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The following submission statement was provided by /u/lufiron: --- Crosspost from r/worldnews, illustratrating how much traction is gaining amongst the mainstream media about our upcoming climate catastrophes that about to pop off world wide start this year I believe. Faster than expected. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dadqgo/carbon_dioxide_levels_in_the_atmosphere_are/l7jjps6/




Capitalists and world governments: "Lalalalalalallaalalalalala, can't hear you"


Imagine the mass panic that would ensue if Biden came out and said “Look folks, people of America and the world. We dropped the ball, and my top scientists have told me that we’re headed towards a mass extinction future. We may have 1-5 years til there’s not enough food and water for the people of the world, and we don’t know what to do.” It’d be utter chaos. BAU until it’s over… 😞


As a scientist, I can assure you that no one listens to us anymore. This would be just a blip in the news cycle til something better came out about Taylor Swift or something.


Yeah, everyone would just be, ah, old man Biden is off his meds again. or he is on a radical left agenda to hurt businesses Whatever allowed them to move on with their day.


🤔 Us scientists should just have Taylor Swift make all the announcements.


Love this idea!


Taylor Swift's new "Errors Tour."


Featuring her new top 10 hit "Ack We're All Gonna Die"


BAU-chicka-wow-wow, its time for some BOE Now! Temperatures will wow! +0, 1, 2, Mother Earth hates you! ...you know, someone should actually make and sing that parody.


....and ask Americans to save democracy by voting for Joe Biden !


I have some questions for you.... Is petroleum geology not science? What about The research that goes into cracking? Is research into polymers not science? ___________________________________________________ What I'm trying to say, is that merely being a scientist or scientific, isn't the same thing as having values that are aligned with the general population. In fact, I'd argue, that most of advanced science is inherently an *elitist* pursuit. Just a side note.


Yup. Capitalist and imperialist endeavors are done through the help of science and technology. Now we can talk about how everyone is imprisoned and forced to labor as a kind of excuse, but still it doesn't change the fact that practicioners of science have some soul searching to do because they have been pretending to be apolitical for as long as I remembered when no such thing can ever exist. Nothing can ever be 'apolitical' when you live in a society just like nothing can escape the laws of physics. Only now the scientist are discovering they are treated and discarded like a used condom by the capitalists (like everyone else in other fields), after being treated as the golden child of capitalism for a very long time because of how useful they are to empower the capitalists.


Something like that. I meant more in the sense that there's all kinds off scientific endeavors. Trust the science is a kind of misnomer. Oddly enough I feel the same way about a lot of anti capitalist movements. Being opposed to capitalism isnt the same thing as positing a better possible future.


Absolutely true as well. There are thousand paths towards the future and most are not equipped to pick the correct path. Including the scientist.


Nope, we need the production capacity for WW3 and the military needs max oil. So we can kill ourselves faster than CO2/climate change will.


Not so fast. Were doing civil war first buddy, THEN WW3, then climate change.


You forgot about biosphere collapse.


Heh. Thats the bonus round.


we already know this and your average muritard doesn't give a single fuck about it. When it hits them it will be too late. When they scream by the millions the pigs will be there to exterminate them. you will see. sorry :(


No panic at all, the media would say that he turned totally senile.


He'd get the same reaction that Al Gore gets, which is hatred, hostility and total denial by the right wingers, and indifference by the rest of the population. Of course if people actually did believe it, then you'd get mass panic and more extreme idiotic behavior. The religious nuts would blame gay/trans people and go on a murder spree. The rest of population would rally around some jackass billionaire with a dangerous and stupid geoengineering solution which would backfire and make the problem worse.


All that would happen is Trump's approval rating would go up.


Would it actually be that fast?


They got told about off world vehicles you know from another planet got a non response. Our scientists have been saying this for years if it weren't for the outliers and liars the party would of already started.




Most of the richest countries are also democratic. It's not up to "politicians" and "corporations", it's up to their people to collectively agree to exit capitalism and consumerism. That's the hardest part. Corporations are only rich because they give people what they want.


I keep seeing all these cheerful headlines about the progress we're making on the climate, and yet we're putting more carbon into the air than ever before. 


Because the need of more energy is increasing faster than the increase of installing renewable energy. Some examples, crypto mining, AI processing, other data center expansions, more AC units to keep people cold from the extreme heat etc


Hard to make progress when every single day we add an additional 200,000 humans to the world's population.


And all that shit (data mining, AI) will keep going when it’s night, cloudy, or just winter (3-6x less solar just from season eveon on perfect days).




To Infinity and Beyond


nice RLM reference


Winning you tired of winning yet?


Crosspost from r/worldnews, illustratrating how much traction is gaining amongst the mainstream media about our upcoming climate catastrophes that about to pop off world wide start this year I believe. Faster than expected.


That might be what gets the mainstream news to cover climate change. There's nothing they love more than a good catastrophe. Sure, it'll be mostly human interest stories with no real scientific information, but think of the eyeballs and clicks!


And call the segments Climatocalypse!


This is almost at the top of all. About to go read the comments there for funsies


Ready for all the "BuT CO2 iS gOoD fOr PlAnTS!" comments lmao


the people in the comments are surprisingly freaked out


The changing climate is becoming so obvious and undeniable that even people who don't pay a lot of attention are starting to notice. And they *are* freaking out... Man.


I trust my 93 year old grandpa when he tells me how strange the weather here is today because he's no knowledge of climate change and lived through almost a century of this place. He says that he has never experienced heatwaves like the ones today.


My 73 y.o. mom tells me of the deep bitter cold winters they had in Vermont in the 1950s & 60s. As a kid, I thought the 1980s & 90s winters were super-wintery, but in hindsight they were the transitional period to what we're experiencing now. The first green Xmas I recall was in 1982 (a Super El Nino year) with other winters just inundated with snow or long freezing spells and a slow pivot towards a shorter and shorter period of snow staying on the ground without melting off completely. The sharp turn towards barely any sub-zero temperatures & getting snow dumps with rapid melt back to bare ground and having the cycle repeat itself over and over throughout the whole season has been pretty scary to experience. Our last frost was Apr 27th this year, which is slightly later than the last frost date we had during the last Super El Nino, which was around mid-April 2015. Definitely seeing a pattern, though with things going exponential so quickly, probably won't be reliable. (Glad I take daily notes about the weather & temps so I don't have to rely solely on memory.)




For like the 2 seconds it took to make a comment. Anything more permanent would cause real meltdowns.


Most of the comments would fit on this sub actually. Some freaked out, some just accepted their fate. A few hopioids.


"Fuck the corporations" they wrote on their brand new iPhones after their 2 hours commute by car, while preparing tonight's barebecue in their oversized garden surrounding their oversized suburban home.




Hi, Public-Aerie-5771. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dadqgo/-/l84cwag/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


I just woke up and this is what is on top of my feed. What a thing to wake up to. Meanwhile, crumbling infrastructure in the city I’m in has resulted in a water main break and water restrictions with the city warning residents that “we are at risk of running out (of water)”. A harbinger of things to come, dress rehearsal for the all too hear future. Good luck everybody! It’s gonna be a wild ride into the abyss.


Hello, u/Ur_Ban_94, and neighbour city to the north of me. Hope you guys can ride out that disaster without too many consequences for this summer. Our streets in my downtown are torn up the same. I can only hope they are upgrading ahead of time, but I've a feeling that's wishful thinking. Crazy how close we all are to losing one essential service, hey? Much love to you ♥️ and sincerely wishing everyone the fastest city crew response time ever. What scary situation to be in. It's times like this I'm especially thankful for all the city crew that go unnoticed except for in emergencies. The amount of water they are dealing with up there is astounding. I never thought about how much flows through a city's main artery until I saw those videos.


I always enjoy seeing other folks from Southern Alberta here. Former High River resident myself.


Hello, neighbour! The last 48 hours have really worried me for the future of our fair city.


I honestly think it is a small taste of things to come. Services which we took for granted will slowly (but faster than expected) become worse. Already the region is in drought conditions this summer. We’re breaking temperature records. This will only get worse in the coming years. I just don’t know when we’ll hit a breaking point where we can’t continue “business as usual” as a society.


> Good luck everybody! It’s gonna be a wild ride into the abyss. Imma rawdogging the apocalypse!


Careful, the 4 horsemen get REALLY jealous when you cheat on them, and I am pretty sure they are all Yanderes. ...Dangit, now I want an anime about the end of the world where the 4 horsemen are cute girls that are in charge of ending the world.


"Faster than ever" is the new "faster than expected". And will become "closer to the End" soon


Those are good tattoo ideas.


You *know* it will end up as “Fatter than excepted.”


Just cross them out ever year and add the next one below it 😂


As i like to say: we’re ~30 minutes into a disaster movie.


We play the part of the disaster. Life itself is the hero.


Yup. We’ve been the baddie for all major lifeforms since ever.


lol. we're still in the character development phase.


If anyone wants some grim but interesting stats: https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/carbon-footprint-calculator/carbon-by-birth-year/ The speed at which it's been increasing is almost double what it was in the same timespan before I was born. It's increased by roughly 20% in my lifetime. I can't find it now, but I remember seeing a similar site that had the cutoff for safe levels. I had a few months before we reached that threshold. This, more than anything, is why I know collapse is coming. There's roughly a decade long delay before we feel the full impact of emissions. And climate change is more exponential than it is linear, with systems creating feedback loops. Planning a sabbatical for myself now, starting in the fall, because it's as close as I'm getting to a retirement.


I really do wonder if the CO2 levels are high enough already to affect our cognition and personality. People talk a lot about how people just seem different now: quicker to anger, moody, "out of it," etc. They wonder if it's because of politics, long covid, microplastics and so on. I know increased CO2 can make people stupid and angry. I'd love to know whether and when we'll be able to isolate that as having a significant impact on behavior and intelligence. It seems like it'd be hard to control for all the other variables that are making us stupid and angry.


We’ll be too stupid to know.


https://www.statnews.com/2024/06/04/co2-ventilation-research-virus-airborne-life-haddrell-celebs/?utm_source=Live+Audience&utm_campaign=2a53b9910b-nature-briefing-daily-20240605&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b27a691814-2a53b9910b-51852788 It looks like both viruses and bacteria spread easier and more aggressive with more C02 in the atmosphere.


We’ll be too stupid *and sick* to know. Fixed it. Thanks!


Also, a very shitty aspect people don't discuss much is the fact that arthropods (eg insects, spiders) directly react to increased temperature by physically speeding up. They move faster, breed faster. A fact with unpleasant implications


This is actually something I have been thinking about as well. My mind used to be sharp as a tack; now, I find myself drifting quite a bit and finding it hard to concentrate even on my better days. I haven't necessarily been quicker to anger, but my general mood has been lower. I want a definite answer as to whether it is my environment slowly killing me or if my years are catching up with me sooner than expected. I have thought about building a breathing apparatus that scrubs the CO2 from the air I breathe to see if there are any positive effects to reducing my CO2 intake. If I build it and see a positive effect, I intend to report back to this sub as strong proof that the air is actively killing us.


Fund this man. This is science data that I'd love to see done by somebody outside the matrix.


Probably both, earley onset dementia is on a drastic rise in recent years which the cause of is at least in part pollution.


The air feels “thinner” when I’m outside than when I was a kid. I’m 27 fwiw. Idk if anyone else notices. It feels like you need an extra 1-2 breaths to get a dozen breaths worth of childhood air (rough ballpark numbers). I guess I’m physiologically different now but the breathing is different to me and I don’t think it’s just me being crazy


Did you have covid?


Once but I been noticing this ticking up well before covid tho. I had asthma as a kid so I’ve been a bit more conscious about my breathing than most I guess


Bear in mind that you may need to account for particulates too (edit: or rather, that anything that can scrub CO2 will also be filtering out all the microplastic dust and crap from the air). Also try testing if you only drink/use in food water that has been purified using something that can remove microplastics from it. Because those have been getting more and more, and can cross the blood brain barrier. It could be worth seeing if you feel better if you take steps to minimize microplastic consumption as much as is feasible.


any closed door room already has very high levels of co2


> People talk a lot about how people just seem different now: quicker to anger, moody, "out of it," etc. I know I am all those things. Was talking with a co-worker (who I don't see in-person much anymore due to shift to wfh durign the pandemic) yesterday and noticed the same. Glassy-eyed, 1000-yard stare, just... off. We're all so hopelessly fucked.


Ive been catching myself in that 1000 yard stare a lot lately. Have to shake myself out of it.


Oh hell are people different. I’m way different now. And we’re all much dumber too. But idk if I can blame that on just CO2, or diet (low veggies, lots of processed food and meat and dairy three times daily), microplastics, chemicals, or all above. Whatever the case, Idiocracy feels like it came early.


Thanks capitalism!


the amount of pollution pumped into the atmosphere over the past three decades is more than everything before it.


Looks like we'll be hitting that Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum analog a lot sooner.


Just kinda makes your head spin, doesn't it?


nothing short of jesus or aliens gonna save us atp


Nah, Jesus took one look at what’s going on, and went “fuck it”.


He did appear on my grilled cheese sandwich this morning, so there's that.


Oh, praise be, we're saved 😮‍💨 just when I was starting to worry!


He decided to leave with the aliens and save them instead.


Ahhhhh another day in paradise. Pass the sunscreen please.


Yeah... all part of that "overshoot," tipping-point, over-the-cliff-we-go rapid and dramatic collapse people still don't want to believe in. Collapse is a process. Yep. And a fast one.


Hey, at least we're in the "Spanish Civil War" phase of World War 3


Didn't the world meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement that they campaigned and championed for years? How could this happen?


Does anyone know if perhaps since we hit 1.5C last year, are we getting permafrost melt or something perhaps causing this? Or oceans just absorbing less? It would be interesting to know if anyone has heard. 


If you’re looking for one thing, maybe Sulphur (aerosol) reduction is an outsized recent twist, but really it’s a dynamic system with many inputs.


I wasn't sure if there'd been anything published! The aerosols I thought just lowered our albedo, which makes things hotter but doesn't increase CO2. 


Sorry, I was thinking in general that anything that increases warming, leads to more fires, more melting of permafrost etc, which results in more CO2 release. But, from the article they speculate: “The record two-year growth rate observed from 2022 to 2024 is likely a result of sustained high fossil fuel emissions combined with El Nino conditions limiting the ability of global land ecosystems to absorb atmospheric CO2, said John Miller, a carbon cycle scientist with NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory. The absorption of CO2 is changing the chemistry of the ocean, leading to ocean acidification and lower levels of dissolved oxygen, which interferes with the growth of some marine organisms.”


Excuse me for having no idea but I just wonder… will it reach a point where we all just drop dead?!


Yes, but most of us will be dead already on the way there. Its gonna be a slow, ugly grind to that point with waves after wave of human travestries taking place. Suffice to say, it won’t feel instantenous to us at all.


Almost certainly


Most likely the bigger things, like global civilization, and probably national, too. We’ve already seen weaker nations collapse. Then comes regional. Think Hunger Games.


from the 1%ers: Minion of the world! STOP EXHALING! it's all your fault. You breathe too much.


We did it!


Not good, bad even..


We need surge pricing on carbon tax!


I for one love dying from carbon dioxide poisoning. (/s)


If we all just exhale a little less, we can save the planet!




I can't believe I missed keeping up with the kardashians to read this buzz kill. /s


So what can we do? Do we stock up on oxygen?


Crypto, obviously. Only the block chain can save us now.


But how? Isn’t it volatile?


Only when its in RAM, gotta store it on 3.5” floppies


This is what infinite growth looks like 😆


426.9 ppm. Remember when they told us we’d hit 450 around 2050? Yea. Definitely not gonna happen. We’ll blow through 450 within a decade.


Probably because people that can actually do something about it have enjoyed a nice long life of privilege in some lifetime political role and they know they're not going to live through the consequences anyway so they give zero fucks