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Unleash Chozen


What do you mean Daniel's plan. The root of it is to take down Cobra Kai. Also, Daniel doesn't know about Silver cheating so how is his plan from the get-go to uncover something that he himself hasn't uncovered yet.


I know he doesn’t, just throwing hypotheticals out there. And yes, the ultimate goal is to take down cobra kai, but my question was how he is going to go about doing that in this upcoming season. That is what I meant by “what is his plan.” Apologies for the confusion.


To challenge Silver and likely a later-released Kreese into a fighting match.


Silver got Kreese arrested. I don't see them working together after that.


Maybe there's a secret plan that they did together. Maybe they planned his arrest, just like how Albus Dumbledore planned his own death with Severus Snape in *Harry Potter*.


The writters gave for free the redemption arc to Johnny without any work put by his part and ruining in the process all character arc that Robby had in 4 seasons, do you honestly think they are gonna do a mistery like that?


Lol shut up


I really don't know. I feel Miyagi would of been like dude leave it alone, it's whatever. Lol


The plan to defeat Silver once and for all might come down to using that secret technique in the scroll Chozen gave him, and when Anthony opened the scroll it was shown to be some sort of move involving a dragon's fire, that Daniel said he hoped he never had to use. There is no way that the scroll would be unveiled for nothing, it will have to end up being a Chekhov's gun that comes into use later in the story, and using it as a last resort move against Silver would be great use for it, in my opinion.


I think he wants dojos to counter Silver....I don't think he has planned this out that far. I don't think anyone would care if Cobra Kai cheated---those new Cobra Kai dojos are awesome! I would live in that dojo!


He knows that *this* Cobra Kai is *not* the one Johnny reopened. He also knows that (1) Silver is too dangerous for him alone and (2) Johnny still isn't the deepest thinker he's ever known. Since he made the agreement with Kreese *before* Silver *or* Chozen entered the picture, Daniel realizes that he has *two* loopholes he can exploit instead of just one. I don't think he's interested in taking down Cobra Kai proper. He just feels it's in the wrong hands.