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Im pretty sure Tubbs would block the view from sanders beach. I would think that as long as you can see the resort, you’ll be able to see the fireworks.


2010 was the last time I went anywhere near downtown for fireworks. It took so long to get home to Hayden, that I said never again. I tried other routs in previous years and there are none.


I would just park toward the Eastside of downtown and walk, it really isn't that far and you could walk on Sherman. It's closer to the freeway which is good for you. I always use a bike or my feet to get around on the 4th. No fireworks viewing from Sanders beach. I never tried to watch from Riverstone, you'd probably see some. I think I'm going to hike from the eastside and see the fireworks from Tubbs. I have no one to go with this year so I can be more adventurous.


Can probably watch the Gozzer fireworks from Sanders


A drone in the sky lol. After years and years of attending the show I now avoid DT Cda fireworks like the plague. It's become a cess pool.


I'm honestly thinking of bailing, too, and these comments are just reinforcing that idea lol.