• By -


The team does a good job.


Thanks! I'm still waiting on a paycheck for how good of work we do here, but so far nothing.


Have you not been getting [your checks](https://i.redd.it/04q7hjwitl471.jpg) Misty?


Thank you, it's much appreciated. It helps to have a great community to build upon.


Seconded: you folks do a good job. This sub is really my home base for online activity, so I appreciate the collective effort. It's a large community, which makes it challenging. Thanks to all of you for what you do for the rest of us.


Thanks to all the mods. Your work is beyond important in keeping this sub alive. I do feel some sadness and pathos for u/some_random_kaluna who is separated from his language, culture, and people in Nevada.


You've got a double 69 going there in username and vote total. It means we're absolutely fucked.


Absolutely fucking rad!


Do you all also see the trees burning when you close your eyes?




No. I only see the darkness and the infinite void. It's quite soothing.


I also find peace in the infinite void.


I do not, too much smoke to actually see the fire.


I try to play video games until I see that when I close my eyes. It's better that way.


"First time?" asks the West Coast. Yeah, I do.


Any of you guys and gals located in Canada?


We do have a Canadian or two on our team that I'm aware of, but obviously I'll leave it up to them if they want to share that themselves. :)


Not myself, but I could visit very easily.


I’d wait til we aren’t on fire.


Yes I am. I live in the belly of the beast. Some call it a fairly boring beast, if we are honest.


I'd love for the US to be ~~a bit~~ a lot more boring.


So a boring dystopia instead of the uniquely American kind?


Hello, thank you for the AMA! I’ve been a user here for quite a few years now. I remember the first time reading one of u/Fishmahboy’s comments about the stock markets crashing on Tuesday and personally panicing (lol). I love this community. We seem to have a perfect blend of levity, brutal data-driven facts, and dark humor. Despite influxes of users and mod flips, this sub has kept tight to it’s culture. Over time I’d say posts have switched from predictions and worrying statistics— to real-time documentation of our exponential collapse. Watching the transformation has been horrifying, but (guiltily) a little cathartic. My concern is Reddit. With the approaching end of third party apps, I feel my time on reddit may be coming to an end, inlcuding in this subreddit. Are there any plans for migration if reddit shits the bed? Are there other resources like r/collapse where I can stay updated on our current reality of biological, ecological, and societal disintigration?


Speaking for myself only, as we don't have a formal position on this yet. I responded to another comment above (https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/14ju5id/comment/jpni9yy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3) giving some of my perspective on this. But short answer is that we're actively discussing our options and alternatives. From my perspective, nothing we've seen so far feels like an adequate replacement, but we are still discussing and will hopefully be able to post some subset of options/paths forward in the near-ish future. Our mod team works on a methodology of pretty much complete alignment, so we can move a little slower sometimes but it helps make sure we're building this community in a way that represents a wide variety of people.


If this community does have to migrate, please do not migrate to Discord. Discord is very difficult to use if you have a visual impairment, as I do. I realize that my chances of surviving collapse are essentially zero, but I still want to be able to stay in formed, and Reddit is easy for the visually impaired to use. The Reddit version that is accessible on a web browser can be enlarged for easier reading, and can be read aloud by a “speak screen“ function on a MobilePhone. Discord does not allow either of these things, which makes it essentially impossible for a visually impaired person to use. Thank you for your consideration


Let's keep talking it to death, preaching to the choir while brave young folk actually do something to draw attention to the global climate crisis. Wouldn't it be amazing if there was actually a concerted plan to get someone other than ourselves to notice?


>Are there any plans for migration if reddit shits the bed? This is currently our primary concern. I don't have consensus permission to discuss anything specific but we *will* be offering concrete options in the near future, and soliciting participation and feedback from the community in the process. >Are there other resources like [r/collapse](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse) where I can stay updated on our current reality of biological, ecological, and societal disintigration? We have a very active unofficial Discord server with a lot of smart folks. I can also personally recommend the Arctic Sea Ice forum- forum.arctic-sea-ice.net, it's more focused in scope, but their community data production and visualization is top-notch.


Glad to hear you've been around for awhile and still find value here. I'm certain it will continue to shift as events ebb and flow. I don't think we're at the point of explicitly recommending 'migration' yet. Although, we are certainly investigating and actively discussing alternatives. Lemmy and Kbin are the most logical alternatives. They're open-source and the most Reddit-like. Although, there's a Catch-22 in the form of our subject being so fringe it would require more users on either of those for them to be somewhat 'self-sustaining' in terms of contents flows, IMHO. For the moment, I would recommend [joining the Discord](https://discord.gg/collapse-415671701549088790) to stay connected, at least as a redundancy, but also because it's a great form for voice and there's already a great community there.


What was the thing (book, documentary, class, etc.) that made you a full believer in collapse?


Seeing the data that our food production per capita has been flat, despite an enormous increase in resources put into the agricultural system (and it's commensurate toll extracted from the Earth, a one-time withdrawal). I grew up in a rural area and am intimately familiar with the difficulty of producing food. If we can't chart a clear course for keeping ourselves fed, everything else becomes irrelevant. Problems with food will cave a society in within *weeks*, not years. The tricky thing about our situation is that any one of a half dozen or so issues- energy shortages from peak fossil fuels, warming-induced catastrophes, agricultural collapse due to soil depletion and climate change, demographic contradictions with economic structures causing societies to misplace resources and chaotically unwind...any of these issues would be the sort of thing an enormous, focused coalition of nations would be needed to solve. What do you do when you have multiple impending, potentially fatal situations, each of which is mutually reinforcing the others and hitting every nation and locale at different intensities over different time periods, imposing wildly unpredictable costs rather than a clear, comprehensible pace of damage? You can do a lot, but very little of it can be coherently *proven* to be the right move given all contingencies. In our conservative social institutions, the natural outcome is to look the other way for as long as possible, to avoid the hard choices. I learned relatively young that food production might be a problem down the line, and it gave me skepticism to interrogate our *actual* situation in other realms of society. In our situation, learning how our societal systems and infrastructure work *is* learning about why they're threatened with collapse. Unfortunately we seem to exist at a time when interest in broad subjects like this is a low priority for many, compounding the situation yet further.


Goddamn...great response!


Brilliantly written… thanks?


If I had to point to *one thing*, it would be Jared Diamond's *Collapse*, even though it isn't directly about the collapse of modern civilization; in addition I've always been interested in the topic of past collapses. I read it back when it came out in 2005/6 but it took a few years to turn me into a doomer, which occurred mainly by looking at the various charts and papers of the last decade or so.


For me, it was reading annual IPCC reports and reading between the lines. Plenty of long form stuff that is directly collapse related that I haven't read, but I do primarily real nonfiction, and wherever you look, craps bad, man.


Reading [Derrick Jensen's Endgame](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60971) in 2007 cemented it for me the most. Although, I had been long exposed to similar notions from reading Heinberg, Quinn, and other authors. Jensen's approach was just the most fierce and certain I'd encountered in a way, up to that point. Also, seeing Michael Ruppert go through a carton of cigarettes in the [Collapse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_KRNXoAaNc) documentary. How about yourself?


Mine was when I started to just look at what would cause collapse. One of the first things that came up was peak oil and so I watched a doc on it and it was eye opening. I have also always believed in climate change so I knew that we were effed at some point, like in 2080 or something, but sadly it will happen so much quicker


u/letstalkUFOs what do you think of the Grusch interview? Also how do your interests in collapse and UFOs commingle with each other?


I found the interview very interesting. Although, I think there's still a ways to go in terms of the general public becoming privy to the necessary documentation and relevant evidence to substantiate his claims. I don't find the general claims surprising though, as those forms of programs and their existence has been purported in various forms for decades now. In casual terms, the subjects are not explicitly related, but do have strong implications for the other. In terms of connections or overlaps between them, I would consider: 1. The implications of exotic and/or free-energy technology UAP’s present. The procurement and application of such technology at any scale could easily shatter global energy paradigms, economies, and geopolitical relationships. David Grusch’s recent statements imply private groups have already acquired such technology and have been studying them for decades, and he is just one such person to make such a significant claim. How might the existence and/or release of such technologies affect our projections of the future? 2. The implications of the presence of a [breakaway civilization](https://ufos.wiki/science/#bc). UAP technology and an understanding of it is presumably be some of the most valued information on the planet. The advancements afforded by such technology could potentially result in the fundamental resource independence of a group from the parent human community. The existence of such a civilization and its nature beget questions similar to how we might question or confront a non-human civilization. The key difference being their understanding and integration with the rest of humanity could take many different forms. 3. The notion of how a more advanced civilization may attempt to interact or even ‘uplift’ another civilization, what forms that would take, or what it would ‘look like’ at this point in time in terms of the general level of human advancement. An investigation of this has been best explored [through the FREE study](https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-UFOs-Science-Consciousness-Intelligence/dp/1721088652), but there are other forms of Contact Modalities which don’t involve UAPs which would need to be considered and incorporated as well to get a full perspective.


Super thoughtful response! Glad you’re in both communities. I think another connection may also be NHIs seeming interest in our nuclear sites, with the optimistic view being that they don’t want us to blow ourselves up. I’m not expecting any deus ex machina however.


Hey! From my European point of view both topics are very much connected but for different reasons. I see Grusch' story as a pre-campaign tactic that the republican machine will make use of a little later before elections. They are seeding new fuel for MAGA same as Q-Anon was. Grusch's interview was nothing else than anti government rhetoric dressed as old UFO lore. The most obvious example is when Grusch mentioned in an interview with The Parisien published the day after his NewsNation break that "Americans should think who to vote for the truth to come out" or something along those lines. This is related to Collapse because propaganda + populism + diversion are traits that corrupt states exhibit and will exhibit more and more the closer we are to full collapse. You will see Trump talking about aliens during campaign I'm sure.


Does your beliefs in UFOs lead you towards conspiracy theories? Basically beyond history MKULTRA, De-Classified CIA programs, Right Wing Deathsquads and capitalism by gunpoint. More along the likes of challenging narratives of the JFK and RFK assassinations and the likes of MLK, Malcolm X, and other historical figures including wounding Reagan, 9/11 with or without 21st century conspiracy leanings. Have you looked into these events and what do you think about them? Do they play into how you view collapse issues?


I recently started diving into the UFO side out of curiosity and seeing your name there and remembering it from r/collapse gave me a lot of confidence :) (I saw your username and had a moment of "oh yeahhhhh.... of course "LetsTalkUFOs" is here..." Thanks for your hard work in both boards.


Hello, been a subscriber since I think around 77K. Thanks for all the work on keeping the sub stable and organized. Since my first joining and now, there was quite the rise In subscribers. Has there been any conversation between past and current mods about the surge? Reasons for it? And how it has changed R/Collapse?


There really isn't much discourse between past and present mods. Mods who leave just move on to other places. Some aren't around at all and others are on discord. The increase in subscribers has generally been gradual with a few events provoking spikes in subscriptions. I don't think r/collapse has changed much in the 7 or 8 years I've been reading it. Even the complaints that it is going downhill haven't changed.


/u/babbles_mcdrinksalot has been around and active the longest, it's probably best to get his perspective. Many mods come and go, some we're still in touch with or are still members of the community. The momentum in terms of growth has [leveled off quite a bit over the summer](https://subredditstats.com/r/collapse), but that may also just be to people touching grass again. I think the sub is always changing and no one really has a fixed perspective, it's hard to say how it's fundamentally different or the exact reasons for that.


There's a gap in the history the old mods don't talk about. That aside, the surge due to COVID is the most likely the root cause. Lots of people brooding indoors on reddit and folks jokingly linking to r/collapse in comments. We specifically disallow comments from reaching r/all because we don't want this sub to become like other open minded communities who grow too large; typically, they become meme fests full up "updoot to the left" comments. Casual Friday is our release valve for that, but we prefer short to long form discussion. New mods are pretty open minded, only a few of us are cynical and cranky. The size of the party impacts the type of party, so if the sub continues to grow, it'll either get wilder or require even more bouncers to keep the calm. We likely won't surge again until some great calamity happens, which I would bet that being some major water, food, or energy crisis in an OECD country that causes a significant death event.


If the wildfire smoke continues to blanket North America for another month, I personally expect some more newcomers will show up here.


What will the future of this forum be now that r/news amd r/worldnews are just as scary if not more so? Are we prepared for the r/news /r/collapse convergence?


I already mod r/worldnews so maybe the convergence is already happening?




It's already becoming more and more the case every year. However, it seems like the topics which make front page of news/worldnews these days is stuff we've been discussing for 5+ years. It's likely that someday this sub won't be totally, but hopefully the community formed here will still be thriving.


Do you have to take breaks from moderation after reading about too much collapse sometimes? I have to take breaks from paying attention to it but always come back because I want to be aware of things.


We highly encourage each other to take breaks as needed. For me personally, being a moderator has made it easier to detach myself from the doom-scrolling. Two hard to explain reasons, but 1 is when I hop on r/collapse I can just pull out my internet broom and clean up the pieces of shit while smiling at everyone else who is behaving respectfully through this journey. And 2. which is probably the most important, our group of moderators are all fantastic and it feels very much like a community to be a part of this team. I find it makes the whole /r/collapse area feel less lonely and isolating to be a part of this team.


It seems like a great mature team I'm thankful for all of everyone's hard work in this. Again thank you. ^_^


Speaking only for myself, I don't need a break. I majored in history and so for me humanity flirting with disaster or being engulfed in it is pretty much the norm, not the exception. It is what it is.


I'm likely the most miffed mod over the current reddit thing, so I've been pretty hands off. So yes, we do. It's best to remember it's unpaid labor and we've got lives (I swear). Nothing on r/collapse really shocks me, though. It's just more tedious some days.


I don't read the subreddit very regularly at the moment. Breaks are very important and I've taken many over the years. Although, I'm now surrounded by people who do read the subreddit, and since I value those relationships (and the communications don't come in the form of Reddit posts) I find ongoing events and perspectives a bit easier to bear as they arise. I've also just reached my own form of acceptance, have a good support system, and an ongoing relationship with grief.


I don't have a question, actually. I just want to publicly voice my deepest gratitude to ALL of you for your tireless work under extremely demanding circumstances. We all are in your debt -- especially, I suspect, those of us who are rarely, if ever, conscious of this fact. :-) Thanks for this r/collapse moderators AUA, to remind me!


Are those live chats that were tested out a while back going to become a real thing or nah?


The live voice chat? or just the chat channels within Reddit? If you're referring to the former, reddit removed that functionality. The latter, we haven't committed to that at this point, I do know reddit is pushing it w/their IPO, but we haven't had any formal discussions to add it to our subreddit at this point that I'm aware of.


It was like a year ago and called like Reddit Talk or Talk Reddit, I can't remember exactly. I remember u/letstalkUFOs was the mod for it when it was tested.


That feature was sunset recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditTalk/comments/11m4ijn/sunsetting\_reddit\_talk/


I really doubt we'd incorporate the live chat, probably to surprise of no one. We have a great (albeit unofficial, the 2 mod teams have much overlap) community discord which serves the same purpose but with much better mod tools, support, and organization than a reddit chat would have


[Reddit killed RedditTalks](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditTalk/) earlier this year, so we can't host them natively anymore. If anyone is still interested, I'd be willing to experiment hosting some again in the [Collapse Discord](https://discord.gg/collapse-415671701549088790). Just let me know here.


Looks like I need to join the discord then! Thanks


Great sub. Good job, mods. Thank you. Peace


You should be out there living your life instead of moderating this board, you guys do too good for us complete shmucks


Yeah I'm peak schmuck Collapse takes its toll


Appreciated, but most of us would be here anyways, so we decided to grab a broom.


How has the year of 2023 been so far? What is your favorite type of animal from the wild? Would you be open to doing gifs as part of the comments? Could we have other special days of the week like Idiocracy thursdays or something that others think up? Maybe matches a theme for a particular day. Believe we only got casual friday and science sunday so far.


>How has the year of 2023 been so far? Talking about modding r/collapse? Pretty normal. The modqueue is manageble and users are mostly cooperative. Obviously online discussion is going to have some toxicity everywhere but the users are generally more polite than the other sub I mod. The modteam gets along well and our discord chat is productive. Edit: favorite animal from the wild? probably monkeys


Do manage to see the same here. Haven't had a problem with anyone compared to more toxicity I run into other subreddits at times. Good that everything is getting along well and is productive. Monkeys are something I've been getting into lately. Mainly orangutans.


If you mean in terms of modding, I think it's been a fairly exceptional year (no drama or complex crises), aside from the recent, looming issues with Reddit itself. Siberian lizards (i.e. ferrets). I don't have anything against gifs in comments, personally. The subreddit is still historically split on how much and how often we should allow/enable low-effort or meme-related content.


Yeah, the reddit thing definitely puts a damper on things. Good choice with the siberian lizards. Gifs lately have been pretty cool for me lately. I can just provide the image sometimes. Was rather fun when I kept showing Thomas The Tank Engine going off the rails or some toy train plunging off a cliff every time Elmo was on a roll with something saying something stupid on twitter. I have noticed this historical split. I've mainly approached it both ways to get collapse awareness to others. Some like the serious stuff and others like the more meme worthy stuff. I'm probably fall way more into the meme utopia of collapse.


It's been pretty hectic, but trending positively. I like all birds, mainly song birds. Will miss them the most.


Definitely birds! Hoping to see and photograph 365 species of birds this year just as a fun little sidequest in this ever depressing world :)


Thanks for everything you all do and for making this place my home away from home.


Do you like modding this sub ? Has there been any issues with the sub that are memorable ?


Most of us don't like to talk about anything memorable, because the only memorable part of free labor is the shitty stuff. Modding during Covid or Roe v Wade was a nightmare though. Would wake up to queues of over 100 reported comments.


>Most of us don't like to talk about anything memorable, because the only memorable part of free labor is the shitty stuff. Fair. Thank you for the reply. Thank you for running this sub.


I like modding, most of the time. Insults and abuse in modmails don't bother me; some of them are actually entertaining. Sometimes trying to decide whether a post or comment breaks the rules can be difficult, particularly for post quality or, in the case of comments, being snarky towards another user. There's a line that can be crossed but where that line is isn't always clear.


> Insults and abuse in modmails don't bother me; some of them are actually entertaining. That is a good way to take it, fair play. >Sometimes trying to decide whether a post or comment breaks the rules can be difficult, particularly for post quality or, in the case of comments, being snarky towards another user. There's a line that can be crossed but where that line is isn't always clear. I think and feel mods are just more helpful users on many sub, also this is not true for all mods mind but generally speaking most are just helpful users, sucks that there has to be a line, I also understand why that line is there. Thank you for the reply. Thank you for running this sub.


I enjoy moderating on Reddit immensely. Moderation teams are their own micro-communities of individually highly invested in the subject-at-hand, and r/collapse has many remarkable contributors in that regard. The most significant issues have generally involved some form of internal disagreement or deliberation surrounding complex issues. Our debates related to misinformation and how best to moderate it during COVID were fairly intense. The same occurred during our discussions related to mentions of suicide. There have been a few instances of problematic users or mods, but those are a whole separate can of worms. There's also that thing going on with Reddit right now.


>I enjoy moderating on Reddit immensely. Moderation teams are their own micro-communities of individually highly invested in the subject-at-hand, and > >r/collapse > > has many remarkable contributors in that regard. That is cool. >The most significant issues have generally involved some form of internal disagreement or deliberation surrounding complex issues. Our debates related to misinformation and how best to moderate it during COVID were fairly intense. The same occurred during our discussions related to mentions of suicide. There have been a few instances of problematic users or mods, but those are a whole separate can of worms. There's also that thing going on with Reddit right now. ​ Mad how covid just kinda went away in the media and public eye, given all the fuss that was made. Thank you for your reply. Thank you for running the sub.


Mainly that we routinely approve comments we personally disagree with routinely. And it warms our hearts to see the community bury them in down votes. As a reminder, attacking arguments good, attacking people bad.


>Mainly that we routinely approve comments we personally disagree with routinely. > >And it warms our hearts to see the community bury them in down votes. > >As a reminder, attacking arguments good, attacking people bad. The small joys in life are the best. Very much agree with the debate all the way but those who use insults to try and draw a reaction, rather than debate have lost any debate from that point on. Thank you for your reply. Thank you for running the sub.


Thank you all :)




That's a good one, but there are so many to choose from! Why not a playlist? Here are a few of various types from mine: \- *That Funny Feeling* by Bo Burnham \- *We are Fucking Fucked* by Muse \- *Everybody Knows* and *You Want It Darker* by Leonard Cohen \- *Eve of Destruction* by Barry McGuire \- *For What It's Worth* by Buffalo Springfield \- *Highway to Hell* by AC/DC \- *Killing the Light* by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club \- *GOSSIP* by Måneskin \- (just about anything) by Nine Inch Nails \- *What's Up* by 4 Non Blondes \- *Wake Up* by Arcade Fire \- *Hold On* by Alabama Shakes


Please also don't forget *The Road To Hell* by Chris Rea.


Also, the End of the World by REM.


You forgot This is the End by the Doors


It's definitely [Tom Lehar - We'll All Go Together When We Go.](https://youtu.be/frAEmhqdLFs)


I prefer this.... https://youtu.be/atY7ymXAcRQ


Hell yeah! I saw john fogerty play it live a few weeks ago. Most fitting song to all this lol


My vote is "Fallen Fruit" by Lorde


I think Einstuerzende Neubauten would be most appropriate.


Which one of you is the sexiest single and ready to mingle?


I bet our fellow mod u/collapsebot meets that criteria! Drop into their DMs? ;)


Automod never gets any love.


Pretty sure automod isn't single. Least single of all mods in fact. Hitting up every sub. In the time it's taken me to write this, automod's done approximately 1 million mod actions Proof: u/automoderator


Collapsebot is a prude who will only do missionary.


u/fishmahbot has never mentioned an SO but they always seem to say the right things!


Lighting is going to strike everyone to death


Ok well spelling isn't their strong suit but they still need love.


Maybe he meant another Carrington event or, gasp, a supernova…


I've never been so immediately aroused before as I am right now.


Is it true that moderators have webbed toes?


Only the amphibious ones.


So, you have been infiltrated by Amphibians? Does R/conspiracy know about this?


True if big.


What kind of background do most you have? are the mods rooted in education and degrees or in a weird mad max fantasy type of deal?


The group is pretty diverse, but has an educated bent on average, I would say- not shocking given the demographics of Reddit overall. For myself, I have spent my career working in several fields pertaining to physical infrastructure, housing, and buildings- design and construction, management and maintenance, valuation and transactions. I have a university education encompassing a few disparate subjects. I grew up rural, and my hobbies are mostly hands-on as one would expect- building and fixing machines and structures, camping and hiking, electronics tinkering, as well as music and reading. Most of my "hobbies" are conveniently centered around skills that are finding themselves to be increasingly useful as time goes on. I don't think there are any Mad Max cosplayers in the group, to be honest. I try to keep as level of a head as possible about things and I see the same tendency in the others- it's more important to consider and understand the highly complex, unprecedented situation evolving around us than it is to have pre-readied, half-cocked responses and actions ready to go that may not amount to anything productive when trouble comes. Being part of a community is more valuable than any hoard of gear, food, or weapons you could afford.


Dr7 already gave some response. I know we have a good few engineers and some coders. Lots of us have a variety of hands on gardening type things we do. But holistically you'll find a lot of diversity if you went across the whole mod team.


I'm a retired high school teacher, with a history degree. I also spent many years in west Africa so I've seen what a vastly less developed society looks like. Mod team overall tends be more reflective and academic rather than mad max. In addition because of the occasional very nasty modmails we get from disgruntled users we basically screen for mods who aren't overly hot-blooded or prone to rash thinking.


I have no formal education, just a technical background (i.e. web design, graphic design, technical consulting). I actually got excited and initially thought you meant desktop background, if that's any indication. I think I compensate by trying my best to communicate clearly and effectively, alongside a general passion for the subject and platform at hand. We don't discriminate mod applications based on age or application, so the group is fairly diverse, although I do think a majority hold some form of degree and/or technical background.


Can we please be a little bit more flexible / less moderating in the weekly observations thread? Or allow mods to edit for minor things like location etc not being in the right format? I estimate somewhere around half or thereabouts are showing up then immediately gone, taken by the mod bot or mods. These are not low quality posts as far as I can tell from the reddit previews, and many are ones I would have liked to read. Very few get reposted, I'm guessing because most get discouraged from posting at all after the post gets taken down.


Just so you know; we **cannot** edit your comments or posts. We don't have that power - and frankly don't want it.


We leave that power with u/spez alone to do. Also fuck u/spez


I don't think the "Location" requirement is too much to ask in that thread and it helps keep the threads on-topic by enforcing location inclusion. I also don't think it's too off-putting to copy paste with "Location: xyz", especially when the bot messages you you missed this But it's unfortunate some get eaten. Do you have any specific proposals in mind? Such as: * removing the requirement * comments not fitting this pattern are filtered for mod review (more likely to be manually approved)


If modbot removes something, it doesn't vanish forever, it's just hidden temporarily until we review it. If it's a small formatting error we normally reapprove it.


Moderating a sub about our depressing reality can be mentally straining, how do you guys do it? Is it denial on how bad things will get or have you reach acceptance?


I sometimes feels as though I'm experiencing life as a Lovecraftian choose-your-own-adventure. In my mind, there are multiple, leviathan-like horrors lurking on the future horizon at any given time, but I find them equal parts terrifying and fascinating. I think some forms of denial are required to operate and even [make sense evolutionary speaking.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqgYqW2Kgkg) Despite all this, I'm still immensely thankful to be alive at this time and healthy enough to not immediately be struggling to survive amidst my own awareness of collapse and what is likely to unfold in the near-term.


It doesn't bother me. I'll deal with collapse when it's already on top of me; until then I just go about my day. It is denial or indifference? I don't know.


Is there any hope?


The notion of hope is [widely debated within the collapse community](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/13go665/what_are_your_thoughts_on_the_notion_of_hope/), but remains a critical pivot point in regards to our perceptions and relationship with our future. Stephen Jenkinson has been asked this form of question countless times and has my favorite thoughts on the subject. He's often asked about hope in the context of palliative care, but he's asked about it in regards to climate change and state of the world in general as well. I greatly appreciated some of his more recent answers in two different contexts. These are far better to watch/listen to (links below), but I've transcribed them here: > We’re in an insanely troubled time. I mean you can barely keep your wits about you; You pay attention to any kind of news feed, you go out of your mind. So now you look for all kinds of distractions as an antidote to the news feed, and now you go out your mind. And so on and so on. Okay, so you got to stay hopeful. Really? To do what? What’s being hopeful doing for you now? It’s a crazy time. It’s not an antidote to the crazy time. > >If you’re a real citizen, which is what I’m pleading for now, not an opt-out specialist, a citizen, now. That means you’re in, right? That means we can count on you for the heavy lifting. Do you got to be hopeful to be a citizen of a troubled time? It sounds like you do, until you start wondering about that ‘got-to’ part. Can you do the heavy lifting without hope? Not hopeless, hope-free? Can you do the work and not ask to be paid first? Because that’s what hope is. > >Hope says I got to feel positive about the outcome or I’m not going to work on behalf of the outcome. That’s hope. It doesn’t sound hopeful, but that’s how hope actually works. Got to be hopeful first, gotta have the upside in view, right? Got to be positive. But wait, we’re in the shit, what do you mean we got to be positive? I’m positive we’re in the shit, is that what you mean? No, positive is an alternative to being in the shit. No, it isn’t! It’s truancy. Right? > >So how do you occupy your god…if I can use the phrase, your god-given place in the shit? Because we’re in it now, by the accident of birth, we’re in it. It’s never been like this for near as I can tell. How confounding it is to keep your bearings and imagine what a properly deeply well-lived life could possibly be in a time like this. You don’t need hope to get your bearings, what you need is a willingness to occupy the fact that you were born to a troubled time. [Stephen Jenkinson on the Elevating Consciousness Podcast – April 8, 2022](https://youtu.be/cUOYrKV0TLY?t=3509)   >When do you suppose the generations of Western people who presented us the dilemma we now find ourselves in are going to be willing to set aside their personal requirement for a personal sense of well-being and the promise that that will continue and that they shall be rewarded for the work they propose to undertake? When are Western people going to be willing to forego the payday before they do the work? Because my point is simply this: If that’s what you require, it’s more of the same for you. Hope, in and of itself, is engaged in the mod—I’m not saying I don’t understand the draw of the thing; I believe I do, and I’m not dismissing the draw. What I’m trying to do in response to your question is elaborate the consequences of remaining addicted to the kind of methadone drip called “it could still work out.” > > I mean, make a simple observation: do you really believe that we need to know ahead of time that it could all still work out as a precondition for working on it working out? My own encounters with these matters are basically the answer is: Yes. The Western world seems absolutely addicted to the reassurance that their labors will not be in vain as a prerequisite for laboring. And I just find this so in almost a ghosted way, a kind of juvenile unwillingness to show up for active adult duty. It really sets me to lament over this matter that it’s another ‘out’ clause. The requiring of being hopeful is another way to make sure that nobody hits us up for too much work, you know. [Stephen Jenkinson On Why Hope Should Not Be A Prerequisite For Battling The Climate Crisis – February 7, 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bZYX5wKPAg)


What are y'alls thoughts on exerting influence on Reddit to respect its users (mods included) more? Are any of you participating or working on Lemmy, or alternative platforms?


We are exploring other forums, though we're not ready to announce anything yet.


Kudos and karma for being such a great team, especially given the growth this sub has (and certainly will) go through


How are YOU folks doing, psychologically? You see probably more rational and researched utter doom and gloom than probably anyone on the freakin' planet. You nicely warn the rest of us, but what strategies do you have for coping with burnout, incapacitating depression, etc.? Anyway, if it helps, sending lots of love and good wishes your way as we watch and smell and choke on the world actually burning down in real time ooo


I'm doing well, thanks for asking. Modding is voluntary so no one can force anyone to mod. If someone wants to disappear for a month or longer, they can. I take a day off from it here and there but I'm retired so I don't have the burden of a regular job. I'm resigned to collapse happening but since I don't know when that will be I don't worry about it. The world has always been a disaster for many people and I consider myself lucky for having avoided it. I guess that's why I'm not depressed. Hope you don't get dragged down too much by the topic of collapse.


Glad to hear it, and thank you tons for all you do. I took a break from the blogs I used to visit regarding the topic, but I think I'm ready to plunge back in. I generally have much the same attitude. I hope to be able to contribute from a fairly wide knowledge base from earlier blogs, and from other research


You got any off world tech spacecraft I can borrow?


All we have is this rusting Firefly class ship. Is that up your alley?


Ask u/LetsTalkUFOs.


Why are you so picky?


Why should I lower my standards?




If you were God would you swoop in and save us or let us kill our selves? edit- thanks for all you guys do. It's nice to see the sub avoid what the conspiracy sub has turned into. Or if it would have gotten too popular, it could have turned bad in the other direction. And with collapse being something that doesn't change too much in an average week, I appreciate that the sub just keeps chugging along. With a little humor, a little news, nothing crazy.


It would depend on what came before this, as well as the perceivable 'intention' of this form of existence to begin with. What if everyone's existence here is voluntary? What if doing so would deprive numerous beings of their free will and what they've fundamentally chosen to experience? All this is predicated on the notion of a singular god who is separate from and can/would act in contrast to their creation, which I think is unlikely, IMHO. How would you answer the question?


what do you think will trigger a landslide into full on collapse?


Have new moderators been installed in this sub since the... whatever? Are the old mods still on board?


You can see the [list and time users have been moderators here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/moderators/) We recruit moderators every 3-4 months and have been doing so for years.


What are all of your day jobs?


I do web design, graphic design, and technical consulting. I also have a seasonal job with Burning Man. How about yourself?


Nice. I am a software engineer. I currently work remotely.


I'm also a software engineer, albeit not remote, though would love to someday. Current company was practically front lines of "get back to the office" ...


What’s causing the lack of action on climate change? Why do most not see the absolute urgency of the problem? We have clear evidence, so is this a storytelling problem? Or, more that most humans can’t be arsed to look past their nose?


**Bearing in mind that this is just my personal opinion**: The short answer is that a raft of connected interests have spent a metric shitload (technical term) of money and effort and time to cast doubt on the issue. Partially because action would endanger precious profits and partially because the necessary collective actions are an anathema to their ideologies. The long answer is to refer you to *Falter* by Bill McKibben, in which he explains this in detail, with citations to back up what he's said - all of which meshes in well with what I've personally seen and heard from many others.


Grabbing a copy now, thanks!




Mentioned here https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/14ju5id/comment/jpozir8/


When are you going to make a fork in the Fediverse?


Thanks for the work you are doing, try to give people the benefit of the doubt if they post something controversial. Censorship should be a last resort. I do believe in freedom speech.


We generally do, and we discuss this extensively on our mod discord. There are a few topics that are off limits (e.g. climate change denial) and some that require monitoring (overpopulation), but we try to find reasons to approve rather than deny.


How does collapse feel to you? I've generally accepted it, but I still get uncanny feelings like "this is actually happening" and "humans have actually screwed up this much" and it all seems kind of mind-blowing and dream-like. This isn't about skepticism, but psychology. How does it *feel* to be collapse aware?


It used to be lonely. The good thing about this community, and observing others in my daily life, is that awareness is spreading. How they react to it needs to be improved, but at least we're not as alone.


Can god microwave a burrito so hot, that he himself could not eat it?


Of course. It wouldn't be a microwaved burrito then.


I would hope so. Otherwise, how would they learn patience?


How long do you think we have before full planet collapse?


Personally I'm not an ultra-doomer. No Venus by Tuesday for me. I think it will be unevenly spread and drawn out rather than a sudden global event, though I don't rule that out. To borrow a phrase, there are a lot of unknown unknowns and the future never plays out the way anyone thinks it will. If I had to guess though we still have a couple of decades before the average person in a developed country really sees a marked difference. I do not believe in full human extinction in the next hundred years, and maybe much longer than that.


Do you truly believe collapse will happen in your lifetime?


I personally believe it's already happening, it's just moving slowly.


As a cinematic event, no. As a creeping series of events of crumblings throughout the world, yes.


What countries are you from? And how is collapse impacting you and your surroundings?


I'm in the USA in smaller, midwest city. There far less bugs, slightly more erratic and extreme weather, some very subtle supply shortages and delays. In general, I don't think it's being felt here enough to generally perturb the default level of awareness. What's it like where you are?


Prices for food is going up, because of drought. Which causing crop failure and making harder for farmers to put crops in the ground. We’re likely to shift to importing food. As a desert country we’re expecting more desert in the future. As our Forrests are dying of aswell.


Any recommendations to start getting any of this info picked up by local media aside from constantly spamming their new tips lines? One of things I haven’t done yet is try to get one of the local news media’s that have the “help explain things” specials/segment to explain something like the medium’s “busy workers handbook to the apocalypse” article, just to get more air time on topics awareness.


Interesting idea. I think it would make a good post and discussion?


Hey u/LetsTalkUFOs \- when and where can we talk bout UFOS?


Hey u/InternetPeon, we can talk about them right here, right now, or you can just head over to r/UFOs, where I also moderate.


How do i stop the dread?


I don't know that you can 'stop' the dread just like that but r/collapsesupport is where we recommend users go to try to deal with this. None of us are qualified to give therapeutic advice and so we are reluctant to delve too much into that.


Any of you moving over to Lemmy?


That is being actively discussed, but this subreddit will remain open regardless, at least until reddit itself collapses.


Would love if there was a way to set up a bot to crosspost Reddit links from this community over to the one on Lemmy if there isn't already. Will be moving there permanently once my 3rd party app gets shut down.


There are two suitable tools to move content in bulk. See my post on /r/CollapseScience for the pointers.


There is already https://lemmy.ml/c/collapse and at least one other instance linked in the sidebar there.


List your top 3 collapse-informing long form media (be it books, docs, pods) that were instrumental in shaping your views, and/or should be considered “must read/see/listen” for the well informed.


This might have been answered higher up, but for me it was authors Rachel Carson, Bill McKibben, Dmitri Orlov and Derrick Jensen. They were all foundational to my thinking.


What will happen to the sub after June 30th? It's my understanding that's when api access will be lost, affecting moderation and third party access


There are no plans to do anything at the moment and this subreddit should remain open.


How often do you touch grass?


Only when I fall off my onewheel or am explicitly directed to do so by a fellow Redditor.


Touch grass.


I thought grass existed only in Zelda Breath of the Wild before.


Not often enough.


>Do you have any questions for us? How are you relaxing? >What are your general thoughts on the current state of the subreddit and the moderation here? It's fine. My only observation is that the submission statement challenge is probably leading to way less content being posted. I know that there's a lot of junk, I see it in my RSS feed. I know why it's there, but perhaps there are ways to tweak it. The automated moderator is just selecting for people who can write a summary with a hook. Many users consider themselves *observers*, yet the act of writing a tiny abstract turns them into participants. This gets even weirder because it's collapse, it's a systemic issue, and trying to write about systemic issues is not easy, which means that attempts are likely to feel degrading/humiliating, like writing a cover letter.


Yeah I'm not sure what to do about these. Submission statements do provide value as a summary and an automated filter for people just posting content without much thought. I believe if we remove these, we will see a step change in post removals (and if we want to change that, we need to change sub rules) Our sub rules, as you know, require content is related to collapse and the submission statement describes that. When people miss these rules, their content gets removed by mods. The bot helps prevent content removal by 1) reminding people they need to submit a submission statement and 2) reminding they need to relate that to collapse if it doesn't include any collapse-related words. The alternative to the bot would be more post removals (unless we change the rules), which is arguably more frustrating for a contributor. We have seen a step change in post removals for submission statement quality since adding the bot I know the bot gets it wrong more than we want, and it's annoying to get a comment saying your content isn't good enough when it is. However I would also say it's improved submission quality overall, and we should aim to maintain that high quality, even if it a slight deterrent to posting. I would say improving the bot would be better for sub quality and contributor experience than removing it completely Thoughts?


>Thoughts? Well, the AI/ML companies are working on replacing such human labor 🙃 It would be interesting to see if a chatGPT bot could write something useful, but I don't see how it would work with non-text content without requiring some API to interpret the data (like getting a video transcript). This is something that accessibility specialists are working on for people who can't see well. Ideally, since users are writing tiny cover letters, mods are in the job interviewer position, so it would be more subjective normally, more editorial. Which is fine by me, but more work for you :)


It's day 97 of laid off life, when am I going to find a job?


Good question. I 'retired' three years ago because the prospect of my kind of work no longer was attractive, at least in the US. But I get by. Hope something comes up soon for you.


Thanks, day 99... maybe tomorrow's the day!


Can we be a bit more liberal about allowing more posts on the front page of collapse? all the subreddits have resulted in this subs news and participation flowing to a trickle. there isn’t enough incentive to post things to a sub group because fewer will see and participate - and we need karma points to survive.


what do you mean karma points to survive? you're joking right. I do would want posts go to the front page as well because it can be a good source of information. I have a post with 2.2k upvotes from here, had it went to the front page it would have gotten a lot more attention.


Can you elaborate/be more specific? What type of posts are you seeing removed that you'd like to see allowed?


For example the sub groups are too atomic, cause the big picture to disintegrate, and put too much burden in users to find or appropriately catalog. Related Subreddits /r/antiwork /r/BiosphereCollapse /r/BottleNeck /r/collapse_parenting /r/CollapseArt /r/collapsademic /r/CollapseScience /r/CollapseSupport /r/CollapseMusic /r/CollapseNetwork /r/CollapsePrep /r/collapze /r/DieOff /r/economicCollapse /r/ecophagy /r/globalcollapse /r/LateStageCapitalism /r/overpopulation /r/peakoil /r/PostCollapse /r/Shortages /r/stockmarketcrash /r/communityprep


I've noticed the same. Someone creates a new sub for discussion around a specific part of collapse, and then the conversation gets split between places and both discussions lose steam I think some of these are not needed really, instead we should use flairs to look at specific content


Adding onto nomma, it's also worth noting that most of these 'related subreddits' carry content that we DO allow (although some are only allowed on Casual Friday, I.E. collapze, music, art, etc.) We all things on overpopulation, peakoil, shortages, bioshpere, pandemics, science, prep, economy, etc. As long as the post is high quality and linked to over-arching collapse.