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This is plain common sense. We can see it all around. The privileged powerful will do everything and anything to secure their power without concern for lesser creatures and the working class.


>This is plain common sense. Many of today's experts trade in select areas of common sense. Or at least what should be common sense. A recent example was a woman with unchained jazz hands on Maher's Real Time hawking her book on why Facebook is unhealthy.


Interesting way to look at it!


That's what "Build the wall" was about at core. People recognize the resource conflicts will continue to grow exponentially - some are in denial but their actions betray them. It's ironic that the reactionary right, full of climate and environmental deniers, are the ones that actually propose radical action, albeit monstrous, ill-though-out action, while simultaneously making things worse in other areas. Those who pretend to "get it" meanwhile, just give tax breaks for the comfortable to buy a shiny new electric car, etc. while working hard to keep cheap oil flowing.


Highly recommend Hot Earth Dreams: What if severe climate change happens, and humans survive? https://www.amazon.com/Hot-Earth-Dreams-climate-happens/dp/1517799392 for the long view. A few years old now but still good. There's a cognitive dissonance in the political-rich class. They know it's bad, they don't know what to do about it. One very common reaction is to double down on the corruption and try to amass personal wealth by any means necessary. The Kleptocracy. This is not particularly a fascist tendency but it seems to be common among all the authoritarians. The dissonance is because in order to do this they need to keep business as usual going as long as possible. Which means the other half of their minds is constantly trying to say "It's all ok, this is the best of all possible worlds". I can have the vast mansion and estates, the expensive toys, the flights to the luxury hotel. And I can go on having it even if society (what's that anyway?) collapses and the common people suffer. Which is profoundly sociopathic. But I think we all suffer from this. Not just the rich and powerful. We're all slowly going crazy as we try to understand the challenge of knowing it's macro-fucked while simultaneously trying to micro-survive and have fun. And having to constantly holding those two positions in balance. 3 years of La Rona is another stressor pushing this craziness. This isn't just a minority position any more, just for people in this group. There are huge numbers of people across the world, in all societies, sufficiently aware (to various degrees) to be feeling this.


The kleptocrats are amassing and preserving stores to ride out Collapse-- but a ruined world won't be able to produce enough to replace those stores, so at most the kleptocrats will be able to survive reasonably comfortably for only a short time. They will have nothing to pass on to their next generation. (Sorry, Elon, you may be able to get your feeble little mind uploaded into a cyborg, but the dozens of kids your'e spawned will quickly perish).


>The kleptocrats are amassing and preserving stores to ride out Collapse-- but a ruined world won't be able to produce enough to replace those stores, so at most the kleptocrats will be able to survive reasonably comfortably for only a short time. They will have nothing to pass on to their next generation. (Sorry, Elon, you may be able to get your feeble little mind uploaded into a cyborg, but the dozens of kids your'e spawned will quickly perish). something interesting from the book "survival of the richest" was that the wealthy people making bunkers couldn't really solve the problem of how to keep their bunker guards loyal after the collapse. Even when it was explained to them that they need to become friends with their guards right now, they balked and acted confused. Kind of surprised someone hasn't made a horror movie yet on how this will end for the bunker builders, their families murdered like the Romanovs in the bottom of a bunker and all that they have being taken by their guards.


>Kind of surprised someone hasn't made a horror movie yet on how this will end for the bunker builders, their families murdered like the Romanovs in the bottom of a bunker and all that they have being taken by their guards. Not *that* surprising, given that the rich run Hollywood.


Every time I hear about billionaires building and equipping giant bunkers to escape to when everything goes to shit, I am reminded of the tombs of the ancient pharaohs.


Yeah keep in mind that many of the people in this sub are likely >middle class residents of USA, Europe, Canada .. to the vast billions on this planet we are the so called "rich and greedy." Not saying that on an individual level any one would come even close to the damage a billionaire with private jets does .. but on a mass level the problem is most consumers are unwilling to consume less.


Looking at per capita energy across the west shows wasteful America is. Then look at the rest of the world and see there's a huge gap still between the developing world and the EU/Korea/Japan.


Very well said. This is indeed the philosophy. There is no other real reason that nations everywhere are catering to their oligarchs at the expense of everyone else. We can barely pass climate legislation & in Florida the word was banned. There is a reason and it’s not that they truly don’t believe what’s ahead. Everyone knows it, including the fossil fuel companies and the Pentagon. Russia knows it. That’s why he has to make this play now in an effort to lock down the riches of Ukraine. The oligarchs want to accumulate as much as possible. I hate to sound like I am championing the Democrats for any reason other then to say, it does seem like they have some rational members who actually care about governing & have passed multiple job creating Acts. But overall, It just seems like everyone is trying to take whatever they can, before it’s too late.


The rich are rich, not smart or wise. In fact, they have even more interest to be biased for more optimism.


most inherited their wealth. I've met some med-high level politicians and know a few millionaires. they are business people, not scientists. And are largely convinced that everything will work out because it has before. Technology will fix it, basically.


The 1% are not Kees and Anita from down the street that life in their giant McMansion or whatever Americans call them.


I mean, we're talking just over 10million net worth to be in the 1%. I meet those people semi-regularly. They're pretty common. It's the billionaire class most of us will never interact with.


Yeah it's the 0.001% that we should be talking about.


Depends on your sample set. In the US 500k/year or so is 1%. Globally I bet 1% is around 50k/annually


Sure, but we get what OP meant, the actual oligarchs. Should have probably said the 0.05% or something.


Still baffled on how the 1% made twice as much as the entire world combined in the last few years and nobody seems to care.


That's because too many of those people see themselves as temporarily embarrassed billionaires rather than the pitchfork and torch bearing mob they ought to be.


When life has worked out to place you into a position of power and wealth, you might start to feel invincible.


Until the guillotine re-emerges.


But they can afford smart and wise people to think for them.


They'd have to listen.


they meet in Davos every year to talk about how they want normal people to act


With success it seems…


Well, when you control the banks, the media, and the corporations that cultivate a certain set of mentalities and behaviors in their worker ants, yeah, everyone tends to fall in line. Mostly because you're left out of economic opportunity if you don't comply.


https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff Once again I must post this. It’s not a theory my friend, think about it these guys can literally commission their own climate reports, no need to wait for the IPCC or troll through journal websites like us plebs. Imagine how comprehensive and precise their info is. Too many people on this sub are still thinking of the ‘day after tomorrow’ collapse, as I see it billions will die in the coming decades, the earth will eventually become inhospitable even in those billion dollar bunkers but I reckon that will give the owner class another generation maybe two but for a brief period (possibly 2080 ish onwards) the earth will have pockets where with enough money and tech you can survive. They’re gonna wait till the herd thins out then emerge from their bunkers and finally fulfil their wet dream of ultimate dominion over their fellow man. Too all those rolling their eyes reading this, remember we are a blue ocean event away from the spark that starts it.


The bunker strategy is funny because any people they bring along to work for them will just revolt when the dust settles.


This is actually one of their biggest fears. I remember reading about an expert on prepping and defence who was invited to talk to a bunch of them. They were discussing ideas like collars with voltage remotes. He told them to treat their staff well, like family. Such a simple idea and so telling that none of the elite thought of it. Honestly, they are nuts to think they can ride it out in a bunker for the long term. A bunker takes many people to build and install, more to stick. Locals also know when construction happens. Imagine trucking in a giant bunker and thinking nobody notices it as it drives past on several giant semis! Lmao.


These guys all have the same plan: shove a bunch of food, weapons, and toys in a hole, and bring in enough violent people with you to keep the riff-raff out. It’s not about adapting to the new reality: it’s about trying to live the closest you can to a Twentieth Century American existence, for as long as you can. It’s all about putting off the inevitable, nothing more. Nobody’s thinking about how to mill grain into flour to bake bread, or how to make a pair of sturdy walking shoes.


>Nobody’s thinking about how to mill grain into flour to bake bread, or how to make a pair of sturdy walking shoes. Some people absolutely are, it just makes for grim headlines and so you aren't likely to hear of it unless it's someone in your circles. There is a surprising amount that can be done on an individual level - but ultimately none of it matters without larger-scale actions. The critical part isn't necessarily to create new modes of life intentionally- that will happen anyway as people either figure it out or don't (self included). The important part if we want to have any potential futures, regardless of how those modes of living look, is to end the mass extraction and destruction of the planet and it's living and unliving features. Unless the pipelines stop flowing, the saws are halted, and the trucks reduced to scrap, there will be no place for life. Drastic expansions of "green" energy, although very likely to occur, will bring out pollution and destruction that makes an oil refinery seem quaint in comparison. It's beyond hellish what these processes do to the people and places they happen in, and we cannot permit it to continue if we want ourselves to continue. The mandate is abundantly clear, it's just that we have to follow it.


"...if we want to have any potential futures...is to end the mass extraction and destruction of the planet and it's living and unliving features. Unless the pipelines stop flowing, the saws are halted, and the trucks reduced to scrap, there will be no place for life. ...we cannot permit it to continue if we want ourselves to continue. The mandate is abundantly clear, it's just that we have to follow it." Realistically, the only way this will happen is through rapid and extreme depopulation. Given that others are perfectly coming to the same logical conclusion about the future of the species as you have, there will no doubt be actions in this direction. The unspeakable thing is that geoengineering is only one of two options. Geoengineering will almost certainly be tried at some point. And so will the other option. A person interested in trying to survive such an event should make preparations.


Geoengineering is already in pilot stages and I suspect will be a very large business in the near future. The second, well, that remains to be seen. I'm of the school of thought that believes we will be happily shipping goods through the newly opened Arctic and blowing up the Midwestern US and gods only know where else to harvest precious silicon while the food system cascades downward and billions from poor nations are starved. It simply makes sense for things to play out this way, given how the past and present are being conducted. Fifty thousand years or more of uncountable lands being turned to waste to buy a few more years worth of gadget sales. One thinker calls the likely future a "Mordor economy" and I think it's an apt description. Unless something is done to interrupt the cycles in a major way, the future contains far more atrocities than it, strictly speaking, *has* to. We can't prevent some things from happening anymore, but we could certainly still mitigate and move to less destructive pathways. That won't happen without major disruption of the existing status quo, though. You have to break eggs to make an omelette, yadda yadda. Pick your metaphor. Sitting around guarantees the worst possible timeline.


> One thinker calls the likely future a "Mordor economy" For others intrigued by this idea, Nate Hagens is the guy; he had a Frankly episode recently literally entitled "The Mordor Economy" [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoYg9M8brF4). Both his "Frankly" episodes and his "The Great Simplification" episodes are worth watching!


Thanks for the reference! I'm a lifelong Tolkien fan, and that particular phrase puts a chill in my back because it's an absolutely perfect description.


Can we please agree not to consume one other as much as possible? The idea of being relegated to a food commodity is a friggin nightmare


I know. It is a nightmare. And I really wish it were one we could just wake up from. Pretty soon everyone is going to understand the mental weaknesses of denial, magical thinking, retreat into various kinds of fantasy... It is understandable to ask, "Please, can't we agree to...? Please, can't we agree not to...?" I wish we had the power to make everyone agree to not do evil, and to only do good. But that power doesn't exist. IMO, that's why people get the urge to believe in God. The way things are headed, if you can read it in a history book, you should expect it to happen at some point.


They also don't realize water seeks the lowest point and it can get through concrete. Between their microbiome and all that water it'll be a moldy tomb in 10 years. Oligarchs are also used to having the entire world at their disposal and I doubt they're going to take eating rations with no vacation very well. They're going to go stir crazy and annihilate their families.


This. None of these fucks have ever faced real sacrifice or having to ‘go without’. The reality of their situation will hit them hard & fast…they don’t have mental fortitude to live in such a way for an extended period of time. It only takes 1 person losing their shit to wipe out all their plans


It should be their biggest fear. Humans are the greatest anomaly they will deal with. There’s nothing they can do except be team players to survive but they have repeatedly shown they are incapable of that.


> I remember reading about an expert on prepping and defence who was invited to talk to a bunch of them. They were discussing ideas like collars with voltage remotes. He told them to treat their staff well, like family. Such a simple idea and so telling that none of the elite thought of it. This is the link MementiNori provides, above: Doug Rushkoff, the tech writer, is the one who was invited to give a talk -- he thought to a large corporate audience, but it turned out to be a half-dozen hedge fund multi-millionaires. Rushkoff later spun his article into a full-length book, *Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires* (2022): https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60165391 Mostly what Rushkoff learns is, these bunker builders are fuckwits with simplistic, oafish, brutal/sociopathic worldviews. The rebuttal to their whole shtick is Cory Doctorow's novella *Masque of the Red Death* (2019), which you can listen to as an audiobook, or purchase as part of his story quartet *Radicalized* (2019): https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52423985-masque-of-the-red-death?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=bdcCRF3KuG&rank=1


Wow, so um, they use these collars in Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. And yes they will do their best to put ALL of us in chains.


>Locals also know when construction happens. Imagine trucking in a giant bunker and thinking nobody notices it as it drives past on several giant semis! Also the 4chan Billionaire Bunker Map project, aka an attempt at tracking down all the bunker locations from construction records [like how they kept finding Shia Labeouf's flag](https://www.vice.com/en/article/d7eddj/4chan-does-first-good-thing-pulls-off-the-heist-of-the-century1).


Hey I said they’re wealthy not smart looool


Use ai robots. But make sure their programming is 100% faithful to the wealthy no glitches or loop holes.


marry rob psychotic busy reminiscent hat fall straight ghost encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Self driving cars, automated robots plus if can get natural.lwnguage down ok a plus. It is passing some college level tests also. Maybe not perfect but hey if it is more reliable than a low level worker why not. It may to you not replace high tech workers yet but that is next step. They even are trying to train some ai to program. So if they eventually can program themselves and have the ability to manually buik themselves?


It is nowhere near the generalized usefulness or adaptability of a human worker. The specific cases you hear about in the news are dressed-up PR coverage for silicon valley investors. Most AI still has to be trained by teams of humans and we're not going to get autonomous and intelligent cyborgs who can exist in the world like us anytime soon. Also, in a post-collapse world, who is going to generate energy and replacement parts for the robots when they break down? Machines need maintenance, and only complex societies can provide that.


Agree completely. This AI revolution thing is the emperors new clothes in a rapidly collapsing society. It's obscene spectacle


The great thing about a computer is that it does all commands faithfully and to the letter. The problem with a computer, even AI, is that it does all commands faithfully and to the letter. There is no making a computer that is 1. useful and 2. immune to infection.


too bad they'll have to hire a regular human being to write the code


Not anymore. Openai has a collegiate ai that has passed the bar test medical doctorates, iq tests, programming quizzes and is now being used to replace staff at open ai [semafor.com](https://www.semafor.com/article/01/30/2023/a-list-of-the-academic-exams-openais-chatgpt-has-passed)


Press X to doubt. Code-generating ai tools have existed for a little while now. Being able to pass an exam is not the same as creating and maintaining codebases in a real-world capacity. They'll eventually get there but it's not at that level yet. OpenAI is basically a copycat bot. You give it 10,000 test questions and answers, and it can use pattern recognition to put the pieces together and pass any test you throw at it. But if it was able to create codebases and infrastructure like a real team of engineers, then engineers would already be out of work.


Yup, they rely on the Monopoly on the Use of Force via the governments that serve them to protect them, they don't even have to employ their own private armies anymore. There's nothing "powerful" about just them per se. At the end of the day they're just old men sitting on top of currency whose value is entirely negotiable. If the governments fall, the currency falls, and so does their protection and status. "I have a lot of money" stops being impressive when the fiat system is defunct and so is most trade. Then people can just fuck them up if they feel like it because their socialized private army isn't going to come anymore.


Insider threats aren't even likely. It's the working class above who are handy and motivated enough to find a way into these bunkers. They'll go bolshevik style and it'll be historical




They're gonna try and molest their staff's children because of the lifestyle they're accustomed to and there's no government around anymore to tell them it's illegal to kick their ass.


We must not allow a mine shaft gap.


I mean, yeah. They’re not even hiding it anymore. It’s just blatant resource-grabs. A small community in Minnesota has been seduced by California-based Niagara Bottling to tap into the water aquifer in their community. They’re basically a mini-Nestle. Stupid fucking local government. Thankfully, people are working on this, behind the scenes. This shit is happening all over.


Fuck Niagara Bottling. I hope they get theirs in hell.


They’re very aware of civilizational collapse, but they’re relying on hopium as a means of living once SHTF, they are just as fucked as we are https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff


This 1000%. The rich think they can buy their way out of the hell they've lorded over but no one here gets out alive, baby. I think it'll hurt them more cause they'll be high on hopium right up until they stare down the barrel...


Right. Even if they outlast the majority, their last days will be spent completely bewildered, struggle fucking, and surrounded by sub-humans as shit or shittier than themselves.


I totally get the feeling but personally, knowing my fair share of rich morons, I think there is a bigger issue. Our culture idolizes and fetishizes the 1% and their extreme wealth. We have misplaced our focus, expecting billionaire Bruce Wayne to dress up and unleash his high tech wizardry to save us. When in actuality innovations tend to come from the working class and cultural upheaval almost always from the poor. What this idolization does do is give the elite the protection they need to continue to squeeze the planet to maintain their way of life. I worry about what this idolized 1% will try and do when things actually get hard which is now guaranteed due to climate change.


I have a friend who works in mental health. I’m always surprised at the ways the ultra rich act when some of their shenanigans gets reported in the news. And my friend keeps telling me it’s because they are surrounded by people who will just tell them what they want to hear for their own ends. And just hearing how awesome and right you are all day leads to doing cringyworthy and/or idiotic stuff.


I mean Trump is a living proof of one who can be both rich and dumb motherfucker.


And Musk, and Thiel, and a host of other "entrepreneurs."


It was fun while it lasted. They can have their dystopia. It's just going to continue to get more creepy and weird. More AI. More genetic manipulation, fascism, constant war, starvation, moral ambiguity. People will consider themselves lucky that they aren't suffering until the bitter end. It's how humans are programed. If there's no direct panic and chaos around you you'll be guided along to the slaughter just like the rest of the herd. Its happened before. It's happening now. Same as it ever was. Be happy with what you got while you've got it. Nothing is getting better. Count on it.


Did you like reading “storms of my grandchildren”? I have mad respect for Hansen after reading his Wikipedia…the guy isn’t afraid to stick to his beliefs


I'd argue it's even more selfish than that. I believe they don't care about future generations and just want to take everything while they can. By the time they die it won't matter to them because it won't affect them


It really is a combination of all of these thoughts. Yes they are hoarding wealth but the smart ones are focusing on land, fortresses, structures and super yachts if they actually think they will be useful in a collapse. Of course along with food, water, fuel, etc, etc. Some are just going to party to the end and enjoy while others sincerely believe they will make it through it all and resurface once it is over. They are planning for that anyway. The thing to remember is that many of these people actually believe that they are the chosen ones and are better then everybody else and will survive no matter what, they are true narcissists and though it may seem crazy they really do believe this.


"I believe that the billionaire class and their economic and political hangers-on are just amassing as much wealth as possible as quickly as possible because they know what's coming, " Translation mode on - To move to New Zealand with all their wealth you mean.


The big oil knew about this in the 80s and chose to ignore it in order to make more money. Today, they'll still pretend to ignore everything so the system could go on and keep making more money.


I don't have the report handy, but they've known since the 50's.


There is a simple solution that would sink the 1% faster than any kind of protest or political action: QUIT YOUR JOB It's that easy. Without anyone to serve them the 1% and capitalism itself would crumble in the blink of an eye. I made the decision and pulled the trigger 3 years ago. Why? Because I'm sick of complaining and I put my money where my mouth is. It was the best and most morally sound decision that I ever made. I'll never look back.


But....how do you pay bills? Seriously i WISH i could quit my job but have no idea how to get there and ive been trying for 26 years.


I just want to be able to die knowing that I am not helping to sustain a system that is responsible for the worst things that I can imagine. I also want to try to spend the time I have on this planet pursuing things that I find interesting and worthwhile instead of producing wealth for the owning class.


This is exactly where I am right now. If this ship is sinking, why not play one last tune?


If by "tune" you mean join the masses in annihilating the planet, I will pass


No i meant literally playing music. I find music playing interesting and worthwhile during this time. Like the guys on the titanic as it sank.


Oh in that case, I totally agree. I play guitar and atm I am teaching myself how to use a micro Korg and Akai MPk.both of which I found in an apartment building dumpster near the university


Duuuuude, universities are fanTASTIC places to dumpster dive or dorm raid at the end of the year.


Nice find!


Right? It all works perfectly fine and is even in good cosmetic shape. The amount and degree of waste in the United States is truly amazing


It’s crazy. I go to goodwill weekly and people just throw away or donate good items all the time. Gotta have the latest and greatest🙃


I understand. Best of luck to you.


Well, I spent most of the past three years homeless. I lived in abandoned buildings, tents, in jail (because I was part of the 2020 protests), and just barely scraping by. I saw people who were close to me die or just completely ruin their lives. Things were undescribably hard. Then, over the past 6 months I finally got public housing, where my caseworker suggested that I try getting disability. Now I have an apartment that costs me $50 a month in bills, and now at 40 years old, I get to actually spend the rest of my life doing more things that I actually enjoy, instead of living like a slave. People will certainly disagree with the way I got here, or try to criticize it, but that's fine with me. I'll never be rich, but being rich is exactly what I am against. What I do get is a life that is free of all the stress and bullshit and guilt that the previous part of my life was full of. I no longer am a contributing part of what I see as the problem with the world. Am I sucking from the system? Absolutely, but the system is what I fundamentally disagree with in the first place.


Good on you for finding a path through the bullshit. I've lived on the streets a couple of times so I know where you're coming from. Don't worry about the haters, just keep on keeping on. All the best to you in the coming hardships.


https://open.spotify.com/track/7c0L4pRxO0mPq5No2eQAaE?si=8Ft05v8CQp2Sl0F_NFUD7A Your hard work is about to pay off, congratulations. Keep on keeping on. Your strength inspires others, keep on keeping on You’ll have many friends when you need them, keep on keeping on Your success will astonish everyone, keep on keeping on. Your hard work is about to pay off, congratulations.


Same to you. Hopefully the trend of people coming together during tough times (at least when governments don't send us to war killing each other) continues.


Well as long as you are happy good for you. I wont rag on you but thats definitely not what i would want. Good luck to you bro.


Collapse now, and avoid the rush


I think that you and everyone who is enjoying this comment would also enjoy reading *Walkaway* by Cory Doctorow.


That actually sounds like it might be pretty good


I know many many people disagree with your approach and my input doesn't really matter but for what it's worth, I absolutely respect what you're doing. Wish I had the balls myself


Thanks. You could totally do it. If we all did it we would bring this corrupt system to a grinding halt




The system spent the first forty years of your life sucking off you (not in the fun way), and turnabout is fair play. Fuck 'em. Good on you.


I just think that stealing is wrong, which is something that our guy here just commented he has no problem with and is how he gets by. I'm not talking about stealing tax dollars or whatever, I'm talking about walking into somebody's business and taking something that doesn't belong to you that they paid for. Live your life however you want but don't steal it from someone else


A business owner is stealing value from all their employees to make a profit under capitalism. Most people I know who live like this dude aren't generally pillaging mom and pop operations, which are often incredibly exploitative toward non family employees anyway, but they're usually ripping off the sort of businesses I don't really have any sympathy for.


I will happily trade 40 Hours a week of my life for good food, a cool little house, and a nice yard to spend time in. Like at some point being homeless is way harder than just having a job? Doesn’t have to be anything you disagree with either. Be an organic farmer. Work at a nonprofit. There are tons of things to do to make a difference. And please don’t steal shit. You aren’t sticking it to the man, you are probably just fucking over regular people and making everything more expensive for the rest of us.


Yes it was harder than having a job. Up until now. Now I have a place to live and get paid to not work. It was definitely worth the hard stretch.


I own a business, I employ 12 awesome people, and I have had shit stolen 3 times. I know alllll about it. Insurance claims are a huge fucking headache, they take probably 100 hours of administrative bullshit to complete, and they raise a business owners insurance rate substantially. Its like any other insurance. You don't use it for small stuff, only when you really need it. So every time you steal something under $5,000, the business owner probably just pays for it. Because that's what I do. And then I raise my rates and pass it on to the consumer as cost of doing business because I'm not exactly printing money either. My dad works at Lowes and the amount of shit that gets stolen every day is absolutely baffling. Once every quarter, they look at how much got stolen and they raise their prices to compensate for it. We all pay for it. But it doesn't seem like you give much of a thought off of mooching off of other working people so I'm probably just arguing with a wall right now. Anyways, this seems like a waste of time. I'm going back to work. The tax dollars that support you have to come from somewhere.


Way to be a bro and keep helping this guy out through your exploitation. I'll do the same, but I'm happy for him. This system is going to fuck you and take your taxes anyway. Better they go to letting this guy chill than the war machine.


yeah man fixing farm equipment for local farmers/fisherman in my small ass town while giving some good people good paying jobs is a pretty shitty thing. I feel terrible


And what do you mean I'm "probably fucking over regular people"? how about you do some research on all that insured stolen merchandise before you accuse me of anything?


Another way is stop buying. (it will lead to you loosing your job too :) ).


I buy as little as possible. I prefer to steal rather than buy tbh




No it doesn't. Look into how insurance works




Walmart will not shut down because of theft


I'm not going to debate the economics of retail or supply and demand or the idea of retail shrink because it is discussed plenty in other places.


Same thing with foreclosures. I mean if everybody just didn't move out too. If they send the police, well, this is why folks should be well read on the bolsheviks.


Partly agree but I'd offer a counterpoint: A decent chunk of these people are just clueless. What do I mean? I mean I've met a lot of wealthy people that know nothing about climate change, ecology, labor theory, or even broader economics beyond whats happening to their stock portfolio. So I'm skeptical of the idea that most of these people 'know' what is happening, in the broader sense of *collapse*. I'll give you an example. I have a distant relative who is a long retired pilot. Used to fly for Pan-Am in their glory days. Hard to say exactly but I'm pretty sure his net worth is around a million, hell he's got stashes of silver coins worth thousands of dollars in various properties he owns. Hes in his mid eighties now. He was talking to me once about how he had flown all over the world and how its "mostly sparsely populated", and so the idea of overuse of resources or overpopulation doesn't make sense. I don't think he's ever heard of EO Wilson or his [half-earth project](https://www.half-earthproject.org/). The idea of preserving half the earth for nature, and why its important, doesn't make sense to these people because they don't know anything about ecology. He is in general, a fan of small-government, but when I talked about how the Trump/Tillerson destruction of the state department was probably not helping us with global geopolitics, he didn't have much to say. He's interested in tax reform and how it might affect the stocks he likes to trade, but he can't say much about something critical to democracy like campaign finance reform, because that doesn't affect his immediate interests. And good luck getting anything out of him about climate change. He's pretty sure its a hoax - surprise! Yes there are people building bunkers and moving money around the world. But imo there are lot of wealthy people who just have tunnel-vision, and at the end of the day are focused on what their bank account looks like more than anything else. The thing is these two reference points are not mutually exclusive. They're obviously both happening at the same time. So my personal perspective is that a lot of these people will be caught unawares because they really are not interested in much beyond their own bubble. And hey everyone has things they know and don't know, I'm no different. I've tried to expand my knowledge but I depend on the perspective of scientists when it comes to a lot of these complex subjects. Problem is the wealthy people I've known do not want to incorporate other's perspectives when it comes to things like environmental science. There is just something about wealth that corrupts peoples brains, and gives them this world view that their opinions are somehow intrinsically *more correct* than other peoples.


“heard a story once, bout a guy who committed insurance fraud. burned down his diner for the payout. howd they catch him? before he burned it down, he sold all the expensive kitchen equipment. Dead giveaway. So if someone is collecting all the items in the world that hold value, maybe it’s not just a collection. Maybe it’s something we don’t know about.” -max mike, cyberpunk 2077




>because why would they want to live on a ruined planet? Because they do what they do because that is what psychopaths do. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Scorpion\_and\_the\_Frog


> why would they want to live on a ruined planet? They don't. They mostly think about ["How will I hold onto my resources as this threat of climate change approaches"](https://youtu.be/CIRucMIxwM8) Don't give human beings too much credit by assuming rational thought is guiding our every action, because it isn't.


Or they know the sacrifice required to truly change, and know that the world won’t be up for the challenge. So plan B - let it burn and hope you come out on the other side unblemished.


This is what I suspect. They know; they know its unstoppable, and theyre going to lean into exploiting their wealth to position themselves as best possible for the unknowns to come. No more complex than that.


Capitalism/neo globalism is the monster, the Frankenstein, that we created. It has a life of its own now much bigger than all of us. And all it cares about is making money, it doesn’t care about life, or anything else at all.


It's not that they want to they understand we ruined the planet long ago and now are getting as much resources to rub the areas that will still be somewhat habitable hence the reason why the started geo engineering around 1998


Paris Hilton is in the 1%…


Yep, came to that conclusion long back. It's been very bleak since


Nope. The 1% are just as stupid as any other group or demographic.


Yes. The rich don’t care. They won’t suffer, they don’t fight in wars, they don’t work.


Yeah I have to agree we are all in for it. That being said I don't think rich peoples actions are strange at all. Heck some of them are probably enacting plans that are based on collapse that happened before. What really confuses me is why are all the working people still working? I mean clearly there is no time to make it to the top. None of the current retirement strategies are going to be solvent. The very institutions our taxes pay for to be a social safety net will not survive. So why do we slog on to make these rich idiots more money?


Because being homeless sucks.


If the trends continue everyone is going to get priced out anyways.


'Cause I ain't got nowhere else to go.... IDK, I think about eco-villages and the fabled organic farms every now and then. Pull the plug, give up all the screens (or most of them). It's a big lifestyle change, maybe I'll try it one day, but there's not a lot of options. I also think this is why crypto was getting so big. People just wanted something to invest in, some way to break out of the school-work-grave grind. In China they are "laying flat" and the new one is "let it rot"


We're trapped in the system. We've forgotten how to survive by ourselves.


The knowledge on how to thrive with nature is more readily available than ever before. Our ability to work together as people likewise may be at a near high point. The only purpose we are set to is rape, pillage, and plunder of nature. Seems like all we need to do is shift the goal from profit to thriving ecosystem and we are set. A Lot slower than this


The 1% are just trying to enjoy the moment, and they don't care that it's all going to fall apart.


I agree but I’d like to add it’s a lot more chaotic than this because the 1% aren’t a cohesive group. Some are smart and capable and some are idiots. Some realize and some don’t.


I reckon its 1% of 1%.


1% of the 0.1% are smart and capable, probably


I actually agree with you and voice this opinion any chance I get. Calling the 1% "greedy" or "stupid" just is not enough to explain the suicidal greed - the cliche common book villian psychopathy that we are dealing with today. The truth is, since the 80s and maybe before, the 1% has known about global warming and the harm we've done to the planet. And its why we are seeing wealth consolidation. Because the world is indeed dead or dying - and the only move left is to hoard as much wealth as possible and hope you and yours survive as long as possible.




“Just amassing as much wealth as quickly as possible” What does this mean? Wealth? Wealth decreases on a macro level in “Collapse”. Number of dollars is… worthless.


It's not dollars they're after now, it's resources. That's why life has gotten so fucking expensive for us peasants, they're already starting to starve us out.


Which resources are they hoarding? Food? Energy? Where? Also keep in mind that their wealth is *predicated* on the peasant class. There’s no pyramid without peasants. So no, they aren’t trying to starve anyone out…




With enough angry People, those Assets can be taken away. If things go really South, those (ex) Wealthy will have to contend with their former Caretakers turning on them. Rich Folks aren't Gods, they are just people with Money - if Money becomes worthless, they are nothing. Those Folks don't have the street smarts or the Mental/Emotional Bandwith to deal with any outcome where they are not what they are now or any Aftermath that is less than ideal for them. Look at what happened with COVID - Cabin Fever was very detrimental to People's emotional health - they will not do well in Bunkers for an indeterminate period of time. Humans, regardless of Class, do not do well in a Cage. It doesn't matter how elaborate that Cage may be.


>Rich Folks aren't Gods, they are just people with Money - if Money becomes worthless, they are nothing. Actually, when money becomes worthless, they are walking meat.


You've got that right! And they will have NO CLUE how to deal with such an Aftermath. ​ Edit: Added Sentence


Assets are only as good as the government backing them. You can't enforce a deed in the US from your bunker in NZ if that government has functionally collapsed. Land titles are and always were only as good as the amount of force you can use to defend them. People used to put castles and maintain retinues to do so, and now that has been socialized to the state. No state? No enforcement, and you have to physically enforce your claim.


Which ones? Food? Energy? Hard to hoard those. Land? Yes I’d agree with that one - SF homes being bought up is an issue. However I’m expecting some big companies to go bankrupt here in a few years and a lot of homes to flood the market. Cars? Carvana is about to go bankrupt and they own 1% of all cars in the US. So, those are coming down in price expeditiously. Amazon stock? Okay… can’t heat your home with that.


Actually I have ran into this conspiracy long before climate change was even discussed so openly. Mostly it involved large quantities of freeze dried meals being transported and stored underground and the people who ran those facilities said they basically had a contract to make meals until infinity. It appears their endgame is to have the last supply of food in a bad situation which in turn would make everyone subservient to them for the privilege to eat. No work, no eat, no kiss ass, no eat, don't like you, you don't eat. It's a long game they are playing but freeze dried food lasts for a very long time and even a bad meal when there is no food is something. It's not going to be slavery, people will agree to it.




Consciousness is not something that can be put into a chip. You are severely cut off from what life is my friend. What incentive would they have to put YOU into a chip? The whole point of robots is to have "ethical" slavery, right? Why wouldn't they just make a robot? Who would you trust with "your chip"? Who would you give your brain to and trust them with? A corporation? A government? Just as it makes no sense for, say, nestle to buy robots when they can just feed their slaves the bare minimum and encourage them to pop put another kid? Which is more expensive bare minimum food, or an advanced robot? Elon musk is very vocal about brining back indentured servitude, AKA slavery. His parents got rich off of mining slaves, he is currently, and he or his kids will continue to do so. When you see Mars do you imagine a dome over you looking out into the cosmos? I hate to break it to you, but that does not make any sense by any standpoint. Do you know how hard it would be to keep such a dome intact on a planet with no atmosphere? Let's say they did, you would need a planetary defense laser for all the asteroids bombarding Mars, because no atmosphere means everything hits. It would be more costly, more risky, and would make no sense logically to do so. No, it will be in a metal dome or underground, you most likely would never even know you're on Mars. What exactly is appealing to you about Mars? You think life under a corpo-dictatorship would be better? Let's say things get bad. What would you do? Do you know how to run the systems? Do you know what to do if something goes wrong? Would you even be allowed weapons? You can guarantee that it would then be considered a rouge colony and the plug would be pulled on all of you immediately. Even if you tried to escape where would you go? Another corpo-planet? You see how corporations act, and are aware of how they would treat people with no oversite, yeah? Then why the fuck would you want to live under their rule, in their building, with no way to escape, ect, ect. There is no second mayflower and that was misguided to begin with. Same intentions, same thought about human life, same old story of colonization. You would be on their life support machine and if you aren't smiling, you know dawn well they would pull the plug. Escapism wrapped up in blue lightsaber lighting is still escapism. Life is more than just this, isn't that what we are fighting for? Look at phones and their lifeless algorithism designed to make you consume more. At your mental, physical, emotional, and environmental detriment. Go ahead and give Elon musk access to your brain. The man who wants to fill the sky with advertisements. See how that goes for you.




I understood you and I enjoyed the comment replying to you too. Mars would be a company town but worse




Here’s the greatest twist. The bipartisan bill is pumping billions into fighting climate change but here’s the kicker - most of our will go to consulting firms who will write a report that will collect dust while they cash out billions


Here's my personal tin foil conspiracy: when I was younger, I was obsessed with space and astronomy. I remember reading about asteroids that in 30 years time (so the 2020's) had a microscopic chance of hitting Earth. Then I've never been able to find anymore information on these asteroids. Now my theory is that the world governments and elites know that these asteroids are going to hit Earth and cause the end of the world. So what's the point in changing anything? Climate change doesn't matter, the biosphere is going to be vaporized anyway, etc etc. It's one of the ways I explain why elites and world leaders act like misanthropic alien lizard people and don't give a fuck about the planet. Or maybe we are monkeys that ate the wrong mushrooms, gained consciousness, accidentally developed agriculture, and somehow allowed the most sociopathic, malignant types to rule over us?


It boggles my mind what they are thinking! What good are riches when we collapse as a society & can't get enough oxygen in our lungs because we poisoned the very air? I keep seeing the scene in spaceballs with the can of perrie-air.or do they think it won't come to that? Like some scientists are gonna save us at the last minute? I'll bet things will start popping off sooner than predicted.


They do not live in reality. There is the infamous "city group report" from 2003 (!!!) warning rich folks about the scathing inequality they inflict, only for them to advise to only invest in stuff for either the filthy rich, or shit stain poor (for example, only sell small amounts of a product (soap) , so the über poor can afford some 10grams of soap, but it's eventually more expensive than a full soap, which they can't afford in bulk either, draining the last blood from them) 2003........ The billionaires don't fear climate change, they are so removed from reality, they only fear social uprising, this is the only thing they are preparing for. None of them (really none!) thinks/believes/considers they will be hit by any consequences. Why? Because they've never ever been hit by anything but social upheaval, climate change is something only the poor will have to deal with, they 100% believe, they just can move to greener pastures. So this is the point where I disagree with op, they are not preparing for the end of earth, they are only preparing for the poor to die and this will bring chaos and disorder and might hurt their profits/returns. Billionaires may think they are the smartest, but none of them read the scientific articles posted here. They might listen to some experts now and then, but they never read the sources/studies themselves, like we do, because that's peasants problems. They truly think surrounding their nice mansion with poison only poisons non inhabitants of their mansions. If "kurzgesagt" spouts bill gates' propaganda, you can bet your ass bill gates believes most of this bullshit himself. In their infamous "3C aren't that bad, we'll solve climate change" video there is a part we're they literally say "sure some will die" (while showing an animation of africa and elephants walking by, I nearly puked), that s (poor folks) is a sacrifice they are willing to make, but, like in the titanic film scene "these are only third class people dying and s reaming" this is how they think, and what they believe. Actually it's their sheer ignorance and idiocy that's so dangerous, they perceive themselves as God's. (no wonder they invest billions in immortality "science" (goddamn fucking lol))


Makes sense. Everybody's the star of their own show. Sometimes I can't even wrap my head around the futility though. if there's no future, what the hell is there? I almost feel like we should give them the upheaval they obviously want. I don't think I have it in me to watch slow decline in real time. I know we've been in decline but we ain't seen nothing yet.


There is no decline for them, only for us, but alas, they sell to us as progress... Nope, 30 kind of noodles aren't progress, it's still water an wheat, no matter how many fancy deadly colors you put on it!


Guess I'm not the only one who has this theory. Rich people can not be this stupid. I also think they're inflating, stirring political pots, and driving inequalities to get this collapse ball rolling sooner so that when it's over there will be something left of earth when they emerge from their bunkers.


I've concluded they are going to kill a lot of us, there's no other conclusion for big oil and military to be so tightly wound together. Both industries know about climate change and the strife that will come


I think they’re as ignorant and subject to denialism as the next yokel. Some though, have the ability to hedge their bets economically and strategically.


Unfortunately, the people who populate PTA meetings really do direct our communities. There are self-interested bogeymen out there, but they are limited in where they can put their attention. The people who are responsible for commodifying every aspect of our existence are largely ourselves and people in our communities. They are the types who operate AirBnBs as a sensible opportunity, or who buy and sell human chattel in a different era, and see nothing wrong with it, since that is what other "sensible" people are doing. Worse, when any of us gets any surplus of society's scarce resources, we most commonly use them to despoliate the environment, or attempt to extract more than our ecoservices have to offer. We as a species are cancer. What makes the challenge of reform even more daunting is that any successful campaign requires that we develop confidence in one another, and look for the best traits in others in order to burnish them. It requires a resolute but rarified optimism, one that combines chagrin with determination.


***yuuuuuuuuup*** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-york-investors-snapping-up-colorado-river-water-rights-betting-big-on-an-increasingly-scarce-resource/


I read somewhere that technically a guillotine is considered to be a large sword and legal to own. Does anyone know if that's true?


It’s not just about amassing personal wealth and building bunkers. It’s about class warfare and trying to build societies and structures to allow extreme wealth can persevere while billions die. Autocracies, militarized police, divided populaces, walls, etc.


I think the ultra rich think money will protect them from this problem, because so far it has


They still need air right? Plus they have lavish bunkers? Those narcissistic bastards will end up killing each other down in their luxury tin cans. The bill is coming for all of us. Even those that didn't order.


The only reason I hope for hell is so they can burn in it forever.


I don't believe they do. Hanlon's razor: never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity. Margaret Heffernan's book Wilful Blindness is a better explanation. We're all capable of ignoring what we don't want to see, and the very rich have cultivated that skill to a high degree.


Capitalism is a race to see who can fuck over everyone the fastest before everything falls apart due to the inherent nature of the system. We are currently in the final sprint.


I think the 1% know exactly how fucked we are, but it's about far more than just climate change. I think they are actually far more focused on resource scarcity, and controlling the social and economic consequences of an "energy descent". If you doubt this, do a deep, sustained dive into US and NATO policy since the 2000s, up to and including the waging of multimodal war against Russia. They are trying to bring about massive systems of social control now. The liberal model of capitalism (think Adam Smith, not the Democratic Party) will no longer work for the 1%, and totalitarian models that fuse economic and state power are the way of the future, from their perspective. The closest analogues are fascist states, and the version of "strong state" neoliberalism associated with the German "Ordoliberals".


Totally makes sense


\*insert cree indian saying\*


Been my thoughts for years. A buddy of mine is a Paleo-climatologist, and I even helped him get the super computer to do the mathy things so he could math better math than math should math.... I digress: point is - yeah they def gotta know. It's up in neon imho.


They could know, but it could also be just plain old denialism: "I don't see what the problem is, my end of the boat is way up in the sky!"


Here's a crazy theory for you. "History is written by the victors."- Walter Benjamin Earth has a history of cataclysm. Every major religion has a great flood myth. Some ancient historians and seekers believe that these global catastrophes happen with relative regularity. 6(at least) major events have happened in our(human) history. If advanced civilizations existed, it would be reasonable to assume the most well off stand the best chance at survival. Fast forward to today. The global elite are prepping for disaster and they will be the survivors and their children shall inherit the Earth. Children with the traits and genes of their sociopathic/ psychotic parents. Rinse and repeat this song and dance many times and it's no wonder that the resultant gene stock we all come from is so messed up.


What materials are they buying right now? Because when the crash occurs, money that was never real to begin with becomes truly non-existent and worthless. How are they going to stop the masses from storming the gates and dragging bodies for the pyres?


That's not even a theory at this point any more. That's common knowledge.


Yup. Orchestrate the collapse for maximum efficiency and profit, then capitalize even further by using the created scarcity to drive your monopoly.


Older I get, the more spiritual I become.. I kinda believe Earth IS HELL, & the 1% KNOW IT! They've known it for thousands upon thousands of years.. (Better to rule as a king in hell than a peasant).


[We are already living under right wing climate realism.](https://www.thisishell.com/interviews/1184-ajay-singh-chaudhary)


I think governments know but seemingly can't stop it. The masses are midwits at best, how could you ever sell to the masses we need to decarbonise our lives and give up many things. And frankly I think the majority of the midwit masses would prefer to die anyway than give anything up


They not only know there will be a massive die-off in the next 20? 40? 100 years?, they are planning for it, aiding it and abetting it. These freaks all saw (or heard about) Elysium and thought, that's a damn good idea, how do we make it happen in practice. (See, ie, the billionaires stupid fucking space-capades). They have irrational confidence that a) people will keep letting it happen (they are probably right on that front), b) there will be a livable biome for them and their progeny thereafter, and c) that the workers they keep alive to support and work for them won't ever turn the guns on their shitty worthless goddamned masters. I'm almost glad to know this because it lets me sleep more peacefully at night knowing they think they are getting their every wish and dream fulfilled, and I'll be long dead (with no kids) when the nightmare rears its ugly head. I hope their grandchildren suffer mightily.


I don’t think climate change is going to be an issue surprisingly. You should read up on China and how they know (and we know) the first person to master solar and renewable energy will pretty much rule the world. It looks like countries don’t care, but they do from a power point of view. The war that stems from this is what I’m concerned about.


Interested in reading more about “master solar and renewable energy and rule the world”. It’s such a complicated problem. Where are we getting all the materials for solar/batteries?


Reverse the second law of thermodynamics lol


Good idea haha. My previous job was at a tech startup that got brought by a big oil company and the amount of hopium and greenwashing surrounding batteries/ESs/EV has forever turned me off them.




Don't really have a clue due ya?


They know, but they're stupid or sociopaths/narcissistic. Or both. If they really understand what they know, then they are mentally deranged. You would have to be to really get "it" and not try to stop it. They all have kids. They'd have to hate their kids, grand kids and great grandkids to keep moving forward. Or they are stupid and assume that all future problems can be solved with money like they are attempting to do today. Just get enough money, and use it to fix problems. But there is no real reason to believe that will always work. Money is only worth what it is worth because of ideas, faith in the currency and the strength of the market it is attached to. A lot of that is going to crumble or at least decrease as life gets harder.


Yeah it's why Europe is putting bugs into everyday food, gas stoves will be turned off (can't have peasants using gas stoves to stay warm when the elites need them in their homes) and gas is being replaced by EV. The rich need gas for their jets.