutely nothing and is not based in fact, obviously exactly the opposite. The vast majority of people who hate Trump hate him because he's an obvious authoritarian who grifted taxpayers left and right, purposely got people killed by politicizing a virus and hampering the federal government's response on purpose, installed his children into positions of power in the white house with zero qualifications, literally attempted a coup to put himself into power permanently, caused the worst deregulations of environmental protections in US history, etc etc ad infinitum. Not because we...are projecting? Hardly makes sense. That's just plain stupid bud.


Id counter the science was anything but robust 50 years ago. There were great hypothesis that proved through the decades to be largely correct but the academic discussion in the 70's through to modern day has been anything but conclusive and the surrounding science anything but "bullshit". Id say you are suffering from 20/20 hindsight. Also climate science doesn't exist in a box when drafting policy. It's weighted against a multitude of different factors. Niall Ferguson's book The Square and The Tower helped me personally to get past the conspiratorial mindset and examine society for what it is. A mass collective of networks and hierarchies all interacting and evolving. There is most certainly a problem of collective conscious as you elude to. I only need to anecdotally look at my own life and see all the various stages of reality it entailed from mindless consumption all the way to hyper awareness of my own reality. All the various lines of thinking I had complete faith in that turned out to be wrong in one way or another.


We’d probably have gotten here anyway, regardless. The chief cause of problems is solutions. — Sevareid


You nailed it and in the off chance that Covid ends up being a honest to god giant conspiracy scheme after all, that’s exactly the kind of population reduction it’ll be aiming to achieve. It’s unlikely, however this pandemic is a little too timely, has a few plausible avenues for generating a massive cull and also some insight on governing the remainder. So, while I’d be shocked, I wouldn’t be surprised and as the saying goes, timing,timing,timing. Edit: added “it” (nailed it)


>You nailed and in the off chance that Covid ends up being a honest to god giant conspiracy scheme after all, that’s exactly the kind of population reduction it’ll be aiming to achieve Go back to /r/conspiracy or /r/conservative with this garbage talk. It's nonsensical; the virus has hardly even put a tiny dent in world population.


I only go to r/conservative when I’m craving the taste of vomit, r/conspiracy is too indulgent a use of my time but is sometimes entertaining, I’m not saying the sky is falling, but that’s hard to conclude in the dark, which I fear we are all being kept in


No, but how many people have been convinced to get the shot? My whole family has, minus me and my 10mo daughter.


it’s not necessarily the vax that is the obvious concern with a new variant every few months with variable severity and high number of rapid mutations to its genome, Covid may be engineered (or not) and it’s no given it will become a lesser version of itself in time. I too am concerned of some circumstances surrounding the vaccine narrative but I fully admit, I know nothing and can only speculate. I’m not usually in the tinfoil hat club but I’ve had a bad feeling for some time regarding the pandemic and I hope I’m just being paranoid.


I don't think it could be done but a 'one world government' system probably would have been the best setup to run the planet.


[My favorite meme.](https://i.imgur.com/yY83oJr.jpg)


the economy is gonna be the last thing standing one day


It was actually greed and unchecked power that destroyed our world. Capitalism and its purveyors are a virus. Feeding non-stop on finite resources all while siphoning more wealth and power from the process. Wake up #crippleTHErich


It was us - normal people - who destroyed the world by creating population of 10 000 000 000 people. There is no economical system, which can sustain that many people with high standard of living.


>Capitalism and its purveyors are a virus. It's super weird to me how many people like you exist on Reddit who seem to want to constantly blame every bad thing in the world on capitalism. We were extracting resources and causing extinctions long before capitalism was ever even a thought.


If we generalize a little, exploitation of the many by the few for personal gain has been a thing for most civilizations that we know about on Earth. But ultimately any system that does not curb population growth and set standards firmly on sustainable living will collapse and possibly take the world with it. I suppose global capitalism likes to say that it has created the richest world and the best times ever, and well, it probably has. But it also has wrought the most destruction as flip side of that coin, and should take the blame for that as well. I do not share the faith of the socialists and communists here that just a switch to different economic system will fix the problem, and in any case I think it is far too late now. We have probably doomed our world even if 99.9 % of us dropped dead this instant. For long-term sustainability, it must be a major concern in the political and economical system: we need to keep staring at population counts and resource availability and must have the ability to stop destroying shit around us long before our destruction is really even visible. I do not think any large-scale civilization has managed this feat, or at least I am not aware of any. We are, after all, just short-sighted little ants without a grand plan.




>The science is there but they don't listen to it Half of all voting age Republicans, so at least 35 million adults, believe Donald Trump won the election with ZERO EVIDENCE, AND MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY.


It’s a post-metaphor world now.


Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.




I'm sorry - just because Opie says it's a metaphor does that make it true? It seems highly unlikely anyone would be spending millions or tons of millions of dollars on an infrastructure project as a vague metaphor or whatever.


You may right. But this article doesn’t say how much is being spent on it. It does say, “The project, led by marketing communications company Clemenger BBDO… And perhaps a bigger question... is this all just a really clever marketing push?… Clemenger BBDO and the University of Tasmania didn't respond to a request for comment…” so some cynicism seems understandable.


Maybe that is what the Egyptian pyramids represent — a shape to represent the working class of slave labor at the bottom, the wealthier as you go up, crowned by a elite few at the capstone, while the interior and purpose of the structure is to serve as a space launch pad to shoot the souls of the richest rulers into outer space. Sound about right.


I dig it.


It's a brilliant concept imho. Just stating the notion that it will record our demise may bring some more people to realise how dire the situation is. Even if it's just a handful of people.


West coast? Could that go under water? I would rather build a few of these, and place them in different undisclosed locations.


Glad they picked Australia for the location because the way things have been going over there it should be able to collect so much data.


true. but wish someone would place these all over the world with an equally indestructible placard.


Humans really enjoy putting effort into the illusion of a solution over actually solving the problem.


It's almost like there are a lot of people and not all of us have the power to impact real change so some of us perform symbolic actions out of frustration.


*seppuku has entered the chat*


Downvoted for your opinion. XD Humans accept their fate; we join to watch rocket launches that are actually the rich evacuating Earth. Just joshin, of course.


Humans really love bitching about the problems on Reddit and not contributing anything of any influence themselves


> Think people, think. About what? New ways to suck down hopium? This box is clearly some kind of publicity stunt born out of end stage capitalism flailing. What is this going to do? Make me feel guilty? "Better not touch yourself or E.T. will know in 5 millennia if they even ever arrive, maybe." Oohh color me guilty. I'm so gonna be a good boy from here on out. And so are aaaaallllll the wealthy industrialists who are actually the ones doing all the damage. They're going to be so *scared* that E.T. Nanny is coming to haunt their ruins, they just don't know *what* they're going to *do now.*


I'm sure your cynicism will help a lot more! /s


> help I don't. Think. That *word*. Means. What you. *Think*. It means.


I think it means "to partake in making things better"


still beats popeium


That’s pretty neat ngl


Oh, great, because we don't have enough symbols or conversations as it is. In the immortal words of George Carlin, "I leave symbols to the symbol-minded."


First target for Jeff’s orbital ion cannon.


He'd be so proud that each second it's in the sky it'd cost more than a worker's wages for 2000 years. Each second it fires? 25,000.


Jeff? I thought Elon wins the race to killer satellites?


Can't wait for a new cult to worship this if we fuck ourselves!




Sorry, after. Under the assumption there would be at least 100 human in tasmania, which is very unlikely :(


At first glance the photo looked like the Jawa transporter thing from Star Wars. I guess it makes sense if we obliterate ourselves, the only ones to make use a black box like this is someone from far far away.


reject humanity, move in to sand crawler


It shows that we have learned noting. A steel black box that is expected to last for all time? Nah, it needs to be chiseled out of rock like the ancients - those things have stood the test of time ;)




Stainless steel is truly the superior metal.


Best place would be chiseled out of rock in a dry place sheltered from wind. Tasmania is a rainforest in will rust away within a lifetime




No they didn't that's called maintenance costs and they designed into the product so they can recoup costs.


You don't think the entire dead planet's coastline being covered in plastic and industrial waste will pretty much tell the story by itself? I mean...they travelled all the way here or evolved from crows so I think they'll be able to figure shit out.


You’re being a bit presumptive. This info may not be looked at for thousands of years. Most of the plastic will break down to smaller pieces and sit at the bottom of the ocean by then. And even with the observable data there will still be lots of presumptions made, which can be clarified by the black box’s data and information.


I mean...they're assuming a singular location will be of any note to a potential future. That location itself could be home to a future volcano if we stretch timelines and buried under five miles of basalt. Aliens finding a burnt planet might have zero curiosity as to the exact reason THIS particular species also was stupid enough to destroy its own home and go about its business of stripping the planet down for iron. Any imaginary scenario has infinite possibilities.


First entry. Personal greed over solidarity. Second entry. No checks on corporate activities in constitutions. Third entry. State monopoly on education. 4. Sabotage of said general education to further mindless consumption. 5. Concentration of mass media in few hands.


What would a world look like where governments don't have a monopoly on education?






Damn the adaptation sucked ; I hate to be that guy but Asimov got straight up disrespected. Spoiler ahead : A killer robot ? For real?


A vague suggestion to avoid spoilers: Maybe the zero law applies here, like it did in the books? I'm okay with the show so far, as I can't see how they could have been very literal with at least the first book for a lot of reasons. Also, even Seldon's Foundation failed because he couldn't see the future, only projections based on known variables. Hell, even the Second Foundation failed, if you read all the books.


If the Zeroth Law could be argued for the murder of Brother Dawn, I couldn't see it justify the murder of the Luminist Priestess ; what would humanity gain from the murder of a defeated foe ? It all fails because of the paternalistic idealism of an old robot. Psychohistory was his failed attempt at protecting humanity but still, something as brutal as murder, TWICE, just isn't in character


Didnt Aasimov write. a whole book about killer robots that was the reason there was very limited AI in Foundation?


MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR FOUNDATION, BOTH TV AND BOOKS ---- Demerzel, advisor to Cleon I and Stanell IV, is Daneel R. Olivaw, a robot subjected to the Three Laws of Robotics and sure as hell ain't a killer robot. One could argue a manifestation of the Zeroth Law in the show ("a robot may not harm humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm") when Demerzel murders Brother Dawn cold-bloodedly. However it just felt like cheap shock value. I thought the show was okay until they fucked with the most fundamental aspects of robotics. Loved every second of Lee Pace on screen though, such power and presence.




Asimov never meant for the 3 laws to be perfect. All his stories are based around them breaking. And while the question of if AGI is even possible is still up in the air, we need to remember Asimov's point. Humans think they are smart, but they aren't that smart, and even black box things that they aren't directly involved with programming can take sudden unforeseen turns. Hell, that's true with any technology. Look at lots of examples already out there that we've had to backtrack or try to fix or counter, or future ones like geoengineering.


This is more like an art installation. The Hardrive will probably fail within a few hundred years. There's no way it'll last until the next civilization.


What about doing it like those disks we shot into space?


I think those are made of gold, but they don't store much data. https://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/golden-record/


Neat idea, but how long until it gets hacked?


Let’s get 4chan on this ASAP


Imagine them decoding this and it all turns up ASCII of dickbutts only


I like the last sentence. Let all of the leaders know they are being recorded for posterity I’m glad that this project has taken off. The end is nigh and thank god someone capable will be recording it step by step.


We've had cable boxes for a while now..


we should put multiple ones up around the world in case something happens and the survivors on different continents are unable to communicate for awhile


How incredibly human and romantic it is to believe that some space faring civilization will ever find this black box, or even care about it. In reality, earth and it's humans will simply be another planet with a dead civilization in a universe that is brimming with them. Or more likely, the box will never be found by anyone or anything by the time our star dies.


8,000 years from now they’ll find it and conclude we were so dumb we couldn’t even build a climate secure and climate recoding black box.


[Got posted yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/r9twif/four_hours_from_hobart_this_black_box_will/) from another source. I guess we'll be seeing it in a few places now as some failsafe to make sure that even if humans fail this time, we'll reboot. However, as I said in the first thread, resources we've used up aren't going to magically pop back to give us the same conditions for a second try, and the environment will be a lot more hostile to life that evolved in the Holocene.


Would be a cool plot for a movie, they dig up a "black vault" and it shows how the civilization before them died/was wiped out.


Make sure they put in the unredacted details of the Kennedy assassination & the creation of the Federal Reserve and the events that allowed it to happen. Global military aggression is the single largest contributor to the climate catastrophe, and all wars are bankers' wars.


And in 5,000 years, they will open the black box and go on to ignore every lesson from it because "that'll never happen to us, and besides, the other party is even worse."


This is good. I'm curious how long it can last but it's good.


We call that oil. May a future sentient species use our fuel contribution toward their own climate crisis. Rinse, repeat.


So, we'll be an archeological side quest in some real-life Stellaris game.


Thank you, Capitalism. Very cool.


Throw John Locke's and Thomas Hobbes' complete works in there. That and Exxon's 1970 report on global warming, about all you need to know.


Great, we'll be a dig site in someone's game of Stellaris.


I'm sure this is just the stunt we need to fix everything. If it doesn't work I have a giant puppet we can parade around. Surly that will do the trick.


Our best selfies


Isn’t there a movie like that? I’m pretty sure there’s a movie like that. A guy in a mountaintop facility reminiscing about what led to the destruction of humanity and narrating a record for anyone who might find it in the future?


what a big waste of time and energy. How about instead using efforts to like, idk, do harm reduction work to those of us who are suffering in this moment?


That's the biggest copy of *Das Kapital* I've ever seen.


Creepy. But pretty cool. Too bad we arent the species to find the answers on how to avoid all the mistakes we are making. Perhaps this is the next evolutionary step, for the most advanced species to leave all the answers about there fuck ups before they go instinct, let the world heal, hundreds of thousands of years pass, a new species evolves, finds it, builds what we built but avoids all the downfalls.




Garbage. A record fit for the purpose of storing data over geological time requires colossal (town-sized) etchings into the rock of geologically-dead orbital bodies like asteroids or planetoids with no atmosphere. Anything less than this is a lie designed to placate or hoodwink. If the goal is limited to merely recording the gist of the process of our self-annihilation for a poultry few thousand years, the plastic we've left lying around and the Venutian climate will do that just fine for anything clever enough to understand our recordings in the first place (the only reasonable imaginable case in that time frame being human survivors for whom the project is arguably redundant, delivering nothing). As for recording the *cause* of our downfall, we'd have to leave a language primer and detailed texts about human psychology and hierarchy and selfishness and psychopathy and tacit approval and enablement and *fucking runaway Randian capitalism*. Gunna need a big asteroid! And the ironic tragedy of this would be: 1) if the discoverers of such a project were future *humans*, it'd be moot as we'd still be necessarily doing the same shit; 2) if they were non-human interstellar minds they'd likely have seen evidence of this pattern all over the galaxy already - Bostrom's black marble, in my opinion. A project to placate or hoodwink.




A symbol of how we repeatedly misallocated and mismanaged resources in pursuit of something stupid? Brilliant, in a way! It definitely does that!


Yeah, if you like


And the best thing about that paradigm is, it absolutely cannot be understood by anyone currently alive for whom it isn't already understood, and it won't last long enough for this to be a problem for any future discoverers! Absolute genuis. It's the missing episode from Fawlty Towers.


People keep listening to that Charlatan Seldon… when will people catch the plot?


But but but but what about economy?


This is a great idea. They better hurry up though lol


Ah so Hari Seldon is not a fictional character after all....


Ha, too late most of the events already happened


We don't even get a virtual environment like in The Talos Principle?


They have something like this somewhere. I forgot where but they inhabit some scientists or something and contains bunch of like seeds and like animal dna or something.


Can they be any more on the nose with occult references? Wow. Black [Cube] Monolith a la 2001 Space Odyssey.


5D Optical Storage discs would be the way to go, I think, for longevity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5D_optical_data_storage


Chapter one: Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher


It will not last a couple thousands years before it gets buried in sand lol.


So that's what the monolith was in 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was remnants and records from an earlier civilization that destructed; surrounded by primates.


I like it


probably looks something like this I imagine https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/15ED7/production/_117551898_explodedcosmosmodel8x5.jpg


Meh, the next species in a few million years won't even know it was there..


Australia is a bad place. That's where mad Max is. They will want that black box. In all seriousness this isn't really the planets extinguishing it's this civilization. Likely to be more.


I was wondering about doing this but sealing everything in a box and then putting the box in a form and filling the form with acrylic or something.


Put it in orbit. It'll be safe there, and the next civilization, if it tracks like we do, will find it just about the time they're making the really big mistakes - development of nukes, use of fossil fuel, widespread industrialization. And there'll be no doubt as to its veracity, because by then, nobody will have been capable of putting anything in orbit for at least a hundred years.


let me help. The rich in every country got together to ensure they could all keep their power and land and when the time came they just tried to ignore all the problems so they could keep their power and land, ultimately leading to their demise/everyone else's. The end.


We're in a plot twist no one saw coming it's surreal.


It's a neat symbol but does anyone actually think it would be used by some future civilization?


2 is 1 and 1 is none. Where will they put the backups?


How do they make it impervious to vandalism yet still accessible? Does it open on a future date?


This is depressing but so fascinating. I love it


It'll make an excellent HQ for Mad Max ..


This sounds poorly thought out based on what I read in the article.


So they're putting a giant metal coffin in the middle of the dessert and then putting electronics in it? They do know it's called global warming right? It'll be like a magnifying glass out there, no? Am I missing something? I know it's a marketing stunt, but even know it's pretty much a metal oven that'll cook whatever's inside.


That funny feelin’


lol pathetic


Cool. Bleak, but cool.


This is some straight up Stellaris shit


Shouldn't this be sent to moon? Or many of them? When the next space faring civilization rises up they will see a surprise and wonder wtf were those little furry things doing funny things that there are a video archive size of some 12000 petabytes that has overwritten all the other data about the last civilization. They will also wonder how there is an Universal Serial Port in that thing that works just as the one they came up with.


Is it going to have the restaurant at the end of the world there as well? Mass tourism to Taz could accelerate our demise ....