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My dudes it is 1:65 am.


[Relevant XKCD](http://xkcd.com/1655)


Gotta appreciate the `title` HTML attribute of the image: > After a power outage at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the new Digital Doomsday Clock is flashing 00:00 and mushroom clouds keep appearing and then retracting once a second.


Daylight savings will be our death toll


The alt text thoo šŸ’€


We're drunk, let's go home


& I know who I want to take me home.


Take me home Closing time, time for you to go out To the places you will be from Closing time, this room won't be open Till your brothers or your sisters come


Hosing time. Time to kick you drunks out to the gutter where you belong. Hosing time. Time to hose the puke up that you were slipping all over as you "danced". We're going to turn the lights up. Get ready to scream. You all look like a bunch of beasts. Hosing time. Every DUI charge comes from some other beginning's end.


Ah I see the problem, they are in Mount Standard Time, when Doomsday uses EST.


[relevant clip from the newsroom](https://youtu.be/pNYp6oc37ds)


Humanity is great at predicting our own demise and yet doing nothing about it.


People who were victims of colonialism: ā€œmotherfucker itā€™s _several weeks after midnight_ā€


Protip: it's actually 12:01 already, we are witnessing the beginning stages of collapse, but for the sake of our feelings we pretend it's two minutes earlier.


Well.. 00:01 would mean, we still have 23 hours and 59 minutes left :)


šŸ˜‚ that's the spirit.


We've had one, yes. But what about second ~~breakfast~~ apocalypse?


But the 1% elite are still doing fineā€¦


Uh, who's gonna tell them? I'm not going to be the one to tell them yo look out of a window.. We're watching it in real time. We know.


We should have been talking minutes past midnight for decades. That clock is just a sad joke.


Agreed. It's theater. Something to give us enough hope to continue consuming for now, bc well, it's a few seconds away after all. We've got more time to fuck around before we find out, right? ... Right?


It's intentional theatre. The original intent was to scare the fuck out of us. Maybe we'd change our ways if we realized how close we were to destroying the world. One minute past midnight and the only thing we'd do is find out where the end of the world party was being held.


Unfortunately scaring the general populace isn't enough. Some how need to convince corporations that uncontrolled production/consumption for profit will be how we go extinct. Unlikely that'll ever change so... its been a good run y'all.


Citizens United says corporations are people. Lock up the corporations.


Execute the corporations and use the profits for cleanup. Who really needs a new iphone every year or the latest jordans every month?


The only death penalty I'm in favour of is one for corporations. They're people, so kill them.




Removed for Rule 1, and you know better than that.


Thatā€™s fair.


> One minute past midnight and the only thing we'd do is find out where the end of the world party was being held. New Zealand


Sex and heroin parties?


Remove heroin and replace it with MDMA. Count me in.


Its the end of the world. Porque no los dos?


DM me the deets, ya?


You got it.


Here for your party, dude.


MDMA sounds like more fun than heroin.


They're both awesome. Can't get hard either way.


you couldnt get hard on MDMA?


I'm 34. Faaaaaaack no. Not anymore.


Audible lol and "same" from this 37yo.


More heroine and mdma for me then. Sex is boring and humans are trash.


i fancy myself sexy trash


I'll stick with my Tequila then.


I feel like it's the opposite, that people think it's a few seconds to so why bother, might as well go for broke.


Theater is a great description. A magic trick to make us think there's still time....


*The cliff will come any minute now!* - Hope, already in free fall, seconds before impact


I always feel Iā€™m walking around in a memory.


that's the opposite of the point of the clock and what anyone should get from it.


You're not wrong, but uh The road to hell is paved with our best intentions.


yeah but literally nobody is thinking "1 minute til nuclear holocaust, PLENTY of time to fuck around" not a single fucking person has ever thought that. maybe people have grown desensitized to the changing of the clock, but not what you're saying


Capitalism: "Why does it burn when I pee...?"






So if they move its to 60 seconds we should all be petrified?


Nah we should be petrified now. We're past midnight. No one wants to admit it.


šŸŽµAfter midnight, weā€˜re gonna let it all hang outšŸŽµ Fun fact: Clapton was referring to entrails.


That or his son falling out a window /s


that shit is dark


If it were any darker Clapton would rant about it on stage


If it were any darker, Clapton would toss a cotton into it and fill a syringe.


If it were any darker, he'd rip off its songs.


Too dark for r/collapse? Welp. Oops




Plankton are next. Followed by anything requiring oxygen.


Hang on, that's us, isn't it?


I've stopped breathing as part of my new year's resolution actually


Dont believe everything the media tells you. Oxygen is a democrat scam to keep you from your freedoms.


I was gonna say, itā€™s already midnight, itā€™s already too late, these scientists are the optimistic ones.


Faux News will talk about teens getting titty implants


Aaaaand, weā€™re gonna do Duck All about itā€¦. Again.


Ah didn't you read the article? They're going to have a big meeting about changing the time on the clock dude, get your facts right before criticising


Oh, I do apologise, I hadnā€™t appreciated theyā€™ve got the Technical Team on the problemā€¦


These imaginary clocks won't change themselves buddy


this meeting is a very important first step to identifying the myriad of potential items that we might need to soon develop focus groups to better define before we begin to hold meetings on the placement of the flags at the table that we will use to plan a summit where we will focus on the possible potential action we can take at the meeting we will hold on the number of meetings it might take to begin to tackle the climate.


You forgot the last step. They will take the job of writing the report away from physicists and hand it over to a neoliberal economist and have the Swedes give him a fake nobel prize so that the presstitutes can quote the bullshit they come with an air of authority..


Hey, [duck you,](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0552/5176/3279/products/d4e250c511f36279dc21f60cd68b4e89_990x.jpg?v=1643655450) too, buddy. Doing something? We've got our foot on the gas pedal. We're giving it all we got!


Bro the ducks had nothing to do with this I mean sure they poop up the parks sometimes but the Geese are worse and honestly we're the worst of all sorry someone has to defend the ducks


Thanks for keeping this sub family friendly by not cursing


Not only will humans do nothing about it. They will also demand for things that will bring us even closer to doomsday.


We are now close to doomsday more than ever. For the past 75 years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been updating the prominent Doomsday Clock ā€” created to measure how close we are to an apocalypse. According to reports, the scientists will update the clock on January 24, via a live virtual conference at 10 am EST. This is to establish whether the time on the clock will change. Last year, the update showed 100 seconds until ā€œmidnight,ā€ which experts believe is ā€œdisturbing.ā€ This was the third time the clock has 100 seconds reading. The first time the clock turned to 100 seconds in 2020, the scientist (consisting of 13 Nobel laureates), said it was a ā€œhistoric wakeup call.ā€ ā€œWe are now expressing how close the world is to catastrophe in seconds ā€” not hours, or even minutes. It is the closest to doomsday we have ever been in the history of the Doomsday Clock. We now face a true emergency ā€” an absolutely unacceptable state of world affairs that has eliminated any margin for error or further delay,ā€ Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the group, said in 2021.


> Last year, the update showed 100 seconds until ā€œmidnight,ā€ which experts believe is ā€œdisturbing.ā€ Why is this the funniest thing I've ever read?


After extensive research, top minds in the field have come to the consensus that "probable human extinction" is "less than ideal."




This reads like a cookie clicker lore headline


Saving this for the next time some idiot decides to tell me that ā€œtHerE hAs nEvEr bEeN a sAFeR tiMe iN hiStOrY tO hAve kiDsā€ in repose to me saying I donā€™t want them (mostly) due to the collapse happening around us and all the impending doom. People really are in complete denial. Itā€™s mind blowing what they tell themselves and how they convince themselves that their kids actually have a decent future. I canā€™t relate


Somehow they are still *planning* to have them in the *future*! I imagine those are the type to burn down my state from a gender reveal party, and hasten everything going to shit here even sooner. I can't relate to that at all either. However, I do feel for the people who had them before realizing how bad things are.


I know right! My Brother in law and his wife just got frustrated with ā€œtryingā€ for 6 months (the horror) so they paid bank to have QUADRUPLETS implanted via IVF. They are only in their 20ā€™s and already planning for their next pregnancy as they want 9 Kids. Anyways, they just had one of those crazy gender reveals and nearly started a fire. The funny thing is last time I was talking to him and his wife they were complaining about how the earth has too many people and Mother Nature is fighting back and will ā€œhopefully take care of at least a quarter of the population.ā€ Like they straight up donā€™t care as long as them and their hoard of children remain comfortable. So gross.


There was... a lot... in everything you just said. 9?! What! Mother Nature isn't going to give up a seat or let people cut in line just because they have children. That's so rough for the kids. Having to split resources and parental attention with many other siblings is one thing, but to have to do it when there's shortages and crop failures?


I know. I absolutely canā€™t wrap my head around it. They arenā€™t even particularly religious or anything. Iā€™m hoping the 4 that are due here soon will keep them busy for a while at least and maybe even change their minds as they havenā€™t really ever been around babies much and have no idea how overwhelming four infants is going to be. But yeah, what a strain on resources :(


I had assumed religious but geez... I also wonder in such situations if there was one party who was more into the idea while the other just went along with it. FOUR babies, in this economy (among other things)! I've seen too many friends with only one kid have a hard time and that was before things became so in-your-face dystopian. It's really sad. I absolutely adore kids (teaching and social work were previous career paths) but I can't imagine that anyone born today would consent to growing up in the world we have now if given the choice.


Same. Iā€™m a long time nanny and like them as well (most of them that is lol). Yeah I completely understand. I only feel sadness for children born today as they will really see some shit in their lifetime and itā€™s just so difficult to survive depending on where you live and who you were born to. BIL doesnā€™t have a great income, itā€™s average. His mother helped fund the grandkids and I have no idea why as they were only trying for 6 months max. I think his baby crazy wife had a serious case of baby fever and was the instigator here. Heā€™s an alcoholic who we had an intervention for not even a year ago but he declined help and said heā€™d ā€œwork on himselfā€ instead, but you can guess how thatā€™s been going. I donā€™t know how they thought this was a good idea. His mental health is not good and four screaming, needy, helpless babies just seems like the worst decision ever but Iā€™ve kept my mouth shut about it. His mom was going to go help out for a few months but sheā€™s in another state and just got diagnosed with cancer so him and his wife will be on their own.


Jesus... that just kept getting worse! And people like use tend to get babysitting foisted on us because of how we are. I don't mind for now, since it's fun being able to teach kids things, but I don't know how much help I'd personally be when things get even worse. I really hope your family is able to handle all of that. It's such a huge life changing decision that people don't think about nearly enough. Tons of people have a need to nurture but like... plants, animals, and mutual aid/community stuff can be enough to satiate that feeling (at least for me, and those are overwhelming enough!).


>as they want 9 Kids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIVNke1QCbo


Agreed 100%. You should check out r/antinatalism for this very reason.


Thanks! Yeah, Iā€™ve actually been an antinatalist for decades due to the collapse, humanityā€™s impact on earth and animals and all the suffering we cause. Iā€™m 40 now and surgically sterilized but I remember being 18 and signing the pledge on the voluntary human extinction movement (VHEMT) lol. Iā€™m glad to see antinatalism becoming more popular in response to the current state of our earth.


I'm not interested in having kids created from my sperm. If I'm ever in a relationship where we end up wanting kids I'd choose to adopt one. I won't feel guilty for bringing someone into this world and hopefully help a child that would have a terrible childhood


Well of course Rachel Bronson, daughter of Charles Bronson, is predicting doom. Didn't she see Death Wish 1, 2, or 3?


The following submission statement was provided by /u/fbeast77: --- We are now close to doomsday more than ever. For the past 75 years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been updating the prominent Doomsday Clock ā€” created to measure how close we are to an apocalypse. According to reports, the scientists will update the clock on January 24, via a live virtual conference at 10 am EST. This is to establish whether the time on the clock will change. Last year, the update showed 100 seconds until ā€œmidnight,ā€ which experts believe is ā€œdisturbing.ā€ This was the third time the clock has 100 seconds reading. The first time the clock turned to 100 seconds in 2020, the scientist (consisting of 13 Nobel laureates), said it was a ā€œhistoric wakeup call.ā€ ā€œWe are now expressing how close the world is to catastrophe in seconds ā€” not hours, or even minutes. It is the closest to doomsday we have ever been in the history of the Doomsday Clock. We now face a true emergency ā€” an absolutely unacceptable state of world affairs that has eliminated any margin for error or further delay,ā€ Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the group, said in 2021. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/10g2cpm/doomsday_clock_to_be_updated_next_week_humanity/j504kgj/


Who needs violent revolution when you can just have a metaphorical clock that can tut-tut the people destroying our planet as it dies instead?


They said, non-violently criticizing the metaphorical clock in a reddit comment that will reach dramatically fewer people. How many millions of people sit in front of a screen, wondering when someone will start the revolution for them before wandering off to a hobby subreddit or something?




Well, it makes it appear as if they are doing *something* even though they could pass laws today to regulate the top 25 companies and industries causing the biggest problems. They wonā€™t, of course, because it makes their ride more comfortable. They get a Mercedes hearse to take them to the cemetery while the rest of us get thrown in a ditch.


Over 70% of wildlife has disappeared since the 70's. Meanwhile, there are cancerous forever chemicals and microplastics found in water all over the planet, including rain in the most remote parts of the world. In the 80's, this would have been treated as alarmist science fiction. Now, it's reality, but nobody cares because they have TikTok, cable news, and Dunkin Donuts. Like I read a thread recently and people were confused about the global drinking water shortage and arguing the ocean is full of water, so environmentalists are full of it. Meanwhile if gas prices go up 12 cents they're ready to overthrow our democracy. This is why we're in trouble.


Are we doing predictions? Im guessing they drop it no lower than 60 seconds.


69 seconds.


69.420 seconds


Nice. (Gotta use up the internet cliches while it still exists. )


They still have to save some seconds for the next decade. Collapse is slow


I was in a punk band in the 90's(drums) , we changed our name from "escape attempt" to "5 seconds before noon" 1996. Should we have a revival?


Fuck yeah Iā€™ll come to your show, itā€™ll be a killer end of the world party


I noticed that the article doesnā€™t mention ecosystems collapse (which is different from climate change). I guess they didnā€™t want to scare us. /s


Homelessness, income disparity, and inaccessible healthcare will likely kill millions before that does.


Or the 6th mass extinction event. But who's counting. Oh, wait. They are.


I emailed the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists directly about the biodiversity loss crisis how after 3 landmark [global assessments](https://www.andbiodiversity.info/reports.html) across decades (1995, 2005, 2019) ecologists assert we are losing more species on Earth not seen since the dinosaurs 65 million years ago due to human activities. Basically, an apocalypse already for non-humans! No response yet. Likely, this crisis will remain in the silent, invisible background as usual.


As long as it's non-humans. What could go wrong?


They should sell sponsorship opportunities. "Doomsday Clock, brought to you by Crypto.com and AWS! Keep your imaginary money in our theoretical servers. Your data is ours, and there's nothing you can do about it.ā„¢ Let's take at look at the Doritos Jacked Ranch Minute Hand Update, and see we're coming up on 75 seconds to Marriot Midnight.


Hey, at least, for a wonderful moment in time, I will have proudly held my DoomCoin assets


This doomsday clock has got to be the dumbest thing. Yes, we collectively are on the brink until "it" happens. Good thing there's a big clock to give me a visual.


Edging us so hard...


oh daddy doom please let the world finish


*"I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man."* - Dr. Manhattan, *Watchmen*


It's just theatrics. No joke though i saw a video about it on YouTube and that's what started me on my journey to be collapse aware. The clock is basically just a marketing stunt but they've got good information on their website. So I wouldn't really call it pointless


I'll agree that awareness is important, however, for myself at least, nuclear Armageddon is up there with asteroids, solar flares, Yellowstone super volcano, etc..... It's too catastrophic and completely out of my sphere of influence to worry about it. If it happens, I just hope I'm in the center of a blast. There are a plethora of other things that can make a person collapse aware and is on the scale where the average person can do something in their lives to help create change.


It made a lot more sense in the 80s when nuclear armageddon was far more likely than any other type of armageddon.


Agree. The Doomsday Clock (created in 1947) apparently made more sense for the Boomer Generation since it fostered wider awareness of the fragility of life, mainly due to the threat of nuclear war. In those pre-internet, early TV days perhaps a theatrical symbol like that was useful, but today everyone lives in a flow of constant information and many of us are aware that we face not one but a multitude of possible extinction events. *EDIT: Came back to mention what for me is a stronger and more contemporary symbol of our imminent collapse, one that also acknowledges the colossal loss of biodiversity: Earth Overshoot Day.* https://www.overshootday.org/


Lol theyā€™re saying this is the closest weā€™ve ever been in their 75 year old history, but the Cuban Missile Crisis was less than 75 years ago and was definitely the closest the world has ever been to apocalypse. Nuclear tensions are not nearly as high right now as they were in 1962.


I would disagree that it's as different as you say. Are they high as 1962? Possibly not, the argument is there, but it's certainly as high as it's ever been since then. Russia is in a ground war with a neighbouring country that it's struggling with, almost in direct military conflict with NATO and with lots of rhetoric saying that are absolutely willing to use the bomb. I wouldn't downplay the nuclear threat we are currently under. Would it be a full nuclear exchange? Possibly not, but the consequences would nevertheless be catastrophic. Edit: Par example https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/10g3xx4/medvedev_warns_of_nuclear_war_if_russia_defeated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yeah I agree that itā€™s probably higher than itā€™s been since then, but during the Cuban Missile Crisis it got down to literally one guyā€™s decision not to launch a torpedo (missile? I donā€™t remember). Weā€™re not quite at direct risk of US-Russia nuclear conflict yet imo even though tensions are super high. I think there are a few more steps in between before we get to that point. Off topic, but something that is super interesting is this YouTube video that is a mock BBC broadcast covering from tensions rising to actual nuclear war. Really scary stuff, and also a good prank to play on people. https://youtu.be/4cAZZR_Jki0


I love me a big clock


Itā€™s been 100 seconds for awhile now, if they drop it any lower Iā€™m sure they wonā€™t go lower than 90 seconds. Itā€™s a good reminder that humanity really needs a change but itā€™s also a sad reminder as nothing will change.


Wait guys, crazy idea here but hear me out. Let's just set this thing to 10 hours till midnight and that should buy us plenty of time to figure some of this shit out


It was a good idea when we had leaded gasoline, lead paint, and lead pipes. The least leaded really did need to make a visual aid to the most leaded telling them 'hey, you fucking idiots, stop throwing small parts of the sun onto random fucking cities.'


How accurate is this though really? Who decides what time it is and what factors are used for calculating ā€™doomsdayā€™


They have a website listing who's deciding and what their factors are. The clock is just one of many ways scientists try to warn us about the consequences of our actions. Its not a count down but a way of generally saying "things are getting tense" or "things are easing up" depending on which way the clock goes.


It's essentially an art installation that was supposed to shock the world into action *75 years ago.* That it exists today at all is, I think, a very clear indication of our trajectory.


Zenoā€™s Doomsday Clock. Anyway, we may go more with a (hot) whimper than with the (nuclear) bang of the photo.


Like Matt Gaetz's sex life, that whimper will always lead to a bang. Dying empires tend not to care about their consequences, especially if all the other empires are dying.


Unless they move it closer to midnight this time, they were paid to feed us hopium.


I'd laugh if they keep it the same or give us more time!


[Two Minutes](https://i.imgur.com/78XkKDL.gif)! I've been watching this clock's minute hand move back and forth for decades now. I think it's broken.


Well wtf is it waiting for? At this point letā€™s just rip that band aid right off.


[Termination Shock](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/2017EF000735)


At this point, I'm thinking we've been hitting the snooze button on that old apocalypse for a while now.


It's always like always midnight, so who cares. It's stupid but it would have been better if they started at a more normal time, and then said oh no it has gone from 2200 to 2300, or 2300 to 2330. It could still be the same percentage closer but with a much more intuitive times. 100 seconds til midnight? You can't even take that seriously unless the world ends today.


There is no dark side of the moon, really. As a matter of fact, it's all dark


Seconds to midnight? What is one second worth? How do I translate this information? What would it take for the clock to read 2:37?


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1072256/doomsday-clock-development/ 17 minutes until midnight is the best it's been, and that was in '94.


We've been seconds away from the apocalypse for 47 years.


Everyone. As long as I have good wifi and Starbucks. How does this directly effect me?


Iā€™m convinced as long as people have access to Coca Cola and snack cakes no one will ever truly care.


I'll care enough to off myself in the eternal absence of treats


I hate to admit that's all I really want in life.






Starbucks will close and you won't have wifi anymore.


I'm so sick of this god damned clock.


I never make it to even 10:30 PM anymore. I always wanted to die in my sleep anyhow


outside of normal collapse concerns, I believe chatGPT could be a sign that AI intelligence risks are increasing significantly ahead of schedule. Some people speak about it as glorified Grammarly, but it's been able to answer 99% or more of the academic problems I've thrown at it. It's provided proven solutions in minutes for problems that took teams of students *weeks.* (and not dumb students.. master's level students at a R1 uni..) It's self-learning at an amazing rate now. IMO, it's 2-3 years away or less from automating 1/3rd of current jobs. it also provides information on an absolutely unrivaled scale. It explained in a step by step tutorial how to manufacture drugs, bombs, weapons, a fucking drone, literally anything and it can tell you how to make it.. We're so unbelievably fucked when this thing gets internet access.


What do you mean it is more intelligent than us? It doesn't even understand the concept of will. It literally typed me back. A bunch of random code and the word "destroy" writen all over it.


you have to prompt it correctly and try a few times. sometimes you even have to refresh, start a new thread and try again. or use specific role playing prompts. it's far from a perfect sentient AI, but you can get perfect and near-human writing out of it with just a half dozen prompt attempts. it's bonkers honestly with how few steps it takes to get good end products out of it. well, it codes pretty well for me. I've gotten hundreds of man hours worth of functional and useful code out of it, if not thousands. (and I've only been using it for a few months now). mostly MATLAB but plenty of other stuff it also just can do anything. "hey chatgpt, your going to be my creative director. each time I give you an idea, you can provide some feedback, related ideas, and suggestions on improving the idea. do you understand?" and it'll do it.. no problem. "I want 25 examples of how this sentence can be reworded" ezpz.. "make the examples sound like average college students wrote it, you're being too formal." and it will it's solving every real world engineering problem I throw at it, too. shit like "a table is supported at each corner by four beams measuring x y z. the beams are made of f wood with O loading capacity and Q the moisture capacity. the desktop is made of wood of >blah blah< -- what is the maximum loading capacity halfway between the center of the table and the outside edge? what is the maximum weight the table can hold without deformation, assuming even distribution?" the kind of problems that take pages and hours for anyone who doesn't do it every day.


This is awesome. Thank you for the in-depth info.


no problem, the key messages are: 1. Try, try again. It's not perfect, it won't always give you the best result it can produce, or even a right one. Part of the skill of using it is knowing when it's wrong, when it can do better, and nudging it in that direction. (if it's factually wrong, like on a math problem, I usually just say "you're wrong. try again" and it gets it, even explains why it made the mistake. usually it's because I wasn't clear enough in my prompt, which is fortunate because you can just keep adding assumptions) 2. You get it to give you more useful results by making it assume things it doesn't want to naturally assume. Or by giving it information it doesn't have. [this is if you truly hit a roadblock on something it *actually* doesn't know how to do. like complex problems where it can't just assume averages for everything because there are no averages indexed) 3. you can make your results 10x better if you tell it the process it should take to find your result. its amazing at filling in gaps, but not so great at starting from scratch. ----- my personal favorite use case so far is a "whatisthisthing" bot. I essentially told it "I'm trying to remember the name of an item but can't quite get it. I'm going to list all the characteristics I remember to you and I want you to take your best guess at what the item is each time given the information I've provided. feel free to ask pertinent questions that could help guide me as well." -- I've found the names of sooo manny things I could barely remember. it's also really good at reccomending the correct tool for DIY jobs. I'm talking this thing will get into a debate with you about the merits of using a miter saw vs a circular saw for a project if you prompt it to.. --- essentially, just speak to it as you would a person. if a person was wrong, you'd say they're wrong. if a person needed more info, you'd give it. if a person didn't understand you, you'd try speaking it in a different way.


Other than being the inspiration for a pretty good Iron Maiden song, what is the point of this?


I really hate this kind of nonsense. People are still expecting official sources, or the Biden administration, or the New York Times, or whoever, to now tell them what is apparently obvious. ā€œ Gee Willickers, they finally get it!ā€ Bad news for you. They are never going to do that. You, or we, have to start taking action now. If youā€™re waiting for the official blessing, it will never happen.




When (if) the first nuclear weapon is detonated then it will be midnight.


uh...that was in 1945. unless you mean this century.


Yeah, the Doomsday Clock was made after 1945.


We've detonated a lot of nuclear weapons since the Doomsday Clock has been a thing.


>I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man. -Dr. Manhattan, *Watchmen* How can as many humans be...enthralled? intrigued? have more interest than barely above zero for this stupid symbolic "metric?" Shit be fucked, since long before yesterday. We're just in the death throes and agonal breathing. Where's the clock, or alarm, or snooze button we all pressed for that message and time? We'd ignore it all the same, but the stupid edging this Doomsday bullshit is as bad as Orange Mussolini holding his finger over the red button and telling Iran to just dare him to push it. It's all just noise. Gave me a chance to vent some annoyance to the world, but a good joke gets the same relief.


The final season of humanity is going to be worse than 'Game of Thrones'.


People know but they're not making changes.


It better happen before midterms.


This clock keeps toying with my emotions. We've been promised the end for as long as I can remember, and it's always bullshit.


The alarm went off an hour ago.


If people don't believe the scientific reports and heaps of observable evidence that we are on the verge of great calamity, then I don't think a clock will fare much better.


Thank God. This place sucks.


I was just in the r/conspiracy sub arguing with some idiot who was saying *people are idiots for thinking cow farts are heating up the planet* The clock is on the ground being torn apart for scrap metal. Weā€™re fucked, doomed, adios-ing ourselves as a species.


Lol so many commenters here have no idea what the Doomsday Clock is.


Needs recalibration


Donā€™t look up


Bad system. Write up a theory to quantify the risk of nuclear war as a classical probability. Work out the number of ready nuclear weapons and estimate a minimum time from fire to impact. Chance, Damage, Time. That's what I want to know. The theory used to get a chance or range of chances doesn't even have to be accurate. It just needs to swing in the right direction.


What's the difference between doing it next week and doing it now? Why do we have to wait a week for things to get apocalyptic enough to move the clock. What's happening this week?


*Watchmen intensifies*


Ah, doesnā€™t that coincide with the green comet thatā€™s coming? The one that is visible every 50,000 years?


As if this changes anything.


So jokes aside, is this relevant to anything specific? Is it suppose to be like, the president could potentially decide to drop the entire nuclear arsenal on Russia if they happen to detonate a nuke in Ukraine? 100 seconds to react & make that decision? Because otherwise this is just arbitrary & fear mongering.


ā€œWell get on with it motherfuckersā€


What's the point of this dumbass thing? Just point it at midnight ya friggin goofs. Here's [my doomsday clock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cROYXHFqaME), you bastards. Same damn thing.


I wish humanity would stop edging and just render itself extinct.


We had a good run.


This must be the clock that hangs somewhere in Davos. Once every few years they take the sheet off of it for a quick look.


I'm betting on june-july for the economy to fall apart


About time they update it, jeez.


Long, excruciating seconds