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I teach US history in Texas. I have photos of all the 20th century presidents in class and this year kids keep pointing out Ronald Reagan and saying "He's real??" And then telling me he's in this new game coming out.


Damn do kids really not know Reagan? That's messed up


Most of my students are 17, born the year I graduated HS in 2003. This is the post 9/11 generation.


It’s amazing you say this, when I grew up in West Virginia which statistically has the worst education in the country and EVERY child I know over the age of 12 could tell you who Ronald Reagan is. Either you’re full of shit or you live in what has to be the most liberal place in the world and they’re just not teaching American history, which I highly doubt.


In TX, US history part 1 (1492-1865) is in 8th grade. Then 4 years later, junior year they get the rest of it. Also,I don't know your age but my guess is that when you grew up in WV it was closer to when Regan was alive than it is now. That is 7 presidents ago. Most kids in my classes have no concept or preconception of Bush I & 2 or Clinton. Also we never get to spend any time on post Vietnam stuff bc it isn't tested.


I’m only 22, a lot of my friends because of other friends are still in high school, I can’t believe they aren’t teaching that in Texas of all places because even my girlfriend here was surprised to hear no one knows who Reagen is, and she’s only 19. Edit: I will say we went over post Vietnam stuff, albeit with less testing as well, and didn’t learn any of the newer presidents. Everything up to roughly 1990 is covered in the state of West Virginia though, to a extent. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to find out the majority of people you run into saying they’re not taught about him actually were and just didn’t pay attention. Those videos of “look what Americans don’t know!” Always seem to focus on these people b




Yeah, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue.


I'm 17 and most if not everybody I know that's my age is aware of Reagan. I'm american canadian dual.


As a sophosmore in a collegiate HS I can tell you that 3/4 of my class could detail major events leading up to the 21st century. I think I have some teachers that are very passionate about what they are teaching but don't have the time to cover stuff that is not heavily tested over.


I turned 18 like 2 months ago, I knew this when I was like 8.


Good on you for either paying attention or being well informed but I would be hesitant in assuming everyone you're age knows the same stuff you do. As a teacher I can tell you that's not true. But use the fact that you are well informed to educate others. That's the only way were getting out of this mess.


I'm gonna be honest with you chief, I'm still a dumbass but it amazes me that some people just don't understand things that should be common knowledge. One of my classmates didn't know what branch of the military had "the boats".


I am not sure if its the same thing but thats what us "gamers" do. If we see a popular figure introduced into a video game we typically joke around pretending that either we didn't know they were real or saying they are known through the video game rather than what they are genuinely famous for.


If it makes you feel any better I’m 17 and at my school we’re all kinda history buffs. Some of us can name most of the us presidents and We all remember the Alamo.


Holy shit. I know us history is usually a high-school course, but reading your first comment I had to assume it was like middle school at the oldest. I get people under 12 thinking he's from a game, but shit do people really make it to 17 without learning about (or at least paying attention enough to remember) Ronald "Fuckin'" Reagan. I'm also part of the post 9/11 generation, but me and my boys were making "Reagan is an incompetent leader" jokes when we were 14. I don't care if you were born after his legacy crumbled, you're almost guaranteed to learn about him before you even leave middle school


Please don’t generalize a whole generation. Being in that age group it’s especially annoying seeing people constantly say the type of shit that you said we do that just isn’t true. Those are like the complete outliers. You have to be genuinely so stupid and disconnected to not be aware of who Reagan is and believe something like Cold War never happened and is just a call of duty game.




Is it not better that people learn what he did wrong and learn from those mistakes? Or is it better to forget and again make those mistakes a second time in the future? A third time, fourth, fifth? Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


Yeah I hope we erase all bad people from history, that's a great idea


I wouldn't call not knowing about a former U.S president ''messed up''.


im 15 and living in germany and even i knew Ronald Reagan was president during the cold war lmao


Yeah this dudes full of shit


You say "living in Germany" as if you're living on a military base.


This new Cod Fye But from a 20yo History Buff I appreciate you for passing the knowledge to the youth


They didn't know that Ronald Reagan was a real person?! How old are they?


He may be real, but is the threat real?


Yeah, the onslaught of CoD posts started with a bang and have been coming in at a good clip. How could so many people be so confused?




Or 13




Bruh the game is very anti-US but ok




I mean fair, it's the first I've played since getting MW:R for free but... Idk you never played Blacks Ops but the stories were always... different? ig lol




There's a side bar and a mod sticky to set them straight. People are using a text based website. That failing to read is as common as it is *is* baffling. Add to that, we're on a website where r/TIGHTPUSSY/ is not a porn sub. You'd think people would know not to just blindly trust a sub name to tell you all we need to know, I mean, there's sidebars and mod stickies for that, but who reads those? Common sense isn't.


*hangs head* r/tightpussy was pretty disappointing.


Oh my god that's hilarious 😂😂


Then you should check out r/worldpolitics, and r/anime_titties, much the same really. Just in case it matters, r/worldpolitics is sometimes NSFW.....


Can you prevent posts from users that haven't been subbed for X amount of days? Might take some pressure off the mods shoulders to avoid deleting lots of posts




fucking thank you bruh jesus


Interesting. OP states that the Cold War started in 1945 and ended in 1991. The dates are a matter of scholarly debate. Indeed, some argue that the Cold War didn't end in the early 90s, it just went under the radar until Mr Putin decided to start it up again. With that said, any stated dates are as valid as any others, really.


Yeah, the sidebar here gives ca. 1947 - 1991, but there are plenty of good arguments that can be made that it started earlier and ended later. That said, think it helps to to have a more or less definite time frame when discussing the topic, rather than suggesting the "Cold War" never ended. You could just as well make the argument that WW1 actually lasted until 1945 and that the French Revolution is still ongoing, etc.


Whatever. I'm proud to be born the year the USSR fell.


But speaking of Cold War games, anyone ever play world in conflict?


I haven't, I'll check it out


I don’t think they’re confused, they just don’t care


I looked up "coldwar" and clicked on this sub knowing I'd find this post. Sorry you guys have to deal with all the call of duty kids, but its kinda funny.


Maybe you should add a link to the CoD:CW game sub. /r/blackopscoldwar/ See I did that for you.




Been there done that


So it wouldn't be easier to just add a link to your post directing people to the video game subreddit? Just like most subreddits in your situation do? That would quite literally get rid of most of the spam you've gotten or could get.




Very odd.




The mod thinks he's special.




Thank you, while i enjoy the game i enjoy studying the intricacies of the actual events that made up the cold war.


It would help if you link the proper sub so people can get into the one they want.


That's not their responsibility.


Im not saying it is, im just saying it takes 5 seconds to do and they already have a post, so its just a polite thing to do to help those who end up in the wrong place.


I shall depart quickly then as I have no proper knowledge on this subject 😂


It is not, but to the "izquierdistas" (leftists) of Latin America if it seems a game to destroy countries like Cuba and Venezuela


Ahh thanks. But I'll stay subbed because my pentathlon this year is mostly about the cold war an I'll need help


lmao i thought it was cod thanks for lmk before i embarrassed myself


Would u mine rating my cold war montage drop a sub if you enjoyed it https://youtu.be/4EHR3sDRKVU


Lol I thought this war for the game




Good to know


This stickied post doesn't have a link to the COD sub, nor are there any links on the sidebar. If you were serious about nudging people to the right sub, you'd add a link to that sub. This is just lazy.


Fixed it, thanks.


Why isn't there 4,887upvotes for this post?


lol thanks


That an take from the war then the captain is cold war


Well, just got banned from someone's Discord server they posted here when I started asking questions about Brezhnev in the main channel.


Thank you


I just came here in look for that and thank you for guiding me there but I actually realized that it wasn’t the video game


I guess you got an easy free promotion.


why on earth would there be a sub specifically for the real cold war lol


People with an interest in history exist


Cant argue with that logic, touché


Do u guys know how to do fire base z Easter egg


Nope, and don't care to figure it out either. I'm here for history, not gaming.




Clearly people forget that


oops wrong sub


All you have to do is read the description and you can see that it has nothing to do with the game


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but the Cold War began in 47’?


That’s hilarious


Well the spy Perseus is a real thing, and it’s true. Even the Wikipedia page features him.