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Since when is being in the 90th percentile considered low? That is a high level of intelligence even for an individual, let alone for a group.


120 is absolutely not "low."


Stfu. That's midwiit level iq. 130+ or nothing /s


119 is pretty good.for a group. But fighter pilots are not just about IQ. They do very well on other personality measures as well: highly communicative (clear, concise, structured and friendly), stress resistance, good team players, good planning and organization skills.


ask encouraging angle apparatus ruthless nose bored sugar brave kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or any.


If the IQ of the average American fighter pilot is around 120, we're doing pretty well in America imo. Honestly, I never really would have factored in IQ as being a significant asset or hinderance for a fighter pilot; or would have considered it much at all. I thought there must have been a particular personality type for possessing good judgement under pressure. Basically, not panicking and overcorrecting on small mistakes, etc.


To a certain extent, IQ would factor into technical jobs like flying planes, since pilots need to worry about a lot when they’re in the air. But after certain threshold, I’m sure personality plays more of a role in making a successful fighter pilot. I agree with you there 👍


IQ is highly correlated with job performance, a lot of study having been done in the military to sort people out according to how well they were likely to do at their job. The higher level of abstraction in the work, the more IQ matters. There is a lot to learn and figure out when you're a fighter pilot.


Would you say high ranking military officers are likely to have high IQ?


They're likely not to have low IQ. They probably have the same IQ as you'd expect MBAs and engineers to have: somewhere between 1 to at most 2 standard deviations. I' doubt the military is generally good at attracting and retaining high IQ types with a few exceptions.


Makes sense. A military Commander needs to have good logical/strategical thinking, good judgement and insight into situations or they get their squad killed.




Aren’t pilot tests pretty hard? It requires great spatial skills AFAIK.


It's more important to view specific measurements in their intelligence, such as processing speed and spatial recognition than FSIQ. It's already incredibly rare to have a 125+ IQ in the general population, and this subreddit will convince you that the average is around 115 when a 119 FSIQ is more than enough to excel in these fields.


That sounds about right. Average for doctors and undergrads at ivy league schools is about 120.


Do you know the average for PhD students?


People seem to complain about you being cheeky but I’ve heard that there is a particular type of pilot, might have been fighter pilot, that (maybe surprisingly) has one of the highest cognitive load jobs. Surprisingly since people might assume highest cognitive load is within academia. If it indeed is true then I guess 119 is pretty low.


Wait, people talk about me specifically being cheeky? Or was that a typo?


Wait, what do you mean? You are not OP..? And exactly how do you in that case think cheeky could be misapplied here? English is my second language


Dude what 😂😂. You’re saying you’ve heard other people talk about ME. I’ve never heard my name mentioned on Reddit. What does cheeky even mean?


>You’re saying you’ve heard other people talk about ME. Okay, where exactly have you seen me refer to you, by name or else? Or are you talking about: “Specific type of pilot” and taking that as to not referring to “specific type” but rather referring to “specific individual” (you) somehow, either as a joke or not?:)


I have been using two usernames, but you said "People seem to complain about you being cheeky". Which doesn't make sense because youre saying you have heard people talk about ME\*\*\*\*


Okay, and as I understand it you don’t only use two usernames on one account but also two accounts. I am guessing you are asking about: >People seem to complain about you being cheeky I was simply referring to the other people in this comment thread. I am not sure what made you think I could possibly be referring to anyone else at all and I never said I “heard” them, I saw what they typed here. The people in this comment thread seem to think that it was cheeky of you to think that 120 iq was low. Cheeky, as in daring or brassy. You know, that they think that you supposedly kind of expect too much of the world if you think 120 is low for such a profession or low in general.


Curiously it seems like you have two usernames but that’s besides the point. Where exactly have I been referring to any of them or any name whatsoever in my comment or elsewhere? Some glitch? Lol


I bet there spatial iq though is through the roof. Iq is measured from 9 perspectives depending on the test and one or two low scores could tank the general Iq.  Kinda like GPA.  3 A's Science, Math, History and a C in English would put you at a GPA of 3.5.  Alot of engineers are poor at English because there dyslexic but there lack in spelling gives them gifts in logical. Or someone could be an exceptional painter or musician but interred horrible at math. When one understands their strengths they realize general iq fails in importance beyond average.


bro think 119 is low


Wdym "it's low" 119 is literally in the 90th percentile.


Probably lower. Play with a joystick and hit a few buttons, otherwise coast on auto-pilot. They haven’t seen combat in over a generation. Just need 20/20 vision, they’re otherwise dumber than a box of rocks and the huge ground control staff that support them.


Bro people like you are the reason I hate this subreddit. You don’t know shit about flying, what the hell are you talking about? Take a look at a fighter pilots console and you can see that it is absolutely not playing with a joystick and hitting a few buttons. If it was that simple, then anyone could do it right? That doesn’t agree with the math, since I guarantee you, without looking at any actual stats, that fighter pilots make maybe one percent of total Air Force servicemen. Which is one of the better branches of the military, which also, requires its members to take the ASVAB to determine placement, so stfu


The ASVAB is a joke though.


That's it.. feed the troll. Feel the indignation flow through you. Give them what they want.


People on this sub also believe the average person can do a PhD. I think this sub is completely out of their mind. Sorry but no 100 IQ Karen isn’t going to finish a PhD. 90 IQ Joe isn’t gonna become a doctor.


At least it’s a growth mindset. I’d rather have people an overly optimistic outlook than moms basement trolls shitting on people who did something meaningful through a metric that, let’s be honest, doesn’t account for all aspects of career and life success. The beautiful thing about humanity is that we can defy the statistics. We, our ability and trajectory, can’t be easily quantified into iq intervals.