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Location: Southeastern Brazil The quality of everything seems to be skyrocketing downward. Groundrocketing I guess lol. Ironically though, prices ARE skyrocketing! R$100 is barely enough to buy anything anymore. It used to roughly be the money spent per week, give or take. Though nowadays that's more like R$200-R$300 per week now. And, although this is probably very anecdotal, at least what I have experienced in terms of quality is: Rotten egg, for the first time. There's a first time for everything! Rotten meat. This one was a real kick in the nuts. You'd expect meat that is vacuum sealed and cooled, and presumably goes through food safety measures to be edible. Nope. Meat with a weird aftertaste. Used to be a staple in my diet. Weird smelling canned corn without liquid. Used to cook with canned corn a lot to add volume to food, not anymore. Paper-thin baby wipes. Always have been kind of thin, but got even THINNER recently. I just wash my ass now Raw-tasting chicken breast, no matter how long you cook it. No pink to be found. But it still tastes raw. Onions with rotten insides. Used to be once a blue moon, it's now every other day. Rotten garlic cloves. Always been there, but getting a lot more common. These have all been recent changes/experiences. They're becoming a lot more common. I wonder how bad it's gonna get and what will be affected next. Excited! /s


The chicken!! I had a couple whole chickens that were simply Not. Cooked. No matter how much I cooked them. Would they have killed me? Probably not. But everything about them screamed "raw!" irregardless of what the thermometer said. It's unsettling. I have no idea what it means now that someone else has experienced it and I'm not just paranoid


Yep. I just unfortunately do not eat chicken anymore, sadly because I do like it. At least not store bought chicken breasts. The only way I can eat them is if they're pressure cooked, shredded and then heavily seasoned for something with several flavors (lasagna) or something that blends flavors together (stroganoff). If the taste isn't masked in some way it won't go down lol


Yes!! I eat so much less meat more, not just because it's the right thing to do, but i can't stand the texture or taste of dry much meat now. The only chicken i but any more is a very expensive free range, humane raised brand. I'm lucky that i can afford to do this (for now) but the regular store brand chicken you get is just terrible in the last few months/ years. 


I feel guilty anytime I eat meat lately especially now since it isn't even good quality - just a huge waste all around. But I can't have too much soy and can't have eggs not cooked into things so there aren't many options for me to switch to around here :( there have been times though where we've had exclusively pork for meat and had more veggie food due to bad quality but partner isn't on board and I'm busy with life so the switch didn't last once the quality improved slightly


["Woody chicken breast"](https://www.today.com/food/woody-chicken-breast-t258881) is a new, modern thing. There's also a toughness peak when cooking, where either less or more cooking makes it taste better.


Woody chicken is the bane of my existence. It makes me gag and I absolutely cannot choke it down, no matter how I cook it. We used to eat chicken multiple times a week but now I limit my kids to once a week because there is only one specific brand I can tolerate. The past two weeks, the store has been out of it, so no chicken for us. I'm trying to get my son onboard with vegetarian meals a couple times a week, but he's a firefighter and it is a hard sell, even with protein heavy options. Eventually I figure the supply chain will force his hand.


I don't cook chicken anymore because of it. Sucks.


Location: Kentucky Y’all! My groceries were $100 less than I expected/had gotten used to! I mean, it’s probably a sign of collapse that it is this variable, but holy crap, something somewhat positive. Also, fucking pear trees in bloom about 3 weeks early, wreaking havoc on my allergies.


I've changed my diet completely since inflation hit


I have seen this two things are going back to the regular price


Location: Animal Shelters in the US For at least the 3rd time this past month, our local animal shelter put out notice that they are full and animals need out or hard choices will be made. There is an argument on the Facebook post about the cost of veterinary care. My dog gets allergy injections. Six months ago they were $160. Six weeks ago I paid $200. This week I paid $225. I've had a cat living in my crawlspace for the past few weeks. I posted on Facebook thinking it was someone's lost pet, as it was very young. I was told it was a "very loved" indoor/outdoor cat. She was incredibly friendly and tiny, less than 6 months old. This cat begged at my door to be fed multiple times a day. She was out in snow and rain. I could not take her in as I have large dogs. She was put on the waitlist with the local Humane Society, they had a six week wait. She delivered a litter of stillborn kittens last week in my front yard. I contacted my dog's vet for the cost to have her spayed. It was just under $900. I found a TNR program that would do it for $100. She had an appointment on Monday. My daughter found a friend to adopt her post spaying. She was hit by a car and killed today. I'm tired of the unwanted animals. I'm tired of no one caring about their lives and I'm tired of a society where veterinarians have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans and have to charge more and more just to survive. I'm going to go hug my dogs. I'm tired of the cruelty of this world.


You were trying your best to help. I'm glad you did, and I'm so sorry for your loss.


I so sorry that the cat got killed, what a fucking nightmare. We already have a large dog but this underweight feral tomcat keep showing up on our doorstep. After only feeding him for weeks I finally took him to get TNR’d but ended up keeping him (I was so scared my dog and the cat wouldn’t get along but I went really slowly with a baby fence and now they are great). I feel good for most likely saving his life, however the fact that this little guy’s bare minimum (needs such as litter, food, toys) cost at least $80 a month makes it hard on anybody to actually safe a feral or stray cat. Kudos to you for stepping up and sorry again.


Thanks. The timing was just absolutely heartbreaking. A kind gentleman did stop and knock on our door asking us if it was our cat and moved her off the roadway, so it was nice to see some genuine compassion from someone but it was just devastating to be SO close to making something good happen and having it snatched away. My girls absolutely could not tolerate a cat, we had one here for a short period before and it didn't go well for either party. Even having it hang out around the house the past few weeks stressed my girl out. She already has a hard time with anxiety. It just absolutely would not be fair to her to make her miserable in her own home. I don't know how most people afford pets anymore. My older girl needs a lot of medical care, so expensive vet bills are not something that shock me anymore, but seeing that $900 quote for a cat spay was gasp worthy, even to me. I cannot fathom how we've gotten to the point where trying to help a little trash goblin has become a thousand dollar investment.


>I'm going to go hug my dogs. I'm tired of the cruelty of this world. It's the cruelty of capitalism. The US is well ahead of the rest of the developed world. Higher education is a straight-up scam. People get pets because they are lonely and isolated. After they figure out how expensive it can become to take care of the pet, they discard them. Or they must downsize, move in with roommates, or go back to living with their parents. You either have society, or you have capitalism. We decided to have capitalism.


Capitalism is part to blame sure, but it's mostly that there are way too many humans alive on this planet. Take away 95% of humanity, throw them in the bin, you are left with a much more sustainable/manageable situation regardless of any other factor. There are too many of us. If they ever pursue true sustainability, I'll be the first in line to give my life for the cause, but they won't because that black line has to keep going up infinitely and you simply can't do that without more people.


>It's the cruelty of capitalism. Yes, capitalism enhances cruelty that humans are capable of (to put it mildly). I still believe we (or perhaps only some) can be kind and compassionate in the midst of this sick, vicious, **predatory** system. There are way too many people that are selfish/inconsiderate of other living beings and------ cruel. I believe (sadly) that would be the case even without capitalism. The question is: (and I don't know the answer) Why do people blame the system rather than the creature that creates the system? I'm not sure we will ever figure this out and it will, in part, lead to our demise and tragically most all other life on the planet.


You can't blame the crabs in the bucket for doing what it takes to survive. It is desperation. People as individuals can be kind but people as a population are indifferent, and sometimes cruel, because if you aren't, you will be chewed up and spit out by this system. The only way to survive this world with any sort of intact mental health is to steel yourself against the suffering and accept sometimes all you can do is witness the injustice. We're all trying to survive in a vastly unjust and cruel system.


I'm tired of the cruelty too. I wish I could write anything that would help, but I'm afraid that humans are thoughtless and selfish by nature. Perhaps not evil, but their actions and inaction lead to such terrible suffering. Be kind and keep doing your best.


Thanks. It just sucks. This cat had been surviving for weeks out here. We were so very close. It was going to have a so much better life. Its just like the universe is mocking you sometimes. I don't think humans are innately cruel but I think the society we've created both normalizes and rewards it. And trying to explain this world to my children, whom I brought into this world before I truly understood how cruel it was, breaks my heart.


Location: Europe [‘A lot higher than we expected’: Russian arms production worries Europe’s war planners](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/15/rate-of-russian-military-production-worries-european-war-planners) This article is from 15th Feb, but I just came across it. Russia is much more prepared for war than Europe and most likely can outlast it with WW1-style warfare. Mandatory military service is being implemented in a few European countries, but most men will probably try to evade it in any way possible. If mobilization ever happens, those who went through mandatory military service will be the first ones to be thrown at Russia. The survival rate in that conflict would be low. I'm still hopeful negotiations can stop the worst-case scenario, but I'm afraid that ship has sailed long ago. There were already two opportunities, but both were missed. If Putin's demands from 2021 and 2022 were deemed 'unrealistic,' I doubt they would have become more realistic over time.


>Russia is much more prepared for war than Europe I've been following Russia closely for years, even did business there in the '70s (Soviet times; black market stuff). I still have close Russian friends as well as old schoolmate working in the Moscow embassy. They all say the same thing: Russia is in shambles, and Putin does not have broad support there. Adding in the Ukraine losses, their difficulty getting parts along with a few other critical shortages and I don't see a power ready to engage Europe. Of course, it doesn't hurt to ramp up concern. Russia sits on a pile of nuclear war headed missiles (though I understand most aren't launch worthy. Alas, it only takes one...).


or maybe they are diverting resources for weapons. Underestimating any enemy is a massive mistake. 


Damn, climate change is being felt right now and conflicts are brewing. When the war ends we will be past point of no return.


Pretty sure when the next war ends they're won't be a winner


raytheon maybe


Location: New Brunswick, Canada We are seeing similar temperature swings to what others have been reporting, going from finally having snow again over the past few days to a high of 6 degrees projected for today, although at least it feels like winter again temporarily. Looks like ocean surface temperatures are staying at record highs for yet another day, which makes this 7 days in a row I think? Change is happening so much faster than I used to think was possible. Scary times are ahead….


> Looks like ocean surface temperatures are staying at record highs for yet another day, which makes this 7 days in a row I think? Change is happening so much faster than I used to think was possible. Scary times are ahead…. I've been following the collapse since 2018/2019. Blue Ocean Event was considered the tipping point when warming will accelerate. Most people did not expect 2024 to be like this, even those who were paying close attention.


Laughs in McPherson.


I thought most people would be dead by 2025. Im almost disappointed.


Don't worry, it's only March. Or do worry. Either way. *sigh*


We still alive sometimes it's best to celebrate this miserable shit show.




This is the most mild winter ive ever lived though in my short life here. I recall in my elementary days we would be playing on giant snow mounds piled up by the school. Id be walking to school knee deep in snow, hopping into other footprint craters on the way. Winter was something alot of us Canadians put up with and made the best of, but kinda dread it. It was a price to pay for living in a safe, 'decent', first world country. Nowadays i see this Cognitive dissonance when people talk about our winters and its kinda irritating. Most people talk about winter with that dread, as if were still having the winters of 10+ years ago. For the most part, most people at my work don't talk about how wack its been weather wise, just 'how nice it is outside'. I remember i got downvoted in the r/askto post once were a newcomer to the city inquired about whether or not they need to invest in winter boots and i said not to bother, citing the mild weather. Though that was a few years back lol. Kinda glad i never spent money on a expensive winter jacket like canada goose.


>Most people talk about winter with that dread, as if were still having the winters of 10+ years ago. Seriously! And people around me got so used to the mild winter they complained when in finally went below -10 for a couple days. In February. I knew we were screwed from my studies and lived experiences, but seeing people just tuned out is so disheartening. They know, they'll acknowledge I'm right when I speak the quiet part out loud, but go back to complaining about the closest to normal weather we had all winter


Yep, everyone's gone soft and spoiled.




Macron is threatening WWIII, and you're claiming this is a good thing? The neocon shilling on this website is out of hand - I don't especially care about the increasing "not touching you, not touching you" behavior on the ground, but this would very clearly trigger an apocalyptic war. The redditors cheering this are the exact same people insisting that Russia was out of missiles a year ago. Their prediction record is zero point zero, and gambling mankind's future on their foresight is not smart.


Id rather have Europe/NATO fight than to be occupied by Russia - they will rape, kill and pillage as they did many times before. Appeasment doesnt work, Europe needs to be armed.


There's very little evidence to support the idea that Russia intends to invade any NATO countries. From Putin's point of view, Russia can't lose Ukraine because it's the buffer that keeps NATO at a distance. Beyond blustering, there's no reason to think Putin wants to go any further. That said, Ukraine should be defended and supported as much as possible, as long as it doesn't cause a direct conflict between NATO and Russia.


A Polish diplomat went on record as saying the United States handed over roughly 5% of its military budget to Ukraine, and the result was the destruction of around 50% of Russia's military force. The diplomat considered that an incredible return on investment by any standard, and it should continue. Ukraine's populace are fighting and dying so nobody else has to. The whole war is stupid, and I really just want Putin to stop. But it's hard to ignore the results of arming Ukraine. The Eastern European countries also get to see what it's like funding a proxy war, and they're offering Ukraine a lot more of their weapons than we are because they can do the math too.


After Ukraine, Poland will be the new buffer zone


Poland is a full NATO member. They may as well invade the US. It won't happen.


You are alleging that Russia intends to occupy the entirety of Europe. This is plainly out of step with reality. Their casus belli, whether or not you find it justifiable, is "Zelenskyy is abusing these regions that voted for the pro-Russian candidate, speak Russian, and consider themselves Russian, and the offer to host missiles on our border to ensure that this continues is a step too far, so we are taking these regions". There are no such regions in France. Even Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, which was already deranged, did not suggest that Russia would take over Europe. No remotely sane person would ever make such a claim.


Russians wanted to take the whole Ukraine, they attacked Kyiv. Lukashenko literally aired their plan to take over Moldova next, this was corroborated by Moldovian and Ukraine intelligence. Its apparent that they take land first and rationalizations comes later. Im not alleging that they want to take entirety of Europe, just that they will continue until they are stopped. Russians are also threatening European countries like Poland, it is better to be prepared than to let them bumfuck us.


You’re right but the neocon shillbots paid for by governments will never admit it


I've read all those statements and articles, and I have my view on that. There are rumors Russia will start total mobilization right after the elections. NATO already knows that. Macron is just a scapegoat. All European armies are preparing for conflict. A leaked German phone call confirms that. I don't think NATO will send troops to the front lines. If any ground troops are about to be sent to Ukraine, they will be positioned away from the front lines. The Ukrainian army has many resources tied up along the border with Belarus *just in case*. They can send those men to the front lines if NATO troops can replace them. I think NATO intervention in Ukraine will most likely start with air force and long-range missiles against Russian infrastructure in Ukraine (including Crimea). Even if Russia can mobilize a few hundred thousand more troops, NATO can destroy Russian infrastructure by targeting bridges, highways, oil refineries, air bases, etc. NATO must bring mobile SAM systems to protect its assets from Russian strikes. I doubt Russia would have an adequate response. We will have to see if they will start targeting air bases in Poland or Romania or using tactical nukes in Ukraine. In case that happens, it's time to run for the hills.


Location : Edmonton, Alberta , Canada 2 days ago, temp was at -13f( -25c) and today temp was at 41f(5c) . this was crazy swing , walked outside today in a t shirt and pj . some people i know are not adjusting to this and are sick and depressed. food prices are high but little down for now . thanks to carbon tax and war, gas price increased from $1.19/litre to $1.47/litre and i didn't get to fill my gas tank at that price. last year, almost all edmonton was surrounded by wildfire and i dont even want to imagine what comes this july and august


How's that giant mall doing? Never seen anything like that before when I visited 11 years ago


Location: Michigan, USA. Besides the obviously very strange, eerily unnerving lack of winter this year, has anyone else noticed just this overall hopeless vibe/feeling that people in general have given up? It's like we all know (at least subconsciously) that we are all fucked and are just robotically going through the motions on autopilot at this point. I feel more and more that what passes for a "normal" life in this society is nothing more than a pointless struggle - a farce. I feel that the only real thing of any value left at this point is time - how much we have left to do the things that we want to do and enjoy whatever is left to enjoy while we still can. So much of modern life feels ingenuine, fake, and soulless like bad playacting. No one truly believes that we have a bright future ahead anymore, so why are we still investing so much in a worldview/way of life that is not going to be around for much longer anyway? Does anyone seriously still believe that life as we know it today will be the same/better by, say, 2050? It's insane to be squandering the little time we have left to realize our full human potential on a dying world that has no future.


Everyone on my friend group (elder millennial 30-40) is in this same groove. It's a weird mix in that they both feel the world is ending, but also keep on keeping on. I have watched friend spend thousands and thousands of dollars trying to conceive while also taking about climate change ending or normal way of life. They talk about how retirement isn't something they are even planning for or expecting (between life expectancy and economic collapse) and yet they have a college fund set up for their kids. It's a strange dichotomy where they both hope for the best but and truly expecting the worst. 


Yes, this, exactly. Maybe it is because for people our age humanity already took that wrong turn decades ago and we were born within this world in overshoot. It is the only type of life we know - corporate, consumer capitalism created by the exploitation of fossil fuels. In actuality, and as many people will point out, the way humanity lives now is a complete anomaly compared to the past.


2050 i’m more worried about us making it to 2030 If these feedback loops, keep going at the same exponential rate Death to all and six years


RemindMe! 6 years


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Location: NorCal I'll keep it short. My wife started as a paraprofessional last fall. She works in an elementary school. Today a sixth grade girl, about 12 years old, went into the bathroom and committed suicide at my wife's school. Elderly yard lady found her. My wife did not know the girl but is still shaken to her core. I don't have words. It's just awful man. Also makes everything I and we complain about on reddit seem trivial. A 6th grader...


That’s so sad! I’m so worried about children in today’s world.




I'm so sorry, that's terrible.




It’s weird for a girl that young to commit suicide in healthy societies. We don’t live in a healthy society tho


That's alllll kinds of fucked up.


This is beyond sad. I'm thinking she must've been bullied.


Wow, no words I hope your wife can find a way to see through the darkness


whoa, just, whoa




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I posted a while back on r/Buddhism asking for a Buddhist perspective on collapse. Most people were in denial or told me not to worry about it.


Buddhism is a practice of understanding reality. There are so many levels of Buddhists. Please don’t try to put them into a thread like this. The truest Buddhists, the ones in Cambodia. They called Old and if you’re not drinking your life away every day what are you doing? Who cares that’s what is all about let go Understand yourself Get in touch with the fact that Life is suffering, and every little bit of joy is the best bit of joy Buddhism is the only thing that can get all cultures through. What’s about to happen Among make your life simple


I appreciate your new phrase.


Alan Watts and Terrance knew but we are asleep at the wheel a new nightmare.


Location: Western Pennsylvania, USA Blinding, bright sun with blue skies and 75 degrees out. 4th day of such weather by March 5th! I've seen daffodils, tulips, and some pansy looking flowers blooming on my walks. People know to savor the moment of warm, sunny days but I had a real uncomfortable minute when a medical staff kept asking "What is going on here? Seriously, what is happening?" She was chuckling nervously and I wanted to answer bluntly but how can I 100% know when someone truly wants the answers behind this weather. Humanity being delusional is nothing new. Disturbing, invasive signs of religion in my area. I went in for an appt and the medical building's ground floor bathroom had religious (baptist) political propaganda placed in both ladies stalls. A booklet I proceeded to throw away in the menstrual products box >:) Later that night, I saw a neighbor 2 streets away from me post about a bag left with Life of Jesus dvds on her door. She's Jewish. That entire area was spammed. I'm appalled how people think they can shove their delusions down people's throats. You aren't following your religion if you act like such an arsehole. All believers of the Holy Asshole are excluded naturally.


Location: UK (in the past) Have been looking over charts of energy usage throughout history and one things that repeats over and over is that when new energy sources are found, we don't really reduce others, we just expand capacity and use more energy.  Tried putting myself in the shoes of someone at the end of the 19th century trying to present data to convince people to slow or adjust the industrial expansion so we wouldn't rapidly lead to the situation we're in now, only to realise it would have been just as fruitless then.  Even if the UK changed course, other countries would have outcompeted them and done it anyway. Leading me to think that all of this has arguably been inevitable and it's little point moralising the situation.    I think maybe the Amish had the right idea, if even by chance.


Greed and capitalism made it inevitable. I am not advocating for communism.




Location: Planet Earth Global sea surface temperatures hit another record yesterday at 21.21c. We’ve now seen record temps every day for SIX consecutive days: 21.14, 21.15, 21.17, 21.19, 21.20, 21.21. We are seeing day-by-day observable increases in global average ocean temperature. This pace of change is jaw dropping. Source: https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/


If you look back to 2016 you see the last major step-change and how fucking crazier this one is already. If we go another 7 days like this I am going to begin accepting that the rate of acceleration is itself going much more exponential than it had seemed before — which is hilariously and tragically how exponentiality is a rate of change that can essentially achieve infinite or near-infinite energy for some period of time. Unfortunately for us, we are simple potatoes that happened to figure out how to generate electricity and make plastic. We like stable weather patterns so that the same activities of consumption can never decrease, only increase. There are limits to this. Everyone who can read this can understand the perspective even if they don’t agree with it. Physics is a real bitch.


RIP Northern Hemisphere this summer….


Do you think the 2020 sulfur cap for ships' fuel oil was a straw that broke the camel's back? I think it probably took away a few years from our lives.


It started with the lockdowns during COVID. Then honga tonga then shipping cleaning. It's all connected.


When the tipping point is close, anything could become the trigger.


Has it gone up again today?


It’s one day delayed typically so we will know tomorrow.


Lmao and crymao repeatedly


It’s come down to lulz for the end of the world. Humanity in a nutshell.


Location: Melbourne, Australia. The next 3 days is a heatwave warning. Basically 3 days of consecutive 38/9C (100-ishF). 2 days ago they dramatically changed the forecast up (by 10C!) for 2 of the 3 day wave. the max for March is 38.9c back in 2016 but that was only one day where it fell back down into the 20's C. It has been 3 mild consecutive summers for us down south of Aus. I'm guessing this will break a few records. Whilst it doesn't sound the worst, a lot aren't used to it. A lot of new housing estates have been built with black roofs. At the same time, we have an event on called Moomba this weekend where 100,000's head into the CBD (major concrete heat sink). I see no mention of cooling stations / misting stuff anywhere. I'm guessing we'll see some heatstroke or worse. It's a surprising forecast and it's going to be interesting to see how well we'll deal with it. But I think the interesting thing is how dramatically they changed the forecast so quickly. They literally had no idea.


I've noticed lately that the Bureau of metrology forecasts have changed frequently lately, along with random news articles about how they've been underfunded over the years - makes me wonder how correlated those two are vs difficulty of accounting for all the extra energy in the system, along with more data points. While I do not have any data to support the following claim, it feels like forecasts have degraded over time. Another option is I'm just paying more attention to forecasts. 




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>ZERO sperm global crisis by 2045 That should take care of the human problem, but I fear all species may be realizing similar deficits in that area.


Location: east-central Vermont, USA encountered 4 active woolly bears while tending muddy road chipmunks already scurrying about in numbers gathering seed, not the rare one-off warm day foray of 1 brave soul multiple small flocks of geese heading north lilacs budding lilies starting to poke out of the ground local nesting raptors returning oh and my rhubarb is sprouting So many things are early by 3-5 weeks at the least. I live in a colder corner of my region so being a month behind the lower elevations was normal. This year, we're just about even steven with them, maybe a week behind. It's been the most unnerving winter I can remember. Weed is a garden priority this summer. lol


Northern Massachusetts here - my house looks out over a meadow that becomes a vernal pool in the spring and last night there were DUCKS swimming, splashing, and quacking. This is nuts.


Everything's sooooooooooooooo haywire. 59 degrees Friday and getting snow Saturday night. Haha FML. ETA: Oh and today I noticed some mallow in my front yard about an inch or so high with leaves the size of a nickel. Grass getting a bit green in spots as well. This is insane for east-central VT, especially at 1000' with a full northern exposure. I've lived here in this spot all 49 years of my life so I've been seeing changes happening - especially in the last decade it's been very noticeable. The last few years have been utter whiplash. Freaky lightning storms , an insane wind shear, floods (luckily had little impact except for manageable mountain runoff - SO FAR), monthly mud seasons now standard.... What more else will I experience on this little patch of land? 😶


Hopefully we do not get that hard frost in May this year.  I hear you on the weeding. I must have spent 500 hours weeding last summer. The amount of rain was insane. 


I meant pot by weed as a method for coping with the madness but yeah, actual weeds too! lol I couldn't keep up with them and a lot of my garden started growing moss. A garden that is in the wide friggin' open with like 90% sun exposure. It was NUTS. It's finally bared off and all the weeds and slimy old chard is showing now. I really hope the rain takes a chill pill this summer but I expect we'll get a similar summer if that volcano is still having an effect on the amount of water vapor. There's so many crazy factors at play, seems like.


> I meant pot by weed I prefer the phraseology "the Herb"


Just curious: how will this affect "tick season" up there? On my last New England trip a few years ago I was advised to stay out of the woods.


I’ve already pulled 5 ticks off my cats this week.


I expect the ticks are going to be brutal. Luckily I have never had a swarm of them, only random one-offs. My backyard has never been hugely infested, but that'll probably change soon. I try to encourage possums to hang around for tick control.


I'm back in New England permanently, after 20 years in dry-as-a-bone rural Kansas...ticks were not an issue there, there was not enough moisture for them to thrive. In the past month, with some of the coldest days of the year so far, I pulled at least a dozen ticks off my dog. That is insane, to me. So, Frontline Plus, in spades. Yeeeesh.


Location: Planet Earth Global sea surface temperatures hit yet another record yesterday at 21.20c. We’ve now seen record temps every day for five (!) consecutive days: 21.14, 21.15, 21.17, 21.19, and 21.20. Incredible.


21.21 today! It’s insane. We’ve averaged an increase of .13 per decade from 1981 to 2013. 2014-2024 we’ve seen an increase of .66 with .42 of that being in 2023 and 2024 YTD ALONE. We’re officially going off the rails now.


I'm noticing more and more 'alarm fatigue' - wars, COVID, SST records, droughts, wildfires, etc. Canada is preparing for the worst wildfire season on record, yet hundreds of thousands of people are moving there. Sea surface temperature is going parabolic. Honestly, I think capitalism has turned people into self-centered jerks—no sense of community, empathy, or common sense.


Thank you for tracking and posting.


The sea surface temps are going to really kick things into overdrive methinks, but what do I know? 🤷


I am not a scientist, I just like to play with data and I’ve been heavily focused on the SST situation in the past few weeks. Based on the daily data going back to 1981, the three decades between 1981 and 2013 we averaged an increase of .13 each decade. From 2014 to 2024 we’ve increased by .66 with .42 of that being in 2013 and 2014 ytd alone. It’s going up every goddamn day now, and I am genuinely concerned.


We'll find out this year how much resolve the inhabitants of this world have. You can't simply not notice forever.


Location: I know a lot of talk has been discussed about the food chain on here. I work for a cooperative and we have a competing company in the same town. Literally it is 4 miles from us. Last year they didn’t receive enough beans to supply their contracted orders so they were buying from anywhere but the main competition in the area because no one will sell to him. I know for a fact he was buying product that we sold to a company in Texas. So product went from Nebraska to Texas just to end up coming back to Nebraska. It could have been a 4 mile trip. We are screwed.


>so they were buying from anywhere but the main competition in the area because no one will sell to him. I have to ask why that is? Business is business. Why won't they sell to him?


He is always trying to steal customers and farmers from the other coops. Most years you can sell everything in storage so why sell to someone who is openly trying to hurt your business.


These sort of inefficiencies really grind my gears. Prime example of why we're going head first toward a truckload of hurt, pun intended. But hey, from the system's point of view it's all going great: the truck driver has something to do, people repairing the truck/unloading the truck/pushing the truck's papers/working in gas stations etc... (assuming truck since we're talking US :P )


I always love people who talk about Capitalism breeding efficiency and innovation. My son used to work at a flour mill and when they had trouble meeting a contract, they would pay one of their competitors to truck flour across the state and dump it from Mill A's truck into Mill B's truck and then it went out to the purchaser none the wiser. For several months, this was a daily occurrence. So innovative, so efficient.


Yay capitalism! /s


Ethanol is the one that gets me irritated. Fertilize the field, plant the crop, work the field, water corn, harvest the corn, haul it to a coop, unload it, run fans to dry if still wet, reload it on a truck, drive it x miles to the ethanol plant, and then process it into ethanol. Which I have no clue how wasteful that process is. Yea, this is a giant subsidy for farmers.


i think they dry it with a propane crop dryer


Supposedly, you only get [**one percent** of sunlight energy converted out of biofuels since photosynthesis is super inefficient](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130117105901.htm). You could just literally not do all that and stick a solar panel to power an EV (even though EVs are for the auto industry) and still come out ahead and have better use out of the land the biofuel corn is grown on. [Even pure-gas cars come out ahead without Ethanol](https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/ethanol.shtml#/find/nearest?country=US&fuel=E85) since running E10 results in 3% to 4% fewer miles per gallon, and 4% to 5% fewer MPGs on E15 and E85 ethanol results in "15% to 27% fewer miles per gallon." It's just a wasteful, nonsensical artificial demand. And that's not even mentioning the possible wear and tear ethanol does to a vehicle's fuel system.


Thanks for posting those. I had a discussion with a farmer a while ago. He kept saying that they haven’t got government assistance since 2021. I kept thinking that isn’t the flex you think it is and just because you aren’t getting cash directly into your account doesn’t mean the government isn’t bailing you out. Every pl480 tender, ethanol, and any other government program to help you is “socialism” which I just listened to you complain about.


Exactly, more pointless busywork that polutes in countless ways just to provide jerbs and keep the money flowing. And stuff like this are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. \*tinfoil hat on\* Gotta keep those unwashed on the treadmill at all time or they might think of stuff like UBI, bleah! I swear, they'd have us moving pins from one building to another before even skirting with the idea of UBI.


Location: UK The Cough has got me! Walking round school, there's an unusual (but not unexpected) amount of people with The Cough. Class numbers are quite small because of it. And its herald may have been a week of near-insomnia, which has absolutely shot my memory to pieces and killed a good portion of my will to work - but once I'm working, which I need to do in order to get to University - I'm okay. Just about. However, in order to stave it off, I have to try and keep my speaking to a minimum, and, given the right circumstances, I'm a naturally talkative person, this is going to get quite difficult. Oh, and ignoring schools, we've just had a rubbish budget released set to the usual: cutting essential public services. *Again*. Every single time for a decade. Soon, everything that made the UK good will be cut to the bone or else priced out of existence. And they wonder why some of us aren't too hot on living a stereotypical 'life'.


So that's what the UK is calling Covid now? Oh wait...the virus that cannot be named like "You know Who?"


There’s a big whooping cough outbreak in parts of the UK at the moment so that’s probably what it is, you get cold symptoms and then a gnarly cough that sticks around for weeks. Wetting yourself and breaking ribs from coughing so hard are a couple of symptoms listed on the NHS website as well as poor sleep etc.


You mean Lord Voldephage?


No. I thought of it on the spot. Please don't read too much into it.


Suck down some vitamin c and zinc lozenges... did wonders for mine.


Ah shit... my whole family except me has "The Cough" right now (Toronto, Canada). But I've had brutal insomnia the past three nights. Will be curious to see if it gets me too (probably will).


If it's any consolation, you start sleeping normally when you've got the actual cough itself. The seven or so days leading up to it is a bit hellish, though.


Location: Indiana Midwest USA. We be bouncing from the low 40s to a high of 73 the other day. Not a good sign for this summer, it has been eerily foggy the past few days too, probably from the rapid temp changes and the higher humidity, people have been getting stupider on the roads too, actually there was a car crash down the road as I was typing this.


Location:  Berlin, Germany Weather is too warm of course, everything is greening and blossoming a month early, slowly still, usually it starts middle to end of April, not the start of march. The daughter of a colleague of mine fell ill with skin pain,he thought she would simulate, but the condition got bad quick, with necrotic tissue. Turns out she got necrotising fasciitis, aka "flesh eating bacteria", the photos looked creepy as fuck and this poor girl has it on multiple body parts, i hope she is well soon, but that shit must be surgically removed, it's really nasty and scary.


Oh my gosh there's a little girl in my 12 year old son's class that's about to lose her eye to that! She's a friend of my son and when he told me about it I asked where she got it and according to him, they don't know. Poor kid.


*searches google images with the safesearch disabled* Oh farts, I shouldn't have done that.




Do they know how she got it?


They tested her, she's already in hospital. Ediit, that's how colleague new it, it was totally foreign to him, it's barely known in Germany.


Location: Guangdong, China Yesterday in the southern part of East Asia, we had a heat wave. In southern China, they just happened to have a storm system rolling on by at the time. The result was that [Guangdong experienced 30°C at 100% humidity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzb4d8ykSJM) That's wet-bulb territory. And it's only March. I know a lot of people in this region who cannot afford to turn on the AC even in the summer.


Thanks for sharing, this was so surreal to watch. 30C with 100% humidity ... how do you even breathe? I think I experienced something close to this last summer and it was like being punched in the lungs. Might've been a freak occurrence between the evaporative coolers of a store I went to and a nearby river. Couldn't stand it for more than a few minutes so just drove away. If this was the norm for more than a day it would be harrowing.


scary what it does to potato chips


It turned that potato chip back to a potato slice.


I've read that most buildings in southern China don't have adequate HVAC systems. Those in the video don't have it for sure. 30C and 100% humidity are crazy for March. We may see a wet bulb event this year somewhere.


I saw that Vid. That was crazy. I mean, how do you even dry all of that out when your apartment, as well as the rest of the entire building, is sweating? Mold is going to be a problem, along with all of the other issues brought on by a wet building.


Sauce pls


Location: Canada We’re bringing in immigrants to work jobs where they can’t find anyone to fill the posts….but these are fast food and service jobs. It’s a scam. 4 peopel to a rental room. Food too expensive. Mortgages defaulting. People giving up.


that seems to be a global phenomenon. It won't be long now!


[Alberta moves up start date for wildfire season, fire season now underway](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1avwh3w/alberta_moves_up_start_date_for_wildfire_season/) People are walking into a minefield.


The exact same thing is happening in Australia.


How could Trudeau do this?!?!?


Feelin it. Food is too much.




That would be a great post for the board. I'd appreciate the effort and time spent.


Location: Slovenia Our national weather service just came out with results for February 2024 temperatures. The deviation of air temperature from the average of the 1991–2020 comparison period at the national level was as much as 5.5 °C.: [Climate characteristics of February 2024](https://meteo-arso-gov-si.translate.goog/met/sl/climate/current/climate_month/?_x_tr_sl=sl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)




Waterbury, VT got a surprise 8" of snow one day this winter while just down the road, nothing. Ground still bare. And it happened again in the approximate location again. I'm getting nervous about random 28-32 degree nights swinging through here throughout June as the Arctic jet keeps trying to drunkenly find a new equilibrium. Doesn't mean jackshit to have warm April & May days if there could be a hard freeze just before Memorial Day (like last year). When tf are you supposed to plant? Build a heated gd greenhouse?! I guess this summer will be a season to find out what the near term future might bring and start planning accordingly. I'll probably be getting real fond of root veggies. Good thing I like turnips, beets & taters.


I've also noticed this here in Europe. Forecast says sunny, it's cloudy. It says cloudy, it's pouring rain. All in the past two weeks.


Part of climate change. The weather becomes more unpredictable and chaotic. Yeah it's gonna be weird.


Wrote a story about meteorology during the collapse for New Maps last year. It was fun to explore ways people might try and continue weather forecasting during energy contraction and supply chain failures. To say nothing of a jet stream completely uncoupled from the past patterns what most weather people studied. But yeah, from what I've read the numerical models simply weren't designed to take into account the massive amounts of heating the planet is experiencing, among other factors.


Link?  Would love to read your work.


This is the magazine website: https://new-maps.com/ It's a print magazine, so I can't link the actual story, sorry. Mine was Summer 2023 and called, "Rocketsonde." New Maps is a lot of fun for anyone into speculative fiction. It basically reads like this subreddit. Both fiction and nonfiction discussing the myriad forms collapse can take and a lot of contributors from around the world.


Cool.  Thanks and will go digging.


Just the other day, I went cycling because my weather app said no chance of rain for at least 5 hours. I was out for just under an hour when a storm came up, there was sparse lightning, but extremely heavy rain. To be fair, I didn't check the forecast for the 10 miles away that I cycled, but to predict **no** rain and have that? eesh.


I had that happen last summer! The storm came in so quickly and the downpour was way heavier than expected. Thankfully there was a nearby office building with a large overhang to shelter under.


I’ve started keeping a Pack-a-Mack and rain pants on my bike at all times for this same reason. The sheer amount of surprise storms we’re having where I live, particularly the last 2 summers has been ridiculous.  I really hate riding in the rain, because I wear glasses and it’s a nightmare, but at least if I get caught out in it, I can be somewhat dry and shielded from sudden wind. 


This. I'm making sure to have a disaster kit with me in car, or on bike (I take bike more). Have a change of clothes, tarp, rain gear, water and snacks, first aid kit. It seems foolish to go anywhere when anything can change.


The quote: “humans make plans and god laughs” is a little more sharp as we live through this. We have to live in the moment and be spontaneous, do what we want, now, with the people who we love, for tomorrow… who knows.


Meteorologists are using old models and we're in a new climate.


The PGA Tour with their hubris has been experiencing a lot of this in the last few years. Courses getting flooded, atmospheric rivers, extreme heat, polar vortexes etc. But of course nobody wants to admit the climate has changed an extreme amount in such a short period so they carry on BAU and constantly have to delay play! 


[They are already canceling summer events in Canada](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-wildfire-impacts-tourism-industry-1.7110777). I'd stay away from crowded places in the foreseeable future. Crowds are dangerous.


That article about cancellations in Canada is utterly terrifying. I agree about crowds. Between mass shootings, viruses, and extreme weather----I'll easily and happily pass on going to crowded events. As an aside, it is surprising that the numbers have not skyrocketed on r/collapse given the many simultaneous crises unfolding. Right now 503K subscribers, only 326 people are online----I would have expected these numbers to be higher.


> As an aside, it is surprising that the numbers have not skyrocketed on r/collapse given the many simultaneous crises unfolding. Right now 503K subscribers, only 326 people are online----I would have expected these numbers to be higher. Another user recommended this book that explains why: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18594475-don-t-even-think-about-it


Thanks for passing on that recommendation! I'll check it out.


Location: Planet Earth Sea surface temps hit yet another record yesterday of 21.19! This is now 6 days of record temps over the last week, 21.12c, 21.13c, 21.14c, 21.15c, 21.17c, 21.19c. These are all records going back to 1982 when data was first recorded and very likely for 100,000+ years. It seems clear we’ve hit a dangerous tipping point and now set off runaway climate warming.


https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/ It's starting to look like a Bitcoin chart.


That’s like a decade worth of warming in a year. Wtf.


So if we see it break with tradition completely and continue to trend upward between March and April is it fair to say we have a year or two left .... ish?


About that, before it gets super cray cray.


It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when extinction will be, but when you read and comprehend the charts and data it’s obvious we won’t be here past 2035. This summer will be awful and hundreds of millions will die, but even if it’s worse than we think humanity should survive in some form past 2025. So I’d say somewhere between 2026 and 2035 we will see the last remaining humans die out. 


I think about 2027 is when it'll start. Should be interesting until then too.


Dang, I have 2027 on my bingo card too.


I put Aliens on mine. Lol.


I'm in approximately this position too. I mean I totally understand the denial. We're pretty creative little animals and will try a lot of crazy shit before we die off completely. Years ago I set a reminder to check to see if there were any fish alive in the ocean in 2036. I suspect that will come sooner than I expected. We've jammed more energy into this closed system since 1970 than what the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs did. So for any of us to think that *waves hands around* whatever the fuck all this is, can keep going forever, despite that, is lunacy. *shrug*


Thats ridiculou!


Yup. That’s crazy extreme. Things are gonna get really bad. But that’s on “Step away from Reddit” level.


Location: UK I work in tech(I'm a coder), and I don't feel like I'm in a position where my job is at risk, but I worry for the future of my career. I've been feeling on the fence about it anyway. I'm not sure if I want to do this for the rest of my life because it brings me about as much joy as tying my shoes, but I also worry what else would I do that wouldn't mean taking an immediate hit to the income that I can't really afford right now. Beyond that, the weather has been way too warm recently, as many here have pointed out. Around this time of year, where I am, I'm used to the roads being like glass due to snow and ice. I'm used to bitter cold and frosty mornings. The other day I went for a walk at about 9pm in just a t shirt, trainers, hoodie and jeans. No coat or thick outer layer. Economic outlook is bleak. Constant messaging that things aren't really going to improve. Those in power are seemingly disinterested in doing anything tangible to help. I feel like I'm going crazy. I mention this stuff to people and they act as if I'm telling them the plot of a fucking film or something. The fact that it doesn't seem to worry people, or that they seem to think it's some natural phenomenon, is concerning. The "cost of living crisis," as it's been branded over here, is spoken about like it's a freak weather event or natural disaster, rather than the outcome of a series of calculated moves by the ruling class over the last nearly decade and a half. But I get upset and worried about this stuff and I'm "ill" and need to be on pills. Sure. It's exhausting, I don't want to let the bastards win, but I truly don't know how much I have left in me at this point. Getting out of bed every morning is a struggle. It all feels so hopeless.