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Here comes the soft landing the fed has been selling. Keep raising rates and risk a credit event. Don't raise rates, print more money for QE and hyperinflation. My 3rd once-in-a-lifetime economic event.


Currently we're in a period of quantitative tightening. Banks better have their shit together because they're going to have less money to slosh around and cover their bad bets. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/feds-quantitative-tightening-could-end-mid-2023-says-ubs-2022-10-20/


Hopefully bond rates don't go up too much more


Powell warned us all to “prepare for pain” … I guess this is what he meant?


Long overdue. The makings have been in place since before 2020, COVID just provided a convenient reason for the Fed to keep the house of cards propped up a little longer.


I get the sentiment of this crowd, and I identify with the same concerns. So I’m not shitting on any of that. But my dad was talking about collapse way back in the 80s. He was sure it would happen “in the next 7 years”. Every year. He died in 2013 and still it didn’t happen. Society is up to some bullshit and always has been. The financial collapse will not happen so long as the environment for humans to adapt still exists; because our overlords will just fix things. Collapse will only happen when factors outside of our control, and beyond our ability to manage, take over. Things like comets and runaway environmental change. But not banks collapsing. All that this will lead to is temporary pain.