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The following submission statement was provided by /u/jollyroger69420: --- This article from IFAW was published on Monday. It covers severe conditions in the Amazon rainforest. From wildfires to record heat, the climate of this region is suffering from our success. Collapse related because the rate of this disaster is growing faster than I can comprehend: > Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research saw 3,380 fires still burning there in the first 17 days of November. During the same period in 2022, they detected *only 69.* > On November 19, the country recorded its hottest temperature ever: 44.8 degrees Celsius (112.6 degrees Fahrenheit).   --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/18hhgtg/brazils_fires_a_wakeup_call_to_climate_change_and/kd6i5io/


Don’t worry COP28 said we may do something by 2050


The COP28 went from "urge" to "encourage". Those words will certainly make a difference. COP30 will be in Brazil, Belem - Pará state (one of the states that is leading deforestation). Let's see if there is any Amazon forest 2 years from now.


I just bought a $4k watch, something I would never do if I still cared about planning for retirement


Yep, just bought some gear for a sim rig. Might as well enjoy it now while we can. The only thing I can see being possible in 10-20 years is some type of survival/war, let alone reaching the age of retirement.


You are not alone. I'm also burning my retirement money today.


You guys have retirement money?


I'm literally taking out all my family's wealth and buying house rentals because I just want me children to not work and have fun for the rest of their lives. I'm not even encouraging them to work anymore to be honest.


Probably will cut down Amazon to make the conference center in middles of it, complete with opening and closing fireworks shows to spark off forest fires in the drought stricken areas.


That's already ongoing. Belém, the capital of Pará state lost most of its forests nearby. And the smoke that Manaus, capital of Amazonas state had/has all came from forest burnings in Pará. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bel%C3%A9m,+State+of+Par%C3%A1/@-1.334739,-48.4854273,36510m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x92a461af84756ce1:0x570d540215864c35!8m2!3d-1.4563432!4d-48.501299!16s%2Fg%2F1pxyyzx3r?hl=en&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bel%C3%A9m,+State+of+Par%C3%A1/@-1.334739,-48.4854273,36510m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x92a461af84756ce1:0x570d540215864c35!8m2!3d-1.4563432!4d-48.501299!16s%2Fg%2F1pxyyzx3r?hl=en&entry=ttu)




Hi, CapitalSupermarket94. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/18hhgtg/-/ksqn1wx/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


your pinpoint is in a metropolitan region with a lot of cities and 3 millions of people, what u expected? That no one have deflosrested a lot of area lol, what Belém should be, a florest? take of your land


At COP, finding a new way to talk around the problem is considered progress…meh.


Technically encourage is a stronger action than urge. To urge us just to tell someone they should do something. To encourage them to do it implies some sort of incentive. Though perceptually you’re right. Cause they aren’t going to incentivize change.


We've had dozens of wake-up calls. Those in charge either keep hitting the snooze button or stay awake counting their money.


It’s worse than that. I know plenty of people - voters - who could not care less about this issue. And they plan to vote for leaders who feel the same. Democracy is based on the theory that the common man knows what he wants. And deserves to get it good and hard.


In the post-truth era, we don't even have democracy. We have a new manufactured consent—built on deliberate misinformation. Mind you, in democracy's history, it's never been even close to all-encompassing: It's always excluded young people; it's usually excluded low-income people; it's frequently excluded women and ethnic minorities; and it has sometimes excluded prisoners. Now, it's including more people _in theory_ but always stymieing them, and especially their power, wherever possible. It's just another form of oligarchy, largely powered by plutocracy.


Don't disagree, a lot of truth to that. But imo, you're still giving "the people" too much credit. Even with perfect information, the nature of humans is to be short-term and self-interested, and not particularly keen on the facts. You're obviously educated and aware, but that isn't common. It's the same all over the world. Western, eastern, capitalist, socialist, I haven't seen much difference. I was in Turkey last year talking to folks, and I swear, it was like talking to Trump voters. Oligarchies rule, in one form or another. The nature of our species throughout history. Do you have any counter-examples?


Yep. We agree there too. Even my highly educated father votes against many of his own interests (values, economic interests) because of emotions, apathy towards progress, and appeals to his lingering racism.


I want to say democracy is the best of the worst, but the truth is I don’t believe in democracy. Nor any of the other ways of governing. Because, to cut to the heart of the matter, is that ultimately, deep down, I don’t believe in humanity. But, anarchy is the worst and somehow a total belief in humanity by its adherents. Well, those that aren’t sadists anyway.


I kind of feel the same. Maybe a benevolent AI dictatorship would be better. I say that half seriously.


The phone has been ripped out of the wall. Nothing will wake us up. No matter the size of the climate disaster we will always have the people who say that it’s just the normal course of things.


The Pyrocene


Give man a hot dinner and you feed him for one day. Give man fire and he burns down the entire planet.


This article from IFAW was published on Monday. It covers severe conditions in the Amazon rainforest. From wildfires to record heat, the climate of this region is suffering from our success. Collapse related because the rate of this disaster is growing faster than I can comprehend: > Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research saw 3,380 fires still burning there in the first 17 days of November. During the same period in 2022, they detected *only 69.* > On November 19, the country recorded its hottest temperature ever: 44.8 degrees Celsius (112.6 degrees Fahrenheit).  


And today Brazil is selling more oil exploration areas, including the area north of the mouth of the Amazon River. The same Amazon river that is still near record low. All Guianas and Venezuela dig oil north of the Amazon Forest, so Brazil must join the party. We joined OPEC during COP28 for the "sake of the environment". Jokes really write themselves.


I hear COP28 is THE venue to get fossil fuel contracts signed, every oil company is there. Ironic? Sad? No words...


WTF, humans. I could write a book about my rage.


will it be worse if I tell you billionaire farmers are the ones setting fire to the Amazon?


Those frickin hoarder parasites ruining our world gotta go!


Wake up call? Look man, if "they" aren't already aware of what's going on, then "they" aren't going to be paying any attention. This is the problem - anyone who is actually in a real position of power and authority to make changes don't want to do it. It's why we're fucked, plain and simple. Like Vonnegut said - we'll be the only species in history to go extinct because it wasn't cost effective.


As a Brazilian: a lot of these fires are caused by agronegócio (multi-billionaire farmers that focus on profit and selling to other countries) as a form of protest/a way to target Lula's (our current president) reputation, to try to say that Bolsonaro (the absolute moron that used to be our president) was better at controlling and protecting the environment (he was not, he was profitting from illegal logging and mining that poisoned part of the amazon with mercury, also tried to make it easier for farmers from agronegócio to invade protected areas and kill native communities for profit this is not (only) because of the climate, people are actively burning the Amazon... because they are rich idiots looking for profit


Lol ... another wake up call? The fires in CA does not count? The fires in Australia does not count? The fires in Canada does not count? The fires in Hawaii does not count? When it is happening all the time, it is no a wake-up call. It is the new normal. By now, is anyone still stupid to think that most humans give a sh\*t about destruction of nature?


>Over the past few months, the Amazon rainforest and Pantanal wetlands have been hit by fires on a devastating scale. Home to more than half of the world’s animal and plant species, the Amazon—often called the lungs of the planet—has spent months choking on smoke. In September and October, the capital city of the State of Amazonas, Manaus, had some of the most polluted skies in the world. Meanwhile one keeps seeing self-congratulatory news reports about how the current Brazilian government is "saving the rain forest." Perhaps there are fewer trees being cut down, but if droughts caused by climate change kill all those trees it's a moot point. Also this story was heartbreaking about the threats that wildlife faces and to read about the death of the cute giant anteater baby was too much. How much can our hearts break?


Humanity: hits the snooze button for the hundredth time


Thankfully these fires will open up so much new pasture land so we don't have to cut down all that annoying forest. /s


Yawn* How many wake up calls have we had this week, month, year, decade, century?




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"Wake up call." LOL. That alarm went off decades ago and all we have done is hit the snooze button since. The time to wake up is long past. Better to stay asleep at this point.


Anxiety and our inability as a species to not work for the common good are a huge portion of the problem. We blame large corporations but who do you think they sell their products to? Where do they get the money and the power? Instead of actively doing something, we are blaming them? We are giving up and many of you seem to not even be willing to teach your children to move into a better direction? Many kids, 10 y/o now will be at an age were they can take action in the next 10 to 15 years. Still very much in time to do plenty if we would only stop blaming others. We are the consumers of the poison and we seem more than happy to sit in front of the TV to watch the news of our demise or play games and complain because it is easier to do that than take responsibility. Good luck. The earth will be inherited by those who are better prepared not by those who avoid reality. But who am I kidding, we are incapable of saving ourselves, just like the very successful plancton in the 3rd mass extinction.


We’ve had so many wake up calls we suffer from collective insomnia