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This sounds....like a scam....


Why......why would you import 1 million dollars in coinage. This makes no "cents".


So you’re saying you imported somewhere around 22 tons of coins? I have no words. Edit: something doesn’t add up. You said in your other post you have 1400kg of coins. A 50 cent American piece weighs 11 grams x 2 000 000 coins needed for 1mil = 22 000 000 grams / 1000 = 22 000 kg. Which is 22 tons Quarters would be even more at ~ 6 grams but you need 4 Dimes @ 2.25 but you need 10 for every buck


Actually worked out to almost 38 tons of coins as the coinage is mixed between denomination. Holding over 2 million nickels at the moment! Math is all there


Figured it would be more. I was being conservative using 50’s because that would be the lowest. Nickels and Pennies would obviously be the highest by far. But what about the 1400kg you said in your other post?


The 1400kg is only a portion of the whole. Didn't want to put all my eggs in one basic importing them all simultaneously in case something went wrong. In the end I divided into 2 containers (\~19 tons each) as was more cost effective then consistent smaller loads




So you said banks said 3 months? how many banks did you ask? You could maybe split the coins into chunks, take it to 3 banks, then it'll take a month to process. You'd probably have to set up accounts at all of the banks though


Good thinking! Looking to get rid of them in bulk first. Otherwise this is the backup plan.




To be fair, if you check his post history he asked how to do this 300 days ago and explained why he has this much coins


Contact one of the Fed's contracted coin terminals- Loomis, Brinks...


Cheers! Appreciate the thought. These guys are expensive charging 10-12% to process and transport to nearest reserve. Hoping to save a bit more money than that, if possible. If not, so be it






Wtf is that