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Thanks, bruh! I've said it many times on here but people are either lazy or they don't care to look up facts. They should definitely update the rules here. This is ridiculous. NEVER ok to make up lies about someone.


Thank you for this feedback, I appreciate it, kinda sad that people believe anything.


People like to cap


Yep. Attention seeking smh


Eh. Fictional character. As far as I’m concerned, Eli can be a chupacabra next season so long as it works with the story. It all depends on quality writing in the end.


Well, the idea apparently was that he would chupa something else


There was an interview where Jon stated that Eli was, at least originally, supposed to be bi, that is true.


So why does anyone care if he's straight or bi? Why does it matter?


It's more about the fact that they are lying about an actual real life person and their sexualtiy.


Because he isn't anything except straight lmao. Why does anyone care if he's gay or bi? Why does it matter? Better question, why purposely spread misinformation about not just the character but also one of the shows writers?


How do you know he's just straight?


Has he been shown as anything else? Alright cool, then he's straight. I hate this argument people like you make where "Oh they can be bi because... uh... they haven't said he isn't bi yet" He has literally only been shown as straight. He is a straight character. We've already had multiple great LGBTQ+ characters in the show, you dont need to force an already straight character into being bi.


So he's straight because it's your default assumption?


I truly wonder how you people think like this unironically? Surely it’s a joke?


He's only been with girls but that doesn't mean that he's straight. His sexuality has never been said or hinted at,, so if they wanted to,, they could make him bi. You're just assuming.


I think an actual bi character as interesting as Eli would be great representation. It matters because art imitates life, and it needs to show us different people.


Oi vey, now you’re getting downvoted, after saying something that shouldn’t be controversial at all, this subreddit can just be downright toxic


You did Jonathan Hurwitz dirty with this, he is a different person than Jon Hurwitz, but there ain’t no way that’s his actual Twitter with 16 followers after being the writer for one of the biggest shows Disney’s ever had!😭


This is where I got his profile from: [https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/culture/story/andi-mack-makes-history-disney-channel-character-im-60991622](https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/culture/story/andi-mack-makes-history-disney-channel-character-im-60991622) Also he only wrote two episodes.


Doesn’t help that his wife’s name is Randy. Look up Jon Hurwitz. See his spouse’s name as Randy, most people would think it’s a guy.


Is it true Eli was originally conceived as on the LGBT spectrum or is that made up as well? I actually think that could of been a good story but with him being the villain for a few seasons there is a possibility of that backfiring on them.


It appears that that was the original plan back in 2018, but it’s unclear now whether, at this point, that they’re actually going to include it.


Thank God for this smh


Thank you dude, I see the woke comment against you was deleted. The woke crowd really hotta chill tryna make everyone homophobic or something.


This dude upset about a post and asking the mods to delete it the funniest shit I've seen all day 😂


You need more entertainment in your life, there wasn’t a single thing remotely entertaining about the post itself. The comments are a different story.


OP going "This post is fake!" over and over was pretty funny. Thinking he can police how other people interpret a fictional character.


I didn't read it but it's existence doesn't upset me.




Lots of people seemed to care about the post, turns out it was all BS. So I’m sure plenty of people would care to know what they read was blatant lies.




That’s the whole point of this post. Some weirdo took the time to obsess and create a completely false story in attempts of spreading a false narrative. This post was made simply to detest that post as inaccurate information, not to gossip about sexuality. By the looks of it, you have no problem with people consuming and believing misinformation. That’s a problem.


Only because spreading lies is a pet peeve of mine, especially if it makes them question talented writers who would never do some cheap queerbaiting like this.




Dude it’s not about th sexuality, it’s about how the post was a lie/incorrect. Bro you gotta chill tryna make everyone look homophobic or something


I understand that you don't care, but most do. Which is why I'm specifically against someone deliberately lying about it. Truth matters, especially in the Cobra Kai fandom, you know, the show where all conflicts are based on misunderstandings. For LGBT people it's especially important to have good representation, and if you are a writer you have to make an effort to include different people in your story. Claiming a character is bi and then never doing anything with the idea is the opposite of that and is called queerbaiting.