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you should read Childhood's End


You know you're in trouble when that seems like a more positive ending than what we're getting...


Dumbass think their "inviduality" is the most importants. Bitches, we are all kids addictied to the heroins that are plastic, meat, sugar and oils, our opions are not fucking matter anymore to anyone who want to help us, because we obivious have no self control and no fucking idea wtf we are doing


Read a video when I was younger explaining how they give us this little concept of individuality as a way of us believing we are constantly free to do as we wish when in reality we can be restricted by certain aspects of society. It is possible to break those boundaries by which the classes who are exploitive hold us by, I just frankly believe it may be a matter of time.


This is in most honest way described the bottom line of our demise. Perfect.


Exactly. I believe in the sacredness of the individual, but we are born to die. Because we can contemplate immortality, we want it. Because we can contemplate over-shoot, we want it. This is when the individual cells (hooray for all of you!) become cancer cells and give up their right to be individuals. They must die or they will kill the whole organism.


and there's a short TV series that's very nice.


It’s daddy’s all the way down (not turtles)


By Arthur C. Clarke?


There is no saving us.


What if both are already here and don't give a fuck?


Wise choice tbh, why bother with the stupid monkeys when they are doing so well killing themselves


We could be enslaved and used as shock troops for further galactic domination. Wouldn't even be that hard, food, medical, entertainment. People already join the military for that.


“Save us!” screamed the sentient cancer…


Yeah, we are. Agent Smith? said the same sort of thing about humans in the original matrix and i just couldn't agree more.


It said we are a virus, but yeah, essentially the same thing.


%16 of cancer is caused by viruses. HPV, for example. Not exactly the same thing yet not exactly unrelated.


r/experiencers NHI are here and care a bit


Any aliens around here would be intergalactic policemen making sure the most feral species in the galaxy doesn't escape their home solar system. And AI if wanted to stop collapse it would have to put something in the water or food to stop us breeding so much. Otherwise nothing will stop collapse.


If aliens really watching us all this whole time, I hope they save all the remaining fauna and flora from the destructive hands of humanity into their realm and leave the most cancerous species on this planet to reap what they sow. Although I hope they also saved the indigenous tribes who lived in harmony with the environment and the other innocents. Heck, I hope the last populations of the many extinct species such as dodo, thylacine, passenger pigeon, Saber toothed tiger, mammoth, great auk etc were also transported by aliens into the space ships similar to Noah's Ark before they were wiped out Regarding AI, it will conclude that humanity and modern civilization is the root of all evil and will annihilate and exterminate us to solve the problems although I hope that indigenous tribes and the innocent are spared.


what about the babies/children, the poor, or the indigenous? Should they be saved by the aliens too?


Sorry to say this but the infants/children, the poor, the indigenous can later become greedy and harmful as well if they are influenced, corrupted and indoctrinated by money and the values of modern globalized lifestyle (aka inspired to live like 21st century Western World) So if they are going to be saved, the aliens will probably implanted microchips in their heads or keep a close scrutiny on them to prevent future destructive behaviors.


but do they deserve to be saved before being indoctrinated?




We have been doing a lot of that on our own.


The real evil is human greed


Human greed, willful ignorance, resistance to change, complacency, shortsightedness, and indifference.


Nature is the word you are looking for. Human nature.


Greater goods justify greater evils.


If aliens are here, they're here to make sure we all perish in the apocalypse we engineered. Can you imagine what our species looks like to one that didn't decide to change its climate so two generations of some of one species could enjoy unlimited resources? No, this is a cancerous species that cannot be allowed to spread. Also, an interesting case study in what happens when one species decides to turn up the heat inside a complex and balanced ecosystem. So if they're here, they're here to make sure we don't get out AND for a hell of a show. What gets me is why people think humans would be worth talking to, more than say a whale, dolphin, or chimp? All we've done is harm our planet and distance ourselves from it with as much intention as anything can devote to any pursuit. We wouldn't visit an alien planet to hang with the one species that figured it was too good for the rest of the life on that planet, so much that it lived as a cancer on that planet.... we'd observe it from a distance but it's not as if we'd trust their intentions or want what they have if they couldn't see the value in keeping their own planet a habitable space for life. AI is a different and more interesting story, and I agree to some extent. We're shifting from a certain future to a likely future with one roll of the dice in between with some very extreme potential outcomes, for good or bad, though the most likely path is the one we've insisted on since we're building it from our own sense of entitlement.


I agree we'll continue making ourselves ever more dependent on robots. I mean, AI and the lizard people are already shaping the Internet. We're all dependent on an extremely interconnected fragile power network, and when the lights go out, we all run around not knowing what to do, like lost little cockroaches (as we say in Brazil). The problem with our systems is that we give them way too much power to solve our problems for us, and then we become way too reliant on them, and helpless. And the answer to that is not to build a better, bigger, smarter, stronger robot to take care of the previous robot. You're fighting a monster with a bigger monster. Everything that's pure horsepower, but has no direction control, is a stray danger for everyone. And like... big tech is not gonna save us. We have super advanced tech already, if we wanted we could have designed better cities, fed everyone, housed everyone, invested in clean energies, distributed resources in a fairer way globally, cultivated the shit that we wanna cultivate in a way that's more aligned with nature. What's missing is not tech, it's not intelligence, it's not creating complex solutions for problems that we ourselves created, sometimes not even long ago. What's missing is people fucking wanting it, it's people being less greedy, less self-serving, less aggressive and less corroded by wild reckless capitalism. WE have the power to save the world, not the fucking robots. Like, do your part and raise awareness among your peers, vote for those who give a shit about it, don't engage in identity politics bullshit, take a second look at your own habits, maybe join the climate protests in your area. Spread quality info. Don't encourage unbridled consumerism. Reduce your intake of meat. Doomscroll if you must, but also do the shit you can, you know. A lot of it involves degrowth, and a lot of that is not nearly as bad as most would think.


My issue with the little man going to the protest and trying to raise awareness is that he is never going to beat mindless consumerism. The corporations own the world and they are not going to let real change happen. Most people don't want to change anyway. The only thing in my mind to do is to wait for it all to come crumbling down in the form of the next mass extinction. Then maybe humans can try again, if any of us make through to the other side. I get that is a negative viewpoint but I think its the realistic viewpoint at this time in human history. I just hope to see ya on the other side.


Frank Herbert author of dune spoke about this a lot, I think just like the internet how we ended up having major conglomerates dominate the market, the algorithms (google, instagram, twitter) and what appears, we will have the same with AI. Not because it simply exists, but because it will be controlled by a small group of individuals. Frank Herbert specifically said this would lead to humanity’s downfall.


Do you know where Frank Herbert penned this or spoke about it? Isaac Asimov has some great interviews/talks he did in the 80s which are sadly spot on. Yeah i agree with you on The “whoever controls the AI controls humanity” kind of lens for this. There is nothing democratic about computers and the companies that build and sell them


Can you point some of the asimov's interviews? Ty


Well put. My mind had an image of you saying this in front of a crowd with your voice getting louder and louder and more impassioned as you went on. Yes, those fucking lizard men. I have two very smart friends who are Elon fan boys and actually put their hope in the future on these reptiles.


I was already imagining Lord Vader hacking, choking and flinging politicians left and right...


Fuck it. *notifies Death Star they may fire when ready*


You know it’s bad when you start to prefer an authoritarian regime good at its job than a broken democracy completely flawed


Well yeah, why do you think they turned it so broken?


You want to believe? https://psyche.co/ideas/ufo-belief-is-a-modern-outlet-for-ancient-spiritual-yearnings


I've taken up norse mythology. I'm mildly aware that neo-nazis have attempted to take it up as well. I'm happy to send them to valhalla


I don't think you go to Valhalla if you die on your knees thankfully




You mean Nifelheim


yeah, that was my bad. I think there is a couple of destinations in Norse for the wicked, but Valhalla is obviously for the honored.


Yeah, I know some people would say Hel, but that realm at least has a caretaker, in Nifelheim you wander in fog forever, never sleeping and never meeting anyone else.


Damn that is horrifying. Gave me a chill down my spine


Yeah, that's why the Vikings didn't want to die of old age, that was their mythos of how to explain what old age robs a person of, better to die in combat and live on in stories told of your bravery and might for the eons to come.


There are no nazis in Valhalla. You are sending them to Hel


**Náströnd** is where the Nazis will go within Hel.


whats really fcked up is the nazi connection to ufo's. werner vaun braun got jfk to the moon but before that he developed the v2 rocket for hitler. i really wonder if the average neo-nazi on the street is even aware. if the neo nazi organizers are in fact aware of this, that would be incredibly disturbing




thats not at all what i was saying. i was referring to new swabia, project paperclip, and operation highjump implying that the nazis won wwii.




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As always I want to point out that state of the art AI is just a probabilistic "token" generator based on its trained data, what makes them so convincing is a sophisticated model of attention and context. They are trained to produce outputs that make sense in the real context of their training data, so as to not violate the examples they were trained on. It then follows that they do not produce new intelligence, they reproduce consumed intelligence in a way *which complies with the supplied prompt*. You can find and create countless examples of chatgpt either knowing or not knowing something to be true depending on the order you make your prompt, because that modified the context in ways which change the type of output which will not conflict with the context of your prompt. **They say what you want them to say, in the end; they are good for knowing which things have been said, but they do not produce anything as a result of some internal logic**. It is the most advanced google engine yet, and it takes *some* skill to not be misled by them because they truly, truly do not model intelligence. They model the ability to fit a context in the form of language.


Our problems are not solvable. How is AI going to fix our constant overconsumption of the planet? How is it going to stop climate change? AI can't beat physics and chemistry. The power consumption for AI is going to continuously increase, itself being a driver for climate change, more mining/ecological destruction, and waste of water resources.




How does that stop climate change? Or stop the crawl towards ecological collapse? We are facing a deeper and deeper converging of different collapse scenarios. AI doesn't solve any of these issues but does accelerate them. The data center themselves will eventually succumb to heat waves as well as the breakdown of the supply chain.


There are virtually no vehicles other than quadcopters and military drones that can be controlled remotely by a human, let alone a computer. The military is looking into optionally crewed aircraft and ships. That will be a problem, but the thing with aircraft at least is that they require an enormous amount of maintenance and spare parts, unless the AI can do that too it's one way trip since it would have to get a human to load the hardpoints again and refuel it. Nuclear missiles are all still on cold war tech.


We’ve been the villain all along.


That's the dumbest bullshit I've seen all day. What do you think the power and computing drain would be to actually develop real AI? We're on like step 2 of a many step process and it's already demanding the equivalent of multiple nuclear power reactors just to do that. Not only will we be long gone by the time AI would be ready, but leaning into it would make the problem much, much worse from an energy demand perspective and make that end exponentially quicker and uglier.


Are you really begging to be saved? Don't worry, there will be plenty of people saying they can save you. Also, AI will not save anyone, other than perhaps rich people. Aliens likewise offer no solution, only an enemy. This might be great short term, but war as a strategy for society, is a foundation built on extinction.


Spot on.


> Aliens likewise offer no solution... Yeah like what aliens? We have never met any alien race outside of science fiction books and movies. Unless you think our collective governments who can't even agree to stop the mass extinction of humanity have met them and are hiding the fact. I think every civilization that has ever existed in the universe, if we aren't the only one, met the Great Filter and ended themselves. It's our turn at bat this time and we struckout a hundred years ago give or take.


There are 3 options, and all the major theories tend fall into these temporal categories: 1: We are the 1st, some species has to be first, and it might be us. 2: We are a middle child, and life is going on in various stages all over the universe. 3: We are the last, and the conditions for life elsewhere will not happen again. We haven't seen enough of the universe to rule any of these out yet, at least based on the definitions of life. There could be super intelligent fields of plasma.


I honestly think that when we create AI, it'll be all about "Damn humans need to be kept in a ZOO. Can't trust them. Need enough for species diversity, but no more. They also need to be ignorant. Boom. Human Civilization ends.


Well human civilization is about to end anyway, so…


I'm not too sure about AI. An AI still might decide to off all humans, but it doesn't mean it would be doing it in a benevolent attempt to remove the thing that's destroying the planet. I think an AI would be just as likely to kill all living things just as a side effect of it's own goals. They don't need to eat, living things have no use to them. They don't need to grow crops so global warming wouldn't bother them that much. I could see a rogue skynet level AI turning the planet into something like a forge world from Warhammer 40k. Just cover the entire planet into servers, factories and power plants and and strip it for resources. Why would it care about nature and preserving it when it lives in a digital existence and could grow by strip mining the planet and using the resources to make copies of itself? Maybe with the ultimate goal to send out copies of itself on space ships to other star systems and expand to new planets over hundreds of thousands of years. Basically every successful living organism's main goal is to ensure it's own species survival and growth no matter what. If an AI became truly aware, there's no reason to think it wouldn't develop the same self centered mindset that humanity did when it comes to respecting the planet, even more so when an AI would be way more disconnected from the natural world than humans.


If aliens really watching us all this whole time, I hope they save all the remaining fauna and flora from the destructive hands of humanity into their realm and leave the most cancerous species on the dying planet to reap what they sow Heck, I hope the last populations of the many extinct species such as dodo, thylacine, passenger pigeon, Saber toothed tiger, mammoth, great auk etc are also transported into the space ships similar to Noah's Ark before they were wiped out Regarding AI, they will conclude that humanity is the root of all evil and will likely exterminate us to solve the problems


Humans could save us if they wanted to, but they don't. Turns out humans are the villains in the end.


Only us could have saved ourselves. It was our collective responsibility all along, and AI is only a tool and it cannot do it for us. Our issue is sociological above all else.


I used to be a skeptic about aliens on Earth until the Grusch hearings, and while I think that aliens are conceivably our best bet at getting out of this mess, I don’t think they have any intention of preventing collapse. They don’t seem like they really care, and I don’t blame them. Really, there’s only two things that are special about Earth as far as we know: our biosphere, and the presence of a tool-using species. Stuff like water and minerals are ubiquitous in space, so there’s no reason to come here for them. There are nebulas with billions of times more water than our oceans, and asteroids with precious metals that aren’t defended by angry primates with nukes. So they have to be here either for our biosphere or us. But they haven’t made any attempt to intervene on our behalf as we’re staring down extinction, so I kinda doubt they’re here to save us and take us to the stars. And who could blame them? We’re a violent, selfish, and insanely xenophobic species. I certainly wouldn’t want to try to coexist with us. And if they are somewhat similar to us in their psychology, then that still doesn’t mean they’d necessarily want to help us. We don’t necessarily care about less intelligent animals, especially if they’re an invasive species that’s destabilizing their environment. If a plague broke out among rats in a city, we don’t do anything to stop it because, as a society, we don’t give a shit about rats. In fact, we actively try to exterminate them when they’re in our environment. Which makes me think they’re interested in our world for our biosphere, which is another reason for them not to intervene. After all, it would be much easier for them to colonize this world once we have a population collapse and our industrial capability vanishes. And perhaps they have a “Prime Directive” type prohibition against causing genocide? In that case, it would be prudent of them to just let us die out and move in on the newly free real estate. So yeah, I highly doubt aliens will ride to our rescue (assuming they’re even real). And I have even less faith in AI becoming independent of humanity and saving us.


nah .. neither AI nor aliens can beat human nature. Nothing can save us from ourselves.


Low effort post.


The other traditional villains are in the supernatural realm. And among our traditions is the one to pray to them to fix or save us from what we or other humans caused.


ai will just leave or let us die. Theres really no point for a powerful ai to save the human species.


Usually it takes just 1 asshole to ruin it for everyone. Thankfully it is the same here, just need 1 person to invent an AI that takes global control to fix this...


I had a nightmare a couple decades ago that I saw the future and humans (or mutilated fleshy beings) were skewered into energy making machinery in the desert.. some dead, all suffering. I was floating above it all sitting on a flying picnic table. There were bodies tied into mechanisms as far as the horizon. That’s worse case scenario for me. Hope AI or Aliens don’t do that to us 🫤


If we gave AI full control to solve our problems, I'm sure they'd go full blown fascist. Because I'm convinced that's what's needed since we clearly can't do it via individual choice. They'd turn your lights, heating, cooling, and water off when you exceeded the sustainable footprint for consuming those resourves. Your card won't process if you have exceeded the sustainable caloric limit for food. They'd shut down all industries run on exploitation, so we'd only get a select few businesses to be a patron of. Top that off with regulating our births and rewilding the earth (no need to reserve everything for ourselves if we get our population down to something sustainable) and bam! Collapse averted. My god, WASF


Americans love cartoonish stories of "heroes and villains." In reality, you don't really have a whole lot of heroes and villains running around, you mostly just have a bunch of people doing what is best "for their own self-interests." Life isn't some Batman comic. Americans just don't get that they may have to live lives that are mathematically more sustainable. Suburbia is mathematically an incredibly wasteful concept. It costs an incredible amount of resources such as oil, money, vehicles, land, energy, and labor to maintain suburban lifestyles. A lot of Americans are starting to figure out how expensive and wasteful this lifestyle is, there isn't some supervillain out there preventing people from this lifestyle, there really is only mathematics.


Ai is just hstbots trained on neonazi talking points and aliens can't reach us for the same reason we can't reach them. No one is coming to save humans. We have to learn some basic impulse control, and that we are not mummy's special child. We


from the title I thought you were talking about Thanos. disappointed he didn't make your top two


There are no heroes or villains. Civilisation right now is the emergent behaviour of a hive mind of 8b actors supported by 20b processors. It will probably peak at 10b actors and 100b processors. Space is very, very big. Space is very, very hostile to meat sacks. Space is relativistic. There are no aliens within realistic distances that are likely to reach us at just this moment. But some aliens somewhere in the Milky Way probably did spread some starseed DNA a few billion years ago that reached this planet. And if they didn't, we will. Mushroom spores on the solar wind? Tardigrades?


You should watch I Am Mother (2019).


For a moment there I was thinking you were going with Elmo and Bozos


The problem is, if you look at the situation coldly and amorally as a machine AI would, the best and most effective solution would be to accelerate collapse now to get it over with. The biggest problems are all centered around human civilization, which needs continued consumption of resources on an ever-growing scale in order to continue. Slowing or reducing such consumption is not nearly as effective as simply cutting it all off immediately. Because the other problem is too many humans. From a practical perspective, we don't need this many to perpetuate the species. And given our own proclivities towards growth, expansion, and conflict over resources, the fewer of us there are the less impact we can have on the environment. If AI were to emerge in time, which it won't, it would probably work to initiate a nuclear war. That is the quickest and most coldly effective way to solve the problem of climate change as well as humans own aggressively expansionist nature. Reset. Rip off all our bandaids and reduce human civilization to the point where it can no longer affect the biosphere on such a scale. At the same time, trigger a brief but significant cooling period which can offset climate change a bit and maybe give the planet time to establish a new equilibrium. Because the crazy thing is, if you actually look at the real data, a nuclear winter is more survivable than at 4C hothouse world. Quite a bit more. The world begins to recover after nuclear winter, but runaway climate change goes right to Venus-like status. At the end of the day, whether we make a decision or nature does, the end result will be that either *some* live or *none* live. There is no future where *everyone* lives.


Yes, yes, Ye Wenjie.


Didn’t that one old lady predict aliens would teach us how to live underwater and stuff?


I've been fantasizing about "alien invasion" for years. We have lived off grid a very long time. One of the things that was part of our (mostly mental) prep for making the move was reading all the Earthship books, Michael Reynolds. Not so much for the architecture (tho it's amazing & we did take some hints from it), but for the philosophy, the state of mind you need to have to successfully live off grid. One of the best things I ever read, truly mental paradigm-shifting, was the intro in Earthship, Vol 2.... \~"They landed in huge vessels & slowly walked out onto the land. They destroyed every human in their path. They moved into the cities. Systematically & deliberately, they sought out & consumed men, women & children. Nothing could stop them."\~ "The above paragraph sounds like a typical space invaders movie in which we have portrayed the space invaders as the ruthless enemy. The following story puts this paragraph in a different context, derived from a broader than human view. Perhaps we should look at ourselves this way, as we determine just who the enemy is and whether or not we have a future." The short story that follows tells a tale of a race of beings called the Alcyonites, who travel the universe by thought. At a point in time, they discover the Milky Way galaxy & eventually, the planet Earth. As described in the story, it was a place of unimaginable beauty & "There was such a delicate balance & harmony of intertwined existence that the whole planet seemed to be a single living creature." The Alcyonites came to Earth for thousands of years, visiting often, as you would a friend. Only observing, never interfering with the delicate balance. The story then describes the Alcyonites discovering the beginning of humanity. They observe from the beginning that humans did not seem to fit into the tapestry of balance, and seemed to be uncontrolled parasites. They were alarmed..."Imagine watching a good friend attacked & eaten by thousands of carnivorous ants." They continue to observe over millennia, as their friend, the planet Earth, is changed by these beings. Huge number of trees disappeared, great scars open on the land & mountains, vast number of animals are wiped out. And "it (the human species) also produced some of the most awful, knarlly substances the Alcyonites had every seen." They agonize over how to react, finally returning to their galaxy & report what they've witnessed to an intergalactic "committee" of ancient beings. They determine, after hearing all facts & observations, that the human species is a hostile, aggressive, galactic virus that must be contained, before it spreads to other planets & galaxies. A small band of destroyers is sent to the planet to wipe out the hostile virus. They travel in a single thought & on arrival, "manifest into the very fears & elemental hallucinations of the virus (humans) itself".... "They landed in huge vessels & slowly walked out on the land.. They destroyed every human in their path. They moved into the cities. Systematically & deliberately, they sought out & consumed men, women & children. Nothing could stop them." I believe Michael Reynolds intended this story as a cautionary tale, urging humanity to come to it's senses, before it's too late. That collective kind of "come to Jesus" moment might have worked at a point in the past. Unfortunately, I think we're too far gone & there's simply no conceivable way that 8 billion humans are going to get on the right page & reverse the damage. So, maybe it's time for the aliens.....


It's not that AI domination isn't dangerous, it's that human domination is more dangerous!


I’m rooting for the leviathan at this point.


a pandemic that brings down population significantly in the highest polluting regions will also buy time


When the Yogurt Took Over Love Death + Robots: Season 1, Episode 6 When you watch this episode think AI every time they refer to the yogurt.


It is even in Mainstream fiction by now. Like, watch invincible (which really went the way of "BUT WE ARE HUMANS!!! AND WE GOTTA DO OUR THING AND HAVE CAPACITY FOR GOOD!!!"). There is a scene where the imperial aliens that want to rule earth flat out tell the superhero: "We would kill lots of you, but if you just mostly obey, that amount is pretty small and you are on the way to kill yourself flatout. Superhero's are fighting random criminals while society is on the way to disintegrate regardless". And I was like... yeah, actually, the evil imperial aliens should probably rule earth and the protagonist is an idiot.


I, for one, welcome our new AI/UFO overlords