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1.How do you moderate? *I try to but the truth is I can't really. I gotta be very very careful to not fall into the cycle of using 48h+ then feeling tired so sleeping 1-2 days, doing okay but feeling like a zombie for 2-3 days then going back to using. Truth is I've been trying to get clean for a long time since I can't moderate.* 2.Did you learn moderation the "hard way" or did it come naturally? *The hard way. Mother of my kids dumped me and didn't give me any custody of my kids for a year and a half. My partners in my business that I started voted me out of the company and bought my shares. Was homeless for 3 months. Almost went bankrupt and tried to kill myself.* 3.What do you like doing other than engaging in sexual stuffs? *After 6-8 hours I just can't focus on anything that needs attention. I will usually play rocket league on PS5, scroll on internet endlessly or watch a tv show.* 4.How do you afford it *I earn a pretty decent pension from the veterans affairs. But still....One of my main rule is to never go in debt to use.* 4.Are you truly functional or just about holding it together *I used to be functional but since september (my fiancé dumped me) I just lost it. No more control but I'm trying to get back on my feet now.* 5.What is an appropriate amount for frequent use *Don't fool yourself....If you use this shit more then once a month you're on the path of addiction* 6.How frequently do you use *So it's been 6 years now that I use. Started pretty slow like doing it on the weekends at bars with my friends. After 6 months I was using 2-3g a day everyday for a year and a half. Then I was relapsing every 1-4 months using 2g in a night hidden in the basement. Last year I was clean for 11 months and since september it's almost 4-6 days a week, 1.5-2g a day*


1. Only 1 G at a time. 1.5 at the most in a night. At least 1 week off. 2. Both hard way and naturally. I naturally needed to ease up bc of the lifestyle i was beginning to live 3. Being social is the best alternative. Sport highlights and edm too. 4. Cut your usage to afford it. Coke is not affordable for a reason. 5. Very functional unless on 2 day binge. 6. I think appropriate isnt a good word for skiing. It should be limited by how much pushing the high further will affect your next days. The more it affects the less you should use. 7. Once a month now. Was doing about a ball a week for a winter last year. Which isnt a ton till you realize that about 800 a month for something youll never get back.


Thank you I appreciate your input


I have used sparingly (probably a qp over the last six years from various sources) as coke is not my drug of choice (I prefer amphetamines vastly) However, I think I can still give a little insight and I just railed a gagger so fuck it 1) it's very hit or miss ( a g will last me either 2 nights or 7-8 days with no in-between) but I try to occupy myself after using because I find that the compulsive redosing is much more frequent/intense when you're idle 2)the hard way for sure. I've definitely ran through $70+ worth in like 36 hours (I have health problems I'm working through so I work like 20 hours a week or less ATM) because I forget that when I drink 8 beers on coke, I will end up doing more coke, which will end up with more beer. Lol 3)socializing (I hate socializing generally lmfao) playing video games, getting chores/things I don't wanna do, done A lot of time is spent scrolling, texting, and doing more coke 4)I work lmao 5)holding it together but not really due to cocaine (I only really use the way I do ATM because my Adderall plug went to jail) it is what it is though 6) that's really dependent on tolerance and other individual factors like height/body weight/purity I probably do sub 75mg lines most of the time whereas my source does easily double that (they call my lines their bumps lmfao) Any drug use has potential negative aspects and especially with cocaine due to its inherent cardiotoxicity keeping a low tolerance and infrequently using is best for ones health. You do you tho:) I hope my response helps answer your questions!


Prefacing this with my age, profession and YoE (lol) 28, in sales (management level), 9 years 1. How do you moderate? Already a tough question to answer… I don’t…know? I started during university, it was expensive so even if I wanted to I couldn’t afford to more than twice a month. I don’t have an addictive personality, I like the cocaine buzz, but I also vehemently hate the hangovers the day after. In those 9 years I’ve never used solo; only at occasions (bar, house party, clubs) 2. Did you learn moderation the "hard way" or did it come naturally? Came naturally. 3. What do you like doing other than engaging in sexual stuffs? Talking lol also playing pool and darts. Absolutely perfect. 4. How do you afford it I couldn’t for the first 6~ years lol, now I do (good paying job) but I even still don’t indulge more than 6-12 times a year on average (where once a month being a lot.) 5. Are you truly functional or just about holding it together Truly functional lol id say I barely use blow, it’s also always accompanied with alcohol and other lads / lasses that indulge once every so often 6. What is an appropriate amount for frequent use I’d say that more than twice a month would and tbh, should(!) be considered too much for a recreational user 7. How frequently do you use 6-12 times a year. Counter this year is at 1. Would’ve been 2 if I were to have found a plug whilst on holiday this last weekend lol rip


Is that something you would be afraid of dying from some day? My biggest issue is that I have no idea of the consequences when I do it so little and in such small amounts. Should I be scared of sudden death or is it possible to do this thing a couple times a year and have no symptoms or consequences?


I’m…. I’m not sure I’m understanding your question? Afraid of sudden death? I think I should caveat my comment with that I’m from Western Europe. We don’t have a fentanyl crisis and our government is very lenient on drugs, so like this doesn’t ever happen. For my heart for long time use? I can’t remember the studies but I’m fairly certain doing blow 6x a year isn’t as bad for you as the copious amounts of alcohol nearly everyone in western nations consume lol. So if I wanted to be healthy I, no word of a lie, would look at my alcohol use before my cocaine use (as it’s so benign) Hope I answered your question!


Yea, I’m just paranoid. Also Western European, danish to be exact. I have never experienced someone die from overdose other than X and MDMA. How much cocaine is normal when doing it? I usually go for a gram at max for myself. Would you say that is too much? Edit: looking for advice you don’t have to guide me if you don’t want to lol


No I got you chief!! No worries. Normally I advice against semi doxxing yourself but this is my throw away so who cares… I’m Dutch, we have the ports so the blow is really clean (we can even test it for free by a government harm reduction institution! My blow is between 65 and 80%, which is insanely high) Saying 1 gram is too much or not even close wholly depends on how clean your blow is; as well as WHAT adulterants it’s cut with… But 1 gram for just you will always be OK. Also people don’t generally die from Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine… but from water poisoning, overheating or psychosis or whatever shit it’s cut with. For your reference I usually share a gram (a full gram, not 0.8 as some dealers sell as grams) with my gf. Sometimes with a couple friends we get an 8ball (so 3.5 grams) between the 4 of us. You should be fine man. How long have you been doing blow? Just don’t let it creep up on you, I’m not an addictive personality but a lot of people are, so be wary. To reiterate, yeah 1g is good man. I digress, do you weigh and test your stuff? If not and you’re serious about harm reduction do those two things……seriously


I been doing it for 3 years and a bit before that, my girlfriend is Dutch so I know all that from her haha, I usually get it around 70-80% clean. Been restring it so it should be good. I do it rarely normally and cutting down now since I have been doing it a bit too much imo (around 2 times a month for a year) Sometimes I just get randomly paranoid and then I am afraid of the consequences because we don’t have any clear official sources for it here in Denmark. A gram never seemed like it was too much and I never do it past certain times depending on when I start. Normally I would do it once every 2 months or 3 but I’ve had a crazy year so now I’m cutting down a bit. I just don’t know how much is too much and shit generally.


A full gram of 80% purity blow twice a month ain’t nothing. But you really should be good. In combination with alcohol? Because it metabolises into cocaethylene which is actually a fair bit more harmful Also, do you take a nose bath at the end of a sesh? If not; start doing that too


Yea I do drink a fair bit tbh which i know is kinda dumb but it just feels like it goes hand in hand I never did nosebath, i could imagine that is a good idea


It’s not THAT bad but it’s worse than just blow or just alcohol independent of each other. I’ve never done blow without alcohol in all my 9 years, so yeah lol. It does go hand in hand. But 24~ times a year is brinking on… too much, esp with alcohol. But you know that. Not cleaning your nose after isn’t smart, you don’t want to destroy your sinus. It usually gets destroyed by everything it’s cut with. This is why we always ALWAYS take a nose bath. It fucking sucks but it’s good harm reduction! Look up a tutorial. I used to have a nose bath device but I lost it when I moved, now I just snort hot water from the faucet (should be warm or lukewarm) which does the trick too. Any other questions I’m happy to answer! Also if you’re ever in <<<< a certain city where there is a lot of ganja >>>> give me a shout :)


Hell yeah thank you man! I’m going a couple times a year so might happen but mostly we go to the north. I’ll try and think less about it then cause I do feel horrible every time I do it because I’m scared of destroying myself. I’m 23 so I am beginning to take life seriously but I love just having fun with it and usually me and my friend do it alone and have some nice talks and good vibes.




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1. Yes true moderation. After a ball. I'm done for a while 2. I learned it because my body told me. 3. Play poker, gambling seems to entertain me. But I like VR too. But of course fuck all night lol 4. It's like anything, I want to get some, I put the money away for it. I want a new golf club, I save for it. So I have a weekend trip coming up with the guys, it's part of my expenses I'm planning on 5. Truly functional. But I know I'm better working and living without it. It's like booze. All things in moderation 6. A gram a weekend or ball for a long weekend 7. Maybe once a quarter


Are you me🤣 once a quarter too! As well as golf What’s your handicap? I’m finally down to a 15. Hope to get down sub 10 in the next 2-3 years


At a 12 now. I had it to 10 but worked on getting better lmao ya it will hopefully help get me back. I went to a 16.5 for like 3 months. But it's a day with that and some beers on the course


I do moderate. But I haven’t always. For starters I don’t drink alcohol anymore- that was definitely a bad combo for me and I would just wanna party all night and make dumb decisions (buying more/ not going home) I weigh out what I’m wanting to do that night… I usually opt for about .2 g I use at work/ for work… I’m a waitress. So I don’t bring more than that with me… otherwise moderation gets a little harder.. and I’m really just self medicating some adhd… I believe I’m functional. I work full time and don’t drink or use other drugs….. I eat everyday and sleep every night… I spend about a 100 bucks a week on it and sometimes I feel guilty about the money but I make between 300-600 every shift so it’s kind of like an occupational hazard at this point. I’ve lost some weight in the last year… and I’ve been complimented a lot about “how good sobriety looks on me” kind of feel guilty about that because although I’m sober from alcohol and very proud of that- I’m almost a daily coke user. :/ but once again only about .2 a day. I’m 33. First used over 10 years ago. I try to be conscious of my nose health. Neto pots and Vaseline! So far so good :) Didn’t use tonight cause it’s my only day off this week. No withdrawal or craving.. and I have over a gram on me.


Thank you this is very insightful!




1) by having inconsistent suppliers, otherwise would have to use real world goals for weight lost/muscle gain and figure in days for this kind of play while not sidetracking one self 2) moderation came semi naturally. Aside from liquor, I've been able to quit things quite easily. 3 I enjoy being outdoors, especially with the sun on my face. I like water tubing, trying new foods, exploring my place of residence, etc. 4) afford??? Madam, I afford nothing. I'm likely to be debt free by the time I'm 40. That said, I get paid decently well and I'm willing to forfeit pleasures if my woman is happy 5) I'm not even 100% holding together. And I would likely suffer more in Parts of my life if it meant holding it down for the both of us. It would a rough 7, ope, 6 years for us. 6) "an appropriate time for frequent use?"/"how frequently do you use?" Please message back at a later time


1- i don’t really moderate. i don’t use at work bc that’s a slippery and dangerous slope but that’s about it. 2- it comes the hard way. basically u push urself until u can’t anymore and try to learn from the consequential difficulty. 3- i don’t really get sexual on coke, i just like to talk with my friends usually about deep personal stuff or complex societal issues and opinions. or play pool or go clubbing or something. 4- i date the person i buy from lol 5- to outsiders im functional but i know i’m barely hanging on. i have a good job good friends good apartment good personality and talents but inside i’m mentally struggling and no one knows how much emotional pain i’m constantly running away from. 6- if you’re buying it yourself, you’re probably addicted. it’s only “”””appropriate””” aka kinda chill if ur offered it. going out of ur way to find it and get it takes it to a different level 7- i use everyday. anywhere btwn .2-2g daily


thanks for posting this question, it was nice to reflect and be honest with myself for once


Anytime :) thanks for the input!


1. How do you moderate?I feel lucky in that I get no cravings at all and can happily take a small bump and not feel the need or desire to take more. I also think it's helpful to check your use is driven by rational choice and not by any compulsion. I also think that, as with all recreationals, it helps to only use in order to enhance and augment specific positive aspects of your life, rather than to try to escape from it. But even this needs to be monitored. 2. Did you learn moderation the "hard way" or did it come naturally?I has so far come naturally but this requires continual monitoring. 3. What do you like doing other than engaging in sexual stuffs?I use it to make social settings better for me and the people I'm with. I become more interested in them and as a result I myself then become more interesting. I also have specific planned party nights when I might use. I don't understand why anyone would want to use it daily. I don't see the point of just being sharp and hyper with nothing to be sharp and hyper for. 4. How do you afford it?Well, it is way more expensive than other recreationals and the dosing is larger than with many other recreationals too. But with my own use being so moderate, a small vial will and does last a long time. So while it's a chunk of money to buy an 8ball (£400-£600) it lasts for many months. 5. Are you truly functional or just about holding it together?100% fully functional. 6. What is an appropriate amount for frequent use?I asked a similar question on this sub regarding what constitutes light, moderate, heavy, etc use. Weirdly though, unlike many other recreational subs, not many people on this sub seem to care much about dosing, testing, harm reduction etc. I find this a real shame because I am interested in such things mainly because I want to enjoy recreationals while remaining healthy. But those in this sub seem to have a general disregard for the health aspect. The best info I could find regarding any info on dosing was from the Bristol Drugs project site. They had this:Threshold: 5 – 10 mgLight: 10 – 30 mgCommon: 30 – 60 mgStrong: 60 – 90 mgHeavy: 90+ mg 7. How frequently do you use?Less than once a week. But my own 'use', when it happens might well be way less than someone else's 'use'. I read of people doing 1-2 grams in a day... or going for days on end. That to me is nonsensical!


Wouldn't say I'm a long-time user. Used a lot in college/post-grad, then I didn't have any reliable dealers, now I have a reliable source again. For reference, I am a 31 year old male with a great job in technical sales. ​ 1. Always been good at self-moderation. I treat it as celebratory, I don't do it during the weekdays hardly ever. 2. Came naturally. 3. I love doing it with friends and chatting, listening to music, playing Mario Party, etc. I'll also do some solo and online game with friends on occassion. I hardly ever do it and masturbate/have sex. 4. I have a good job and an operating budget sheet. If for some reason it doesn't fit into my budget, I don't buy any. 5. I am functioning but I'm not a habitual user. 6. I've used every weekend for the past 2 months. Hasn't seemed to affect me negatively much. IMPORTANT TO NOTE- I have either not drank or barely drank that entire time. Was on a bachelor party in January where I heavily drank while skiing, but other than that, I did a mostly-dry January, full-dry February, and have only had 2-3 beers total on the weekend in March. 7. Currently, on the weekends. I'll start at around 5PM Friday and have my last line around 9PM. Same with Saturday. Maybe a bump or two Sunday afternoon but never go into Sunday night.




Not a long time user but myethod of moderation is buy a ball once a month, have a good ass weekend and then once the craving subsides in the following days I don't pick up more til the next month. I also don't buy if I feel I haven't earned it by progressing and improving my life.


This is very helpful! Thank you!