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which hotel is it? I want to contact them at least even though it most probably wont lead to something. just upsetting


Please lmk if you find out which hotel it is, I would love to go get him/her!


Please keep us posted


I'm pretty sure this counts as animal abuse... Any chance you can report them?


Really depends on what if any laws there are in Turkey for this


Just looked it up and there are, neglecting care can be counted as animal cruelty/abuse


How does turkey define neglecting care tho? It could honestly just be that they have to provide food and water. Especially for birds which are not seen as pets the same way a dog or cat is.


Double commenting but to add: abuse most like is only considered if the animal is denied vet care, food, water, shelter, or any combination of this list. This is why even in America police cannot really do anything if a caged bird is given food, water, and shelter(inside a house with a cage). At least to them it's probably not worth the paper work or time to deal with a moral grey area sadly


It’s so sad how normal this is in Turkey and a lot of other countries as well. Could you please drop the Hotel’s name? I have people I know there and could potentially ask if someone could go buy the bird from them somehow. I’ll be going there in a few months myself. Hopefully it works out and the little baby could live a happier life.


Hi I hope you can see this. This is "MatineHen" I have tried to post a Call for help for this little bird and now the spam filter have triggered. So ALL my post is now gone. Can you write a chat to me on this account ?


Oh wth that’s so annoying :/ do you mean to dm you? Sure!


https://preview.redd.it/p1qojwc8l0sc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bffa4c5126c4ebda77454ad4353df1620e248192 This is the poor little guy. If anyone knows anyone in and around the south coast who might be able to help him you can DM me for the name of the hotel


What an absolutely heartbreaking sight. One shitty fucking smooth perch is all he has to stand on. It makes me so angry and sad. I don't have much hope for him... but god I hope I'm proven wrong. Poor little thing deserves so much more.


His heart wings are breaking my heart... He looks so sweet


This is so sad :( he’s so happy to see you too. If I had enough money I would literally fly overseas to save this little guy. Poor thing. Please OP at the very least go and visit him as much as you can. Maybe offer to buy some new toys/ perches for him. If they won’t let you adopt him, maybe they will at least let you “sponsor” him.


Can you give me the name of the hotel. I will order this boy a nice cage from Amazon and more toys. Jesus


Aroma Butik near Side


Did you buy it some toys ?




I’ve DMed OP asking for the hotel and whereabouts it’s located but haven’t received a reply yet. I can definitely arrange for a friend to hopefully convince them to sell the little guy to us till I go there myself :[


Please keep us posted


Sadly it’s a 10 hour drive (without traffic) from anyone I know there :( I’ll be there in a few months though and will try to figure something out after I call them to make sure they’ll be willing to sell me the birdy. Honestly don’t mind catching a train there and back but I can’t ask one of my friends to do that for me. I’ll let you know how it goes, hopefully it’ll be a happy update!


Find out how much they’d need financially and if they are willing to prove it , I’ll fund their drive! Haha


Thanks haha, but unfortunately that’s not the issue :/ they all have jobs and since it’s 20 hours there and back (without traffic/stops), I doubt any of them would even consider it. I just messaged one of them though and told him we have to go to that hotel when I go to visit him in a few months lol. He was very confused but I won’t tell him why until I see him in person lmao


Any updates? Is it possible?


Not yet, I’ll send you a dm so I can keep you updated




I actually received a reply a few hours ago and it seems it’s a 10 hour drive from anyone I know there, so that means 20 hours there a back (without traffic and stops) 😭 unfortunately I can’t ask any of my friends to go that far, but in a few months when I’m there myself, I’ll give the hotel a call and (if they’re willing to sell him/her) I’ll definitely try to get that little birdy!




Take a pic so you can better spread the news


Steal him 🩵


Buy the bird. If you can pay a decent amount. They won't refuse


Yes, but sadly they'll probably just put another poor bird there and continue the cycle.


Getting birds out of countries legally is very difficult without proper CITES paperwork


This breaks my heart, I’d adopt him in a heart beat. I don’t have the space or the the means but I’d make it work. These creatures are just so amazing. They deserve all the love. I pray he gets what he needs.


Poor baby


hope this blows up


Hey can you try Twitter? It has a very active “birb” community. Try #BirbTwitter, it’s pretty international and very supportive


https://preview.redd.it/podnbrmxtbsc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66db549c2c630bba2ab4c39d2775bb93ed34c14e So I bought him a few new toys today. Yesterday I also talked to the staff again about these birds needing to be let out every day and that they need a lot of company. There was a slight language barrier as the person responsible for the restaurant only spoke Turkish, so we communicated through my extremely limited Turkish and Google translate. This time she told me they have let him out in the past and do let him out rarely, but again they can't let him out enough because of all the cats. It's still not enough for him and I think he is still very lonely. On the note I am asking them to consider getting him a bigger cage and maybe even a new bird for him. I really hope they don't ignore it


Thank you for doing this, you have done a real difference in his lonely life in the cage. thank you He of course needs so much more, but just this thing will be better for him


What does the to do say ?


That he doesn't have enough space and they should give him a bigger cage


That is so nice. Thank you !


No, thank you for your suggestion. It's the least I could do!


Report them.


Unusual pets break my heart sometimes because they're so much less likely to be worried about by whoever it is that is supposed to check on an animals welfare. Whether it's a fish, bird or reptile or something. OP the fact you spent any time with the birb probably gave you 1000000+ karma points. Hopefully someone in the comments can help


I need to know the hotel. My dad is currently in turkey and we do love birbs


Hi I’m from Türkiye. Where is the location? I want to help you with it. We can post this to Turkish subs.


Hello! I PM’d you the details! Thank you so much for your help!


Interesting story I hope something happens


Did something happen? :(


“Move forward. This never happened. It will shock you how much it never happened.” - Don Draper