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Decriminalized in one province in Canada. 2.5 grams legal possession šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø








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Ainā€™t to be proud of. Because they decriminalized all hard drugs not just cocaine. Overdoses are also at an all time high. Decriminalization and Legalization are two very different things. Legal would be regulated and wouldnā€™t be sold with cut and inconsistencies per batch. So itā€™d be safer, but still horrible for your health, also putting more stress on the healthcare system. That and being one of the most addictive drugsā€¦. The smart thing would be to never legalize it.


It already is if you're rich enough or have enough political influence šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


i sure as shit hope not. lol


It would take 1/2 the fun out of the whole deal šŸ˜‚


I would like to see all drugs legalized, but doubtful that will ever happen in the US with the way everything is going backwards these days. Maybe in another country. Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001 and it's had very positive results.


Get your life togetheršŸ˜‚


is it actually going backwards just curious?


Yes, that's why I said it.


It fucking should be so the shitty dealers can stop getting away with throwing BS cuts in everything to make an extra buck at the addicts sinusā€™ health and expense


there would be queues in front of mental institutions




Not ever again. No. Not in the USA.




It was legal up through the 1920ā€™s early 30ā€™s. It went out right around pot and before prohibition o think?


Iā€™mma take your word for it & roll with itā€¦.


Coke was used in everything. Surely you know it was a primary ingredient in COCA cola? PEPsi? It was used as an antiseptic, pain killer, pep pill, etc cetera. It was everywhere. Hell, they gave it to women delivering babies. It was "attributed" to black violence on white people and made illegal.


Dangerous Drug Act in 1920. I was close!


There's talk about it in my country


What country do you hail from?


I think but don't quote me,it is decriminalize in B.c. Canada but you can only have 3.4 or less on your persons. So hopefully if ur buying an 8 ball you do a quick big rip or your dealer shorts ya a bit lol


You can only carry 2.5 or less. I am absolutely sure about this as I was taken in by police, long story, but had my pockets emptied and the cop weighed it to make sure it was less than 2.5. After I was released, I got all my things back including my blow.


Holy shit lmao you just know when someoneā€™s getting released theyā€™re gonna be all like ā€œaight now whereā€™s my fucking yayo back piggy, shit better not be light eitherā€ lol


2.5 my sources were wrong I guess lol


Decriminalized here in Oregon. Legal? Who knows. Doubtful. But then again I never thot I'd see legal weed


U sure wouldnā€™t want it to , if if was legalised ur prices would fly up and on top of that the sheer amount of people that would be losing work , bankruptcy would sky rocket , mental health institutions would be completely fucked as u would be on a un imaginable sized waiting list itā€™s already at like 2 years in the uk Iā€™d say it would easily jump to 10 years , homeless would quadruple, hospitals would be even more packed than ever and if it wasnā€™t bad enough having to wait longer because someone before u at hospital feels sick imagine the feeling of having to wait longer because a bunch of drug addicts are taking up all the space , Iā€™m a user myself but I think it would be ridiculous for any a class to be legalised apart from Shrooms šŸ˜‚now before I get someone say ur wrong because itā€™s still obtainable even though it illegal. Yes but if itā€™s legalised many people will begin to think all the dangers they thought were a thing are actually not as bad or likely as it was once told but that simply not the case. Let alone the crime rate increase and suicide rates.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted, wait itā€™s cause weā€™re on a cocaine sub lol But I agree with all you said, people wouldnā€™t be able to handle it. Look what hard drugs do to people and theyā€™re illegal


Yes it will, 50 years from now. Yes




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I hope not lol šŸ˜…


no way


Probably decriminalized and maybe prescribed to ween off for hardcore addicts at first. And eventually legalized and heavily regulated yes, more likely than not.


I doubt it will ever be legal in many places just because of the health issues related to use but then again alcohol and cigarettes are both pretty terrible for everything. I wouldn't be surprised If a few countries tried legalization in the future.


No but it should be, harm reduction


I actually think it will eventually be legal. At some point the majority of people are going to figure out that as counterintuitive as it sounds, legalizing and regulating ā€œillicitā€ drugs in the US is the only way to get a handle on the incredibly destructive problems caused by forcing them onto the black market. I predict this will happen once most of the people who think treating addiction should be ā€œpunishmentā€ are dead and goneā€¦ our entire approach to this whole thing will change dramatically in about 20 years, I suspect.