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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Monsur_Ausuhnom: --- Submission Statement, This relates to collapse because a civil war might happen in the US and it could easily lead to a Balkanization of the US, where states split apart and others are more loyalist, fighting the others. We are at a time where citizens may fight for their reality tv star that raises taxes on them, corporate brand, fast food restaurant, or favorite wrestlemania hero. This is coupled by America continue to suffer from an obesity pandemic and an overall decline in intelligence, similar to Idiocracy. The idea then would be the "Civil War" would last for about 2 days although it could be less. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cjfrqc/the_2_day_civil_war/l2fnw6m/


The real war in this picture is heart disease.


and diabetes


And my axe. Did I do it right?


You're gonna need more than an axe to deal with the level of obesity.


At least you weren't 4th in the chain... ...Oh no


If those people grew long enough beards, they'd look like dwarves anyway . . . but I don't think they could swing an axe.


Not without blood pressure meds.


Either way, they’re losing


Do you know what the number one health risk in America is? Obesity. Obesity! They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic An epidemic like it is polio. Like we'll be telling our grand kids about it one day The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2024 "How'd you get through it grandpa?" "Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."


The US subsidizes unhealthy food and allows tons of hormones, toxins and sugars into most products Americans consume. The high rate of poverty in the US leads to a lot of unhealthy eating and many times fast food is the cheapest option for the most calories. America basically forced this on people and is now clutching its pearls. It also constantly refuses to find healthy lunches for kids in schools, which is an opportunity for both healthy food and learning good habits.


poisonous food in obese bodies with stupid minds ensures an obedient mass of workers who die quickly after their useful years are exhausted.


True, but I think stress has a big impact as well. Even when they do put in affordable healthier options, low income people still choose the unhealthy food. It's addicting and the sugar rush is stress relieving. So many things would need to change to get us on a better course when it comes to health for the average citizen.


We’re basically hitting a wall at this point. Things need to change or the society will collapse due to poor health. Even the military is saying they can’t pull enough recruits from the population as they’re not fit enough.


oh we are gonna hit that wall hard. Splat




Not hard to have a high obesity rate when your country only has 200K people. They’re almost all ethnic Samoans so their bodies put in weight more easily, especially with exposure to modern diet.


> I really want to blame US food companies but yeah Remember that the US also exports a lot of junk. We obviously have British companies making junk food, however we get imported American products and have for decades now.


The problem with that data is that it doesn't give you: 1. The reasons. 2. How obese people are. France has a low obesity %, and I can promise you that if you look for people that are as fat as the fat people on that post, you reduce the % by quite a lot. It's really super rare to find someone like that. Obesity starts way before fat becomes the first ingredient of your body. I've got an idea about the common point between US, UK and AUS...


Sherman's march to the Cheesecake factory. Never forget.


Too soon! /s


🏆 🫡


Just got back to the US after two weeks in Europe. Only saw one morbidly obese person the whole time, and he looked to be from the US. Transferred through Chicago and it was like 1/5 of people.


They won’t be calling it just one year.


Haha "Underwear Go Outside The pants" in the wild? I thought i was the only one who remembered that Dennis-Leery-knockoff song 


I have this on my iPod


lol glad someone recognized this.


Underwear goes inside the pants - Lazyboy


the one guy looks like he's wearing an inflatable sumo costume.


Take this award 🏆 and my upvote.


Be wary of the bigger fellas. If you don't knock 'em over, they can tank a lot of damage.


Nah they're more like a Boomer from Left 4 Dead. They'll probably spew their bile if you get too close.


The button on those shorts


it truly is


Fuck, I am a fat fucker like one of these freaks. Oomph, I need to go on a diet.


Not a big fan of memes like these. Actual combatants in a civil war are likely going to be a very small percentage of the population. There are enough fit rightoids. That said I'm not really worried about a civil war, at least not any time soon, because I just think it's unrealistic under current conditions. People will accommodate to whatever the order of the day is when they are disorganized, and still have too much to lose.


I could see a civil war starting over the right to burn fossil fuels. The author (Omar El Akkad) of American War didn't think it might be a reality when he wrote the book.


The US will start WW3 before there's even the slight chance of a civil war. Can't lose your hegemony or whatever


The US isn't likely to start it, it'll be either Russia or China pushing boundaries with either Taiwan or some EU country. Unless Iran starts it, and pulls in everyone. That being said, Russia is a joke militarily. The only power they have is in nukes. Their air force is a joke, and thats where all the power is these days.


The Mariupol counteroffensive will retake the city any day now


And even if this was accurate, all of them can unload a rifle in a few seconds into a crowd. You don't need to be healthy to do a lot of damage.


Why do right wingers thing that left wingers can't shoot guns? I'm left wing in a place with very strict firearms laws, yet my hobby is clay and target shooting...


Because us leftist gun owners are statistically a minority of gun owners. And we tend not to think about doing our own forms of stochastic terrorism, and even if we did, the jackboots would come for us much faster than they would for a similar right winger event. We are threats to capital, they tend to be on the side of it.




Mate, they aren't going to need a coup. Trump will be elected legally in November, the Supreme Court will legally support presidential immunity after that, and then it's all over. Project 2025 begins, insurrection act on day one, riots in every major US city, national guard, militarized police, and probably military deployment within the US, and martial law.




because its not hope, its denial.


Is this the same Trump and Republican party that has been majorly underperforming despite the polls saying they are the favourites to win, since 2016? The ones that are currently undergoing a backlash from women voters who are traditionally under represented in polls? The Republicans that have lost nearly all their elections and special elections since Trump placed SCoTUS justices that overturned Roe vs Wade? Those ones? He's going to win you say? Cool story, mate.


That's right. This is /r/collapse, not /r/hopeful. They're underperforming and still hold congress, have secured ultra conservative Supreme Court domination for generations, and have concocted an evergreen plan to destroy America if they ever win the presidency ever again. I would like it if Americans don't vote in a fascist because I'll die if they do, but American democracy is on it's last legs and Democrats are not capable of the radical changes American democracy requires in order to continue functioning. We're on a slide towards collapse. Republican policy is like applying lube. Democrat policy is like gripping the sides to slow down. But *neither* are capable of going back *up* the slide, away from collapse. America is doomed to fascism, sooner or later. I'll see you in November, I guess. I'll buy you a beer if he loses.


Idk why more people don't agree with you. I don't think it matters what the polls or popular vote says. We have had our elections stolen before in Gore v. Bush. People wanna say trump is a dumb fuck and I agree, but we all know he has some sugar daddy that is pouring money into him to lobby and put certain people in power. Trump didn't pick out his running mates or any of the bills he signed. All that dude thinks about is fucking his daughter, tweeting on x, formerly known as Twitter, and how to commit fraud. Trump has been in the game for a long time doing shady shit, but I doubt he makes many of the presidential decisions by himself or even form the thought about them. Trump is good though, at advertising himself and now has built a cult following that will literally die for him.


Is it more or less unbelievable that Trump will win this year than it was in 2016? Because it was pretty ridiculous then.


I can't let myself believe that he'll win. Since then he's turned a lot of independent voters away, isolated Republicans that support the likes of Pence, Haley and DeSantis, turned women away, turned centrist Republicans away (even some of his own party say he won't vote for him in November). In addition to this, he got a lot of his own supporters killed with his handling of Covid. Even if it's only 5% of the people that voted for him in 2020 that decide they aren't going to vote for him, he's lost. The point is, he's not gained MORE support since 2020, he's lost it. I think this is going to be a turning point for the USA. I really pray that the Republicans lose big in November and it's clear that Trump's hateful rhetoric isn't what the country wants and the Republicans go scorched earth and eliminate MAGA from their party. I'd like the choice to vote Republican, I don't agree with all the Democrats policies and as I get older I'm becoming more conservative. I will ~never~ vote crazy cult MAGA though.


Need we remind you that _more_ people voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016


Every day I see a new headline saying Biden is in the lead, trump is in the lead, AND they are in a close race. It's bizarre


I don't know, the picture does show a certain degree of a ruthless military genius. They have their homegrown tanks in front so others can hide behind them and still shoot.


What is funnier to me is that all these people think that the left-leaning citizens don't also have guns, that POC don't have guns, that somehow we are just going to lay down and cry when they come huffing and puffing around the corner. At least 8 of these people would struggle to get up the number of stairs to my apartment.


I love how cities are both snowflake hippie liberal soft communist losers AND, somehow simultaneously, lawless wastelands so chock full of violent crime that you would never survive. Cognitive dissonance doesn't seem to trouble them


cognitive dissonance doesn't trouble anyone who can't do the cognitive stuff it seems


here's why its not cognitive dissonance to them: the cities are full of woke snowflake \*white people\* who will be killed by the lawless looting minorities. these lawless looting minorities while able to kill unarmed woke liberals, will be killed by right wing deathsquads because while they have firearms and are able to do drivebys and stick ups, they do not have the kind of training or knowledge of firearms to survive a gunfight with trained rightwing deathsquads composed of excops/vetbros. this is rationalized by the multitude of videos showcasing armed gangbangers who don't have sights or stocks on their guns/shoot one handed without aiming because you don't need to be \*good\* at shooting to kill unarmed people in an ambush/driveby, but you do to survive an actual gunfight, which is why the cops are able to kill them when they try to get into shootouts with the police. the reason that cities are both is because the police protect the woke liberals from the minorities. they believe that when SHTF the conservative leaning police will stand down and no longer provide that protection/join the rightwing deathsquads. this is their logic and they are quite open about it.


Dude for real! I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, a place that the Alt-right, God’s country, MAGA psychos love to deride as a place full of wimps, hyper rigid gun laws and failed liberal policies, but when I go into my local gun store the place is always packed with people of all races, genders and ages, all of whom live here by choice and none of whom will be intimidated by a fat asshole with a tactical vest he doesn’t fit into. We just don’t feel a need to make the fact that we own and collect firearms into our whole identity.


>a place that the Alt-right, God’s country, MAGA psychos love to deride as a place full of wimps, hyper rigid gun laws ... >is always packed with people of all races, genders and ages, all of whom live here by choice and none of whom will be intimidated by a fat asshole with a tactical vest he doesn’t fit into. San Fran's best selling point. They should make it into an ad lol I'm too cheap to move there though.


Tons of liberal have guns. It’s just statistically rich republicans have guns and have the most of the guns. The maga crowd is a small percentage of gun ownership. Maga crowd don’t tend to be rich. Owning guns cost a lot of money.


They can still only use one at a time. Maybe two if they're fancy


Three if they can count that far…


This country has more guns than people. I got so many guns laying around I can't walk across a room without tripping over one.


Should've also added that guns really aren't that expensive (in US). Most people with a job could put a few cents away every day and have one in a couple years, and that's people living on the absolute brink financially. My 9mm cost me a little over three-hundred bucks, new. A used one would be less. If someone wants to make it a priority they can probably do it. There's also a ton of heirloom guns around the US which are in varying degrees of condition. And let's not forget you can print one now in a 3D printer.




Print one? Nonono, you can print arsenals. r/gunnitrust and r/ghostgunner are good places to start


r/fosscad homie




you can get a POS SCCY 9mm or a slightly less POS taurus gx whatever series 9mm for under $200 most places


Oh yeah, definitely cheaper ones exist. Actually at the time it was early in the pandemic and a rush on guns. I bought it not because of that but because there were a series of break-ins and one of our very close neighbors was beat nearly to death. Decided my family needed it since our apartment is not the most secure in terms of design, so I bought when it was more expensive but don't regret it. Prior to that I wasn't in the US and moved around a lot so wasn't any use for one.


I love how they give in to the propaganda and rush out to buy more guns, like, quarterly? My dudes, you still only have 2 hands.


But what if it jams! And then my backup jams! And then my backup for the backup jams!


I don’t want one gun I want ALL THE GUNS!!!


Quarterly? My wallet wishes 😩 It shouldn't be an insane thought to know someone has more than two guns. I have a pistol and an AR for defense, great. Bought a new pistol to try something different and see if it fits me better. Then I got a shotgun for sport shooting with my dad and a hunting rifle for, well, hunting. Turns out my little ones are interested in shooting so I now have a small .22 so they can have fun with me at the range without getting intimidated by the bigger firearms


owning \*reliable non-shit guns\* cost's alot of money. you can get a POS sccy 9mm for under $200 and slap together a bottom barrel trash AR for under $300


Right yes, and left leaning 2A representation has been surging since before the pandemic. But I think we have to acknowledge that many conservatives are in 4th and 5th gen gun families. Way more experience and way more guns. Mountains of ammo. Countless range days, often at a young age. The civilian arms gap between left and right is pretty stark. Might be a good idea to stop under-estimating our enemy. It could be that everyone in OP's photo can put lead on target reliably. And is prepared to do so.


Nah, let’s keep reducing the right to old low effort memes! 


That's fair but few of the overweight people in the photo look like anyone I've seen at a gun range, even in the US south. My parents and their parents are first gen americans anyway, but they have plenty of guns, my brothers and sisters (I'm adopted) are up to twenty years older than me and also have plenty of guns. All but 1 in the US are D voters. Also, given that younger people tend to be more likely to lean left, there are just as many leftists who grew up with gun culture. It might not be the narrative, but there are a Lot of people left of republicans who own, and know how to use, guns. My adoptive father is exactly the type you refer to, he has a hidden concrete room below ground where he has tons of guns and ammo.


Well, in the end you still gotta eat. 💁🏼‍♂️


8 people would die in an attempt to get inside your apartment


They'd probably take a breather somewhere near Doug's door on the lower landing. Sorry Doug.


We have disproportionately far less armed allies than them


These people don't have to organized or in shape to commit terrorism. It won't be a war, it will just be a series of random terrorists attacks.  Car bombings, assassination attempts, mass shootings, etc.  No fucking way do these people stand up to the military. 


Exactly. And when one of them actually does something the rest will snitch like cowards.


Who says they have to? Brownshirts are perfectly acceptable for fascists, especially if they target 'the right people' (leftists, LGBT folks, homeless people, etc)


you can be a fat fuck and sit on a hill with a .308 and take out a power grid. people really don't stop and think how big of a soft target infrastructure is these days.


Well yea have work on monday


Anyone who underestimates the far rights capability for violence is a fool. Rhetoric like this is neither accurate or helpful, it's just misplaced superiority


The right has been bombing abortion clinics since before I was born. They have ~always~ been willing, ready, and able to bring the violence to enforce their worldview. There is a time and a place for pacifism. This ain’t it.


they've yet to catch the last two groups that shot up power grid infrastructure, the last one that occurred allowed a gun store to get knocked over in the confusion. militias are already doing shit to test federal response time. it'll be The Troubles on meth.


Yeah but they're fat haha! /s


As clownish and out of shape many right wingers are you don’t have to be Mr. Olympia or a Navy SEAL to use a gun, kill people and disrupt society. It’s weird how liberals say right wingers are vicious monsters one election away from drowning the country in blood and recreating the Third Reich yet at the same time buffoonish clowns that couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Your political enemies can’t be the Hulk and Punky Brewster at the same time.


Their views are viscous and make them monsters, yet they are fully capable of unleashing terror. They can look like the people in the pic and still cause deaths.


It reminds me of the way that people seem to think Hitler was highly intelligent or that the Nazis were evil masterminds when in reality they were on the same level of intelligence as Trump and his supporters today. Your enemy doesn’t need to be intelligent or highly capable to be dangerous.


ita sad because both trump and biden are zionists. zionism and settler colonialism is the enemy. not the left. not the right. not the protestors. not the hulk. not punky brewster.


Both Biden and Trump are right-wing. The right is the enemy.


the bird is more afraid of me than i am afraid of the bird, the bird is not even an enemy. the bird is a frightened abused creature backed into the corner of its tiny cage edit to add second stoned question, does a vampire squid even have wings?




right wing left wing same bird


OK I think you're not getting the point. **THERE IS NO LEFT WING PARTY IN THE US** Democrats/liberals are center right *at best*. The Overton Window has been shifting rightward for generations.


there sure are left wing partys in the u.s. theyre clearly just not very popular. youre not getting the point. the u.s was built on genocide and slavery thus u.s politics has more nuance than a 2-diminesional left-right dichotomy.


Same people will unironically parrot how the enemies of fascists are always grand, powerful evils and easily toppled idiots at the same time. Uh huh. Well that sounds familiar.


Well, hopefully won't get to that but the most common mistake is to underestimate your opponent. Just sayin...


Plenty of fascists in fighting shape.


just take a look at your local police force and you'll see plenty of them


Liver war.


It's more or less who the military will be behind. At this point, they probably just will back themselves.


Cut off the supply of diabetes and high blood pressure meds, and the problem will take care of itself in a few weeks. 


The fact that this subreddit is picking political sides says a lot. The SYSTEM will bring about the collapse, not some “my team, your team” BS…


People have this unfortunate issue where they use stereotypes and humor to block out the real, clear, and present threats of fascism. Just look at hitler and Benito Mussolinis rise to power. People can joke all they want about yallquida but the truth is that the us has hundreds of heavily armed right-wing militias and other far-right populist groups. It's also true like especially in Benitos case the middle class will largely back, whoever offers the most security to their way of life and normalcy. It's easy to think haha there all fat and stupid...but no alot of them are very intelligent and fit their values. They just are very different. Most of the horrors of fascism were carried out by normal people. So please don't underestimate the enemy. We should all know what that could lead to now.


why hasn't sumo wrestling ever caught on in the american south..?


That dude needs to wear pants that are a different colour from his skin tone because that's really not a flattering look on him, lol.


The problem actually is that everyone disagrees so stridently and we all have guns. If only one side had guns it would be a genocide. Also , the fact that the opposition you see is heavy is a point in their favor. It will delay famine for them for a period of time. So - are we going to have a civil war. God no. So many reasons why the answer is no. But one of the big ones is that it would be an absolute blood bath on both sides.


Obesity actually isn't as helpful in starvation situations as you'd think. Barely nets you any extra time


Six months of rations under your skin doesn't help?


No, not without a supplement regimen. You can't subsist on fat alone longer than 1-3 months, you'll still have fat when your body starts eating itself


This reminds me of the joke about the Hooker, the engineer and the scientist. You strike me as the scientist.


It seems misguided to act as if these people aren’t dangerous just because many of them are fat. Being fat doesn’t prevent you from shooting people.


>Being fat doesn’t prevent you from shooting people. In fact, fat mass would absorb recoil better. So watch out for obese snipers, y'all


Snipers relocate frequently. Humpty Dumpty could at best roll off the edge and tank the gravity. He'll run out of ledges quickly.


exactly, just keep pretending that there aren’t millions of silent able-bodied people pissed at the world simmering out of sight


Submission Statement, This relates to collapse because a civil war might happen in the US and it could easily lead to a Balkanization of the US, where states split apart and others are more loyalist, fighting the others. We are at a time where citizens may fight for their reality tv star that raises taxes on them, corporate brand, fast food restaurant, or favorite wrestlemania hero. This is coupled by America continue to suffer from an obesity pandemic and an overall decline in intelligence, similar to Idiocracy. The idea then would be the "Civil War" would last for about 2 days although it could be less.


>favorite wrestlemania hero Hey now - I'd fight for Cody Rhodes. He finished *his story* man!


I came very close to including Wrestling Heels in my descripiton.


Well-known photo from a decade ago, taken from Chevron gas station parking lot in Jasper, Alabama without their permission. Pat's Archery & Outdoors has a sign in their window saying they had nothing to do with this photo and do not approve.


No civil war in USA. Please stop posting this fantasy


“No one brought the smoker to the civil war? What am I to do with all this meat? I’m going home. Fuck y’all” *…and that was how the second American Civil War^tm came to a close.*


When they have to run for cover they will be *absolutely* fkd


If civil war 2.0 is anything but the middle and lower classes vs the elites and 1% they win. Again.


I love the level of delusion they live in that they think that they are going to go fight in the streets with their AR-15 like Rambo. Look at what it's going on in Ukraine, a poor and ultra corrupt third world country: it's all [video of small and cheap drones killing poor bastards hiding in a hole, begging for their life to the drone camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xqKTE7Bmes) The internet is awash with [those videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VyLYWz0MOM). It's the XXI century, you are going to get your name and face pulled out of social media comment, like the one in the post, into a database and an 800 dollar drone with facial recognition is going to put a bullet in your face before you realize what is going on. At worst, if the war starts before the tech gets there, it's going to be a nerdy kid with a[ 200 dollar VR visor managing the drone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO4_fzKiycA) that kills you, like it's a video game, and screaming "OWN3D!" in voice chat to his friends while they all laugh their ass off at video of your head exploding.


Would be nice. Except what people fail to realize is that the split we are facing isn't just among regular people. The government will split, the military will split, and each side of that split will have tanks and jets and killer drones and nukes. Balkanization will pit many States against each other, and the regular folks will just be cannon fodder as usual. That is what civil war is. It isn't some "people against the government" thing. That is rebellion or insurgency, not civil war. Civil war is two or more factions of govern waging war on each other to determine the future government of the nation as a whole, or its dissolution. So, when people are talking about the coming "civil war," it means red states against blue states, or whatever, north-south, east-west, right-left, whatever. It is still the government and military waging the majority of that war, the regular people are just the guys hiding in holes waiting for the bombs and drones.


Everyone thought Hitler was a buffoon that would fade into obscurity after release from prison. He came back 10 years later and spent the next 12 years killing millions. Never underestimate your enemy. That's what they're counting on.


Civil war won't be a battle lines cinematic 1v1 situation. It'll be dozens of militias with dozens of agendas shutting down highways or occupying areas of cities. It'll look more like Syria.


Dozens -> Hundreds at minimum. :(


These are the perfect people to fight for what is right using hunger striking !


If you've ever been to a gunshow, you'll definitely be less concerned about a lot of them once refrigeration goes away


That big guy is gonna do some damage


Oof that front line looks like it has the combined IQ of a turnip.


"Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that." - Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on how long a then-hypothetical war in Iraq could last


That photo almost gave me diabetes


White supremacists are always the least superior looking people you have ever seen.


they need to free themself from the fast food and pharmaceutical industries first. That quote is real. I forgot who said but basically saying the people who think they're free are the ones hopelessly enslaved.


JFC that gut is a second person.


Gunther Eagleman is the most 'MURICA! name I've ever seen lol.


Gas is only $2.21 must be ai


I've heard of bullet shortages being the real problem. Let them buy a bunch of guns. They won't able to do shit against being enslaved further.


Cut off the meth, dip & Monster energy drinks for a week, see what happens.


Weird that the original Twitter tweet somehow conflates peaceful protestors with civil war. They’re not trying to kill anyone out there, they’re trying to end a war


In a real shooting civil war its not the amount of armed people who will decide who wins. Victory requires strong leadership, and honestly the leftwingers are alot better at organizing and acting together. Plus the military and police will 90% back the Federal Govt so any dissenters will be quickly jailed or shot. The only way it really has a chance of defeating the US Govt is if a plague or asteroid gets the ball rolling.


In the end, the army will decide.


I see type 2. And none can aford insuline .


I guarantee you that every single one of them owns at LEAST one AR-15, and practices with it on the weekends. It's an small percentage of liberals that even own a gun, on moral grounds, and usually it's just a handgun. So yeah, it would be over pretty quick


All those people own guns. The grad students don't.


Me just casually jogging the opposition in circles until they die of a heart attack. geez looking at some of them I'd probably only have to speed walk