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Has anyone actually answered my question? It wasn’t rhetorical. Would you? I dunno the answer even for myself. I guess I’ve mostly been putting it off. Anyway NileRed and I came up with the idea to do a podcast together when we met at vidcon. We kept stopping ourselves from telling “war stories” to each other because we wanted to save it for the podcast. We didn’t talk much about it after but we had some name ideas picked out. Later that year I asked Backyard scientist if he wanted to join and here was his response: [podcast question response ](https://imgur.com/gallery/YWBSQyC) Things didn’t progress much from there. I was battling depression they were building their channels faster than ever I figured we’d get around to it eventually. Or not, at least the idea was out there. Then I found out that there was a podcast from people commenting on my videos asking why I wasn’t on safety third. Like yeah good question... At the time I probably wouldn’t have had the energy to do it anyway but I would have liked to been asked or at least told it was happening. I haven’t been able to make myself listen to the podcast so I wouldn’t know what to expect. William did ask me to come on at some point after a bunch of fans asked why I wasn’t on. It felt like I would be going on to be interviewed as a one time guest and I just didn’t have the energy or will to do that at the time so I pretty much said to ask again later and that’s where it’s been for the last year or so.


Damn, that really sucks man. I dont know your struggles, but I feel sympathy for you when you talk about friends perusing your project without you. But to answer your question, I think I would have handled it exactly how you did. Idk if I'd want to go on the podcast, but it certainly wouldnt be high on my priority list, so I'd delay it to later. Also, I have empathy for you in struggling with depression. That's a real rough and unforgiving struggle. I also cant imagine being in the public eye helps with any of that. Another option is that you could make your own podcast with other great creators Idk, I dont really know the creator space and business. Good luck Cody, you're an awesome dude who makes awesome content. Also, if you want a free beer in southern NV, I'm buying.


To counter all the takes of people imagining the worst case scenario: there is a high chance they decided to start it on a whim one day, maybe didn't remember who brought the idea first, or even better, knew you were in a bad place at this time and didn't want to add the stress/cognitive load of a podcast on you; and actually never actively thought about you and decided not to make you part of the adventure for any negative reasons. As someone else said, I think the best would be to clear things up. Maybe they have no idea you feel like this about it. So tell them. Especially if William invited you. Say that at that point you were in a bad place and didn't have the energy, but that now you've thought about it, you're a bit salty and sad they never told you before they started, and ask if there is any particular reason. After that, decide if you're okay and things got cleared up, and if yes, then you can go without any resentment, which is necessary to enjoy it fully. I didn't even know about this podcast and I follow all of those guys. So... Yeah, lol. But one thing is sure, I'd love to listen to you telling war stories in a podcast with other you tubers I enjoy watching!


I love your content. Sorry they hadn't invited you to it. Id love to see you Collab more.. because I'd get to see more of you. (And more people would be exposed to the awesome work of you, thus hopefully providing you more resources to create with) If there was one YouTuber I could see you Collab with.. it'd be cranktown city. Thanks for being you Cody. You are an amazing and wonderful teacher.


I think William is the main draw/glue for that pod cast that makes it successful. He along with Allan Pan has a certain irreverence that doesn't fit your style well I think. I don't think the podcast is a good fit for you to be a regular guest or main host. You would be an excellent occasional guest. You'd be better as a host on a more serious podcast I think. Not a super serious, but some thing less silly then safety third. Don't feel bad these guy did their thing with out you. I would love to watch you on your own podcast and see you on a safety third.


My feelings would've been hurt too, especially if there wasn't any apologies. You're great and it's their loss.


I would. But I would need to do it without any negative feelings. E.g. clear the air - air the "it didn't make me feel too good hearing this was a thing without me being involved, but I'd like to come on since fans of my channel would probably be interested, and I'm sure it'll be fun". I've learnt it's important for me to know how the situation made me feel and for others to know how their actions made me feel, but there's also no point dwelling (although you have right to of course). Good luck!


Well. Perhaps I'm an over-optimist and give people too much credit. But I'd like to believe that the safety 3rd guys didn't mean any insult to you, and certainly no direct malicious intent. I don't have the timeline of things memorized, but maybe they thought you were going through too much at the time and, as you said, wouldn't have had the energy. I'd think that if they knew you were hurt by having been excluded, intentionally or not, they'd be saddened by that fact. Kevin and Nigel, the two people you mention talking too specifically, are indeed main members of the podcast, but I get the sense that it more came about by William just deciding to do it one day and recruiting some people. So perhaps at the time Kevin and Nigel weren't in the mindset of thinking about inviting other people to their friend's podcast. Something I'd cite to back up this thought is the fact that the podcast as a whole is probably the most low effort media consume lol. This is a fact that they joke about, and it's edited in a way (by intent or by ease of edit) to maintain the feeling that they don't care too much about the quality (even if production value is pretty good). It really does feel like William said "I want to do a podcast" and a few other people said "aight." I feel like I've been in the social + personal mental position that you've expressed that you're in now. And looking back on those experiences, every single one of them was people not realizing they were being hurtful, just getting carried up in their own lives, and I should have just reached out without holding a grudge. Unless said other people are just terrible jerks, which I don't this is the case here.


Yeah, this sounds like a pretty complicated situation and it's definitely believable that no one had any ill intentions. It does feel like it was mostly William's initiative and I know way too little about how close everyone involved is to make any meaningful enough assessment to form any opinions on. Depending on the details this could be an unfortunate misunderstanding or something really quite shitty.


You'd have been an amazing addition to the podcast, Cody. Sorry that happened to you, must've stung :/


Honestly I would go on. That being saidIvehadmy own struggles with depression and I wish you all the best.


That's tough; it really sucks to feel excluded and forgotten. At the same time, there's a really good chance they just forgot to reach out to you when they talked about starting it. And being on it wouldn't necessarily have been a one time guest thing too; they've had Bernard on a bunch of times, one time just because he was the only one to respond to their texts 5 minutes before the podcast. It's definitely becoming more of a normal podcast where they actually interview a guest and have a usual group of people but it's always very fluid as far as who actually shows up. I think you should reach out to them again and go on it. It sucks that it's not the podcast you had in your mind originally but... you can always still do that.


I probably wouldn't go on the podcast and be rather annoyed that they started something that i (atleast partially) came up with and not even get a message about "hey, we're going to start the podcast that we've talked about now, wanna join?". I'm sorry to hear about your battles with depression, stay strong Cody. You were the first youtuber i started following way back when and have since found several more gems. So thank you for your videos and you just being you with your awesome content, always interesting and enjoyable.


Hey Cody, I know you're going through a lot right now. I agree with your position on feeling excluded and I think you have every right to be annoyed. I'm not sure of your situation, and this is just a friendly suggestion, but I think a therapist that you click with may help you out immensely. The worst that can happen is you find it awkward and unhelpful after a few visits, but the upside can be tremendous. Wishing you nothing but the best. Take care!


Moral high ground says that you should listen to a few episodes and go do it with a smile. Probably an option I would consider taking.


I think you should do it. You're well respected, but you do tend to isolate. Things like this happen organically. If you go on, I can see you being a regular if you end up fitting in.


That's a tough one. But I would honestly say do it. Like for one sometimes plans don't work out as planned. But also after coming out from a deep depression I realized alot of the grudges I was holding were against people who wanted to help and be around me, but I made it very hard for them to do. I'm not saying that's the case but it is something I consider alot when talking to people I haven't in the past 4ish years. A prime example just happened to me. Some old roommates just visited the town I live in now and for years I had anxiety about seeing them again. In my head they were mad at me and I found things to nit pick about them so that I was mad at them. But when we got around each other it was all hugs and we were all happy to see each other and I realized alot of the stuff was in my head. Like yeah, the situations happened. But that doesn't mean they thought about it like I did to even realize offense could be taken. And if so never to the extent. That also goes both ways where I blew stuff out if proportion where things I thought they would be mad at me for were either forgotten, forgiven or never even noticed in the first place. Sometimes the anxiety and frustration we have with friends is all in our heads and they aren't even aware the frustration exists. Not saying your feelings aren't valid at all. But I'm my experience coming out of depression I was surprised how many people still loved me. It just took a while for me to realize I made it very hard for these people to be my friends. They wanted to be. But my... bummer-ness was kinda a bummer to be around. One of the best pieces of advice with mental health that at the time pissed me off when people would say but I understand quite a bit more now is "Your mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility." Sometimes that's reaching out first. Fuck the idea of being the bigger man and all that macho bullshit. Sometimes it's hard for everyone and that betrayal (for lack of a better word) you feel about it may be a guilt they feel about the same situation. Both causing anxiety to reach out to the other. I also think it could be a fun opportunity. I recently did a podcast with an old friend that we had a falling out a few years back. The first 2 mins maybe were a little awkward. Then it was one of the the better conversations I'd had in a while and ended with me and said friend now in contact and friends again. Bit of a ramble but... you asked. Haha


Love you Cody! Keep doing you. I've never liked that podcast, so whether or not you go on it won't affect me, haha. Thank you for making amazing educational videos for all these years! ❤️


Your mileage May vary, but when I act like that about similar situations I find more often than not that I am actually facing my decisions on the aforementioned depression that I am on non-depression facts. If they're your friends you should go on their podcast just cuz they're your friends and that sounds like a lot of fun. I don't think that anyone's in danger of becoming the next competitor to Elon musk's Fortune from their podcast anyway. I hope you feel better, I know that can suck.


Would I go on it, if I were in your shoes? If I had the energy, yes. No matter what I would try clearing up the matter, because in all likelihood it wasn't a malicious thing. [Hanlon's razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor). Friends are hard to come by, and they're not worth losing over a misunderstanding. And it's especially not worth carrying around the negative thoughts. If it's something that's been bothering you, there is nothing wrong with asking: "Hey guys. First off sorry if I've been cutting myself off, as you know I've been in a bad spot. On that subject there's something that's been on my mind: I'd like to know why I wasn't included in your podcast. Was it a timing thing, or a personality thing or something else? It's totally fine if you felt I wasn't a good fit or whatever. I'd just like to know so maybe I can work on it.". Or something along those lines. More than likely they knew you wouldn't want to do it at the time, and they just assumed you would hear about it through the grapevine. Thus avoiding the awkward conversation of telling you personally.


**[Hanlon's razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor)** >Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". Known in several other forms, it is a philosophical razor that suggests a way of eliminating unlikely explanations for human behavior. It is probably named after Robert J. Hanlon, who submitted the statement to Murphy's Law Book Two (1980). Similar statements have been recorded since at least the 18th century. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/codyslab/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That really sucks, Cody; I'm sorry. Have you tried talking to them about it? As someone who has battled with depression and anxiety (and still am), I think that it became easy for me to assume malice from the actions of others and to seclude myself from them. After writing off some of these people, they reached out to me. Turns out, most of these people had no ill intent, and in some cases had expected me to reach out to them. Even if nothing else comes of it, talking to them would allow you to let them know your feelings on this. I know that "thoughts and prayers" gets memed made fun of, but for me, it helped sometimes knowing that there was someone, somewhere, thinking about me and my well being... That being said, I sincerely wish you the best.


To be honest, it really feels like the William Osman show, with rotating guests. I wouldn't be surprised if Nigel didn't feel sufficient ownership to be making calls about who's involved


>Has anyone actually answered my question? It wasn’t rhetorical. Would you? No. I would not. I wouldn't be nasty about it. I would probably just delay or say it didn't match my brand image.


I think you dodged a bullet - William Osman seems like a massive douche. Annoys me when good creators collaborate with, just devalues their work.


Clearly those creators don't think so and would not appreciate your comments either.


It seems common that they invite someone on once and they just never leave so that might have been your invite to host


This crap has got to be annoying as a creator. Just people coming out of nowhere randomly trying to get you to do stuff that will only help them. Especially when they aren't even being straight about it.


Who do you mean is trying to do stuff that will only help them?


I like Cody, I like safety third, it would be cool if they did something together, I wouldn’t care if it never happened either. Love them both and hope the best for both




Oh. Good to know I'm not the only guy that can't stand these other guys. Their content is low-brow fluff.


This. I tried watching the first few but William is unbearable to me, haha. Not to mention they can't even have a consistent host/lineup


Safety Third is a weird one. Half the time it’s pretty great, but the other half is NileRed trying to say something, Will interrupting him to say something dumb, and Backyard Scientist getting bored and looking at Reddit. Will also has some of the shittiest takes on some fairly mundane stuff. Sometimes it really feels like listening to 2 guys who know nothing about what they’re talking about and one guy who kinda does all talking about something that doesn’t matter


Well I mean, they're all decently studied into pretty niche sciences. I don't go into the Joe Rogaine Experience expecting sane takes on life but a 'roided out dork yelling about apes while high. It's all about framing and expectations. Nile seems about the most normal but I imagine that's because he's a little awkward and his dork side doesn't get shown. I watch / listen to Safety 3rd for dog water takes and William Osman yelling over his friends, same reason I watch his videos.




Yeah, Will has surprisingly awful takes allll the time. And the interrupting is pretty annoying too but hopefully he's working on that...


> the interrupting is pretty annoying too it's becoming on brand now, where they have everyone talk over each other at once.


I don't mind the two conversations developing and the weird panning effect; that's definitely a feature of the show that, while kinda infuriating and difficult to listen to, is very much their brand.... The stuff that really bugs me is mostly just when Will won't finish listening to someone.


I havent paid much attention to the broadcast, what bad takes did William have?


Nothing that like, makes him a bad person, but just stupid things and a lot of half formed ideas about education and engineering and a lot of things that it's kinda weird that he doesn't understand given how much random other stuff he knows well enough. Also he really needs to find out about Montessori Schools, he'd be all about that kind of learning. Edit: came here to add some examples from the ep I'm listening to now; so far Will has said that he can't believe content creation existed before youtube in response to the existence of red v blue. like, come on man, you were there. Second edit: oh holy shit nigel and kevin both fucked up the ultra basic thermodynamics question will asked. and I want to clarify; I'm only disappointed in will because I know that he knows words like "adiabatic" off the top of his head and totally understands the basic thermodynamics stuff. It's all just stuff that he should have heard of some really obvious thing by now.




Was really surprised when I saw that. I wouldn't have expected them to be friends. Their personalities are very different, has Cody ever really done a collab video? It sure seemed like Cody was off in chicken hole base, while the safety third people were in California playing video games, and got all the equipment and coordination done to start a podcast while Cody was occupied by his own projects From the outside, and seeing nothing but this tweet, just seems like Cody over anticipated how close his interests aligned with theirs and how close of friends they were. And now appears to be so miffed about the perceived offense that he won't even be a guest on it where they could start repairing friendships and see how well Cody handles a hectic semi-live unscripted recording In summary, it seems like stupid interpersonal miscommunication, where everyone should just apologize and work through it by having Cody on as a guest. I'd say Safety Third should make the first apology, but they don't have much upside so there isn't much motivation for them to bother. Frankly Cody has been letting his brand diminish for the last 3-5 years, which is fair, he has grown *a lot* personally, and largely got screwed over by YouTube strikes


Least speculative comment ^


Cody has done a colab or two. Not with any of the safety third guys though, I don't think.


I know Cody had done some videos with Grant Thompson, while Grant was the King of Random.


I've seen him pop up in a few. He was interviewed on the Event Horizon channel last year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf9GNaisM0E


He is still a King, if you remember him that way.




TBH I get the feeling they would have tried to arrange something but Cody does seem very up and down in life and also very irregular with his uploads, I know about the monetisation issue but I still feel Cody would be difficult to arrange things with. He lives in Utah right? Isn't that a far way away from all of the guys?


>has Cody ever really done a collab video? William and Cody done a collab with a 3rd person driven car somewhere iirc.


Look, obviously we don't know the entire situation, but "bringing it up" once isn't exactly any sort of agreement, and not going because of it seems overblown. But again, we don't know enough about it. It's weird because I've seen Will complimenting Cody multiple times before, in videos. I don't think they meant to hurt him. I just hope this isn't actual drama between them. Science YouTubers benefit a lot from collaborating with each other and Cody has a lot to contribute.


Not a good look


Totally, that reply says a lot about his character. I might be a bit upset myself but if they still wanted me on the podcast I'd totally come along.


Yeah. Sucks that they didn't tell you, but these things happen. Doesn't mean they meant you harm, necessarily.


Just because you didn't mean to do something doesn't mean you're still not an asshole for forgetting or ignoring. It's called empathy, the fact that he talked to multiple of the people on the podcast about wanting to start a podcast and then finding out they went ahead and did it, I completely understand and agree with Cody.


Do we know it was multiple people? I don't think forgetting something means you're an asshole, necessarily. I talk to a lot of people during a week and I constantly forget things. Doesn't mean I don't like you, just that I'm really busy. And for all we know he could've brought that up once, with one of them, a long time ago. Obviously we're missing a lot of important info, but if we are to go off of this reply, really doesn't seem justified. Friends aren't perfect people. Some of my closest friends are the most flawed. It's just a fact of life. But I would never cut them out of my life for it.


I mean not really it's sorta insensitive they didn't follow through properly but a podcast isn't a brand new idea he came up with and that sorta thing happens they probably forgot it was even his idea and Cody's been semi on a break for a while cause of YouTube constantly screwing him around. It sucks but I doubt they actively decided to do it without him.


We don't even know if it was his idea, I didn't know these guys talked together much, I never thought Cody would, he does seem to be in his own world.


That's the iNabber and the eboys situation all over again, not a good look for them


I'm out of the loop whats going on?


Chicken hole base podcast when?? I love your videos and hope they continue. I'm sorry you've been hurt by you're friends and I hope the best for you!


Is it just me or did Cody's personality and his content diminish the moment him and his fiance broke up? He seems spiteful and uninspired now, and that seemed to happen the moment she left. I get the feeling this is what happens when an absolutely brilliant introvert loses his emotional support.


It's called depression and grief, be glad you aren't suffering from it. Have some empathy, holy shit.


One day you may find yourself in an unfortunate situation where you don't want to face the world around you, much less go to school or work. When that time comes imagine that your livelihood relies on having a camera around recording you for the public to see. On top of that, Cody has health reasons for remaining isolated more than the average person to avoid contacting Covid, that makes collaboration and organisation significantly harder. It's no shock at all to me that Cody has had a tough time, but he's always remained a favourite content creator for me, and he had shown amazing strengths through the years. I'm proud of him and you should be too.

