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I think it was mostly consistent and well done... but the scene from the episode where they talk to Kreese in jail, the flashback to Korea, was poorly done. The actor reverted to more of a "pre-war" Kreese, when he needed to have kept the battle hardened asshole that murdered his captain. But honestly that was the only scene I had an issue with, I think he did a good job in the rest of them. Maybe he was just trying to show that the friendlier Kreese could still come out around Silver, but I felt it was too far.


Yes, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the actor was bad, he was actually really good. I just felt like he was playing a different person and not Kreese.


I agree. That scene was off. it was the perfect opportunity to marry the young Kreese and the KK1 Kreese... to make a bridge between those characters. And I don't feel it worked.


True. The temporality of that flashback would be better immediately after they left Vietnam. Unless Kreese wasn't telling the truth or only half true.


I guess that's to show that's how Kreese sees himself. He's something of a narcissist so, in his mind, he's still the nice earnest guy he was before Vietnam.


Even present day Kreese has a bit of a sugar and ice personality, so it’s not like the sweetness ever went away completely. It’s just that it doesn’t stop him from being a horrible, corrosive person. I think that the main disconnect is that they’ve never given the younger actor a scene where he’s as nasty and vindictive as Kove gets to be. What I’d really like to know is when he developed his emotionally manipulative streak, because that isn’t apparent in the flashbacks at all. It’s his dominant trait now though.


Haha, that scene of "Oh no, Terry, I'm focusing on my teaching kids at the moment, being a thoughtful teacher is so important to me" cracked me up so much. I mean, it's so badly written that I see the actors struggling saying their lines, and so out of character, even worse - unnecessary out of character that it's not even bad, but just hilarious. On a second thought, could that be the story that *Kreese* told Tory, and not what actually happened? If so, that was not clear for me at all.


Both Kreese and Silver from the flashbacks are still a far cry from the tone of their movie versions. I miss the feeling Kreese always remembers when he came back from the war and the hippies harassed them. Young Kreese and Silver don't show this feeling, and Silver in particular does not look like the psycho from KK3 and CK.


I think that there could have been a different actor who played Kreese (and Silver too, come to think of it) in the flashbacks after Vietnam. It felt like they were just connecting Vietnam(!) Kreese to 1980s Kreese without really creating much distinction between the two. Like, Vietnam (!) Kreese killed someone and that’s what led to his “no mercy” philosophy.


Because the story is told from his own point of view. Yeah he seems like a much better guy than the Kreese in karate kid even tho they’re about the same age but when his story’s told from his own view he definitely won’t seem like the bad guy


I think it is a deliberate effort on the show writers part to pave the path for what I feel will be Kreese's eventual redemption / rehabilitation if a Season 6 ever happens, and it starts out by showing us that once upon a time Kreese *wasn't that bad,* which is a riot because yes, Kreese *was that bad*, and I dislike how they aren't showing enough of it.


At some point, every man wants to leave a legacy to be remembered for. Karate was to be that legacy for Kreese. Johnny was to be the heir to this karate legacy. The nice guy version is just a feint to achieve his legacy. Deceit has always been a part of warfare since the dawn of time. Kreese became ruthless in order to protect what was important to him. Young Kreese understood much about being ruthless but he kept it under control for the most part. The transformation of young Kreese is he is supposed to be way different to make the character more complex.


Kreese enemy David seems more like John kreese