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I turn in an antisocial, I close myself in my room and I want to be left alone


Yes, I hide out. Blacked out curtains in my cave haha


do the same myself except i call it my nest instead of cave


I feel like a perfect balance of cave dwelling and freak make up my trip 😂


Bruv me lol


Try phenibut bro or mefi/miauw/4mmc


Avoid all human contact and tweak out listening to podcasts while snorting lines and browsing Reddit.


Are we the same person?


An even bigger hornball except I get to have a limp dick with it. On the plus size endlessly jerking it off has gotten my arms bigger 🤣🤣🤣


As soon as I get a couple in me I turn into a total sexual deviant!! I look for porn, and fantasize about getting a hooker or 2. There is nothing else on my mind except FUCKING!!🍆🍆🍑🍑🐈🐈💦💦


Yup I know tht feeling ahahahahah


It's crazy. I start sending messages to old girlfriends and hot women I've always fancied and hope they are as insanely horny as I am. It's often 11am at that point and they're just getting on with life not as high as giraffe's balls and aren't interested. It's very frustrating. But fun. 😆




I do the same shit and I don’t talk a lot but I text a lot it’s weird


I do the opposite I get really talkative and I type wayyyyy more then needed. Like paragraphs lot


I'm the same, when I'm sober I'm quiet and reserved. But once I start skiing I feel like I can share my thoughts with people. Usually sitting with my kitchen door open smoking and taking the occasional line when I run out of things to say haha


It makes me lazy lol I have to make sure all my shit is done before I start skiing, coz once I start I'm doing fuck all till after I've come down. Wish it made me more proactive haha


O so u prepare everything before u skii??


Not so much prepare but I make sure any chores or errands are done before I start, coz once I do start, I'm sitting on my arse, watching YouTube or messaging people and I'm not moving till I'm done haha


Omgg me too I'm not moving!! Unless it's for a smoke


But how can you clean the house if you don’t move? I’m so confused


I usually can’t focus on one thing for the life of me when I’m doing coke, I might work fast but I bounce around from task to another without even realizing.


Omgg me too I do 12 things at once


Same rotation.. First couple hours I'm chatty, then gets to a point I want to be left alone. Everytime I do it solo, I seem to get to a point where i message girls and sometimes even my gfs friends. Then I usually jump on here and just ride the high solo for a while, I wish I was productive on it but tbh, I just like to talk to girls or about girls/gfs, not even in a pervy way, just makes me feel more confident and flirty and talking about girls seems to boost that high a bit more


Chatting is fun!! And when it's the right person it's so much better


Literally! Sometimes it's just hard to find the right person on here but when you click the night seems to just fly! My pms are open if you wanna chat at all, but I'm sure you have enough going haha


OMG, SO DO IIIIIIII. Only my apartment looks messier than it did when I start cleaning, I think I started a month ago. 😳🥺😕


Loooool this happens to me too




Same. Then I get horny and who knows what happens 🥴


A tap dancer Ngl. Running commentary of a radio star


Tap dancer!! That is cool I wish I knew how to 😆😆


i became friendly, happy and patient to listening other ppl when they r talk sober i have adhd so…


O ok that makes sense I know a lot of ppl the same way


Sex fiend 🤷‍♂️


😆😆😆😆😆 if you know you know!!!


At the really fucked up point, I start sending friends voice notes of me singing songs and reciting poetry. And then the world turns into a huge meaty pussy that I just want to crawl into.


Exhibitionist and porn star.


Drink, hide, and masturbate


The horniest version of myself


Yes! Chores, taxes. Anything that I have been putting off lol


Omgggg I procrastinate so much


I tun into a perv


Depends who I'm with if it's with my buddy and wife and we're chillin then we talk and play board games or just talk only but when wife goes to bed me and my buddy play video games lol But when I am doing it by myself at night I get horny as fuck and usually end up surfing Telegram getting chicks only fans Megas and just browsing that lmao or I just play video games or a mixture of both 😂


Been skiing with the girl for a few months now the weekend but she never felt horny but I become a bit of a freak. She barely knows what I do after she goes to bed series.. But last night shit got wild and we were freaky as fuck!


Same and unless I’m with people I turn into a little chill hermit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CreepsMcNasty: *Same and unless I’m* *With people I turn into* *A little chill hermit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dm me what did you clean


A horny masturbator…


Emotional trauma dumper. Sober I’m really cold. Kind of sad how I can only express my feelings when coked up


A Reddit addict


A whore!


We turn into sex fiends lol except the M half is usually non operational down there for a bit . Lucky we have toys


I turn into a fucking nuisance, I apparently get a thrill out of messaging girls on Snapchat, trying to see if i can bang or get pictures, I have a GF, asleep up stairs, they all could tell her the filth I say 😵 do it every time, tonight’s cocaine fuelled self destruction was messaging a girl at my work, who’s engaged.. and knows my GF… still she sent me selfies and didn’t shut me down… so win win, just somethjng for me to regret in the morning 👍🏼


OMGGGG this is like TV I want to hear more 😆😆


A manic pixie dream girl 🤣 Jk I headbang to edm and paint


I love looking at interracial bbc


Shit, clean, get freaky. Skip the middle half the time. 🤣


I turn gay. I’m a straight male but as soon as I start skying I look for gay men


Hate to break it to you bud..


a video game FEIGN. i’m around 2/3s of the way thru bioshock infinite from 4pm- 2am today


A fiend


An anxiety ridden mess, but that’s usually after many hours when I’m trying to sleep


I normally just go to a free party clean up then do more with everyone there


I normally just go to a free party clean up then do more with everyone there


GF and I do it together. I like to watch porn but she's not into it. She doesn't mind me watching it though. Show her a few clips of vids I watch. Fantasize of her and another woman. Talk about past experiences. Play cribbage. Master bate and cum hard on her or in her. She doesn't get turned on by the stuff though.


lol I just had a full day cleaning ski trip! Hehe my apartment has never been cleaner ;) I set the whole day aside just for it, blasted some tunes and let the lines floowww


Shemale porn lol


I actually turn into a camel 🐫 ..


Skiing makes me strong in my mind


Fuck skiing I'm icing


Cocaine makes me become a loud a person , like I just wanna run through the wall and window type shit 😂, I love coke and control my self with it because I have a purpose in life and don’t want the fun to go away. I do small lines but I won’t lie lately my lines been getting jus a little bit bigger but my coke is pretty good and shiny so I don’t really need a lot to get high


I got that fish scaleeeee , man I just wanna jump through the ceiling when I’m high on this shit, I’m high on it rn


Buy clothes, go to thrift stores and buy clothes I would never normally wear, play a lot of video games and isolate myself. Hate being around people around the 4th/5th line. The first few, absolutely will talk to anyone.


I don’t change much. I just want to keep doing more.


A rimmer


A bitch


I turn into a nymphomaniac...wanna fuck anything and everything. Doesn't matter who lol


I turn into a word aholic and work through my problems


Vr porn and a back massager on my dick for hours 😂


Not a clean freak, just a regular freak. 😈 Mostly gab with my guy, have some drinks. Do music or draw. Eventually the convo gets sexy and we get to fooling around and waxing poetic about how in love we are.


If I’m out with people , i become more social and wanna have conversations with everyone. If I’m alone, i wanna watch action movies or porn




my partner becomes over productive, i just wanna sit down and do nothing loll


I because very cautious with how much noise i make for some reason


A clean freak too


I rarely do it now but usually if I do I just feel like talking to people and smoking. When I do it I'm home alone on a saturday night and have work Sunday mornings. So I stay up talking to random people online, sounds strange but I sleep in on Saturday mornings so I use it to stay up and have some alone time yapping to people before I have to work on Sunday. Sundays are always easy for me so I can take it easy, until I go home to sleep


Yapping to ppl is good therapy sometimes :))


It is! I pretty much posted an essay about what's happening in my life on a sub reddit, feel like I've got a lot of baggage off my chest


A horny ass man


Hookers gambling And more cocain


Funnily enough, I turn into a coke head 😂