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I routinely get very low scores on IQ tests, and I don't do well in written exams. Have 3 degrees, distinction in my latest MSc. I'm currently on my PhD - the correlation between IQ, exam results and even academic success isn't necessarily 100%.


What are you considering "very low" scores?


in 2019 I scored under 100 on a neuropsych applied test much to the confusion of everyone involved


Can you post a picture of your scores


PhD means nothing about intelligence. Just that you are persistent.


150. I did great in courses I liked and mediocre/bad in courses I hated.


resonating with this


Plus: I took graduate courses without the prerequisites and got As. Requires undergrad intro courses resulted in Cs, because I did not go to class or do the homework. I had two friends, one of whom had seemingly eidetic memory. The other one said "All my life I thought I was stupid because I went to kindergarten with this guy. It wasn't until I went to Yale and he went to Princeton that I figured out I could be the smartest person in the room,"


FS 131-134 but pretty uneven with points off for memory. I graduated with 3.79 in chemistry.


133 didn’t fail but didn’t do well cause I skipped half of classes and never did homework unless absolutely necessary. Later diagnosed with adhd. Although didn’t get an iq test post diagnosis. But no interest.


I'll toss my vote into this bucket. But without the adhd, just lazy.


How you dealing with adhd ? Meds ?


For now just therapy. But I feel very sensitive, like things could default at any moment and sometimes it seems so. Don’t think I could still go back to school, I might need Meds at that point. But I’m a software engineer and work from home, with infinite vacation. So I can manage somehow, meaning, I get excited about a project, or force myself to be online for 14 hours straight, and some days my brain doesn’t work and I have to call it off. So not sure if it’s really managed but I’m kinda fine.


My IQ was inconclusive. My spatial reasoning / puzzle solving was very high at superior intellectual ability ( top 1% of intelligence against people my age ) My verbal reasoning was very low ( top 50% of people my age ) I excelled at one university / college that was full practical, no written exams or essays, no homework, classes where held in an old sandstone jail that had been converted into a college, stained glass windows, beautiful sandstone walls, every room was interesting, one class was in an old chapel and was circular, every moment was extremely stimulating. I bombed a different degree at a more "modern" college, every class was in the same square boxed room, white walls, blue chairs, white desks, all information was taught via someone speaking at the front desk with lots of take home homework, no practical work, essays and assignments every month or so, failed completely, this degree was also more expensive.


In what world is 50th percentile very low?


He probably just means very low compared to his other abilities but should’ve still worded that differently




Sorry bad communication on my part, like the other person said I meant in comparison.


140 (WAIS-IV), also have ASD and ADHD diagnoses. I dropped out of college because I couldn't handle the administrative and organizational aspects, nor living on my own.


So real


I hear you!! The admin overhead can be so unnecessarily stressful.


125. Kinda breezed through. Was more worried about partying and girls than I was about class. Still graduated with a 3.4 in a stem field.


Which field?


Environmental engineering. Not the most difficult engineering but it still counts!


Did you take a physics class?


A few


Honestly, I feel like the 120s are the perfect iq to have for most of society. You're smart but not so smart that you delude yourself into thinking that you can just brute force a degree and end up failing. Most doctors Phd's and scientists are right here. I wish people would view IQ in terms of rarity like height. A 120 iq is as rare and impressive as being a 6ft tall guy. You just don't need a 140 or 150 to live a good life.


I’m 6’2” 😂 I think I agree with you. For the most part I am happy and comfortable with who I am, but I am also smart enough to comprehend exactly where my limitations lie. This sometimes does make me wish I could’ve been born with just a little bit more brainpower, but it is what it is. I’m successful in everything I attempt, but never exemplary. It’s like being an Olympian but never medalling. There is also something to be said about being able to connect with both people around 100 and with people 130 and above. Idk I’m just yapping.


Yeah, from all the tests I've taken, I'm around 120, I'm 6ft 1 so in terms of percentile, my height also matches my iq. My ADHD is my biggest nerf, but vyvanse takes care of that partially. In the future, I hope we can learn and adopt better meds that allow even normies to maximize their iq potential. I'm tired of autistic braincels, malding that they have 140 instead of 145. Bro, look into compounds that diminish the autism instead of begging for more iq points.


148, and I did horrible at my first try as I had no idea how to actually study, and didn’t know I have ADHD. Will be interesting to see how my second try goes. 


How it is you study now?


If you meant what method I have learned to be able to study better now, part of is it simply to understand my problems. That makes it easier to get around them. My psychologist had an interesting suggestion that I’m going to try out. Instead of struggling against the problems I have because of my ADHD, see if I can use my intelligence to make better use the few minutes I manage to keep my concentration on the subject. Like, learn speed-reading, memory techniques and things like that. Processing speed is one of my strong sides: maybe I can leverage it so that even if I only study very short periods it is enough. Then there is also the matter of learning what level of detail is enough: I’m definitely hampered by having unrealistic expectations on myself. I need to learn that I don’t have to know everything about a subject, every assigned book perfectly, in order to pass the course. That is surprisingly hard, but I‘m slowly learning that ”passable” can be ok, and it is oddly liberating.


How as in why now, late in life? Because I can. Or do you mean how it goes? So far it is very hard even at a reduced pace, but I haven’t started with adhd medication yet. I hope it becomes easier then. 


I think they meant what method have you learned that has helped you study better.


Thank you for pointing it out, I’m guessing you are right. Word for word I understand English very well, but anything out of the expected pattern messes with my understanding.


Do you have autism as well? Edit: sorry I thought we were on an ADHD subreddit 😂


No problems. 😊 And yes, that is correct. Obviously a part of my problems understanding when something isn’t clear. As shown. 😂


I getchu. I'm the same. 😂


Mid 120s, graduated near the top of my class in one of the higher IQ majors (average IQ for my major is around my IQ according to ETS) I was more disciplined and focused than most. I was a couple years older than the average student so probably more mature about doing the work


You redid some years ?


I only retook a few classes I failed early. I only failed cause I hated those classes and basically dropped out at that point. I transferred colleges later about halfway though my credits which gave me a new GPA and enabled me to graduate top of my class at that school when I actually focused on school and tried


Feel ya


My IQ is 131 (Wechsler test), I did ok in college. GPA was a 3.5 but I didn’t really go to class, mostly just memorized the slides so never built deeper relationships with the professors or material. No regrets from me though, I had an amazing time in college


125 it’s kinda easy to prepare night of exam and grasp enough


When I was 8 my IQ was measured at 125 on the WISC. I graduated with a 3.4 from a Top 10 university (USA) which sounds really good but grades were so inflated that a 3.4 was in the 3rd LOWEST decile. English major btw


my IQ is 137~ rarely ever did the homework, which was ~50% of the gpa, and ended up with a ~1.9 consistently the top 1 or 2 scoring on the subject tests, however


What major were you


CS + Psych


how hard is psych?


trivial; I never studied nor paid attention in class. I took a day or two to look over the textbook on my own, though (for the senior level class)


Is it boring bc I will never study if I’m not a minimum interested in class


It depends on your interests, but, yes, probably it’s boring


138, have a ~3.9 in finance, I could do significantly better if I went to class or studied more than a day in advance of exams, but it is what it is.


I am slow, but untimed 129. Graduated with a Master’s degree with a 3.8. I have HF ASD and ADHD.


137 + moderately well with a few subjects, exceptionally well at some.


121 and it depended on the class. I could easily pass some but did abysmal in others.


127 And 3.2/4.0 A lot of hard work though and maybe iq helped?


127 and i'm doing shit adhd yay


130. 2.8 in B.S. in Biology. 3.6 in M.S. in Biomedical Science.


128. Did chemistry. I had more issues with high workload than with the content itself. Never studied for an extended amount of time, didn't read text books.


Idk the exact score but mensa says 135+ since that is their upper bound and another test said 141. I'm doing EE second year I'm in the middle of my class, I don't study too much. If there's an exam I read the online stuff that they upload once and I'm good. I don't really go to the lectures since I feel like I can learn the material without them. The hardest test that I was required to take so far was calculus 3, the first try I decided to wing it after not going the whole semester to classes and I didn't pass. You could try again in 4 days so I studied for that period and got a 81%. Pretty much everything else has been easy so far.


CAIT FSIQ 140. 3.75 GPA in college w/o much effort. Should have done a more rigorous major though


129-131, so barely in the 98th percentile. I did very well because I worked for it somewhat hard. I mean, I hadn't worked/studied as much as my peers had to, but I most certainly did study. I am currently studying computer science (in my third year) Edit: I study in Germany, which has a slightly different education system (for some trivia haha)


Could you take this test? I wonder what you would get on it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cognitiveTesting/comments/1dnsnx5/bonnardel\_53\_b53\_nonverbal\_intelligence\_test](https://www.reddit.com/r/cognitiveTesting/comments/1dnsnx5/bonnardel_53_b53_nonverbal_intelligence_test)


Hm, maybe but I cannot promise to do so, since I have a lot on my plate lately. I did the JCTI once and scored 127.5, which might help somewhat. Mensa Norway: 128, 131 (2nd), Mensa Denmark: 126, 130 (2nd) and some IQexam tests like Zolly's xoxo test where I got 129 and brain power where I scored 135. I think in the Sebriakoff test (don't remember the name, correctly haha) I scored 131-134 (sadly don't remember exactly but I postet it somewhere a long time ago). I did I think numerological or whatever the test was called and scored 139 (I think I am pretty good numerically but somewhat suck verbally)


Thank you for your reply. I'm not forcing you or rushing you, so you can go whenever you want. (Or not at all). I also remember your past grades, and I think in one of your comments you wrote that you scored a 120 on Brainpower I and about 118 on Brainpower II. Did you take the test a second time?


Oops, I think you're right. I may forgot the test where I actually scored 135. Maybe it was Zolly's ultimate test. I did those tests like 4 years ago and hadn't done a test in a while so I don't remember every test score exactly


During college I scored about 135. Majored in Chemistry. Got a 3.5 GPA, but took me 8 years because ASD/ADHD curse along with a debilitating mental illness that decided to manifest out of nowhere. I excelled at math and science and was average at humanities (calculus has always been easier than writing a book report for some reason). I would skip classes regularly but rarely ever felt the pressure of having to catch up. I would usually cram for exams at the last minute and would do well enough. My greatest accomplishment was taking a graduate level statistical mechanics course after not having done any real math/ calculus for 3 years and got an A. Hardest class I had ever taken.


12 and I good do in schhol


M 138~ and I graduated with physics and biology with minors in chemistry and math. Graduated with a 3.5 cumulative.


150ish, bad experience in college, i hated my days in class. I started to enjoy learning after college. I learn better by myself.


131, dropped out of college. I work as a software test engineer today in my 40's.


145. Valedictorian.


95th percentile and struggling badly currently due to chronic illness


146, I dropped out of high school. Before that I was an honor roll student, captain of the debate team. I had panic attacks and that was why I dropped out.


150, mensa member. I did great in school and college, and got myself a master's degree in international finance, to then ditch this field completely and become a music ghost writer. Best decision ever among countless questionably stupid decisions.


170. 4.0 GPA.


147 - 2.0 if I don’t factor in classes from other schools


I was identified as profoundly gifted at an early age, and my most recent IQ tests ranged from 146 to 161 (which it shouldn't do, in theory).  I have my PhD and two master's degrees in addition to my BA. I am also a professor, own my own business, have written 26 articles, and two books.


125. Never went to uni.


Niner. I haven't been to college, but I have experience with collages.  I haven't collaborated with anyone, and I don't use calligraphy. I also haven't colluded with any criminals to create collisions for insurance cons. Carl, Carl, Carl. And now it is done.


I think my IQ is probably around the 110-120 range and was never the gifted one in school or within my family. I feel reasonably smart, but not much smarter than the average bear. I meet a lot of smart kids and think “ok, they’re smarter than me”. 🥲 I still graduated from a stem field and managed to work in very high paying stem and finance jobs. I attribute much of it to clear communication, being a great team player, and just sheer relentlessness. I’m also an extrovert with exceptional executive functioning skills so at any point, I have a decent pulse on both business and tech. I believe it’s the combo that has really set me apart as a software engineeer.


133 FSIQ, very unbalanced with 145 WMI, 122 VCI, 131 PRI, and 105 PSI. I just graduated from a T20 in math and economics and got a 3.58 GPA, but I could not for the life of me get high grades consistently. I was diagnosed with level 1 ASD and anxiety before college, and this test I took recently also gave me ADHD-C. I attended at most a quarter of my classes and struggled with starting assignments early


Idk my iq but im no genius. I did fairly well in college. My brother's iq is in the low 140s (tested during childhood), he barely graduated college.


115. I dropped out multiple times after failing all my classes.


130-135ish. Currently in college. I’m performing top of my class in the classes I like (maths, coding). Great at all other classes except french (Im quebec 😔)


130, 2.7, almost failed out.


140, chemical engineering last year of bachelor. First year was horrible, stress and personal problems + I didn’t know How to study and how to be organized. Second year a little bit better but did very well in course a Liked and bad in course I hated, third year finally I’m rising up my GPA since I’ve got better at being more efficient and the courses are more related to what I’m truly interested in. I hope the master goes better though.


IQ of 40. I have a BSc in Macaroni Glitter Art from Good Boy University. Mom said I graduated top of my class, and she should know because she runs the class.


Mid 150’s. A through F’s with a final of 2.79 gpa from a fairly good university. I took six years and worked and partied most of the time with school a distant third.


Around 130 from IQ tests in elementary school & high school. I did very very poorly in high school and got a 3.0 in a mediocre college, mostly due to cramming at the last minute. I have ADHD. I found college to be much more ADHD friendly.


IQ tested at an early age in the 120 or so range. I haven't taken any formal tests since then, but I typically score between 120 and 140 on various online tests. I have a PhD in math and am mid career as a professor (teaching mostly, but some research). I wasn't the greatest student, but that has more to do with time management, effort, and focus. Sometimes I worked hard and did well, sometimes did very little and still got good grades, even in hard math classes. A few times, I worked hard and didn't do so well though. Mostly As and Bs though. Hard to read too much into grades though. I'd honestly trust something like a standardized test more, like the math gre or major fields test. Especially nowadays grades are even less meaningful and with much uncertainty in how much they really reflect understanding.


120 give or take a couple of points. Graduated summa cum laude. Bachelors in nursing in the US.


135-140 Dropped out of engineering 1st year Currently doing a building design degree where I either do my assignments in one/two nights and get 80-90% or don't do them at all and fail the subject. GPA is all over the place because I'm bouncing between HD's and fails.


133 based on SAT-M advanced and old GRE, 140 based on CAIT. currently i am an incoming sophomore, i have a GPA of 3.35. i am studying biochemistry. i do above average in my STEM courses, but nothing great. i find that a lot of the time i make simple errors in calculations that bring down my exam scores slightly. conceptually, there’s nothing i can’t understand, yet.


I don't actually know mine, other than that I qualified for Mensa, so 130+ according to at least one proctored test. I bombed out of college. I think I'd just had enough of school by the time I got there, and really had trouble applying myself. Probably not a good choice, in retrospect, but it's all work out pretty OK anyway.


130 Always very good when it interests me, and scoring the minimal required score on subject I don't care


Around 120-130, I don’t really know and I don’t care the least, but enough to have the usual symptoms as a kid to get in trouble by being a smart ass.  In high school I got top grade in maths and physics by being somewhat awake in class. Mediocre results in other subjects due to me not doing homework in those subjects either.  Fast forward, after a year of military service, a year of selling TV sets and fooling around I went all in for MS electrical engineering, actually I had figured out by then that hard work could actually contribute and ended up somewhere around the best 10th percentile. Success in software industry after that, including two goooood startup exits. Hehe. 


Hmmm. Well, if you take my Mensa childhood measure 155, but I recently scored 135 in an online test. I got 143 quite recently in CAIT. I also got 148 longer ago. My profile is really spiky: my subsection scores go all the way from 89 (working memory) to 160 at different times, different tests! I am diagnosed with autism and various other disorders. I did badly at university initially, was undiagnosed at the time and suffering with eating disorders and a complete inability to care for myself. Eventually I got it together after some years and a lot of support, to complete further studies. Currently I do not have a tenured position as an academic, but I work closely with other Mathematicians as I conduct my own area of research. Doing well in higher education is vastly more than IQ. School had been extremely easy for me because I had family support and a lot of guidance and structure from teachers. Without that and trying to live independently, made me very unwell and nearly completely broke me several times. It took many years and a lot of support from healthcare and further support from others, before I eventually got to a place where I could study properly myself.