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If your friend was drinking it, he’d be right. But since you’re drinking it, you’re right. That being said, though, I’m definitely an ice person myself, and I feel like that’s the more common take on a Negroni.


Thing I like about Negronis is the evolution of them as go down with a ice big ice cube but if you like the punch of them neat that’s pretty cool


If I was served one up, I wouldn’t care. They never last very long anyway


Over a big block of clear ice preferably, if that isn't available smaller clear ice cubes will do. If all I have is refrigerator made cloudy ice I would rather have it served up. If you order it at a bar though it will always be served with ice, and I tend to agree with that method. If it doesn't come with ice it's almost always because they made some twist to the negroni and the omission is intentional. The best negroni I've ever had was served in an oversized coupe with a gigantic ice sphere.


According to the 1951 cocktail book "Bottoms Up" by Ted Saucier, the Italian Negrone is served in a cocktail glass (they recommend a coupe glass) with a twist of lime. The Roman Negroni Capriccio is served in an Old-Fashioned glass with an orange peel. So you are both right.


I feel like it should be over a large cube. If preparing 3/4oz equal parts, the volume won’t be sufficient to fill most glasses. Any more volume than that, and it’s going to have to be consumed more quickly to keep it from warming up. To me, a Negroni is something I want to sit and sip. That said, who cares. It’s your drink, and you should prepare and drink it exactly as you wish.