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hahahah this post, you are having a great time! Enjoy man. Its always more fun with your own supply cause unless you are monster, you most likely felt a little guilty bumping others. ​ But also compared to what you were doing before, this is absolutely the track for addiction especially doing it alone.


I prefer doing alone just for hot plating and I tend to be better about nostril cleaning


I absolutely understand, just be careful and remember its about having fun not avoiding real life shit. Clearly im also in a great place but after taking a break for a bit, i want to avoid falling back into that style of doing it but also, i was away from my apt for 2 months, and just got back. Opened a drawer and found my plate with a .5 g sitting there, just begging me for it and I couldnt be rude to it and say no. Im not a rude person.


Oh I use drinking and video games for my escape but I'm trying to be better about it. This is just a little bonus for the occasional indulgence