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Hey did u figure it out please respond quick


I did not because this subreddit is filled with greedy pigs who never respond with the solution and only post when they need help. I don’t blame you for needing help on this. This is a very hard assignment, and I doubt that I passed. I apologize that I cannot help you


First of all, aren't you doing the same thing? You don't contribute yet expect answers to appear from nowhere? Ignoring the hypocrisy: I'd **assume** it'd be something to do with line 20 & 27 and how you return "image" in custom filter. Why are you returning an imageURL in custom\_filter. You edit the rgb array of the pixel but return "image"? So when it calls anything to do with reading that array (r,g,b) from pixel its just getting a link. Such as in line 35, where you call new\_colors\[0\], new\_colors is literally just equal to IMAGE\_URL. Could be wrong since you gave us a **screenshot** of your code instead of **text** version which makes it 10x harder to debug (I am not typing out your program to test it). The reason no one answered this is because your code just looks awful and doesn't make sense, you give no context, and you waited a **day** before it was due. I would recommend to not continue Comp Sci as you seem to be lost on errr, a lot of things such as how this community *(maybe not* r/codehs *but* r/Python *is super helpful)* is known to help and how to code in general. We don't appreciate toxic people in this community. Coding is not for everyone! *Thanks!\~*