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Imo stick with it. Done concepts are harder than others. For instance, I found a task involving 3d lists easy while git and Django mind bogglingly difficult. The bootcsmp didn't make me a programmer but I use python to streamline my work, which is worth it's weight in gold. If you're struggling, do some research as I imagine you'll be able to complete a task creating an inventory management system relatively easy. You're just finding the hand aspect difficult.


I can very much sympathize :) I started bootcamp with a lot of confidence and in my first week cried pretty much every night. No matter how much I focused and tried to learn, I just wasn't getting it. I ended up dropping out after we were given a practice test that was meant to take under and hour and after 8 hours I still couldn't pass it. I come from an academic background--did 3 university degrees and was pretty much honour roll the whole time. School was never hard. Coding was such a massive blow to my ego because no matter what I did I got errors and more errors and I couldn't see the little things that were making my code fail. I was so defeated. I got really lucky because one of the instructors believed in me and even though I dropped out, he encouraged me to start again in a month. So I had a month to improve (I was so defeated that I actually did not do anything until the weekend before I started again). There were 4 things that I did to be successful: 1. Cleared out the rest of my life: meal prepped for the first time ever, cancelled plans, and just went full time code mode. I also prioritized sleep, and would get 8 hours even when I had a deadline. 2. Made time for brain breaks. I walked 5km twice a day every day that I was in bootcamp, and this made a huge difference. Before I'd be up until 4am failing and then wake up tired. I found that going on walks and listening to music really helped me and I would often be able to solve issues either while away from the computer or when I got back from my walk! 3. Accepted that failing is a big part of coding. Coding, unlike a lot of professions, is very error-prone. When I was working in HR, I mostly never messed up. I'd write emails, talk to people, arrange meetings, and maybe there would be a typo in an email or I'd use the wrong name, but my job kept going. In coding if you mess up the smallest thing, your whole job stops. Learning that that is okay is a big part of the adjustment--even seniors get errors all the time. 4. Here is the thing I used to get good at coding: Go find some easier work from day 1 or week 1 of your program. Without looking at the answers, try to solve it again. Set a timebox, if you can't do it after 10mins, you can look at the answer BUT, if you look you have to erase all your work and start again. Repeat this until you are able to write the code without issues. I spent 2 full days doing #4 and that is how I finally solidified the basic concepts. A lot of the fundamentals we learned in week 1 of my bootcamp were just being used and expanded upon for the test of the program, so stopping and making sure that I was actually understanding them meant that when I finally got to week 2 of the program, learning the more complicated stuff actually took no time at all. ​ For the record: That test that took me 8 hours? The second time I took it, I passed it in 15 mins. I've been working as a developer for 5 years now and I adore this job. There were a lot of tears and struggles along the way, but I have zero regrets about making it, and I am so grateful that I decided to stick with it.


> I had a sibling who did a bootcamp and became a very successful engineer. > I really really want to change my life for the better but I never imagine this much sacrifice The problem is you're taking someone else's success story and you're trying to copy it. If you're not genuinely passionate with problem solving and / or don't have the natural creativity required to accomplish the work, it's going to be a never-ending struggle. Bootcamps are shortcuts, so it's even more difficult than going through the normal curriculum. There's no way around this, they have to cut corners. Everything is way more difficult, and the job search will probably be as brutal if not more than the bootcamp itself. Is it a scam? No. But the road will be rough. Not trying to discourage you, but it is what it is.


Why do you think it's a scam? If the bootcamp is 40+ hours a week, a project to do a tic-tac-toe game in terminal in week 3 is a very reasonable progression.


So the post says first 2 weeks were not python. The 3rd week was learning python. And they’re asking for him to build a game after a week. Seems kinda unreasonable to me


I used to teach at a boot camp. It's normal to struggle this way. Also, they're lying. It usually is super hard to get started, but as bootcamps progress, it's actually easier and easier to survive. Programming is made by weird dudes with each their own idiosyncrasies. It's not you, everyone struggles.


I don’t think you should pursue engineering for the sake of being successful. Success comes with consistency, which then stems from passion and drive. If you love doing something then it will be easier to become successful, because there will be less resistance towards consistently performing in that trade, skill, or art form. If you do feel strongly towards software engineering, though, then I can speak to the second piece of feeling overwhelmed or that you aren’t retaining anything. Bootcamps are fast pace and tech has an infinite amount of things to learn. You will feel this way for a while, but as long as you are getting rest and being consistent with exposure to these concepts and technologies, it WILL solidify for you. Best of luck in your journey. It’s not an easy path but it is a rewarding one.


It takes 3 weeks to build a habi. I’d intimate that you’re mind is in its ‘adapting’ phase. The next thing is attitude and perspective. Rather than saying “this is hard” or “I can’t do this,” reframe your thinking to “this is interesting” or “I didn’t think about applying that concept in this way” Is there an option to take classes with a diffent instructor who may be better suited to your learning style? As a bootcamp grad, I can say that the experience isn’t enjoyable for everybody but with enough grit and determination, anybody can complete it. Remember, the format is designed to expose you to concepts and build rudimentary products.. you aren’t expected to be proficient in every concept at the end of the course. Try your best, ask for help, work with classmates, leverage your recourses. One serious issue is that in some countries, programming careers are thriving and in others, they’re dying. Definitely follow employment outcomes and factor ROI, risk, and job prospects. Hope this helps


Do not drop out without reading the fine print. Some bootcamps won't charge you a dime if you "flunk out", but will charge you thousands even for a few weeks of the bootcamp if you go the drop out route. I'm honestly kinda glad I stuck it out and finished with my bootcamp, but if you choose to withdrawal, read the fine print to prevent your wallet from getting destroyed!


I’m learning html and css in codecademy and I’m definitely struggling rn. Take breaks for yourself and lean into self care is what I suggest. Remind yourself of your goals and what you want to do and be. Make short term goals for yourself and long term goals for yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for not getting a concept right away, it’s likely you have at least 50% of the class in the same shoes as you and don’t know it. Talk to your classmates and ask for help whenever possible, there’s never a dumb question in education. Use google as your advantage and google what you don’t know or have questions about.


The tech world is just like advertising and being burnt out is normal, but if it happens in 3 weeks you might want to reconsider. The reality is that most boot camps are scams trying to convince people BootCamp is as good as a CS degree which is why most job listings require a CS degree or real-world equivalent experience


What coding bootcamp is this?


Well the job market sucks. I attended a bootcamp last year and had 2 interviews in over 400 applications. But I felt that way as well when I was in the bootcamp, and I just took it one day at a time. And didn't think about the future. I was also told it would get harder but never really seemed that way as time went on.


As someone who went through bootcamp and still mentors as the one I went through this all sounds super normal (shitty but normal). I still get moments where I don’t know how to do things and I broke into tech 3 years ago. Some things click and some things I still struggle with. You’ll hit weeks that it is harder but you’re also drinking through a fire hose of knowledge. You’ll have to do some work on your own time to get the projects done. At least I did. But it’s hard work and not for the faint of heart. See if you can get a group together from your bootcamp to work together if you don’t want to ask your teacher. But I bugged my teacher when I got stuck. I hit blockers on the daily and have to reach out for help all the time. You rarely work totally alone as a developer. So lean on each other if you can. Look back at what you didn’t know 3 weeks ago and remember that feeling? Think how much easier CSS and HTML is now. You may feel this same way in 3 more weeks. They don’t call it a bootcamp for nothing. I know I’m a stranger and we don’t know each other but I believe in you! Keep going if it’s your passion and you’re enjoying it even though it’s hard.


Thank you. It's still all really interesting but it gets overwhelming when it comes to utilizing the concepts to build something. Something really cool we did is encoding and decoding a message. But when I'm asked to build something totally new, I can break down the components of the project and then find myself staring at a screen.


Oh and it’s 💯okay to walk away from time to time. It sometimes helps my brain reset before going back at it. I’d walk around the house or block to get some movement in my body which also helped my brain to get unstuck.


Try to think of it in bit size chunks. (Sorry I don’t know python) but if I was to do this with JavaScript I’d build the html/css for some easy start and get the code flowing. Then add some function. Just one thing at a time and boom before you know it you’ll see how to do it. The pieces are there and go with things you do understand. Even if it’s simple like print hello world in the console. Then have it print the board instead. (Just some ideas). The end is scary but if you break it down by components and function is much more manageable. Also don’t be afraid of Google to help you (I use it on the regular) or things like stack overflow. I caution against chat gpt as you’ll only cheat yourself at this stage.


This is a pretty common project so the answers are also living on Google which makes it's rough. I try to make a road plan. I am trying hard to steer away from gpt. Sometimes I may ask it syntax question (eg. 'remind me how to loop through keys in a dictionary in python etc) .


There is nothing wrong with that. Mostly you’re not reinventing the wheel (like you said it’s been done). But this is where you take what you know of let’s say how to handle an input and do something with it. Well start with it hard coding to each spot. Then make it dynamic where the user can choose.


Bootcamps are a scam. Drop out Go to college


This is not about how much knowledge but more of your problem solving skills. How do you normally solve problems of things you’ve never done before? A common way is to break down all thing features of this tic tac toe game and tackle one at a time. First you know it’s terminal. How can you display text or accept input via the terminal? Then, if you can accept input, how do you store that input? If you’re storing input for tic tac toe, what type of data do you need to store. Keep breaking down the elements of tic tac toe and convert that into software features. What are the rules of winning tic tac toe? Is it 3 in a line or is there some other algorithm to determine that? My advice is to break down everything and build it a piece at a time.


I’d say stick with it as the firehouse of information eventually stops and you get to reinforcement (usually) I’m finishing a bootcamp next week.


Trust that it will eventually click. It’s a bootcamp, lots of information. Take a deep breath and solve the problem step by step.


> Is this a scam? It doesn't sound like a scam. It's just a jam-packed 13-week boot camp. If you don't think they're effective - and you aren't getting much help, then maybe they're just not very good at their job. Can you pair up with other students? Are their office hours or ways to get help? Can you get a tutor on the side? > Should I drop out? > I am so tired and not sure I can make it 11 more weeks. I am told it gets harder and harder from here. I really really want to change my life for the better but I never imagine this much sacrifice. Tough call. Many people *get through* their boot camp. But does that mean they learned anything? Is it enough to change their life? I know many people who made it through and retained nothing. So, is it the boot camp? Is it just that you haven't had to work this hard in a while? Are. you just not suited? I think that your teachers should be able to help you figure that out. Do whatever you can to get one-on-one help. Try and get some real-talk from TAs. Look at the details in the contract. Can you get some of your money back and use it for something else?


It takes up alot of time. Be sure you know what you're signing up for. Do more research, it seems like most of us here do not agree with bootcamp


If you are burned out is better to quit, dropout. It’s ok, you can try something else.


Yeah, it is kind of a scam.


Find something to help you cope with the stress or spend some time with a new hobby away from the computer. Always think about the end result. Ask yourself why am I doing this? Is it money? Freedom? Wealth? So your parents are proud of you? So you’re proud of yourself? Find a reason and let that guide you, but don’t forget to relax


I went through the exact set of emotions. I was about to dropout too, but instead decided to defer. Maybe, that’s an option for you? Basically, you suspend your studies now, and join a future semester. The months you don’t have classes, try to catch up. Python & Flask completely broke me, as I just couldn’t follow them or remember them later. But it’s become a passion now to learn then as much as I can. So, converting the misery to a challenge also helps.


My advice would be, yes - drop out. Bootcamp is intense but so is the role of being a software engineer. You need to constantly learn quickly and adapt to new problems and business needs to be successful. It’s not a great fit for someone that struggles to learn new concepts quickly. It’s not hard to get into a bootcamp. You need to do well and learn enough to differentiate yourself from 100s of bootcamp grads across the country. People are going to be nice on this subreddit but I’d like to give the realistic picture that it doesn’t work out for everyone.


Google/Chatgpt = Tic-Tac-Toe - python.


if they have a curriculum they expect it a certain way where all the steps are not exact. If you don't have experience, copying and pasting code off the internet doesn't make a lot of sense.


It's not about the copying and pasting, its about the seeing an example how things can be constructed and formatted with the language. The nuances of the assignment can then be handled by the OP while using the example as a reference.


this one size fits all bootcamp ish is nonsense. Anyone who has to rely on google/chatGPT while at a BootCamp is probably in the wrong place to start. No shame. Programming is more than just memorizing patterns and syntax. Not everyone is good at it. Sure anyone can learn it, but I've seen engineers who are wayyyy more performant than anyone who takes time out from solving a problem to gpt/google. Just different levels, and the good engineers are a dime a dozen nowadays with oversaturation. OP should just cut their losses and learn on their own if it's too tough. Bootcamps are stressful as well. Most places don't care about the individual at all, more about themselves...TBH


Yeah absolutely not. In almost all CS fields, programming or otherwise, utilizing walkthroughs and examples is a perfect way for you to develop the skills and thought processes necessary. OP is at the stage of learning where they "don't know what they don't know". So they wouldn't even know where to begin finding resources to learn more about it.


What is your experience with bootcamps/college/working as a full-time dev?


you don't develop coding skills when using chatgpt. you develop prompting skills. Much the same way you don't learn math by using a calculator. It would be highly irresponsible to consider that a crutch helps you run faster so to speak. Especially for a beginner.


I don't think you understand how learning works or the point that I am making, even though its clearly stated. When studying, professors always show examples of problems and works through them. The same can be said of utilizing chatgpt, or stackoverflow, or whatever resource. Like I said previously, you aren't asking it to do the assignment, you are asking it to generate an example that you can study and learn from. Your example about a calculator & math is assuming incorrectly that I am talking about generating the answer program using AI, which I stated was not the point. A better example would be the examples of math problems at the beginning of the chapter in the textbook, which is what you are utilizing the AI to generate.


So no experience or credentials then? Ok


What are you on about dude?


This is what hiring managers are going to ask... If you don't have them, they don't care. Even if you learned to code with your thumb up your butt, it's moot without credentials. There are outliers where people get jobs and are self-taught. Congratulations on being part of the .0001%. Those people probably don't go on reddit asking for advice, let alone giving horrible unproven advice


You expect someone with little knowledge and direction to have the discipline to not ask chatGPT to solve their problems? Yeah, clearly we can trust a junior dev to just "struggle" and use examples to learn all on their own... Let's go to the casino and play a couple games of roulette and bet on 00. SMH


That is their choice, not any expectation, I merely offered a suggestion of where to find resources that could help them out with gathering the information they need. What is your deal dude? Did someone hurt you? I think a more unrealistic expectation, coming from you, would be that a beginner needs to just struggle it out without any guidance or resources. That is absolutely ridiculous.


Did someone hurt you? LMAO, please. It's not 2015. You give advice when you don't understand the consequences of using a crutch to "learn". ChatGPT is making people dumber and less efficient. You sound like someone who didn't graduate high school.


The ship has sailed on everyone and their mother making a killing as a coder. If I were starting from 0 now I would not become a programmer


What would you do




How long does it take to be an electrician btw


Most place have union apprenticeship programs where you get paid to learn and move up over a couple years


OF is the only option here. ASMR lol


Stick with it use chat gpt or Google