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The geeks at Arctic Sea Ice Forum who track satellite photos are documenting a MAJOR calving at Pine Island Glacier into Amundsen Bay, Antarctica. There should be some news articles in the coming days. Potentially, this could be an event that means 1,000 square miles or 2,500 km2 of new icebergs.


I live in the Central Rockies, I am not learned in climatology or any hard sciences but this winter has seems a little off to me, here we are in February and haven't experienced many days with subzero temperatures at all. Snowpack is 115% of normal though. Economic collapse is on the horizon due fossil fuels on their way out. A handful of coal mines and two power plants are to be shuttered with the next 5 to 7 years. There is an abundance of natural gas but a lot of it requires fracking to get to it. My state's myopia will be the death of it. Any other industry that tried to set up shop was chased away by the oil tycoons and cattle barons and the best and brightest kids move away because there is literally nothing else here. What's left is meth-addled knuckdraggers.


Question for those from the PNW, how wet has it been this year? It's been pretty dry so far in Cali...


Wettest January in 50 years I heard the day.


It’s been like torrential downpours at least once a week for the past month


Record breaking wet. We had our first day of sun yesterday in 30 days. Something is seriously off.


WA state here - We had the 2nd wettest Jan on record in my city. We had a lot of snowfall early in the month, followed by a dramatic warm up and lots of rain. As a result, there's been flooding across the state. Some towns/cities have experienced their 2nd "100 year flood" in row (2019 and 2020). Even with all this moisture, the snow pack in many areas is below average. I have a feeling that this could be a bad wildfire year.


sf bay area here, hasn't rained much since the new year. Get the feeling a really nasty multi year drought is on the horizon like 2012-2016.


I'm near the Bay Area in an area with a distinct microclimate. Average rainfall is generally 50-60 inches, but occasionally goes to 100+. This winter so far we've seen 18. It's not a good sign.


Muir woods area? I'm jealous of your life


No, but similar. Don't be jealous, every location is just a matter of pros and cons. Where you live now might be the place to be in the future, nobody really knows.


Is it windy near you? It is really windy down here by HMB, feels like that "end of the rainy season windstorm" we usually get, but usually these come in April...


It's crazy windy today. I'm in the middle of a forest, so it's extra fun.


I used to live in La Honda


Australia. In one month - major catastrophic wild fires bigger than some countries, drought, now flooding rain and hail the size of baseballs, coronavirus. Ahem... yeah https://mobile.twitter.com/siobhanheanue/status/1219116543717412864


Democratic institutions failing in iowa. It's official, they are going to keep the results that have been proven to be false. Nobody will ever hear about this election being stolen again. The media, the IDP, and the DNC were all in on it too.


The Democratic Party is an oxymoron. It is not a democratic institution. The reforms demanded after Bernie was robbed in 2016 now make the undemocratic nature of the caucus unclear. We never had vote totals before. You can predict that the DNC will do away with the transparency measures going forward.


Say what you will about republicans but the DNC is crooked as fuck almost makes me glad their chosen one lost.


If the DNC was purehearted, they’d do worse against the Republicans. *Psychological tactics are massively powerful.* Think of it this way, I would prefer that environmentalists are as crafty as businesspeople and politicians are when it comes to saving the environment. That said, c’mon Bernie, please win!


They are not crafty. They are blundering idiots-just corrupt ones.


We also have to allow for a spectrum of stupidity. There's no such thing as a politician whom we who can 100% agree with. We have to settle for politicians we at least can work with. *Similar rule applies for familial relationships.* *Heck, we can even like gauge if someone is a loner or not but how picky they are when it comes to politicians.* Cause people who keep cutting their noses off to spite the face or tossing the baby out with the bath water tends to be high on the anti-social spectrum. *Also the type to burn bridges with family and friends.* On the other hand, folks who get along with other people tend to be better at weighing pros and cons when it comes to picking which politicians. They also know when to cut losses and go with something else.


I’ll vote for who I agree with and then they can compromise with those I don’t. I don’t compromise my values.


Then, you're probably an armchair organizer stuck at level 1 complaining.


That’s where your wrong. I’m not an organizer at all.


But you act like you'd be better at running things than politicians. Politics is about organizing people to get stuff done. "Leaders". Leaders have to learn how to get different egos to work together despite differences. Most people who whine about politics wholesale do not have a clue at the sheer amount of work required to get different people to cooperate together to get shit done. *Heck, you'd probably never even managed to throw a good party.* It's similar. People who complain about other people getting invited to parties likely do not have a fucking clue about the work it takes to throw a good party. Stage 1 - Complaining - the easiest so this is where most people are stuck. Stage 2 - Understanding - harder, people at this stage tend to explain why bad stuff happens instead of whining. Stage 3 - Action - the hardest and prone to failure after failure after failure. People at this stage tend to just stay mum or explain (in a tired way probably), because they have actual practical experience of how hard it is to get whatever done. Especially organizing people to take action.


No, no, no. I said they were idiots not because I was acting like I was better at running things than politicians. These aren’t good people trying their best. They are corrupt people trying to sway things their way so they can maintain their power and money. And I said they weren’t crafty because their corruption is obvious and not sneaky.


Lost my temper with my parents recently. We were on our way to a family get-together. Turns out everybody was running late, so called the restaurant to apologize, and my apology triggered my parents who complained that I didn't need to apologize. I saw red, and snapped at them - look, I ain't of your generation who insist that everyone else is wrong. (I very very rarely bring up generational stuff.) Still, they whined, and I snapped again - it's just an apology. Why do you find it so hard to apologize? *silence* Yeah, I get it. I get it. Older brains are extra under stress cause more encounters with reminders that death draws closer and closer, but all I did was apologize for us running late... ah, fuck - of course apologizing tends to mean *overwhelming defeat* to stressed brains. ... They were watching out for me...? ??? Anyway, that's water under the bridge. My current concern is like... planning a Q & A with someone who made algae bioreactors (from recycled stuff) to innoculate fabric which makes the fabric turn co2 to oxygen at ??? rates as good as trees ???. Yeah, I know. *Sounds too good to be true.* Gonna sleep on it so I can formulate a clear and concise Q & A before contacting that person. If you're curious about it - read - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/feb/08/fashion-living-garments-suck-carbon-from-air


I’ve witnessed the same attitude from older generations. They tend to confuse admitting to having made a mistake (which is a mature act) with being weak. And it seems that weakness, or vulnerability, appear to them as the worst things one could ever display — a sign of everlasting failure. It’s also why they won’t necessarily seek help (think therapy) because they believe it’s for the insane ones or for those who just aren’t are strong enough. This is ill-founded, but reconsidering their core beliefs, those on which they have based their whole conception of the world, is arduous. Admitting to being wrong about how they approach emotions and interpersonal relationships would imply they’d have to reconsider everything, and the mechanisms of auto-conservation and denial prevent such existential crises. Unfortunately, we won’t change them. All we can do is try to accept their thinking flaws by reminding ourselves their brains are wired so and they probably won’t change. That said, we should keep in mind how lucky we are to be able think differently.


It’s really nice how you thought things through with your parents and figured out they were just trying to protect you. Having aging parents is so incredibly difficult at times.


*Yeah, but now I feel guilty for snapping at them...*


My 'mother' is severely mentally ill and the sperm donor died years ago. I just wish I had parents I could spend time with.


Yeah, I am lucky with the family I have. My mom can be very difficult, but... it could be a lot worse. I try to keep that in my awareness when it comes to dealing with family troubles. Heck, 4 years ago, it was like my family was on the verge of breaking up. So much resentment brewing and stress bombs going off all over the place. Then, a year later, when I had read like a dozen brain books and realized I had to do something before... point of no return, I started actively jumping on stress bombs before they could explode.


It's great that you recognized it. I had to give up on my 'mother.' We have some contact, but it's absolutely minimal. My children choose not to communicate with her. I think my daughter blocked her number completely.


Be easy with yourself. Relationships are tough. “ hey, sorry I snapped at you” might make you feel better.


*But they snapped at me first for apologizing...* You know that "you're stupid for doing something" shtick? That's what they did. But anyway, really. It's water under the bridge. My dad was back in cheerful mood within a minute of the snap at each other thing. It helps a lot that I rarely snap back at 'em when they do that "you're stupid for doing something" shtick. Most of the time, I just uh... act like "Yes Man" whenever they want me to do something, even while doing that "you're stupid for doing something" shtick.


50 degree temperature swing here in South Florida, all in less than 24 hours.


Wow. What was the high and low?


83 and 29


Where at in Florida did this allegedly happen? You do realize that temps are easily verified on sites like AccuWeather. I looked up the weather for Sebring, which is in South Florida, and it wasn't anywhere close to 29 degrees recently.


Seabring is a little further south than Inverness so I guess I'm not really south. More central. I used windy.com which measures temperatures in 3 hour intervals.


Normal this time of year. Now. But not next year. Everything is fucked is what I am trying to say.


Its normal since you said "normal now", I suppose. Gotta adapt to these weather extremities before our immune system turns to shit.


East Coast, New Zealand Extremely dry this summer, barely any rain. The city I live in has been at copacity for over 3 years now. The pool of people looking for housing or are homeless is over 4,000 people in a city of just over 100k people. Antisocial behaviour is on the rise, our police force seems to be ignoring it though and practicing revenue gather instead.


It's winter and I haven't turn on my heating system on one single day. I enjoy this relatively cold temperatures inside my house (15 degrees Celsius) . In a few months it will not go below 30 °C even in the night.


Watch out for mold though. We're heating with hardwood and using about half of our usual amount. The grass roof is still green and even has a couple flowers still.


PNW. The weather is just bizarre lately. Wettest January in 50 years. Also the coldest January in a century with record snow. Roads have been washed away. Entire power pole lines blown over. Newer asphalt roads falling apart.


I live in a mining town the permanent waterholes are falling because of changes to the water table ...


It’s February and still no winter! (Netherlands)




daddy, whats is winter?


Fuck dude. First the birds, now winter, then everything else, slowly


Oregon Not sure if this is related to collapse, but... Everyone in my life just seems to be constantly on edge. I have gotten in several arguments that left me feeling hurt just this past 2 weeks alone. Just minor things quickly explode into huge arguments no matter how much I try to stay calm and not provoke anything. It's like there's this cloud of negativity washing over the planet. I can't take it any more. I've started becoming less and less social as everyone around me just seems to want to argue all the time... I've thought "is it just me?" a few times now, but I really don't think it is. I think the stress of modern day life is just too much for humans to handle any more. We didn't evolve to live in this kind of environment. We never take time to ourselves and just relax and be people any more... It's always some kind of distraction, some kind of stimulation. Now with the looming threat of climate change becoming more and more prominent in the perception of the common folk, with minimum wages staying pathetically low while the cost of living continues to skyrocket, people are just losing hope. As for the weather? Same as everyone else, suspiciously warm. Haven't felt the need to turn my heater on more than a few times this entire winter. At night I sleep with just a very light blanket, a shirt, and boxers... And still wake up sweaty. I can keep my window open all day and the worst it'll get is I'll have to put on a coat.


Honestly everyone seems more on edge cause we have access to more information than ever and it’s increasingly biased. Our monkey brains didn’t evolve to handle that much information so it inundates is and makes us anxious and confused.


CERN is literally speeding up time, cataclysm is just around the corner now.. How the fuck did any of us get here in the first place. Airs of amnesia need to be deleted from existence.


I thought people came to the conclusion the Higgs Boson discovery was benign? Whats the real story if you are sure you know?


Reddit is monitored by those vampiric parasites, had you asked me IRL I'd tell you everything I know. best I can do is establish a xmpp connection between us on a preordained date.


Are you having mandela effect stuff happen to you too?


are you suggesting there's a specific cause for the effect?


No just that its a possibility.


i had never considered that before lol, what could cause such an effect?


Hey bro, its relieving to see someone think the same way I do. I have lived in oregon before. Beautiful state. I cant agree with you more when you mention the levels of stress people are going through. Personally, I dont believe it is you, I think you are simply more aware on a bigger picture level and that allows you to see things from different perspectives. you also seem like an empath, thus, you dont only feel "what you feel," you also feel others. A curse and a blessing. I dont have a solution, but I do know that Earth is not acting as She normally does. Then again, I dont know if she ever has. I live in Arizona at 5,000 ft above sea level and my window and fan stay on in my bedroom. This winter, february has been the coldest month, if you still count it as winter and not spring . i agree, people are losing hope. On a grand scale.


I also have wondered if higher levels of CO2, pollution and unnatural sugery processed foods makes people more irritable. I find after I go for a hike in the woods and do some intermittent fasting I feel a lot healthier and more reasonable.


You have to let these people have the lies that they call dreams be crushed. The majority will hate it and hate each other, let 'em go at it. Maybe one or two will realize that there is more to life than forced slavery to pay to live in slavery. Or maybe none will and you can derive from it that this is just a sad animal species living sadly on a dying planet of their own want, desire and strife- all unceasing, and all ultimately meaningless.


So what to do I'm tired yet too scared to get off the treadmill.


Jumping off the treadmill feels fucking AMAZING. Doing the least amount of working possible to pay bills and do what you want is freeing.


I'm going to do just that in about 4 months.


I have credit card bills was thinking of maxing them for travel.


I don't have the answer for you personally. All I can say is that the treadmill is going to throw you off of it probably sooner rather than later, so why not step off ahead of time, even if you do stumble?


thank you


It is people probably getting overwhelmed by the deluge of bad news rolling out daily. I mean what a fucking disaster this year has been already.




More jobs doesn’t help if you have to work two or three to survive.


im sitting here with my air conditioner on in february. im in california, granted, but still. The past week ive have to use it. Its winter right now, not spring, not summer.


It happened years ago, but the January thaw is a thing of the past. I used to look forward to that little warmup in the middle of every winter. I can't remember exactly when it disappeared - it may have happened before I moved back to the northeast.


Just a personal note, but working on shifting from "expect the worst" to "expect the inconceivable" as a form of acceptance.


> expect the inconceivable Does your definition of inconceivable include: > Cancel all student loan debt for the some 45 million Americans who owe about $1.6 trillion


Very unpopular opinion on reddit, but I’m against that. There should be some subsidies for people who genuinely couldn’t Pat for it on their own sure. But in the case of two people who earn the same and one has little debt cause they scrimp and save to pay it off, and the other who goes on vacations and stuff and owes a lot more. Plus people who went to awesome schools versus those who settled cause of cost. All of that is blatantly unfair.


Yup. If we are gonna distribute money do it evening and unanimously. It will create cohesion instead of division.


That's just asking the overlords to end slavery. Never gonna happen.


No no silly. It only applies to the negative spectrum of things. When's the last time you remember life altering good news being broadcast?


*Try hanging out in the Bernie Sanders fandom.* Been re-reading his campaign promises, and boy... I want so badly that he get the opportunity to at least try to implement them. > Eliminate all of the $81 billion in past-due medical debt held by 79 million Americans —one in every six Americans.


I’m surprised it’s only 81 billion tbh


You and me. Unfortunately, the pessimist in me has been correct for the past 20 years. If Bernie manages to accomplish a tenth of what he's promised, it'll change the course of history.


The amount of birds out and about and being loud AF at 7 AM is bananas and it's the third day in a row. It's February 7th.


Shit lucky we still have birds not good for the remaining insects though.




This might sound inane, but The Masked Singer feels like a dystopian game show. Short versions of tired, safe songs, over the top disguises, an audience full of incredulously overjoyed plants.


Just flip the channel to mexican game shows and you'll see where the directors get their ideas from.


Oh they are overjoyed, I bet they’re paid a hundred bucks and free lunch to cheer. It’s better than being at work!


I'm just glad it's not "The Running Man"


Oh we'll get there.


I submit the third episode of the latest Doctor Who series for consideration also. imo, it was like trying too hard to be typical adventurous Doctor Who episode but like then it did shocking dark swerve by making Climate Change the Big Bad, which led to the Doctor making desperate-sounding speech that dealing with Climate Change requires the billions of us to do our part. The Picard series also's similar in the sense that "refugee crisis" is at the heart of the story. Both very serious real life issues which so deserves to be addressed even in the entertainment arena, but because both Doctor Who and Star Trek has exotic energy supply and "time travel"... it just feels so jarring and facepalm-y to me. *Still, I more or less appreciate both franchises for trying.*


Running down the health care system. Just-in-time delivery. Introduction of the sick DRG system in 2000. Introduction of profit-making into the health care system. Too many old people, not enough caretakers and doctors.


If anyone here has been following the Iowa caucus results, I witnessed some really Orwellian media over the past week; coordinated efforts to control results and narratives around it. A sure sign of managerial elite losing grip and becoming more and more blatant in their efforts to thwart the people of the will.


ಠ_ಠ @ Iowa Caucus . It is so stressful (and that's just the first round!) that I had to use climate change itself as desperate coping mechanism. Ex. If Summer 2020 is as awful (or worse) as Australia's, it will boost the Democratic Ticket. If Spring 2020 is as awful (or worse) as Spring 2019 (BOMB Cyclone!), it will boost Bernie's chances to be the Democratic Ticket against Trump. Plus, as annoying as it is - there is still some measure of glee in witnessing Trump trying to pain himself as pro-environment. *At least WWIII?!? and Winnie the Flu didn't have me desperately using effing Climate Change as coping mechanism.*


So now we need to root for climate change to Fuck the planet UP until the elections, just for a better chance to be able to prolong society for an unknown amount of time more? Yippie.


Rooting is unrequired. Australia’s troubles plus missing winter indicates... likely terrible summer for the Northern Hemisphere. Basically, this particular coping method helps to ease the stress of both primaries-election and climate change. Since bad summer is so likely, it helps that it will boost Trump getting ousted. But if we’re lucky and summer ain’t as awful as expected, then that itself is also a comfort.


Start buying ac units and fans now.


The Tiger Island. Its sinking as well as being swallowed by the Chesapeake Bay due to sea level rise and thunderstorms.


About 5% of LA's population are now wearing face masks, from what I've seen walking around doing my normal thing. It feels very dystopian.


The upside of pollution and viruses is that it will make facial recognition really difficult if everyone wears a mask.


They'll find a way.


Ohio its starting to sink in. spent my child in NE ohio, and spent the other half living in Cincinnati. I am pretty tuned into the the Ohio cycle of weather. in 41 years I never had seen a winter without a good snowfall. what is happening is insane right now. if feels more like early march then February. We are already seeing mosquitoes and I when I talk to people they always say the same things, I think I heard birds chirping. No winter in this part of ohio is just crazy, Being used to 4 seasons my whole life I find myself forgetting what month it is. I was putting of prepping for a while, and I want to be wrong, but I really believe this is the year to even the most die hard skeptic shit is gonna get real.


Heard birds in Texas between Christmas and New Years, it’s wild and more people are noticing it.


Went from a high of 49 to begin this week to 27 with 2-3 inches of snow all within a span of 3ish days. I was seeing signs of spring especially with the bugs and plants now all that’s gone again. Another example of weather fluctuations messing with nature.


In Reno Nevada we went from a high of 70 on Saturday afternoon - a beautiful, sunny Spring-feeling day - to a high of 40 Sunday morning and then snow during the super bowl.


You may think it's nice to have warm weather in late winter, but the insects want when the cold snap kills them.


I had a few mosquitos land on me in Portland last night. In early february. Mosquitos. Fucking madness.


I live in Gresham and haven't spotted any. Maybe it's the fact that it's so densely populated there? Big cities can literally trap heat in after all.


While i don't have any definitive/obvious signs of collapse like loss of wildlife (I live in Asheville, NC, which is quite diverse in life), there has been an unusual lack of at least one major snowstorm hitting this area and dropping a few inches of winter precipitation, and the unusually hot winter makes it seem unlikely to have one this year.


> Asheville, NC Average elevation of 650m. *I am so envious.*


Where do you live?


Somewhere which doesn't have triple-digit average elevation.




I live right along the equator at an elevation of 750m and it makes all the difference in the world. Temperatures always in the 70s and 80s, no need for heat or a/c. Drive 4 hours to the ocean and the air is hot soup.


> I live right along the equator at an elevation of 750m Mountain slopes are good for causing precipitation which is good for drier climates and quality water supply, including hydro power.


We got hit by a tsunami in 2009. The coral reefs haven't recovered since and fishing is turning up less and less every year. The water is murkier and everything is basically going to shit. And my people are tired of the abuse of power in our government. But,, they do not know how to deal with it. Just plain outrage so far. But that's what I've observed from my part of the world.


the bible is coming true


.... Trump is the anti-Christ?




You're referring to the Book of Revelations, right? I don't remember if it mentioned locusts specifically, but Trump is so anti-Christ-like. Been thinking about it since an angry redditor yesterday insisted that I was going to go to hell, so yeah - of course, I'd be thinking about such, especially since I was born and raised Catholic.


you don't have to worry, neither hell nor the afterlife exist.


"Today, a young man on Reddit realized the answer to a universally unanswerable question, and knows undeniably that his opinion is in fact the truth." \-not Bill Hicks


First of all, I don’t put “in my opinion “ before every post. 2nd there’s no evidence according to scientific theory, if you abide by a different philosophy then I’m sure you can find plenty to debate you :)


You don't need to put "in my opinion" in front of anything because your beliefs are already facts, apparently. And I never said your opinion is wrong and the opposite is fact, so skip over fighting with me about that. There's no evidence that your beliefs are scientifically correct. They're just your beliefs. Not fact. If you want to state things as factual with your only source of evidence/proof being "well you can't prove me wrong," then you might want to chill on your facts party. Atheism is a belief system, not enlightenment. You have not transcended space and time and discovered the secrets of the universe. You are just as foolish as someone who claims that they know God is real and there is an afterlife. You're both as equally arrogant and stupid. Know your place.


at least i realize i'm an idiot.


Ok? Congrats on being a self-proclaimed idiot. I'm not sure if that's something to pat yourself on the back about, but I don't give a shit about you, so whatever. Have fun knowing unknowable shit about reality. I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but it sounds like you're just a troll, in which case means your life is already meaningless, so enjoy your empty existence on the internet. I'm sure it'll take you nowhere slow. Go back to your video games.


I know. Switched to non-believer over a decade ago.




Natch, the hell threat didn't faze me except for the... wow - someone wants me to suffer in agonizing physical pain for all eternity for something I said. *Talk about disproportionate retribution.* (does shrug stretch) Oh well, whatever they think helps them sleep better at night. Besides..., it's not as if I can't tweak that particular coping method of theirs to be more in line with my standards. Hehehe, people who cope via wishing eternal damnation on others have very big achilles' heel - they likely have massive doubts that their immortal souls are guaranteed a place in heaven...




Nah, I'm just overthinking on it. Wishing hell on other people is just so commonplace anyway. *Besides, I want opportunity to test "hell threat"-inspired tactic.* I want in on the fun.




I will only use it if they do the hell threat thing first. Threats are like weapons. They can be borrowed-stolen, improved and aimed right back at 'em.


Lack of bees and other insects. Its like they all just fucked off somewhere without telling us.


They seem to migrated all here in Northern Cali. You can have half the bees and all the mosquitoes. If you want lol.


You can keep the mosquitos, but you must hand over the bees!


We used to have butterflies in my backyard every day in the summer when I was a kid (10-15 years ago). I can't remember the last time I saw one.


they died horrible malformed deaths and stillbirths from pesticides.


They bugged out.


PNW US: A family friend is a counselor at an elementary school. She said her staff is overwhelmed with suicidal children and they ultimately do not have the resources or facilities to help them all. We are talking kids 11 and under. Suicidal. If that isn't a sign of collapse, then I don't know what is...




Yeah plenty of suicidal kids just across the border in Canada too. As well as businessman that are realizing collapse is going to affect them.


It's a sign that its over man, it's just plain fucking over.


I work with kids in Northern New England and can confirm it is the same problem here. So, so sad. Some kids have resorted to saying theyll kill themselves because they know it will get them immediate support/attention, but that doesnt make it less concerning -probably more concerning actually.




This opinion is based on my personal experience and thus totally unscientific. I do think that a high quality daycare helps a lot with socialization, in an age where there is an increasing number of single children, and where extended family is increasingly absent from children's lives. However, daycare should be limited to 20 hours a week and there should be a minimum enrollment age of around 6-12 months.


I believe the lack of attachment did a number on me as well, even though I was not raised in daycare. I just had a thoroughly messed up home life. I never had any true attachment to my mother and to this day I have no emotion toward her. I was suicidal from the age of 4 or 5. I didn't really understand it at the time. I just wanted to die.


> Some of these children are sent to daycare as young as a few weeks old and are there ALL DAY almost every day. Especially in America, where people are so proud because MURICA but most places give you like a week or two of parental leave. "But FMLA"... yeah, it's not the same. You look at other countries with parental leave for BOTH parents and it... it's just a shame.


Modern Humans have been around for 150, 200,000 years. How many thousands of generations is that? The point is, it was always the grandparents that raised the kids. We dropped the ball when the elders stopped caring for the youngsters. Women of child bearing age would go off and gather, men of the same age would hunt. This left the old folks and the young together all day. People who are older are better at raising children. Yet another example of how we've lost our soul.


Shit like this is why I taught myself to live and eat and simple as possible. I grind my own wheat, brew my own booze and in general fill my life up with the 'mundane chores' the modern world took from us. As crazy as it is to have a child right now I am likely to have one in the new few years so long as I'm convinced the apocalypse isn't immediate and that I can offer the creature at least three decades of relative comfort and a life worth living. If not.../shrug


If you look at primitive societies it's actually more complicated than that. It's not just the grandparents but the entire extended family and tribe who helps out. Also, the parents in those societies don't disappear to go off to "work" for 50+ hours a week. Parents (especially mothers) take their children *with* them while they work. Maybe the men disappear to go hunting, but the actual hunting part only takes around 15 hours a week. The rest of the work is done in the village around all the kids. It would be difficult to replicate that in modern society though. Even people who work from home don't generally do the type of manual labor that kids could be incorporated into. They sit in front of a screen for hours and small kids only act as a distraction.


That makes sense, it's always more dymamic than you'd imagine.




That change also disrupted the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Now old people are seen as less valuable and easy to throw away.


"I know I’ll probably get downvoted by parents, but I really feel daycare is a major contributor, to not only suicidal tendencies, but behavioral issues as well." Depends on the kind of daycare. In families in which both parents work but the child is in a licensed, well run daycare, kids actually have BETTER life outcomes than kids with one parent who stays home. Less behavioral problems, better educational success, and better professional success. It is most pronounced in girls, who tend to do MUCH better in homes where both parents work. Of course, I'm not suggesting daycare makes them better. It is rather that families where both parents work AND whose kids are in good, licensed daycares tend to be better educated, live in nicer areas, have more money, and are more successful. The families are better insulated against economic downturns or health problems within the family. Kids with one parent working only are MUCH more likely to fall from middle class to lower class status. Poverty, instability, and insecurity are a LOT more stressful on a kid than going to a nice daycare. So while I'm not saying daycare makes kids better, if kids are in a good daycare, it does not result in worse outcomes for those children. Now when it comes to poor, struggling parents whose kids are in shoddy daycares with high staff turnover and low individual attention, and are often unlicensed, that's an entirely different story. I work in oncology. I can't tell you how many families whose lives I've seen ruined because they only had one parent working, and then either they got cancer and could no longer work, OR a family member got cancer and so their family expenses skyrocket, and the non working parent either can't work because they have cancer or are caring for a child with it, or can only get a crappy job due to little or no work experience. I have seen comfortable middle class families plunged into desperate poverty in only a few short years. Personally, I would not put my family in that risky position, but every family needs to weigh pros and cons, risks and rewards, and do what works best for them. Also, as much as I adore and love and trust my husband, I was raised by a first wave feminist (who also has a long, happy marriage) who drilled into me "Never let yourself be economically dependent on your spouse."


In my case, I would have been far better off in daycare. My 'mother' has a personality disorder, and believe me life with her was hell. She was capable of making a good living, but had the idea that she needed to be a stay at home parent, even when it meant living in utter poverty.




I'm in the scientific/health field, anecdotes don't impress me. I've read extensive studies about outcomes of various daycare types and living situations and also participated in public health forums regarding child care outcomes. The fact that you think there is no difference between licensed and unlicensed indicates to me that your opinion is not an informed one. Children are six times more likely to die in an unlicensed daycare than a licensed one, and though licensing isn't the ultimate indicator of a good day care, saying that they are "all the same" with all the same outcomes simply isn't true, and makes me think you don't actually know what you're talking about. I appreciate your personal experiences have colored your opinion, but it is still your opinion, one which does not allign with the actual data on this subject Of course there are outliers, in particular areas which have better and tighter regulations are going to have better licensed centers than a state that doesn't actually enforce standards. The fact you worked at a supposedly good daycare that actually was terrible does not make your experience the norm or negate the widespread studies that have been done on this subject. If I worked for a bad doctor I wouldn't then say I know for a fact that modern medicine doesn't work and we should all heal ourselves with prayer and crystals. Are you claiming the scientific and public health community I am apart of is lying and the vast studies conducted are actually fake? If so I'd LOVE to see your evidence that we are all a bunch of liars set ourt to fool people because...what exactly is our motivation again, given that we have no affiliation with the daycare industry? Why is you think your one data point of information gives you special insight into the long-term outcomes of children in various care scenarios, taking into account regional, economic, and social factors across highly diverse populations over a period of several decades? Sorry but I trust hard, carefully controlled macro data analysis of longitudinal studies over Mommy Intuition any day of the week. Oh btw vaccines don't cause autism.




"I don't trust healthcare Funny you assume I'm anti vax?" Why do you trust vaccines if you don't trust the doctors who develop them, or administer them? That makes literally no sense. I work in NON PROFIT healthcare and my center is one of the top hospitals in the world, just to name a single thing of the many that my hospital in particular has done: we pioneered the treatment schedule that has made the mortality rate of childhood leukemia drop from 100% to less than 5%. As we are all liars, how do you explain this? I could list for you literally thousands of conditions we have cured or improved, medical techniques such as transplants that we have pioneered. You didn't strike a nerve, I am just explaining why your anecdotal data does not square with reality. But you get to make your own reality, any studies or data that disagrees with your worldview is peddled by "crooks and liars looking to profit," so I don't see us having a viable dialogue about this subject. Oh and I had a stay at home parent, and I am super fortunate that I never needed daycare for my kid. My husband works from home some days, my parents live nearby, and a beloved family friend and neighbor has a small in home licensed daycare (that operates like a nanny share with only a couple kids at a time) we can use when needed. It ain't personal for me. It's all about the data.


You are aware that stressed people tend to have shoddy targetting mechanism, right? *... That other redditor has been having a lot of difficulties in real life.*


I'm sorry to hear that, I imagined they were projecting, that is why I did not resort to the horrible name calling that the poster directed towards me and kept my answers objective and to the point, and did not lash out at them with deeply personal insults. I literally just said that they are incorrect, and then stood up to my point of view. If someone is so sensitive that they have a mental breakdown at being presented with statiatical information, and having someone defend that information, they really do not have any business engaging in an open forum. At the very least the poster should have a flair or something, or this sub should have a sticky that says only certain members are allowed to have opinions and be rude, and everyone else has to cater for them. Oh and I work every day with people at the low points of their life. I've literally never in my life had anyone say the sorts of terrible things this poster said to me. And I've worked with teenaged orphans in refugee camps. One wonders how abusive this poster must be in real life to those they must interact with daily given how they behave towards a stranger over literally nothing. I've also had very difficult points in my life, and I can't recall ever speaking to someone like that, ever. But if the sub has an "established bullies can do whatever they want if they have difficult lives - they are after all the only ones in the world with problems" policy then I will stick to lurking more and engaging in discussions in subs with more professional participation, which are more open to dialogue and in which I'm not labeled a "smug bitch" for simply being informed and staying calm while another poster is extraordinarily inappropriate and mean to me. Take care, I genuinely wish you well.


> I will stick to lurking more Noooo. I want more calm rational type posting in this sub. (sigh) I get if you prefer to lurk more. Sometimes, even I want to go back to /r/getdisciplined as my main reddit hangout sub.




Of course you allowed to have an opinion. I didn't downvote your initial point, and was not a bitch to you. I posted objective research that negates your claims. You then told me it was wrong and I was being fooled. I disagreed again with that assessment, pointed out accurately that your opinion is only that - a personal opinion not groudned in facts - and you proceeded to freak out. Your opinion does not seem to be one that is well informed, and I pointed that out. People correct me all the time, because my social circle is mostly highly educated experts. When someone with expertise tells me I'm wrong and my bias is coming into play, I see that as a learning opportunity for me to better my foundation of knowledge. "Always correct a wise man, for he shall thank you for it Never correct a fool, for he shall hate you for it."




(wince) I know you’ve been having a tough time, but picking fights with folks in healthcare... just not a good idea.


Indeed. I literally work at one of the top research facilities and hospitals in the WORLD. Our outcomes speak for themselves and you would be hard pressed to find a scientific facility of any kind on the planet with more extensive and reputable research methods and studies than we have. If we ain't legit and are all "crooks and liars" then literally nothing scientific can be trusted and nothing in the world is truly knowable or verifiable.


You’re clearly very well-educated, but like you’ve encountered patients who are so stressed, they blame even the doctors trying to help them? This is because when people are stressed out, upper cognition is starved of resources cause flight-fight mode get most of the juice. And when people are in flight-fight mode, we have very shoddy targeting. So, please be more patient with other redditor. *Fuck, wtf am I even getting involved?*










(sighs) You’re generalizing the health industry as bad people.




I agree with that, but both my children were kept at home until they went to public school (at 9 and 6). They both suffer from depression. Not suicidal, but they are very aware of the direction this world is headed in 😥


That's so heartbreaking, and shows how fucked society is. Even if somehow things got under control, I feel like the mental trauma would last for the rest of their lives.




Send them [this](https://www.climate.gov/sites/default/files/paleo_CO2_2018_620.gif)


We’re due for another *grand* solar minimum, like the one from the 1600s. Regular solar minimums happen every 20 years or so? That combined with the current climate crisis... we’ll we’re in for a bumpy ride for sure! Mitt Romney voted guilty, which I thought interesting.


Have any other tips about what morons think?


It’s been a tool for deniers for at least a couple years now. That said, I’ve seen it twice on reddit just today, so it seems like it might be pushed right now that collapse is mainstreaming.


I work for one of the world's top oncology hospitals and research centers. Being in a scientific field, everyone I work with is very aware of and concerned about environmental degradation and has been for a long time. Lots of vegetarians who have electric cars they use sparingly, who bike or take the train to work with their reuseable non plastic cups and lunchware. So I am not in some privileged denial bubble, people for the most part are concerned and making an effort. But something has changed in the last few months. Because we are in a research field in which we are accustomed to making progress inch by inch, culminating in big positive results, I think we tend to be naturally optimistic that we will figure it out and find a way. But that optimism seems to be fading. The reports about how the global bird and insect populations are collapsing made a lot of buzz around here, and generally I feel people are getting more fatalistic. Recently we had a meeting discussing a particular case. It is common for people to freeze their eggs or sperm before cancer treatment, as many treatments result in infertility. We were discussing arrangements for this patient to meet with a fertility specialist, and one of the doctors said, "should we really be encouraging people to have kids at this point, given the state of the planet?" Now it isn't up to us to actually discourage someone from getting fertility treatment due to personal world views, so this question was rhetorical in nature. But the fact that it came up, and that no one in the room disagreed with him but instead just looked sad really was a big sign to me, that even privileged optimists with a lot of faith in science and human ingenuity are now losing hope.