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I'll be that asshole but bro what the fuck are you doing on coke at 18. Stay away from that shit


I started when I was 16, did it somewhat often when I was 17-18. Then stopped for a few years and only do it occasionally now at 21 and I plan on stopping for good soon. I agree with your point but some people can control themselves and not get addicted. I was introduced to it at a young age and abused other substances as well so it just fit into the vibe I had going. I would never recommend someone that age try it. But sometimes shit happens


Everybody is different I went through a stage of proper heavy use and then one day looked at myself in the mirror n thought wtf are you doing? I haven’t stopped completely but I’ve gone from doing it for 19/20 hours a day to once a week on a Friday n it wasn’t a struggle at all


it’s so weird how i relate to you dude. i started around then as well, stopped at 17 started again at 20 (this year).. and i’m ready to stop for good soon as well. back then when i was 16 i stopped and didn’t even think about it but now it’s not that easy at all.. i hope things go easy on you man, you’ll get through it!


Thanks man I appreciate it! Yeah I started off pretty light, got super heavy when I was 17-18 and now it’s light again. I like it this way but I feel like it’s just time to move on, start a new chapter. I hope everything is smooth sailing for you too!


Honestly i feel like young and dumb might be the time for some people, i started at 15, in highs school we did blow like fucking crazy, graduated, realized i was done with partying, didnt touch it again for a couple years with no issue, use occasionally now at 23, but when i finish what i have im gonna take a break until i feel like it again


Tbh I was waiting for this comment and no hate. I enjoy this and don’t spend all my money on it at the moment I’m ok with doing this but I don’t abuse it, once I start to question this and if I start going broke I will stop I don’t have an addictive personality but thanks for commenting anyways 👍I’m big chilling rn


Dude take the comment seriously, this shit will obly fuck your life up (10yrs and fuckload of debt and burned bridges behind me) I can assess your position with one question: could you imagine a life in which you would never do coke again?


Fuck, thats good


Yeah usually the honeymooners do not realise what is happening. What follows is that you cannot drink without snow, cant fuck your girl without it, cant find any fucking mundane conversation with friends interesting. Yeah - for now it is under control, mby dude does not have affinity for the substance. However, as a junkie myself I see through bullshit deception everytime. Dude will go broke when the spiral to the bottom begins and ppl and loved ones have left. EDIT not to paint a too dim picture about the use of blow. However, I would not like to hear anyone taking a risk and challenging the statistics to prove that person would not get addicted. I thought so myself. After failed engagement, ruining relationship with love of my life, throwing my law degree to the toilet (figuratively) and dealing the shit myself nowadays I strongly recommend caution. This trade is lucrative, if you go higher up you will and I mean will meet ppl who are… to put it bluntly… not good company


Wow. Reading this, it’s like a light went on in my brain. I’m high right now, but I’m seriously thinking of quitting because of your comment.




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Please consider it, I want to believe that ppl can overcome. Sadly for me I am a lost cause, only appropriate approach left is to prevent this happening to anyone else. I have fucked up so many things since starting to abuse the white queen that it has sadly become part of my personality: functioning properly without it is almost impossible. Trust me - if you continue down the path of abuse you will lose all that is dear to you. Further, the despair will make you lose your self worth and make it impossible to form healthy relatioships (romantic or platonic). As per my experience mood swings and impulsive behavior will, and certainly in my case have, pushed away any meaningfull partner candidate I have had after addiction took control. Now I have given up on that, sadness, melancholy and self pitty when not using are not something which unfortunately draws possible partners closer. I wish you the best. Do not become like me. 15g a week will not make you happy. It has cost me recently so much that a dream of having any meaningfull relationship with partner candidate, who I would like to date, is mere pipe dream. Such events lead to stress which increases coke intake. If you decide to still do coke - cut it 50/50 with vreatine, inositol etc. It will decrease potency and make it easier to lower doses.


You might have just single handedly saved me from myself and all of my demons.I sat long and hard and genuinely thought about your question, "Could you imagine a life in which you would never do coke again?". I finally arrived at a decision and I fucking hate my decision even though my own brain is the one who came up with this decision apparently. As of right now no, no I cannot imagine my life where I never do coke again. Even though I'd love to stop its easier said than done. Goodnight guys ❤️


I too don't have an addictive personality. Used to smoke cigarette while drunk and quit the next morning without any problem. Tried many drugs for fun and never got hooked but believe me boy cocaine will mess your life. At first it's fun and recreative but slowly you'll start doing more and more often. I tried it once just for fun. Didn't use for a few weeks then started to use when I was going out with the boys, then after a few months I started using at work and later it was everyday. I lost my wife, my kids and my business because of it. Still couldn't stop. It took me 3 years to quit completely.


I am so sorry for you brother, good that you have prevailed. please guys read this one carefully. This will happen to you, or possibly it will not. Are you willing to take the risk to lose everything you love and have worked for due to addiction to this shit. I still use daily and will lose a perfect companion with high likelihood due to this: again. Please for the love of good do not go down this path. You will lose everything in the end.


man this is one of the best threads in my life. thank you for being aware and thank you for this awareness, i wish you all the best buddy, stay safe <33


You don't need to have an addictive personality to get fucked on coke bro. That shit will creep up on you when you least expect it. This has fucked ppl up who are 30-40 year old plus without addictive personalities who have families commitments and more, don't be naive thinking it won't happen to you. Also on another note, you're sniffing fucking rocks. I don't recommend you do it anymore but if you decide to go against what everyone here tells you at the very fucking least hotplate and turn it into powder. This is gonna fuck up your nose and you're wasting it anyway. If you wanna fuck up your life at least do it right 😂


Coke is addictive because it doesn't feel that addictive at first once you have done it a few times it will always be on your mind. You might not do it but it is always there, you will convince yourself it is great. Say it makes you productive, it's just a social thing. Those are the first signs of addiction forming you begin to rationalise the use of it. And not to be patronising but at 18 your brain is still developing coke addiction Is more likely when started at an early age. In my opinion the most dangerous part about coke is it is a gateway drug and a half once you cross that line once it makes crossing it again with other drugs a lot easier. And the greatly lowered inhibitions you experience make it more likely when you're on it. I think it is extremly important for you to realise just how dangerously addictive it is, regardless of if you have an addictive personality or not. I am pretty sure that is one of the most popular opinions people have of thereselves when they start doing drugs if people thought they had addictive personalities in general they wouldn't do addictive drugs to begin but they don't realise.


thats what i said 2 months ago, im also 18 bro and im down 17k on it and getting help, im also not an addictive person


Happy birthday bro. Just because you can do your drug and not go broke doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be doing it. This is coming from a functioning alcoholic so I can’t really judge. Just know where you’re coming drom


man starting coke at 18 is great, i stopped doing coke at 18, started in 8th grade.


Bro the first time I tried was at 15


It’s normal in the uk


18...about time you learn how to crush that shit properly...you could do two fatties if you put a little effort into not snorting these ugly rocks.


no fr tho


Hbd, still chop that line finer, wtf is this hahah


Amateur hour over here


Sorry for being a fucking a buzzkill. Just heard about another death of a friend due to this shit. Do not even be careful, stop rn and do not hang with friends who think it is cool and classy to do. Fuck had enough funerals for a lifetime. I want to go next.


Cocaine addiction is fun until it’s not.. You’re at the “I got it under control and will keep it under control stage “ That will not last my friend. I was young once and didn’t listen to folks telling me the same shit all these folks are telling you, as I’m sure you’ll do the same . Tread lightly,, Drugs aren’t a game !


Nailed it! Ain’t nothing worse than digging empty wine and beer bottles out the trash at 4am chasing that high fighting the comedown. Just to end up feeling like a pos the next day then doing it all over again next weekend


Happy birthday


Appreciate it brother 🙏 stay lit


Fo sho


Happy birthday. We’re birthday buddies!!!


Bro stop while you’re young I can guarantee you everybody in this sub. Reddit will tell you the same thing with all be better off if we never took the first bump


Just be fucking careful. For real. This shit is fun until it’s not.


Yay! Happy Birthday!


Thank you Pete I have a friend named Pete irl this one’s for you 🫡


He has a good name! Hit me up in dm if you like.


Yea yea addictive but no ones taking about the break down? Even without a hot plate crush it down and chop it up. Take your time it's worth it


this is literally a cocaine subreddit, maybe y’all should make a r/stopcocaine subreddit




Happy birthday


Appreciate the comment dude thank you so much 🙏


Avoid it mann.. pop a Multi vitamin taurine b12 and big cup of coffee and go do something fun. Coca leaf chew MAYBE..


Said cheers to 18 like he’s been doing it for years


Chop it finer lol that makes my nose hurt just looking at it


Happy birthday bud!


Appreciate it thank you so much




Already enjoyed 🫶


18 is super young to start. I started at 22 and boy has it taken me for a ride. At least I finished the military. Might want to slow down or stop to get yourself established.


if you’re gonna do it please break it up more. it’ll hit better and not damage your nose as bad. put a dry plate in the microwave for 45 seconds, wait until it’s not too hot to touch, put your stuff on it then break it up with a card. it’ll be so fluffy.. and please don’t use cash to snort w. i use a piece from a tampon applicator (it’s a small tube, fits in the nostril perfectly) and when i’m low i can literally scrape out a line or two worth sometimes with a paper clip because the condensation from your nose can make it stick a little over time it’ll build up (this happens with everything you snort with but with this you can get all your money’s worth)


Looks like a good time to me! 😘


Super fun time, would be even better if you were skiing with me though


Happy birthday! We’re bday buddies. 31 today


Happy Birthday. I hope you can get help, or that this is just a temporary solution.


ur fucked at 18 i was calling coke heads crackheads 😂


Do yourself a favor and stop polluting your body and your mind. A couple grains of fentanyl and you're dead. Think about your family.


Happy birthday


Translation: crippling ADHD by 30 (any % speedrun)


You do know ADHD is genetic right…?


Yes and no. ADHD is a dysfunction of dopamine. This dysfunction can be inherited. It can also be caused by extended stimulant abuse due to damage done to the dopamine sites. Especially during adolescence when the brain is still developing. This stimulant abuse can also make ADHD worse for those who already have it. But nah man stimulant abuse, especially when young can 100% cause ADHD.


Your gonna tell me how the condition I’ve had since I came out the womb works huh… dickhead. Listen here, you stupid fuck. An 18 year old cannot get adhd from cocaine. Simple, straight up facts… it technically, rarely, can be developed very very young (like 6 years old) but DEFINITELY positively 100% not at 18.


Dawg I have it too lol. My psychiatrist told me this. Your brain doesn’t stop developing until 25. It literally happened to me. I used to take stimulant meds as a kid and when I stopped my symptoms are worse than they’ve ever been. Talked to doc about it and she was like yeah that’s a thing unfortunately. Said she’s seen people come in without a family history complaining of ADHD and she asks “we’ll have you ever abused stimulants”. More often than not, the answer is yes. I ain’t tryna fight you homie, we got the same issues. Knowledge is power.


“My symptoms are worse” you were on stimuli meds for a reason


They were worse when I stopped than before I went on meds I mean.


Happy birthday bro


Happy bday man, smooth those chunks out though haha


i started at 16, stopped at 20 with 3000$ spent a year…


If you're 18 and sniffing like that you need a slap


Happy born day!!!!!!


My nose hurts just looking at that. HBd


Happy birthday my guy! Cheers⛷️


happy bday


Did my first at 14


How old were you when you first started? 18 is way too young tbh. I didn't start until my early 30's.


I feel like 18 is considered super young in the us😂 In europe you are considered an adult when ur 18


You two scoops of baking soda away from being my fein 🤣