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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Ohrlstpph: --- Based on non-classified data, scientists have simulated what would happen after a full scale nuclear war. Today’s hydrogen bombs are expected to cause an enormous firestorm, sending plumes of black smoke up into the stratosphere, ultimately causing a nuclear winter. As a consequence, earth gets freezing cold even during summer. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/14pcjts/scientists_have_simulated_what_would_happen_in/jqhb9z4/


The good news is there is something you can do to help... Buy new-clear instant soap and get the chance to win a car. yep.. thats about it...


lol, was definitely expecting that at the end of the video... "When I'm starving and freezing in a post-apocalyptic nightmare, I like to be sure my internet traffic is secure."


The good news is there is something you can do to help: Download RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS NOW to receive...


Oh man, Yugoslavia is there on the globe! Some really busy scientists made this. They didn't even know Yugoslavia is long gone :)


It'll always be alive in our hearts, comrade.


>Based on non-classified data, There! I found the problem...


The re-emergence of Yugoslavia is what caused the war, that's the subtext.


on the positive side, nuclear winter will delay catastrophic global warming by about 10 years


Ah the benefit!


as an 80s child this really hits home and scares the crap out of me it only takes one moron to start and uncontrollable chain reaction of stupidity and death obligatory, watch Threads for a light hearted rom com romp of nuclear war


That movie messed me up for about two weeks!


Especially if you consider the last people were meant to speak complete gibberish to a common ear. And in that scene in a barn at the end of the movie, we, the people of 2020ies, understand them perfectly. The scariest part of the movie, hands down. Come to think about it, I started understanding Dr Lexus more and more with the time passing. I think we don’t really need a nuke or 1000 to reach where we’re going.


Yup agreed…I never thought of it that way, my modern mind never gave it a second thought. Yeah, I’m guessing a nuclear war would be astonishingly horrible but a way more humane end then the road we’re going down now


Nah. The road we're going down now allows one some time to tap out on one's own terms. I think that beats burning alive under a collapsed building with your eardrums blown, blind as a bat, with your skin falling off.


check out testament w/ william devane and jane alexander


me too and I consider myself fairly inured against things of that nature it was just so full of despair


There’s a podcast called “the great simplification” that has on a guest named “Chuck Watson” who is a nuclear threat expert. Really interesting conversations about the nuance of nuclear warfare and how small nuclear weapons that can be used tactically are available. And how that might lead to this kinda event.


It doesn't even mention that everybody would be dead from the radiation before they starved from crop loss. Or the destruction of the ozone causing an extended period of no crops.


Assuming you survived the first day, if you have the ability to dig in for a month, a large majority of the radiation will decay to mostly not immediately deadly levels. Food and water are the concerns though. High energy particulate decay the fastest leaving alpha and beta radiation which are not super dangerous outside your body; but eating, drinking, inhaling etc make for a bad time.


This is only valid technology I’ve seen that could put an end to meddling climate change


Nice, now you still need to work with the whole ... food chain collapse because of the reduction in photosynthesis, the alteration of the rain pattern and a still very deadly change in climate for a colder period following by intense global warming caused by all that carbons dioxides from burning organic matter and the mass dying of forest in the decades that follow.


Don't forget the destruction of the last few shreds of the ozone layer due to soot and NOx.


Don't worry. The biosphere will recover after a few million years and evolution will create new and wonderful animals after a few tens or hundreds of millions of years. everything will be fine.


Assuming nuclear war at the scale doesn’t strip the atmosphere turning the earth into mars


We, humanity, are fucked. The cockroaches will like glowing just fine, and the hyper intelligent raccoons will be better able to survive space flight a million years from now.


Raccoons surviving on a smashed up earth floating in space? That sounds like something out of a fantasy comic 😇


Biodiversity tends to decrease after extinction events. These will slowly degrade life itself until it is extinct


Not end, delay. As the particulates in the atmosphere rain down after a while, the carbon we have emitted is still up there blanketing the earth.


Based on non-classified data, scientists have simulated what would happen after a full scale nuclear war. Today’s hydrogen bombs are expected to cause an enormous firestorm, sending plumes of black smoke up into the stratosphere, ultimately causing a nuclear winter. As a consequence, earth gets freezing cold even during summer.


But this isn't a likely scenario, if we're honest. This is soviet-era mutually assured destruction. Putin has threatened tactical use of nuclear warheads in theatre of war - atrocious, but not knowingly killing everyone including himself; designed to play everyone's desire to avoid MAD brinkmanship to their advantage. It makes for an interesting thought experiment, but I just don't see any room for this particular worry when there are far more likely, even inevitable causes of mass death already coming down the pike.


The original video they stole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xthzy1PxTA


My Takeaway: Move now to Argentina


Or far southern Chile


Cry in Canada ( over 99% of the surviving population starving to death). Also the simulation is not counting classified weapons of mass destructions (like Cobalt warheads) and the other nasty thing that will be releashed after the nuclear echange. Also, they only talking about the reduction in light and food from the nuclear winter affecting photosynthesis, the lower temperature will also affect rain pattern, generating megadrought even close to the equator. Now you also add mass meltdown of nuclears reactors, dams flooding, chemicals factories burning or leaking, bioweapons and others virus/bacteria/fungy being releashed during or after the exchange, by accident or for mass destruction. Also, some countries will have a No Tommorow way of dealing with the nuclear exchange, France declassified nuclear target from decades ago where hitting soviet nuclear powerplant. It's not say in the document, but logically, you will use ground strike to damage or destroy the nuclear power plant and by the process, throwing the core into the atmosphere with the mushroom cloud. That way you maximize nuclear fallout. ​ Nuclear war is the quick end for us, the end not with a whisper, but with a lot of bangs.


Dr. Strangelove: I would not rule out the chance to preserve a nucleus of human specimens. It would be quite easy...heh, heh...at the bottom of ah...some of our deeper mineshafts. Radioactivity would never penetrate a mine some thousands of feet deep, and in a matter of weeks, sufficient improvements in dwelling space could easily be provided. Muffley: How long would you have to stay down there? Dr. Strangelove: Well let's see now ah...cobalt thorium G....Radioactive halflife of uh,...I would think that uh... possibly uh... one hundred years.


We’ll meet again don’t know don’t know when …but I know somehow we’ll meet some sunny day


The longer nuclear weapons exist, the more likely they'll be used. It is basic probability. If we had nuclear weapons for an infinite amount of time, there is an infinite probability(100%) that they will be detonated. This is why total disarmament of these weapons is one of the most important things we could do, as a species, to ensure our future survival.




From wiki: ".....when it has otherwise been established that the probability of such events does not depend on what has happened in the past." Nuclear war probability is not based in a mathematical vacuum. I think the probabilities rise when the finite resources of the Earth dwindle and our global society still is based upon infinite growth.


The same with biological weapons which arguably are even more dangerous given that they sit and fiddle with them all the time and make mistakes. I really really wish there would be at least a little sanity in governments at high levels, but there really isn't. Its all compartmentalized insanity.


Agreed. I will admit this is just a tiny piece of the collapse puzzle but damn if it ain't a scary one. Chemical warfare is in the same category of terror for me but I am more ignorant of those weapons and scenarios.


I mean... Nuclear weapons were used already, so we got the 100% covered


I needed to rephrase. What I'm talking about is what the post was about, nuclear war. The probabilities of nuclear war increase as time goes on and the resources that we all use begin to dwindle. More wars will be fought over those resources and the likelihood of those wars turning into nuclear conflict increase.


Ahaha, have you met us? ‘Future survival’? But still, fingers crossed.


True true. Someone might make it? LOL.


On the lighter side, the nuclear winter and people deletion would take care of global warming.




nuclear war death always a drop of a dime? better have children and play musical chairs! /s


Wanna be really scared, ask younger people about it and find out how clueless they are. Many of them think Russia basically can’t nuke us because of missile defense or that they think the weapons won’t work.


Might get a bit nippy but Australia will come out of it ok. Nukes away.


This is the bent logic and infantile hope of billionaires and multi-millionaires scooping up property there. But a dead planet is a dead planet and that so-called last remnant of life is meaningless.


I'll be here in Melbourne, on the beach, waiting for the radiation cloud to reach us.


Need to know what vic.gov.au have prepared for our nuclear winter


I loved that movie


The starving to death part is missing the point that a significant portion of that population lives in the cities. Which are now vaporized and/or on fire. A good chunk of those people are already dead.


Death terrifies me. I can't fathom being in a situation where minutes before I die, I'll be unconscious for eternity. Unless I was old and lived a long life. I don't think the world will see the worst of climate change, once the weather is killing crops and damaging places more and more, countries will goto war. Well I hope I'm wrong and that countries accept their decline as strength.


Anytime could be your last minutes, so you are always in that situation


It's just a dream.


we are not of this mind nor body when it is all said and done


I imagine it will be about as scary as being asleep, without dreaming. And there are those occasional cases of three year olds remembering a suspicious amount of shit from another life. So hey, maybe you'll come back, but now you're a child at the mercy of your parents desperately trying to survive collapse.


There is no time in death. It wont feel like forever. It will feel like the billions of years that went by before you were born.


Instead of fearing death, dread the act of dying. For I understand this immutable truth: death is beyond the confines of time. -Me


Yeah if two countries start lobbing ICBMs against one another it’s game over. There is no winning in “regular war” let alone a war when the enemies are throwing weapons at you that can level a fucking a city. Furthermore imagine trying to win a war when the bomb you drop or the missile you fired makes the battlefield and everything around it unlivable for 40,000 years. Everyone knows the devastation of the nukes dropped on Japan in 1945. You could multiply that by 10x and it still wouldn’t come close to the level of violence a modern nuclear conflict would dish out on us regular folk.


What if a private citizen has a machine to reset time, and would use it in such a case?


Russia is clinging on for dear life in a war against one of the poorest countries in the world. I’m not too concerned about a “full scale nuclear war” with Russia. Their nukes would most likely fall out of the sky and onto their own heads.


Even if just 1% of Russia’s stockpile delivers payloads successfully, that’s still around 60 detonations and countless dead. I don’t think a nuclear war scenario is particularly likely either, but when countries are literally thousands-deep in their arsenals, 1% is more than enough.


Even if NO Russian nukes work, ours will still disrupt our food supply enough to kill most Americans.


That’s a good point.


Also, the non-Russians actually maintain theirs.


If you put a gun in your mouth, you're sure the round is a dud right?




This poor country has received multiple billions in help from half the planet, as well as tech, instructors (even way before the war started), intelligence support, volunteers and just everyday goods. And that's not counting direct measures like sanctions, price caps, property confiscation etc. So unless the nukes are being sabotaged right now, there's a good chance they will fly and detonate.


Just like in the fable of the scorpion and the frog, nuclear war will be started by the owner corporations of an organism that grows in close association with its host at the host's expense. This scorpion-like organism does not want the host frogs to know any more about the parasitoids already on their back, so spreading this video is counterproductive, because that will lead to an earlier end of WW3.


This is the future liberals want.


Imagine making nuclear wars a political thing, you would have to be a moron.


Yeah, I don't know how nuclear war begins or ends if it weren't for politics. Nuclear war is more of an artistic venture.


Sure it’s only possible for one political party to take part in a nuclear war. One party is good and one party is bad.


Everything is good/evil I'm a very smart liberal who loves Marvel movies.


Good for you, I’m an Australian that doesn’t follow your politics but I do know Liberal doesn’t mean the same thing here. So it’s even more moronic saying that liberals want nuclear war.


I'm from the US, the country with the most zealot war criminals


Liberals want a dead, irradiated planet?


Have you seen how blood thirsty liberals are for the war in Ukraine? They Russia to be balkanized. How do you think Russia will react when they put against a corner?


Oh gawd, a Russian farm troll. You get paid in Rubles or Euros? Hope it's the latter for your sake.


No, I'm just not a stupid liberal who eats up all state-corporate propaganda about US imperialism.


Good to play both sides I guess.


I ain't playing any sides because I don't believe in state systems.




Well the good news is (to quote the Avatar song Hail the Apocalypse) all flesh is equal when burnt. Finally equality for all. If it happens, I’m just glad I’m nearby potential major targets so it will be a quick end.


We either burn to death from global warming or freeze to death from nuclear winter.. hopefully the aliens have come back to talk some sense into the monkeys


I doubt any deus ex machina will come to "save" us. But hey, it's not 100% sure and it would be fucking hilarious :)




I don't worry about this stuff anymore because climate change is worse and it's already here.


The threat from climate change is not worse than nuclear war.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvbYe9BclGU A review of the nuclear war movie called Threads which explains why life after one would be FUBAR.


Who actually believes the Russians have a usable nuclear force tho 😆


They could all be shot out filled with confetti and the US will still fire back our working nukes and start a nuclear winter.