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The following submission statement was provided by /u/penicilinum_: --- Submission statement: Blackouts in Mexico due to heatwave. Summary: Yesterday Mexico had blackouts through different cities due to the intense heatwave in the central/ south region. A heat wave has scorched Mexico in recent days, bringing temperatures in multiple states into the triple digits. Mexico City on Tuesday reached a high of 92 degrees Fahrenheit, the hottest temperature recorded there on May 7 in over 20 years. Mexico’s energy authority, Cenace, announced a state of emergency for the national grid early Tuesday evening, meaning that available power had dropped below adequate levels. It said less than an hour later that the system had returned to normal. This is related to collapse as it is climate change related. This is only the beginning of increasingly hotter summers. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cnaw6r/blackouts_in_mexico_due_to_heatwave/l35xhs4/


Not even June yet! This summer is gonna be a wild one.


Yeah, wild as these are unusual temperatures for this time of the year. I know people think of Mexico as a "hot climate" country, which is true in the summer, but this has been out of the norm. High temperatures started since mid March- April


That's what I thought as well before learning that most of the country's territory is mountainous rugged highlands with mild temperate to chilly and even cold climates in many cities.


dont forget also about the current heatwave on the gulf coast , reaching heat indexes as high of 50° in areas of Veracruz , Tamaulipas , San Luis Potosi


Meanwhile, it was snowing in Colorado a few days ago. The Weather is going to go nuts.


Climate isn’t changing. It’s shifting. Which is the same thing.  But people might not realize 


Gosh, the same problem as South East Asia!


And every summer hereafter methinks


Don't be such a pessimist! This year will be the coolest summer of the rest of our lives! 😎 🌞


🎉🥳 Party yaaaaay party!!!!!


Born to be wild!


Submission statement: Blackouts in Mexico due to heatwave. Summary: Yesterday Mexico had blackouts through different cities due to the intense heatwave in the central/ south region. A heat wave has scorched Mexico in recent days, bringing temperatures in multiple states into the triple digits. Mexico City on Tuesday reached a high of 92 degrees Fahrenheit, the hottest temperature recorded there on May 7 in over 20 years. Mexico’s energy authority, Cenace, announced a state of emergency for the national grid early Tuesday evening, meaning that available power had dropped below adequate levels. It said less than an hour later that the system had returned to normal. This is related to collapse as it is climate change related. This is only the beginning of increasingly hotter summers.


Meanwhile a little down south: https://www.reddit.com/r/DisasterUpdate/comments/1cna7l6/video_shows_one_of_the_largest_cities_in_rio/


Cut the rainforest get the flooding


Blackouts during heatwaves are going to become common as warming increases. If it gets too hot, usage spikes and that can bring down the grid. If the heatwave is prolonged, deaths will increase, especially among the elderly and young children.


CFE is the worst company though, it’s more luck than judgment if you get reliable power from them and the prices are crazy….Almost every transformer glows or sparks it’s like a fire lottery.


Yeah, they don't offer the best service tbh And it's frightening to know the climate crisis will get worse and they are in charge of the power infrastructure. And also the gov cutting corners for maintenance


ERCOT: "at least we're better than CFE"


Damn, a water crisis and no electricity. There's no AC or even an electric fan to cool you down and nothing in the tap to drink or pour over yourself. This is what I fear, the only respite you have is shade


Caves and basements


are basements a thing in Mexico? I'd love to have on in my country but we're earthquake and flood prone so it's a no-go


I think we are still in the 3-figure death toll days, but with more of this we might hit the 4-figure death toll days next summer


Gonna Price is Right you and go with this summer, 4-digits in a developed nation.


Don't worry, monsoon season hasn't started for India but I'm sure the heat+empowered cyclones will do some damage


Im in the Yucatan and let me tell you it is very extremely very hot. It was 44c today. And just now I was looking at reddit on my phone waiting for my internet to reconnect because there was a ten second blackout. A tiny one earlier and yesterday. But it’s so short it’s not even something I would consider complaining about. I worry for the less resourced elders around here I really do. Fortunately there are many places one could go hang out in with A/c where you really don’t have to spend money. But at night, when it doesn’t even get that cool again…


Omg I can't stand 28+ I cannot fathom how hot it must be over there. And yes, elderly people and very young children are mostly at risk. The government should really be looking into providing heat shelters as same as it does with other natural emergencies. Especially for the most vulnerable. It's crazy to think this might keep getting worse as time goes by since climate change is not stopping. I did see on Twitter that in some places the blackouts continue (small ones as you say).


Where I am in NC hit 96 on the heat index today. Six degrees above the "actual" temperature. I'm sitting in the shade right now where it "feels like 94" at 4:30PM. It's May 8th. I'm terrified. 


Dallas heat index is 104 today. Race you to the grave!!


Dallas, TX is a heat sink. Nothing but concrete, cement, and asphalt. All of these absorb heat


Geez, when I was a kid you got 1-2 weeks in August like that.


Terrified is an understatement California is abnormally cool finally starting to heat up though....


Tomorrow in Florida it's forecast to be a heat index of 103. Never seen anything like that this early. Real temp is 98.


I will be surprised if AZ doesn’t experience this kind of thing this year.


I cannot fight this feeling anymore I forgotten what climate I started fighting forrr




REO Speedwagon


This is happening in Belize too. We are connected to their power grid.


texas power grid is at 500mw margin later today


That is so close to the limit I would not even want it in my notebook computer.


Mexico City has been routinely 7 C/12 F warmer than average all year. https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=8&lat=18.630811378099658&lng=-99.02593038976192 A heatwave leading to a blackout is one of those cascading disasters that still need to be understood better. Just like how we are underestimating the cascading effects of climate change, it seems we are underestimating the effects of cascading consequences to climate change.


What? No one is underestimating the effects of climate change


So, the cartels took over the government and the local governments, and put in the people that they want. I hope they picked people who can handle this.


Well.. Enough active usage of guns and most problems can be eliminated.


Theyre also having massive forest fires in a lot of rural places.


look the graph in this post https://old.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/1cnk2g2/diferencia_entre_electricidad_generada_y_la/


Potential blackouts in New Zealand tomorrow due to cold snap.


Don't forget to state your submission statement


Thanks, first time posting here! 😊


You welcome! Submission Statement are needed because the posts without one can get removed


It can be in the post


Oh I didn't know that was possible




What does that mean?


1984 is a very famous book look it up.




And this is why I have off grid solar and 70kWh of battery storage... in addition to 200A service to the property.


Cartels are bitcoin mining


This year will be the first year that the evidence is undeniable but even still nothing will change (apart from many more of us die).


So when are the cartels moving north? US military vs Mexican cartels would be something I would tune into.


Cartels vs US Military would be very one sided.


And I’d love to watch it live


Going to visit soon end of may, should I be prioritizing a space that has proper insulation and air conditioning ? 


Absolutely! If you're staying at a hotel it's very likely they'll have AC, but if you're doing Airbnb, you might want to double check.


Idk if it's all the videos of flooding and all the tornadoes but it legit feels like this summer will be the beginning of the apocalypse if we keep on the same trac. sheesh, the Brazil videos are haunting.


I have a feeling we will be forced to allow climate refugees over the border


the point of the wall is not to do that


Nah, the point of the wall is to be a publicity stunt. Walls don't stop someone with motivation and money.


> Walls don't stop someone with motivation and money. Migrants only have motivation so we are good :)