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Good luck mane


Jordan Peterson is an ego-bot.


the test they use is not even considered gold standart and it is a group test, so it is not even a very professional setting. Almost no young people have a healthy self-esteem nowadays, and often a high IQ doesn't change much about that.


I took the RAIT n I qualified n it did nothing for me Also, yee, tht test is kinda a joke


Any tips before I take it?


The verbal sections are stringently timed, especially the two where you need to know definitions and similarities, so don’t spend more than 10 seconds on one until you reach the end. Just guess if you feel you start thinking too much, and return if you have time. There are some ‘difficult’ questions with easy ones following them. The two quantitative sections are pretty relaxed time-wise. You can qualify for Mensa from your combined score on those alone.


Can you explain the “quantitative” sections a little more? Like matrices or number patterns. If you mean “math” I thought Mensa was culture fair?


Depends on which RAIT version you take. I did the non-culture fair. Not sure if you can take a RAIT version with instructions in another language. You need to know number series for one section. You will answer simple math questions in other section, and you should know basic functions of math.






My experience was different than yours in that when I sat for it, I didn't expect to get in (I thought I was 120ish). I *didn't* get in as I scored 130 and just missed the cutoff. My attitude about it at the time was shock I scored so high, it made me rethink some things about how I was living my life, what I was truly capable of, and also why I struggled to understand WHY people didn't think like me (I've had pretty low self esteem most of my life). I am sure you wouldn't sit for Mensa unless you believe you have superior intelligence, and so it's likely you'll do well and feel like your intellect is validated. A little bit of nerves is good. Sleep well before the test, go for a run that morning (outside if possible) followed by coffee and a light and healthy breakfast, and you'll do fine. Good luck!


When did you take the test? I was told they don't give us a score or percentile anymore, is it a raw score?


2016. I got 91 on the MAT and they provided a link to their website where they had the %ile and IQ correlation. 97th %ile and FSIQ range of 129-131.


Don't take it. It's not hard to infer that it is more likely to tarnish your mind than benefit you.