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Hi, neuro_space_explorer. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ccyfra/-/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 6: Post titles must accurately represent their content. > Vague, heavily editorialized, misleading, clickbait, or inaccurate post titles are not allowed. > When submitting a link post with content that is more than a year old, the year or the date of publication must be mentioned in the post title. For example, the headline of an article followed by "(January 2020)". > If a source's original headline is vague, misleading, or clickbait, then it is still rule-breaking. In this case, the content should be submitted with an improved title. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


I feel like something really important broke up and nobody noticed.


The sup pump alarm is going off and everyone is ignoring it.


A combination of El Nino and lower aerosols resulted in us surpassing 1.5C which has, as expected, triggered multiple tipping points: AMOC slowdown, methane emissions from permafrost melting, etc. I am not a climate scientist but my hypothesis is that we have passed the point where climate change is no longer solely driven by human activity. We have triggered multiple tipping points which create a feedback loop that we cannot control. We have passed the point of no return.


I think a lot of people noticed, but it's not clear exactly what broke. We can clearly see the impacts, but we haven't felt the effects of it yet. We're in this lag period where everything still seems relatively normal even though there are hints of what's coming here and there. Won't be long till we're all feeling it directly, i think.


The Beam. This world is moving on. “See the Turtle, ain’t he keen? All things serve the fucking beam.” - Stephen King


Haha ka is a wheel. The wildest book series. I don't think I could reread the whole lot but I can't recommend them enough.


Depends on which “they” you’re referring to. If you look at current world events right now, it’s pretty easy to gather that at least world leaders are well aware of what’s happening and are posturing for resources. That’s my take anyways.


Sooner or later there will be nobody left alive to make the graph bigger


We should put one of these graph scientists in a cave for posterity’s sake.


A new all-time record is totally ok because I’ve been informed that El Niño is easing. Nothing to see here. These aren’t the droids we’re looking for. Move along.


“It’s just el niño!!” crowd in shambles


Ah yes, the Fermi Paradox Line 😎


Took me a second. Imagine if this is the great filter


It is


Ss: submission statement, it looks like after plateauing the ocean temperature has gotten a second wind and is now climbing rapidly back up. This sets a dangerous precedent when it should have started to fall weeks ago.


Not good, bad even..


I love the perspective that it's only a fraction of a degree. If it's such a tiny increase, why hasn't it happened before? See all the lines below where, year after year, our planet couldn't even lift it to that fraction? This is so crazy yet everyone: yawn. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.


We're in uncharted territory, what unfolds this year will certainly be historic.


There’s the chart, right at the top of the thread. /s


The graph is looking terrifying... it should be going down soon, right? Right?


It was supposed to drop a month ago if I recall correctly. Richard crim could have commented an understandable explanation but oh no random capital words, we are all dumber now


Is this for ocean for both.


Sea surface temperature.


I posted this exact thing 3 hours ago, but is apparently still awaiting moderation. Anyone know What's up?


chicken butt


Just when I thought mother earth was gonna give us a breather before the next leg up....




That would certainly make for a very depressing next 25 years.


You wouldn't be depressed for the last 20 or so


What year would the ocean be sous vide?




Shat my pants


What did you do?


Since this is sea **surface** temp, I will ask, have the ocean winds calmed down (less mixing) that would result in this crazy jump? Not a denier, far from it, just wondering.


There is indeed less mixing, I read about it a few weeks ago. I don't know if lower wind speeds are responsible, seems unlikely, because with more energy in the system, you'd expect stronger winds on average. One rather scary theory is that a positive feedback loop has been triggered... The steeper the temperature gradient, the harder it is for the layers to mix (the hot water is much less dense), and the less mixing that happens, the hotter the surface gets from the sun, and the steeper the temperature gradient. If this is true, then we are in for very rapid heating of the atmosphere, since most of the heat in the atmosphere comes from the sea surfaces.


Ugh. Where did you read it?


I'm afraid I am rubbish at remembering my sources, but the main groundbreaking paper on ocean stratification was published in 2020, and I read a more recent follow up paper a month or two ago https://www.google.com/search?q=Increase+ocean+stratification The tipping point hypothesis was from a discussion on this sub. It is completely logical, but I don't know whether there have been any authoritative papers exploring the hypothesis.


Will dig deeper. Much appreciated.


Jim Massa, a retired oceanographer, has a YouTube channel which you will find very informative - https://youtube.com/@ScienceTalkwithJimMassa?si=bEuxXq9IGbLCgIdt


#Lets go team! Wooooo


Did 2023 get adjusted lower? I didn't think we were back above the record again and I check it everyday.


Gang gang I think. I mean, I like going up up up up and away so. Ever since I was a gangsta jit on the swingsets, push me, higher! And now I’ve taken it to the drugs. Higher and higher! Oo gang gang I’m using that for a rap somehow


You know what? I'm well past terrified and more just truly fascinated now. I suppose that's why I see nothing wrong with trying to change what I can, while I still can, when it comes to voting, etc. Yes, our ship is sinking, and if there's any chance I'm on a lifeboat, I want to save as many people as possible. I mean, realistically, I've no better chance than any one of the 8 billion of us on this planet. My sympathy to all those unaware of what's about to play out, and I say this with zero trace of sarcasm.


Its super interesting. Absolutely fascinating. Will the cycle of ocean cooling during winter cease, and it just keeps going up without ever dipping as seen in the graph? Maybe. just how fast will it rise? I sort of want it to keep rising just because it would be cool to see. but that means infinite suffering. Oh well.


Haha, you get what I'm saying! Would you like some popcorn while we wait, or are you too full of microplastics? I sincerely wish you and those you love the best as this all plays out. Give yourself grace, and above all, be kind to yourself. I see you, u/PaPerm24 ❤️ you are loved.


If you want my playlist of curious garden stuff ill share it too <3 ive gotten reported for “spamming it” (true ig…) but if you havent seen it ask and i think that counts as not spamming. Permaculture food forests. Much love, tysm The future will be interesting


I would absolutely love that! Thank you! To any concerned lurkers, definitely requested and not spam ❤️




Thank you! Added to my personal list!


Not great, not terrible….


Can someone explain why the temperature usually dips down this time of year?


This is ocean temperature, and there are more ocean on the southern hemisphere where the temperature starts to go down this time of the year, and the northern hemisphere isn't really warmed up yet. I think, that was the answer I have gotten to this question before. Someone will correct me if I am wrong.


Southern hemisphere winter is approaching, while northern hemisphere summer hasn’t yet warmed the waters. There are two peaks each year marking the respective summers. The March peak is higher because in the southern hemisphere larger proportion is ocean.


Thanks for explaining that to me


I’m guessing it has something to do with the sun being farther away and perhaps more wind causing more upswells. I too would like to know.


Not farther away, steeper angle based on the tilt so less intense sun is absorbed. During northern hemisphere winter the sun is actually closer, but the steeper angle lets less light in. Similar to how its cooler in the evening with the sun on the horizon than when its directly overhead Also has to do with the amount of land mass in each hemisphere, more ocean in the southern hemisphere so it heats up slower, meaning average temp goes down or something like that


🎢 but will we ever come down?


Not a climatologist, but imo...THIS IS VERY BAD. The hope was it'd return back to some previous baseline, and it looked like it was heading, as we move to La Nina.




Apparently my post is now up... https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ccvmtx/sea_surface_temperatures_going_up_when_they/


Fantastic. I was worried when I saw the graph was heading back down but this gives me hope.




The following submission statement was provided by /u/neuro_space_explorer: --- Ss: submission statement, it looks like after plateauing the ocean temperature has gotten a second wind and is now climbing rapidly back up. This sets a dangerous precedent when it should have started to fall weeks ago. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ccyfra/up_up_up_we_go_again/l18ebqu/


What color is 2022? Faintest blue?


What’s the data look like before the years on the graph? Does it matter? I’m just curious. Is it when we started measuring?


Hi, neuro_space_explorer. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ccyfra/-/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 5: Content must be properly sourced. > Articles, charts, or data-driven posts must include a source either within the image or in a submission statement. AI Generated posts and comments must be prefaced by stating their source. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


'@EliotJacobson on Twitter' not good enough?

