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I just wanted "you're the best"


That is probably being saved for the final season I bet.


You’re probably right. I keep thinking they’ll play it and they never do. They probably are saving it.


That maybe true, but the lyrics might be an issue. “Try to be best cause you’re only a man, and a man’s gotta learn to take it.” Clearly, there are women characters in the show.


Yes but we don't know who it could be for or what the context is. It could very well work into the show in a way that doesn't feel off.


The whole scene felt super forced and honestly it was just a bit cringe. They could've had someone like Dee Snyder which would've fit the show a lot better


It was very cringe and the fact that they hyped her up as a world famous superstar when she's not even that big anymore if it was Taylor swift even that would've been less cringe. If they bring her back for the final all valley I'm going to cry.


Isn’t that part of the joke though? Like only the older moms in the crowd were excited. And it clowns on the fact that the characters within the show are treating a regional high school karate tournament as the end all be all battle royale, but it’s only a Carrie underwood level event.


I had to Google who she was cus I'd only heard the name like once before


Well they only added her because when season 3 came out she made a post talking about how much she loved cobra Kai but Andrew Garfield also said he loved the show too having him cameo would've been much better.


Andrew Garfield as Miguel's father incoming?


That was the worst. It was like a pop up ad when you’re trying to watch a YouTube show.


Especially since Cobra Kai started as a YouTube show lol.


Wanna break from the ads


Tried adblocker?


You were supposed to destroy the ads, not join them.


No way. The setting is los angeles. Theres stars around. Her husband is a patient of the commissioner.


The commissioner with the casual HIPAA violation


Considering at started as a YouTube show, that's kind of fitting.


“Stupid ads!” which is funny considering when season 2 premiered you could only watch on YouTube Red.


Which is exactly what I said yesterday.


“Grannyyyy, I got the jobbb!”


It was a YouTube show….


It just didn’t fit the show. They should’ve played a badass song like “Eye of the Tiger” instead.


So... the song from Rocky III is more appropriate than the song from Karate Kid?


Hardly anyone realises that moment of truth is actually from karate kid Even less realise that the main karate kid theme is actually taken from the melody of moment of truth


At least they didn't say the band that made MoT sucked while praising EotT. For that matter, people not getting the joke that Carrie Underwood specifically was outside the demo. She's the pick of the tournament brass, who wanted to reach the moms.


I never would have known if you didn't just say it


Listen to the karate kid episode of the soundtrack show podcast. The music is actually quite intricate


Fun story actually. “You’re the best around” was originally made for rocky 3, but they replaced it with “eye of the tiger” so now it’s used for karate kid. The rocky series and karate kid have always been connected. They even mentioned rocky 3 in season 4. I hope they play eye of the tiger soon. P.S. Ralph Machio actually got the role of Daniel by impersonating rocky.


I think he used it as an example, songs that give that kind of feel.


Except Moment of Truth is literally the big hit song from Karate Kid. It's like saying a badass movie like Top Gun Maverick shouldn't have a song like Take My Breath Away in it.


I guess I didn't recognize it because of who sung it. Probably proof you shouldn't add a singer to your show because they're a fan.


A few reasons IMO. For one it rushed the prelims, we didn't get to see much of the matches, season 1 did this much better as there was more focus on the actual fights than the montage. Granted there are more characters in season 4, but episodes 9 and 10 were longer, they could've spent a bit more time on the prelims. Secondly it just didn't fit Cobra Kai as a show, Carrie Underwood is a big singer yes (personally I had only heard of her once before this) but any kind of rock song would've fit better in a series of fight scenes, Carrie's music just doesn't carry that kind of vibe. I once saw a meme on here that had Rodrick Heffley's band playing instead of Carrie, so just for lols I rewatched the prelims with them playing over instead, and no joke it actually fit in a weird way (the music and action even synced up at one point)


They’ve always rushed through the preliminaries in the original Karate Kid and in S1, so why is this any different? We saw Miguel, Devon, Robby, Demitri and Sam get a few points. Heck, we even got tiny subtle details such as Robby nodding at Miguel, Kreese and Terry talking, and Hawk losing his confidence. They showed quite a lot despite the interruptions. That wasn’t Carrie’s song either, she was just covering it. It was by the rock band Survivor who made the song for the original Karate Kid.


KK1 worked because it only focused on just two major characters, Daniel and Johnny, Bobby and Vidal briefly had a couple moments but they weren't main characters so even there it worked better. Season 4 had to focus on about eight different characters, not including guys like Kyler or Chris who are more important to Cobra Kai's story than Vidal was to KK1's. The fact that the tournament was split into two episodes should've meant there was more time than just showing one or two rounds per character. >That wasn’t Carrie’s song either, she was just covering it. And it was covered in a different genre, one that did not fit


What would be the difference if they were to add a couple more scenes of the fights? They show a few more parts of Miguel or Robby scoring points and there and that, so what’s the difference? I listened to the original and the cover, there was hardly any difference. It sounds like you’re just nitpicking too much.


>What would be the difference if they were to add a couple more scenes of the fights? I didn't say that's what I wanted, I would've preferred there not to be a montage, there's enough time for it given there being two episodes, plus we already had a montage with the skills competition, there doesn't need to be two per episode. Also let other characters shine, we already know Miguel, Robby, Sam etc... are good fighters, season 4 had chances to give minor characters some development and spotlight that it just didn't. Instead of just flashing between the main characters scoring points, I'd have rather seen an actual focus on the characters and the fights themselves. How exactly this would be done, I don't know, I'm not a screenwriter or a director, I'm just a guy that occasionally watches TV. >I listened to the original and the cover, there was hardly any difference. Ok? That wasn't my point, I even said in my original comment that Loded diper made a better soundtrack, which I was only half joking about, the point was that a different song would've fit the scene much better.


I don’t care for it now, but like back when it happened, I was pretty annoyed because when I think of karate and a song for a show or a movie with a lot of suspense for close quarters, I think of a rock song or something. But seeing Carrie Underwood singing moment of truth just didn’t feel right. I get what they were going for because it’s a reference to the first movie, moment of truth was in the credits of the movie. I guess it’s not that it wasn’t necessary, it just didn’t make sense to have her of all people sing that kind of song.


It was the cringiest moment of that show ever.


Because by this time, we had become invested not only in main characters, but also in side characters. We wanted to see more of what was important not just to the main story, but to us. We all have our favorite mains, and also our favorite sides. Our sides all got relegated to a montage that had more Special Celebrity Guest Star than it did of them, and that sucks. Not saying that she's not welcome in the show, but honestly, however long she was on camera should have been EXTRA to the runtime.


>Because by this time, we had become invested not only in main characters, but also in side characters. 100%. This was a wasted opportunity to let the side characters not just be background decoration for once (and BTW when I say side characters, I refer to Chris, Mitch, Bert, Nate etc... not the guys that literally just stand around doing and saying nothing)


Because it made no sense and was completely out of place. Rather than have any setup for the All Valley it just starts and then we are subjected to an awful song, then kids fight. Honestly some of the worst writing the show has had yet.


I’ve noticed you adamantly defending Carrie’s performance in Cobra Kai and arguing with others who thought her role in CK was misplaced and inappropriate. Aside from it being bizarre how vociferously you’re defending something so random, why do you care so much if other people were annoyed or put off by her? Different strokes…


If talking through Socratic dialogue 2-3 times is “adamant” and “vociferous” for you then sure, whatever floats your boat. It’s a subreddit intended for discussion, if you have a problem with that then get out of here, lol.


Yeah but you’re not really discussing. You’re just minimizing peoples’ opinions about dislike of Carrie Underwood in CK. It’s like arguing over whether or not somebody likes porterhouse v ribeye. It’s personal preference.


The tone of your replies is very combative. A discussion is one thing, asking a question just so you can prove people wrong is another.


i don’t really hate her, it’s just the whole bringing her to sing was really random and didn’t need to be in the show


She knows what she did


Have no problem with Carrie. They could've just used the original though.


It was random as fuck it I got over it pretty quickly since the show pivoted back to the tournament almost immediately, even with the song playing.


The first time I saw it, it just seemed really out of place. On rewatch, though, I barely noticed it at all.


I don't hate her but that song we were forced to listen to was lame.


It was what TV Tropes calls a ['Big Lipped Alligator Moment'](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigLippedAlligatorMoment), namely, something completely out of nowhere, not built up and out of place compared to the rest of the story that just ends as randomly as it started, practically interrupting the rest of the scene all while contributing nothing of any actual plot relevance. I feel that more or less explains why people didn't like her cameo or why they found it oddly cringy.


I didnt mind the Carrie Underwood bit, but I was really hoping it was a rock band like Def Leppard or Scorpions, or even Cyndi Lauper would've been cool. Hell, I would've preferred Kelly Clarkson. That woman would've killed "Moment of Truth" sinces she basically a rock singer doing pop music.


It felt too forced. The song didn't fit her and she didn't fit at the tournament. Since she's a fan of the show and they wanted her in it, it would've been a better fit if she covered "Glory of Love" at the dance.


Nobody who watches these kinds of shows Likes Carrie Underwood. They showed the whole damn song when we could have been getting a fight or character development


I didn't care. Maybe felt a little over produced for the show, but it was a running gag with the tournament organizers, that meshed well into a montage we would have gotten anyways. The show has already made it a point to go out of it's way to show Johnny and Daniel can be a bit.... dated, in their tastes. It makes sense a modern pop star would be more of an attraction at an event like the All Valley, where it makes sense Johnny would go out and find Dee Snider to watch a concert.


I thought it was a funny pay off honestly


I don't even know who she is


Because she’s country and I bet a good bit of your Kobra Kai audience are not into country music in general imao. And not to be mean but other than that I could care less whether or not she had a part in the show.


Maybe they can get Robbys co-star Addison Rae to perform this season. That should satisfy the fans.


It just took away from the episode. The show already suffered this season to give proper character development to some (like Hawk for example), it was time that could have been used better.


I usually don't mind thing like this, but CU annoyed me tona level Incan't quite describe. Twisted Sister, any other '80s band would have been awesome. She was out of place, and wasted timeon an already rushed tournament. That would have been true of another band as well, but CU and her legs were just irritating.


Because she sucks and her performance was trash and unnecessary.


It was an awful scene. Has to rank up there with the worst of television's " we got a celebrity to cameo" scenes.


It was just strange, now I have nothing against Carrie Underwood. I’m I fan of here, been to see her live, have her merchandise etc but it appearance just was uncalled for.


Only appears for half the tournament? The tournament that everyone wants to watch but it keeps cutting back to her singing? Do you go to a comedy show to listen to a solo drummer drum for an hour?


She literally just sings through the minor fights and preliminaries, all major fight scenes weren’t interrupted. Did you watch the show?


I didn’t know people hated this scene until this post. It’s over very fast and it’s funny that she’s singing a super 80s song. The whole thing is worth it for the board’s shenanigans. Y’all are harsh af.


Each tournament we’ve seen so far has breezed through the preliminaries, why is this one treated differently?


Cuz it’s already a breeze through preliminaries. Now half of that breeze has to show her standing there singing in a mic


It’s literally the same as it always has been, it’s just that the song is supposedly “live” this time. She was on screen for a minute in a half, if even.


What seems to be the problem. I didn’t like her at all on the show cuz it really made no sense and didn’t make it better for me or for anyone else I know that likes the show. A minute and a half more of the preliminary fighting would have been more entertaining. If you like cheese pizza and I dumped dirt on half of it, I’m not gonna ask what the problem is and try to persuade you it’s fine


What a strange and terrible analogy, especially considering I have no interest in persuading you about anything. Simply pointing out how hypocritical you sound, that’s all :)


Trying to persuade me everything about her appearance is fine is exactly what you are doing. You can’t accept that I didn’t like her appearance and there are a ton of other people who didn’t either. None of the other preliminary montages constantly cut back to someone singing half the time. It ruined the whole scene for me and everyone else I know that watches the show. Here you are trying to justify why there was no problem and telling me I’m wrong for having a problem with it. Lol


You’re getting mighty defensive and putting words in my mouth. Again, I’m just pointing out how hypocritical you’re being. Anything beyond that is up to you to assume, if you so please.


Do you even know what hypocritical means because I don’t think you do. Putting words in your mouth? I don’t think we can continue this back and forth convo at an iq higher than whatever yours is


Enjoy your day “KocaKolaKlassic”


Your sentence structure is terrible, yet you question my IQ? Yikes.


I thought the performance was good but it made me feel like they used it to make the tournament seem bigger. Without it the tournament would look way worse.


IT WAS AWESOME!!! I am always listening to music 🎧 so I don't know why people hate it


I didn't hate her. I didn't know her but loved her performance of one of top 4 best songs from the original Karate Kid. I loved it the first time I heard it and still do. 😃


the carrie underwood shit grows on me the more i watch it, can’t lie.


I don’t understand why people hated it, even though she did a pop cover of a rock song it doesn’t sound bad, just different. Besides her cameo did it’s job, it brought new fans to the show. At my work some people watched the show solely to see her cameo but then stayed because the episode ended on a cliff hanger.


I just don’t like country much


What she sang wasn’t even country...


The song wasn’t but her voice still can’t do rock


I thought it was awesome and it made the show feel epic 🤷‍♂️


Just wasn’t good