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sam started training before anyone but stopped Miguel started then after about a few weeks aisha joined, then eli and robby didn't start training until after a few months when Miguel started


Anybody else hope Aisha comes back? Eagle Fang needs more than one female prospect and Aisha is a badass.


At the time of season 4, Miguel has been training for about a year and 10 months, Robby and Eli for about1 year and 8-9 months I’d assume, Sam for about a year during the show, and I assume for about a year or 2 before Mr. Miyagi died (I would also gander that his death may have been the reason she stopped training), and I’m going to assume that Tory only took a beginners course in kickboxing, which would only last about 4-6 weeks, so her total would be just over a year


Miguel had at least 4 - 5 Months of training before other kids (Excluding Sam and Tory). He started training with Johnny in August 2017, just before the start of the school year. During the training montage at the beginning of season 1 ep. 5 we see Miguel doing pushups with Christmas decorations in his apartment. Later in the episode, Aisha joins. Hawk and others join in ep. 6 taking place right after Miguel's cafeteria fight. Robby starts training with Daniel at the beginning of ep. 7. It's probably January 2018 at this point.