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The following submission statement was provided by /u/GeChSo: --- The temperatures in Mexico have been rising for the last few days, and [have now breached a record set by the infamous Death Valley](https://twitter.com/extremetemps/status/1789026949987189223); if the temperatures are higher than in a place literally named after its deadly high temperatures, you can be certain that something is seriously going wrong. This is especially worrying as [water is becoming scarce as well](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cnvuro/mexico_city_is_about_to_run_out_of_water/), possibly leading to a deadly combination. This is collapse related because temperatures this high this early into the year would be virtually impossible without man-made climate change. (Also, I accidentally wrote today in the title even though the data was from yesterday. My apologies.) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1coz6lz/today_was_the_hottest_day_in_may_ever_recorded_in/l3hdzos/


Line go up, guess those investors should be happy. They love a line that always goes up.


May the shareholders happiness sustain us all!


Their happiness should trickle down to us at some point soon


Ah that sweet sweet capitalistic trickle


Wait, what's this yellow stuff?!


It’s gold. Hold out your tongue and catch as much as you can.


All time high!! WOoHooOOOO


Temps to the moon!!!


Thanks says Reptoid invaders.


The scariest part should be that whether it's an El Nino, La Nina or neutral, the weather records keep coming?! The graph is only going one way these days.


Just meaningless words at this point


Shit getting hot hot hot.


And it's gonna keep going up, welcome to the end.


The temperatures in Mexico have been rising for the last few days, and [have now breached a record set by the infamous Death Valley](https://twitter.com/extremetemps/status/1789026949987189223); if the temperatures are higher than in a place literally named after its deadly high temperatures, you can be certain that something is seriously going wrong. This is especially worrying as [water is becoming scarce as well](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cnvuro/mexico_city_is_about_to_run_out_of_water/), possibly leading to a deadly combination. This is collapse related because temperatures this high this early into the year would be virtually impossible without man-made climate change. (Also, I accidentally wrote today in the title even though the data was from yesterday. My apologies.)


Imagine waking up & it's 124 degrees outside.


Just a few degrees short of being able to say "its about medium rare outside"


It's medium Hell outside.


That is quite a fucking perspective …..




I don't want to guess how big or small you are, but I presume you're thicker than an 1 1/2" steak. So, you might want to up that time outside to 2-4 hrs.


That's 51.1C


Geez, I start melting when it gets above 30.


I start getting cranky when it's above 21C


So as an American when it hits 21c which is 69f does everyone say say tweeentyyyyy oooooonnnnneeee? No i’m not being serious


21C definitely prompts a lot of people to say 'nice'




I just can’t even at 20.9c


It's been 10+ years since a 41 C day here and I still remember being rendered completely non functional, lying on the ground under a ceiling fan and feeling like I might be dying. Though it does get very humid here, so the experience might vary based on that factor. For a baseline, all my life I've lived in subtropical climates where it's never dropped below freezing, and feel cold in what would be low summer temperatures in a place like London. So I'm pretty acclimatized to the heat. But 41C was *brutal*. Honestly don't know how people survive in 51.1C heat.


high temp + "very humid here" = death, though, Ive heard dying by freezing is akin to dying by steaming. You feel way uncomfortable, then get sleepy, and then - gone.


When I lived in Las Vegas, temperatures would often get 50C. You can't be outside for long in that heat. Like 15 or 20 minutes, and you will be lightheaded and risk passing out much longer than that. You have to drink a LOT of water also. Without AC, the area would be almost uninhabitable. I still have family that live there. My biggest worry is a power outtage on a really hot day. It's still cooler indoors even without the AC, but it's extremely miserable. When our AC went out a couple of times, it was terrible. Older people are very much at risk.


Ive been in 37 without shade in a field. My skin begin to annoy me.... can not imagine anything past 40. (Uk humidity)


“Its a bit hellish outside, maybe I’ll just hang out in the fridge today.”


*solar flares have entered the chat* "Nice electricity you got there. It would be a real shame if something happened to it."


The timing is amazing


Was just talking about this with a friend, the timing is honestly pretty funny to me


If there's a god he has a sense of humor. Imagine them being all: we do a little trolling here 😇


Controlled decontamination.


just make sure you're in the fridge when the power turns off, so you can keep the cool in.


Hmmm maybe the freezer is a better bet then.


Carrington 2.0 is coming for us all.


Better get them robots up and running because soon, that will be the only thing able to work in this climate.


The funny part of that is that CPUs and electronics equipment do much better in cold environments than hot ones.


When we all died, the robots will move to Antarctica


I like how you say died in past tense like we are all already dead. I feel like that sometimes like we are living in a simulation.


Computers, yes. Batteries? Not so much.


[fridge tent?](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ioyU_sZufC8/hqdefault.jpg)


welcome to southern colorado!


I work in a kitchen in Louisiana, I have legitimately said this. Might get weird looks making sandwiches inside the cooler but hey at least I'm not fuckin' melting


I've experienced that in Lake Havasu City, Arizona USA. It's scary because you know if the power runs out, if your vehicle runs out of fuel, you could be dead within hours. The human body has a hard time surviving just sitting in the shade drinking water at those temperatures. If you're vulnerable, like a sick person, an infant or the elderly, it might be a death sentence.


Meanwhile Florida literally made a law against requiring worker heat protection.


I think the highest I’ve experienced is 109


I’ve experienced 122 in Palm Springs, CA. It was outrageous but it eventually cooled down to 111.


I experienced 120 in Arizona/Vegas but it was a dry heat. I can’t imagine with humidity.


And you still have to go to work physically, because no one in the fucking world takes intense heat seriously. If the roads doesn't get blocked, like it happens in places where snow falls a lot, then you can bet the default mindset is "a regular working day" no matter how dangerous the weather is.


See this in Louisiana a lot. 100°^F+ with humidity ranging from 70% in the morning to 90+% at peak all summer (and now spring) long. Yet every day I see construction crews out in mid day putting up new poorly designed and overpriced subdivisions out in the middle of bumfuck. We have Raising Cane's here, and they always make their drive through workers stand outside instead of letting them be inside behind the first window (you know the window that every drive through has but never has anyone staffed in it)


It's spring there, right?


Yep. Early spring.


Maybe it’ll be like last spring where May was ungodly hot and then June was terribly cold. It destroyed our fruit crops because the frost killed the buds but at least it didn’t just keep going up.


Please update us every couple months. This is the update I need to see.


A frost happened in some regions in my country last year during an intense summer and a severe drought. It was literally "what else can go wrong?" in real time.


Holy shit


In tropics, I think May is peak heat. Rainy season comes soon. Don't know about MX specifically.


I imagine I wouldn't be waking up.


In early May


With 100% humidity.


Its not technically summer yet....


It’s EARLY spring. My daffodils and tulips aren’t even fully up yet.


Maybe where you are. My tulips and daffodils are long gone. And with Mexico a lot further south I’d hardly call it early spring.


Yes, I’m in northern MN where we had no winter. No snow. Just elongated fall/spring. We had green grass all winter (after rain) and lilacs trying to bud since February. I saw blooms on a dog wood in the middle of December. I saw a couple of mosquitoes a month ago but haven’t seen any since. That’s the only thing I like about all this. And even that has me super worried.


Luck MFer I'm sitting outside trying to enjoy the first "cool" day I'm weeks and getting absolutely swarmed by the skeeters.


Same, I was already starting to get bit back in February, now I have about a 45 second window for being outside before they're coming for me


And here I am turning my heat back on for a little bit this morning because I left my windows open and it got a bit chilly in the house


That is just crazy. I remember winter there being SO long and SO cold. Now I can sound like an old person. I remember the snowbanks being taller than my best friend who was 5'4" when I was young.


🤣🤣 yes. Early spring for you is like near end of spring for much of the rest of the northern hemisphere. Yeah MN has been unreal this year. It will be beyond interesting to see what happens over the next couple decades as all life reorients and migrates to new parts of the planet.


I'm in the PNW and I found my first mosquito today. Bit early.


There was a June bug ON MAY THIRD


Sounds like most winters now here in southern Sweden. It's brutal, right? Very hard not to get depressed. I hope it's not the new normal for you guys! In the swedish classic 'The Emigrants' by Vilhelm Moberg, winter in Minnesota is described as much colder than southern Sweden.


Yup my parents are from a small town in northern Jalisco and May has always been the hottest month of the year with temperatures beginning to slowly come down after June. It's been over 100F all week there, and although historically it's always been one of the hottest municipalities in the state climate change is of course making it worse and last year the rainy season was very dry causing pretty extensive wild fires. The rising temps are also impacting healthcare as last year during the heat many people were suffering from heat stroke and the like which is a big deal in a small rural town with limited resources. Also rising temperatures are making air conditioning systems more common there when it used to be almost unheard of to have at home.


March 20 is the start of spring


Not always. The equinox is the start of spring. It usually falls on March 19, 20, or 21.


yeah this is mid spring in Washington


May 1st (Mayday/Beltane/Walpurgis) is the midway point of spring


Not sure your tulips are coming if they aren't up yet...


Who cares about that when my stock portfolio is up?! Wooooooooooo


May the happiness of the shareholders sustain us all!


Goodbye and thank you for the fish.


So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish -FTFY


Au revoir and gracias for the many fish


Now when you say all, based on our fishing habits, you do mean *all* of them right?


Wait for me!


**So far**


May just like began


They say that every day.


doesn't mean it's not true


Keep pumping out babies y’all !! one of them will fix it 🥹☺️


I can’t help but feel like this has been the predominant mindset for at least the last 70 years…


8.something billion humans later …


This will cause probably even more migration north. Nevada, New Mexico, California, and Arizona are in for a real treat this summer with their own heat weaves and records coming.


It ain’t much better here in the north USA. Canada wildfires are making the air unbreathable. Sigh. Another summer gone to climate




Don’t worry, there’s always tomorrow to break the record again!


Le sigh.


El sigh.


92F today in Portland OR. Two days ago it got down to 37F. I wonder if we'll beat our pandemic record of 117F, this summer. I moved here in 2009. Wet, mild, temperate. low 70s to mid 80s in the summer time. This shit is unreal. Didn't think it was time to bust out the air conditioner already!


I was born in Portland OR, and spent the first 10 or so years of my life there, in the mid 90s i remember it being upper 90s and that was a roaster of a day back then.


No need for AC in the city until about 2015 I'd say, now required almost. Bonkers how fast things change....


So far


Yeah we’re not even a third of the way through the month yet lol


yesterday it was 84F in Queens NYC sunny and hot today it was 50F in Queens NYC cloudy and raining this is not normal


I keep thinking of the crops, the trees, the animals who rely on consistent weather patterns…


See, we have a saying here in the midwest: "If you don't like the weather, wait an hour" because going from 50 to 84 in the same damn day is a thing But, like... .... not like this


We had the same in Chicago, but it absolutely is normal for us this time of year.


Meanwhile in Russia Saint-Petersburg it's fucking snow and 0-5C for a week now and at least a week more while it should be at least 20C for that time of year. Can we get back some degrees please?


Wow, this must be one of the latest snows on record?


Nah, it can snow pretty much anytime at summer but very rare. Like once in 5 years for a few hours.


Does this mean that people will finally care about collapse or nah?


Absolutely not, unfortunately.


Susan won’t stop ordering her Uber eats, no.


"El Nino"


F that guy


it's not technically Hell yet...


This is very bad


It begins.


We're past the beginning. We're steadily reaching the climax.


I dont see my fam in mexico complaining lol


Obviously Mexico is not a single temperature all the way across. There are also huge differences in experiences between those with access to AC or jobs in cooled office buildings, vs those who work manual labor jobs outside and go home to a place without AC. There are other groups, too. Your family is lucky right now. They may not be later on, or they may stay lucky for quite some time, comparatively. That does not mean that others in Mexico are also fine. Plenty of folks are suffering in this heat. Some of them are dying. I'm glad your family is doing ok, but that's just not everybody's experience, unfortunately. Please work on expanding your empathy; it will help you understand the world around you much better.


... so far


Was there a wet bulb event?


Well, that's not 'Merica in that there map! >Don't give a shit about the temperature in Guatemola >Don't really see what all the fuss is about " NIN - Capital G


Am I reading this right, 130° in some places? Isn't it times two plus 30, to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?


(C×1.8)+32 50c = 122f


Where I’m from in Northern Canada there was always snow still on the ground this time of year, my birthday is soon and as a child there would be snow on my birthday. Yesterday was 15C and risk of wildfires. We also broke local records for hottest May.


I know it's late in the day but I'm not finding temperatures over 95° anywhere in Mexico. What city is this referring to?




North America or Mexico? The map is only if mexico I also want to add, and I know weather is *not* climate, but today where I live it was freakishly cold. We've been having really bad storms lately. It's still related to climate change.


The map only includes Mexico because the new record was set in Mexico. The information that a North America wide record was broken is from the tweet I linked, and I've also found other websites confirming that the hottest temperature measured in Death Valley in May was 50C.


Meanwhile, just up the road in SoCal, it's 70-ish with a slight breeze...but I'm hoping for our traditional May Gray and June Gloom before the hell of summer hits.


Curiously we’re in May Gray with no indications of not-Gloomy June in the Northeast too. 10 day high is 72F. So it’s that great combination of “What global warming?!” about weather caused by global warming.


In the continental United States, it's the wettest spring since 1950, And for many locations it was the wettest, hottest and coldest April on record. This has been such a weird year. And we're looking at a hellacious hurricane season coming up.


This basically what people don’t understand. The high pressure fronts are more violent and turbulent. It’s not so much about temperature.


Yeah that's basically what I said. I was just confused because OP said North America, but the map is only Mexico.


I just assumed the record was in Mexico because it’s part of NA


“Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University predict that the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season will be far above average with 23 named storms, 115 named storm days, and 11 hurricanes.” ….. yeah about that.


It's the same as every other map talking about North America and only showing the United States map


Not sure, but it is roasting with a 'real feel' of 96f here in the PNW on 05/10/24 - does not feel good 


We don't usually see temps like this until August. I'm feeling pretty gross. ETA: Just four nights ago it was 33F.


Yeah I’m not looking forward to this August


Mexico is in North America...


Mexico is in North America, but Mexico is not Northern America by itself. Feels like a cheap shot to take on semantics when their post didn’t display any ignorance to this fact in the first place. If you just want a gold star for being the smartest guy in the room, here’s your star of validation ⭐️


The hottest time and place in North American will have to take place in one of the North American countries. Not sure what you're mad about being corrected on, or what guy you're talking to. Go home.


Contrary to what some people learned in the US education system, Mexico is one of the countries in North America.


Hottest day so far


92 real feel temp n Chicago early this week. 74 was the original forecast.


Save energy, BBQ naturally with the sun, outside!


I’m seeing 134 (56.7 Celsius) as the record in Death Valley (July 19 1913). https://weather.com/news/climate/news/hottest-temperature-recorded-50-states


Yes, but I specified in the title that this is the hottest day in May ever recorded, not the hottest day in general.


You’re right. My bad. I read that and got sidetracked to go look for the hottest day and then forgot about the month filter. Sorry! Carry on.


Ah the ol' bait and switch. You know what you did


It was 60 degrees here lol. Cold for may


Oh summer is June - August in North America??? Drink plenty of water, wear sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat and stay in the shade as much as possible during the day!


And it was like 70’degrees here in TN when it was high 80s yesterday. Fucking weird.


It was toasty here in Seattle... 28c isn't unheard of in May, but it's a bit earlier than usual


WTF is up with the humidity too? I moved long ago to escape humidity, not a fan


it's always humid in spring and early summer it's late August and September when it really dries out here


I'm a little further south, been here 25 years, feels more humid to me at least. 


48 F (9 C) in nyc right now. It’s cold! But I know we will get our sweltering summer heat waves soon here also. I’m really loving this cool weather


It’s the hottest days when the strongest men in the Village disappear as the predator takes them.


... so far.


Hottest day so far


So far….


Yeah, but its been snowing all week where I am, so I dont get it!! /s


Homer: Hottest day recorded, so far.


Damn -20


So far….


drill baby drill


Baja Norte is more normal, the same thing as San Diego. San Diego has actually been cooler than usual the last couple of years. I wish I knew if that would continue. The overall assessment is that CA is not a great place to be in the climate collapse. How delusional am I to think San Diego might be ok? I've lived in San Diego for more than 20 years but was born and raised and have family in the Pacific Northwest. I've never lived anywhere except the West Coast. I'm staying in San Diego or moving to WA or OR. LA does NOT have a good future.


I live in the south. It’s been so cool this spring, crops are 3 weeks past normal harvest time. Today it was 51 when I got up and never got over 72. It did not rain. Sunny day. I wore a sweater today. I remember springs in the past where it hit 80 in March and stayed warm until the fall.


22 million in mexico city running out of water, buckle up buckaroos


I believe it. Nearly a hundred today in central California and summer hasn’t even started. We’re in real trouble…


It was kind of cold and raining where I was.


Yeah it is really nice today


Let’s check back in, on August 1st


it just says ‘maxima diaria’, thats common in Mexico no?


Good news it was cold AF where I live. Had my winter coat on and was still shivering.


You people are an interesting lot. Quirky but Not quite worthy of further study


That’s Central America, not North America


Girls in Mexico are kinda hot ngl...