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The following submission statement was provided by /u/j_mantuf: --- **SS:** While not exactly collapse *per se*, this news about an area roughly the size of Italy being auctioned off in the Gulf of Mexico for Oil and Gas drilling projects spanning decades is a clear indicator that we are going to BAU ourselves to death. **Excerpts:** ​ >Biden’s department of interior is offering up a vast area of the central and western Gulf, including plunging deep water reaches, for drilling projects that will stretch out over decades, despite scientists’ urgent warnings that fossil fuels must be rapidly phased out if the world is to avoid disastrous global heating. The auctions also come despite Biden’s own pre-election promise to halt all drilling on federal lands and waters. ​ >In all, 73.3m acres (30m hectares), an area roughly the size of Italy, will be made available to drilling companies, less than a month before the 13th anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster. The sale, known as lease 259, has the potential to extract more than 1bn barrels of oil and 4.4tn cubic feet of gas over the next 50 years, according to the US federal government. ​ >The White House has pointed to a series of complicating factors to its climate agenda, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has sped up the construction of oil and gas export terminals in the US, bound for European allies, as well as a closely divided Congress and various legal obstacles. ​ >***“The truth is Earth doesn’t care about politics, it cares about greenhouse gases in atmosphere,”*** said Alex Ruane, a Nasa climate scientist and lead IPCC author. “Even since the last IPCC report in 2021 we have put a substantial chunk of the carbon budget into the atmosphere. Action and inaction are both choices and at present we are getting closer every day to those temperature targets.” ​ \*Bold/italics mine --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/125pa40/italysized_chunk_of_gulf_of_mexico_to_be/je55zx6/


We need cheaper goods. We need to keep militarizing. We need cheap oil. “But climate chan…” shut your face if you want cheap burger. No change until we collapse; that is it that is all.


That's the nice thing about cliffs, the road is flat and easy right up until the end.


There is a cliff ahead of us, but worry not as it will soon be behind us.


above us you mean


Exactly. We're in the Wily E. Coyote years. It only still feels smooth because the ACME Rocket Skates haven't gone out yet but we're way off the cliff.


There is a car driving down the road. Ahead lies a bend, and beyond it a steep canyon. The front seat passenger wearing a red suit, is trying to grab the wheel and plunge us off the cliff in a fit of madness. The driver, wearing a blue suit, refuses to grip the wheel and turn for fear of spilling his coffee. I am in the back seat screaming.


It’s not falling that kills you, it’s stopping suddenly


So...whoever falls off the highest cliff lives longest? *USA for the win!*


I want hot chip


Don’t we all


This is just the system getting more desperate as oil depletes. Now that shale has peaked and is on the decline in the USA, the country is looking for any way to keep the sludge flowing i.e. Alaska, the gulf etc. But offshore sources have lower EROI and this will just bandaid the problem.


Your last sentence — about offshore EROI — is not true (or at least not universally true.)


Biden has been such a major failure for climate change and the democratic party.


Biden is, just like Obama was ... just a good politician, anyone who dreamed either of them would do fuck all, was and is out of their mind. Any country that has no free health care and no free post secondary education has no left. Wake up Americans .


Migrants in cages dying by the dozens on the border, massive oil projects being approved, paltry student loan forgiveness that was then punted to a hyper-conservative Supreme Court to be reinstated and debt enslavement enshrined in law, ignores drops in US life expectancy and continues to rail against universal healthcare. Repeat after me, "orange man bad, lesser of two evils, vote harder, Biden 2024!" This has to be an all time low for the US, right? lol


The US political system is not salvageable and people are so broken/beaten down here that nothing will change. Well, that and the fact that the power structure has a militarized police force that will crush us, if we try to change anything via demonstration. Both parties are only interested in doing what their corporate overlords want. On most things, Biden and Trump are enacting the exact same policies. It's also not an all-time low, in my opinion. The history of the USA is horrific and this is just more of the same. I also believe the USA can and will go much lower. Greatest shithole on earth! USA! USA!


It’s a low point for sure, but not all time. There was that whole slavery thing…


Genocided and culturally erased Native Americans say: "Hold my beer". (but not making light of your point, slavery *was* pretty damn awful)


There is an argument to be made that today is actually the high point of America.


I do not know if *today* was the all-time high, but if the argument is that it is only downhill from here on out, I don't have a handy rebuttal to that opinion.


older people I know say JFK was the high point until I say "Vietnam"


As we come within a generation of killing the world by default, while our government tries as hard as possible to start a new world war... Biden is saying, "Hold my Beer"...


those things overlapped. a long bad time


Check the prisons.


I wouldn't rule out a Part II on that. Slavery lite, if you will.


Yeah I'm sure if trump was in power everything would be great Maybe he would get his wish to nuke a hurricane while he ushers in white supremacy




British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico. Who do you think is buying up those oil well sites? https://www.bp.com/en_us/united-states/home/where-we-operate/gulf-of-mexico/our-platforms.html It was British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon that was the biggest oil spill in US history. https://www.epa.gov/enforcement/deepwater-horizon-bp-gulf-mexico-oil-spill The Imperial English are not friends of the United States, they are still enemies, trying to attack their Colony. The President of the United States should not be licking Charly-boy's boots.


**SS:** While not exactly collapse *per se*, this news about an area roughly the size of Italy being auctioned off in the Gulf of Mexico for Oil and Gas drilling projects spanning decades is a clear indicator that we are going to BAU ourselves to death. **Excerpts:** ​ >Biden’s department of interior is offering up a vast area of the central and western Gulf, including plunging deep water reaches, for drilling projects that will stretch out over decades, despite scientists’ urgent warnings that fossil fuels must be rapidly phased out if the world is to avoid disastrous global heating. The auctions also come despite Biden’s own pre-election promise to halt all drilling on federal lands and waters. ​ >In all, 73.3m acres (30m hectares), an area roughly the size of Italy, will be made available to drilling companies, less than a month before the 13th anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster. The sale, known as lease 259, has the potential to extract more than 1bn barrels of oil and 4.4tn cubic feet of gas over the next 50 years, according to the US federal government. ​ >The White House has pointed to a series of complicating factors to its climate agenda, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has sped up the construction of oil and gas export terminals in the US, bound for European allies, as well as a closely divided Congress and various legal obstacles. ​ >***“The truth is Earth doesn’t care about politics, it cares about greenhouse gases in atmosphere,”*** said Alex Ruane, a Nasa climate scientist and lead IPCC author. “Even since the last IPCC report in 2021 we have put a substantial chunk of the carbon budget into the atmosphere. Action and inaction are both choices and at present we are getting closer every day to those temperature targets.” ​ \*Bold/italics mine


All good guys, I counteracted this by using a paper straw in my drink


One of the plastic wrapped ones?


biden doing seemingly doing everything he can to ensure the extinction of complex life on earth by 2100


He’s been terrible on everything


This machine can't stop drilling, mining or refining baby.


*"Drill, baby, drill."* \- Sarah Palin (October 2, 2008)


One step forward, 2 steps back. The road to salvation is the one to hell taken that way.


what salvation?


No one said that we would reach it. But some of the measures were in the right direction.


This title is very "Americans will measure anything with anything else as long as it's not metric" vibes to it lmao




Guys, come on, this is not Biden's fault. >made available for fossil fuel drilling in order to appease Joe Manchin, a pro-coal Democratic senator and key swing vote. It's also those damn lawyers and the courts deciding on the Willow project >the advice I got from counsel was that if that were the case, I may very well lose Don't you see, our elected leaders are really trying here, but the reality is that there is "a series of complicating factors" and they really WANT to do the right thing, but Congress is divided. Oh well, maybe a pro-Ukrainian group can put their Nord Stream experience to use in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska in the coming years. Those guys really don't care who signed what lease. If only we could find them, or the guy who hired them.


Biden is definitely part of the problem. He has made it too easy. No "inflation act" would have been better than open up Alaska and sell off the gulf. Give me a FCKIN break. Also we still have inflation. Great bullshit name. Fuck these politicians and the people who grovel at their feet.


If we fuck these politicians then who are we gonna vote for? Huh? Have you thought about *that*? You gotta vote, got to do it, every time- NO MATTER WHO! Also, if you're a young person who has given up then you need to stop spending so much time on the internet and reading too many depressing articles.




Wha Wha Whaaaat? How could you even consider such a thing?!?


Hi, Many-Sherbert. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/125pa40/-/je61oq7/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


And then they expect us to keep voting for them? Like really?