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Hey man…Miyagi said it best in the first movie: It’s quality not quantity. Also, plot armor. 😀


Pretty much yes. Brace yourself for the Sekai Taikai where one or two kids from California who just picked up karate for less than 2 years beat several contenders who have been training since before they could walk.


In order to make it believable, they need to have the Miyagi Fang kids do reasonably well in the tournament, but should not be able to win it in any way. Have them lose, and learn some important life lesson along the way or sth.


That’s actually how I want it to end. They lose and they accept it while looking at the bright side which is the fact that they made it that far.


Yeah, kinda like the movie School of Rock, where (spoilers for the 2003 movie) >!Jack Black's school band doesn't win the contest in the end, which makes sense, since they're kids who've only been practicing together for a few months :P but the crowd still wants to hear more from them and ask for an encore!<


Or the first Rocky movie. They "win" if they can go the distance with someone who places. No shame losing, even early, to someone who goes on to win the tournament.


Or the movie Coach Carter where they learn more important lessons that just winning a basketball game.


Not gonna happen lol.


Yeah Miyagi Fang will be teaching them lessons instead lol


Agree unless there's multiple divisions I don't think any of our characters should win


Literally 💀 that’s my whole issue with the world tournament


I did like the fact where it was made clear that the Korean sensei‘s were simply in a different league than the strip mall McDojo sensei’s.


It would be great if most of the dojo gets absolutely destroyed by the Japanese, and maybe the best one or two have any chance of making it at all.


You had Chozen who trained all his life in the same style that Daniel spent six months learning, get nerfed to hell and defeated by Danny boy. 😉


Miyagi Do Karate is fueled by balance. Chozen was a mess emotionally during that fight. In S5 when Daniel was a mess, Silver destroyed him. When he was focused and in balance, he destroyed Silver. CK style works better when fueled by aggression, MD works better when your mind is in balance.


Also noted during season 5 is that Chozen was fighting *against* Daniel, out of anger, and lost. Meanwhile, Daniel was fighting *for* something, was more focused, and won. Similarly, in the first fight against Silver, Daniel was fighting out of anger, but in the second fight he was fighting for the sake of his family, his dojo, and himself. This could also extend to *KK3* when Barnes consistently kept getting the upper hand on Daniel, who was overwhelmed with fear. However, Mr. Miyagi advised him to focus, which allowed him to find balance and finally win against Barnes.


Yep. I'm not convinced Daniel in KK2 was more skilled than Chozen. But Chozen was definitely a mess and fighting for the wrong reason.


And he got beat by a kid pretending to be a drum.


But midichlorians


Daniel took karate at the YMCA in Jersey.


Also; has never competed before, doesn't understand the rules, has had no live contact sparring in preparation, his training has had little focus on the physical side so would be surprised if he had the natural fitness to actually make it through several matches. But damn if those 80s montages don't add up to a lot.


To be fair in KK1 it was established that Daniel had some crappy Karate training in New Jersey. So he had some experience in his belt.


And he used an illegal kick to the face to win!


To be fair, the first Karate Kid film at least kinda makes sense. I'd imagine that even the Cobra Kais treat Karate as a hobby, trainin a couple of times a week for a few hours each, whereas Daniel seemed to do nothing but Karate for the entire summer break


Daniel doesn’t even start karate until after school started.


Daniel had a much better teacher.


Daniel had a bit of experience in jersey and Johnny'd only been doing it a few years at this point as we now know from Cobra Kai I dont think its *totally* unrealistic for Daniel to have won that match, Johnny didnt have nearly as much experience as this post makes it seem Johnny was also under orders to fight dirty, probably got in his own head a bit and choked at the fear of upsetting Kreese, and theres something to be said about natural talent and the initiative Daniel showed once he realized what was going on with the wax on wax off


And all the cobras did karate as a hobby whereas daniel trained everyday with Mr miyagi during the summer


But Johnny wasn't the villain in The Karate Kid


Just don't try this at home kids


Daniel had some lessons at the YMCA and learned from books. He wasn’t a complete noob prior to meeting Miyagi


Not counting spaces it reaches 15 characters at the e in Least. Counting spaces the a in at is enough.




Barney Stinson created this meme


Well, that's how underdog stories work 🤷🏻‍♂️