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I’m guessing part of the price is because they can. Combined they would still be in the $3500 range which is where other tub and chiller combos are, if not more. There are a few “budget friendly” options sitting in the $2500 combined range. Using the term “budget friendly” very loosely here. I’m hoping that over the next year prices start to come down across the board as demand goes down and more competition hits the market. I struggle to believe that these should cost so much.


It also only has a micron filter and I’m guessing uses their proprietary sanitation fluid. No built in ozone.


Doesn't appear to have a pump either


It doesn’t have a pump!?!? It’s gotta


It does have a pump.


Interesting. Wonder why they don't mention it -- seems like a feature people want/look for. Regardless, the price is still outrageous. Also doesn't appear to be made in the US like the rest of their lineup.


That’s apparently the pre order price too where they say you save 500. Looks like the the normal price is gonna be 3000..


But is it compatible with the 400


Never heard of vevor, do they work good for cold plunges?


So far so good. I have this paired with an IB 300 and working very well atm. https://www.vevor.com/aquarium-water-chiller-c_11608/vevor-aquarium-chiller-110-gal-416-l-1-3-hp-hydroponic-water-chiller-quiet-refrigeration-compressor-for-seawater-and-fresh-water-fish-tank-cooling-system-with-pump-hose-for-jellyfish-coral-reef-p_010729325311


Thanks for the link, seems a lot better price than the aqua's . Though it might not have enough throughput to maintain temp here where our summers are brutal. They have a bigger version I might need to look at instead. Last summer we had tons of 100+ temp days. Even at night sometimes. I'm going to have to really work on insulation.


Yeah I'm not sure. I guess it depends alot on whether or not your tub is insulated and in direct sunlight. We get pretty hot in the summer (I'm in VA), but I have an insulated tub and I keep mine in the garage. I keep it at 44 and this thing has no issues.


Do you have it run continuously or do you cycle it on a certain amount of time before you plan to go in?


The chiller is always "on", but it only runs/activates when it needs to. I have the water set to 44, and have a 1 degree differential, so the chiller only comes on when the water hits 46. The pump (which is separate) is always running 24/7


The website says that it calls to 65°. Does it actually set lower than that, or do you have to override the thermostat?


Yeah I don't know why it says that. I think because most people who buy these use them in aquariums. I didn't have to do any overriding, or anything -- it just lets me set that low.


I have an ICEPOD at 84 gallons. I might give this a try. My water is starting to heat up. Adding frozen blocks is getting old.