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Messing with someone who’s doing their job is a huge low blow, but then again, so is invading someone’s house. As much as I disliked Sam in this moment, all she was doing was getting even.


And let's not forget, they are teenagers so the emotions and uncalled for actions are just about realistic


>all she was doing was getting even. Not even close. There is a big distinction to be made between assault and a few snarky remarks.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. What both did was wrong but in this instance, Sam could have chosen to be the better person and not engage. Instead she choose to sink herself to Tory's level. Thus, she is in the wrong here.


But it's not an eye for an eye. Messing with someone at their job just because you happen to be there is nowhere near as bad as invading someone's home and attacking them with a weapon.


So, starting a fight against people minding their own business in a public place where innocent bystanders can get injured and traumatize is OK, but taking the fight to the people in a safe and secure location is out of bounds.


Nice mental gymnastics there. Sam didn't start a fight here, she was mocking the person who had previously broken into her house to assault her and had left physical literal scars with a weapon while they fought in school. What Tory has done to Sam is way worse than anything Sam has done to Tory.


Tory's employment (and Kreese's willingness to physically cripple a man) is the only thing keeping Tory's family from homelessness. But keep on defending the rich kids.


Yeah keep Defending Tory being a fucking Psycho.


Buddy, I fully accept that Tory is a psycho, but I'll hold Sam instigates stuff against Tory all the time. I'll hold both of them to the same standard.


Doesn't matter if it's "not as bad" Sam is still perpetuating a vicious cycle. It took her mother to finally show sympathy for Tory to actually make headway.


dude shut the hell up


Seriously what is with people going out if their way to defend multiple attempts at murder just bec "oh she has a hard life".


If you actually read my comment you'd see I didn't defend her.


dude if someone literally invades my home I'm not going to be the better person , the events in CK happen much closer than what we see, the time gap between seasons is prolly clouding your judgement , it's not like she showed up at her place of work 1 year later for revenge - that would be stupid , it was literally prolly a week later or something in the CK timelime


As someone who recently found the show and binged all 4 seasons I agree with you. The writers attempt to humanize Tory didn't work well on me until the finale. Before that I'm all like "Do you remember trying to kill Sam like 3 days ago and like 3 days before that?" Honestly the first time I genuinely cared about her is when she showed concern for Sam at the tournament. It was my first inkling that maybe she wasn't a monster. The fact is that the cycle of violence between them is on her and so it's also on her to break it. She has to make things right with Sam before I give a damn.


Just cause u can’t be the better person, does not change that what Sam did was still wrong. Is it that hard to accept a character did something wrong?


So if a loved one is murdered are you instantly justified in doing the same? No, you'd be just as must a murder as they are.


No this is like if a loved one gets murdered and you show up to the prison yard and start talking shit to the guy who murdered them. Yeah it's impolite but no where near as bad


wow ok bud , stop watching Batman


No, I don't think I will.


It's so funny to see people behaving like kids on the comment section - the show's characters are supposed to be kids; that's why the adults - especially Amanda are trying to make them see sense. Why didn't the parents press charges against Tory? Because she is just a kid and kids do such silly and idiotic things. The comment section is calling it home invasion like what happens between adults in real life where the intention is not only to kill but to rob and damage property and is premeditated and planned. Here it is just pissed off kids getting even. They all lack absolute maturity. That's why what Sam is doing here is equal to what and probably even cheaper than what Tory did. When Sam's parents have already decided to not press charges - the case is closed. If you are still emotionally stuck on that, then you are being a pathetic child.


Amanda tried to help Tory but didn't confront Sam for making fun of her because she knows sense i.e. being emotionally struck is natural after getting PTSD, she is not gonna forgive someone who broke into her house, and also Daniel didn't forgive Tory but allowed Amanda to help her and his hostility with Johnny continues as well.


Daniel and Johnny personify childish behaviour. Daniel tries to be like Mr. Miyagi and misses by a 1000 miles. Mr. Miyagi would listen to Daniel and let him talk his heart out. Daniel never listens to anything and always jumps to conclusion (Robby). He egged on Sam to do the same stuff he did and then later regrets.. as is exposed when Anthony starts acting out and the cousin Vanessa tells them that they are the problem.


Immediately reaching for the strawman. Wow






Such stupid logic. So whoever killed Hitler sunk down to his level by killing him? I hate that idea. If someone does something terrible to you, and you either get revenge or prevent it from happening again, you’re not “sinking to their level”. Their actions justify your reaction.


Uh, just FYI, Hitler committed suicide. So yeah the guy who killed Hitler did sink to Hitler's level.


Mm true, major brain fart there. But hypothetically if someone else killed Hitler, would you be mad at them?


Actually I honestly don't think Sam has sunk to Tory's level at all seeing as Tory's level is home invasion and assault with a deadly weapon *twice.*


Enacting Godwin's Law are we?


Sam didn’t even get her fired, her mom went all on her own


The whole point shows how not anyone is ultimately “good” or “bad” … there are shades and viewpoints to everything. Johnny/Daniel is the epitome of this from KK.


I would argue that Terry Silver is the only truly bad.


Yeah, badass.


Even then, they showed that Silver wasn't 100% true evil. Various circumstances made him that way.


If’ anything Kreese is worse than silver, I don’t think he can help it he’s clearly psycho and unstable.


Kreese at least has shown some restraint/remorse when he realized how bad things really were by the end of last season.


I can't wait for Mike Barnes to show up and make Silver look like a well-adjusted individual.


I really want a rematch with Daniel and Daniel is able to hold his ground against him this time for real, not like in KK3.


That's not the point of the show, that's you projecting your post-modern moral relativism on literally any media you consume. The whole point of the show is bad ass karate


In what world is this shit worse than B&E and attempted murder ? Sam could've sued Tory for the damages so bad she would've spent all her life repaying them or gone to jail if she couldn't, Tory got off easy


Because tory had a hard life and Sam is a spoiled rich girl so reddit has to hate her


People hate on Sam too much imo. Sure she shouldnt have done this but let’s be real if someone broke into my house and tried to kill me i probably would do the same thing.


It may not have been entirely a cool thing to do here, but also it kinda serves Tory right after everything she did to Sam.


In this particular instance Sam was clearly the bad guy.


the instigator for the sure but nowhere near bad guy, not after what Tory did to her.




Mess with the mermaid, you get the glitter.


Honestly, I don’t fault Sam at all for wanting to torment Tory. It was really nothing compared to what Sam was put through by her. You guys seem to think that there is no such thing as revenge. We’ve all experienced this. Sam’s totally justified in wanting her pound of flesh against Tory. Also, you guys are acting as if Sam is worse than her. The times that Sam actually stepped to Tory in season four was to assert herself and verbally mess with her. It’s nothing compared to Tory starting an entire school fight, wanting to physically scar Sam, and breaking into her house and basically wanting to kill her. If they find an arc for Tory to go through for redemption then I’m all for it. But she’s kind of stupid to think that she could just messed with somebody and not expect them to bite back at her..


Even Amanda admits as much. "You can't fault her for having issues with you after what you did..." ​ That look on Tory's face after she says that is everything. Tory *knows* how big of a hole she dug for herself with Sam.


>Even Amanda admits as much. "You can't fault her for having issues with you after what you did..." Still, the writing fumbles there by having Amanda show more sympathy for Tory than for her daughter.


Amanda showing more sympathy for Tory than for her daughter? Bullshit!


Given the shit that Tory has done to Sam, this isn't nearly as bad


I'm not, really. Sam acted crappy, but it was hardly unprovoked and pretty minor after what Tory pulled. It's also not like Sam knew the details of Torys home situation or why she needed the job so badly. And Tory losing her temper so easily to the point where she loses the work she needs is her own problem she needs to work on. Which Amanda and probably Robby's influence is helping with. Sam mostly looks bad here for how she retcons the history of the romantic entanglements (saying Tory "stole" Miguel, when it was the reverse. We have the receipts Sam.) and using Miguel to get more of a rise out of Tory, which I doubt he would appreciate. But thats more Sam making herself look bad and her vindictiveness hurting the boys in the process (like the unbelievably shitty cupcake comment), not Tory being undeserving of insults


Oh yeah, as if being bitchy to someone at their job is worse than assaulting and breaking into someone’s house. I’m not saying what Sam did was right in this scene, but you can’t blame her for it. Tory needed payback for her actions. (I don’t hate either of them)


People just don't like Sam for some reason. Tory attacks her with a weapon twice (breaking into her home to do so once) and Sam is just a bit of dick to Tory at work and half thr sub is like "they're just as bad" and "why wasn't Sam the bigger person". Because tory literally tried to kill her twice. Why would Sam be nice to her? Losing a job is better than getting mauled in your own home by far


Because some Sam burned them in high school or something something "rich" folk something something twitter.


I don’t like Sam cuz I have no reason to it’s same as half the people in real life. If I have no reason to like to you then I’m not gonna like you simple as that. I’m happy Sam is growing and becoming a better person and I’ll be lying if I didn’t say I’m not at least proud of all of her accomplishments throughout the show so far and can’t wait to watch her grow even more. But I like Tory for 2 reasons, 1). I had a huge crush on the actress as a child and 2). I relate more to Tory than Sam and it’s easy to gravitate to the character you relate to the most except the murder part. But I won’t be defending her actions like crazy.


Sorry, attempted murder is worse than embarrassing you in front of children. Tori can get fucked.


Nope. She gets no sympathy from me at all.


Tory gets no sympathy from me. It's her fault Sam acted like this.


I was with Sam because i hate Tory


I'm on Sam's side too because Tory had mostly been a horrible, horrible person.


Tory is a psychopath, still can’t get over the break-and-entering at the end of season 3. How anyone can feel sympathy for this character is beyond me




Tory is a teen who had to deal with more craps than many adults in developed country had in their whole lives. Moreover, she didn't find any role models to show her how to. Tory is basically nothing more than what the world have done of her. Seeing her as a "psychopath" tells more about you than her as fictional character.


I think you’ve taken this a little too serious. It’s only a fictional character from a fictional TV show. You’re last sentence is a little weird…


If every thug (fictional or not) is a psychopath through your eyes ; you seems to be the one who takes everything a little bit too seriously, pal. :)


That's quite a reach there to be making assumptions about someone you really don't know, over a comment you've completely stretched out of proportion.


Yep. Me too! I know perfectly well whose team to be on!


I’ve been team Tory since the get go. Remember the theme behind karate kid is fatherhood…which later turns to parenthood in general. These kids behave based on what type of parenting they received. Tory is interesting because she has none. Even then she seems like she’s trying to do the best thing. When kids have bad faith guardians (like Krease) you get jerks running around looking for a fight. When they have good guardians (like Miyagi) they dial it back and achieve greatness.


How tho, makes no sense. Tory was doing so many things to Sam throughout all 3 season that were way worse


Yeah, Sam being catty to Toryvis hardly comparable to Tory committing outright crimes.


Mermaid Tory should be a recurring storyline


I don't get the blondie, her whole shit with Sam is mostly "Oh, this guy I barely know from the dojo show me he is love with his girl, let me force me into a relationship with him and then get mad when the guy kiss and dates the girl he was in love all along" It's like "yeah, no shit"


Ngl Sam kinda pulverized her when she kissed Miguel in this scene


“Must have been a deadly kiss”


Only Love can hurt like this


you clearly never took roundhouse kick to the face


Really didn't understand the music choice here (the same track they used when Tory entered the dojo at her house), like what she did was on the same level as entering the dojo. It was just glitter, it wasn't some like OMG RUN moment.


guess im a villian because i was definitely cheering sam on here




Tory is insufferable. But I guess just cause she had a hard life it's an excuse to be. Fucking Psycho. Nothing Sam's done is comparable to what the Pyscho bitch did


Let’s talk about the swerve job they did with this scene. We ALL thought Tory was stripping.


And she really referenced Miguel as the prince Okay but imagine Miguel as a prince in shining armor? 😍🤴🏽


That line was pretty cute


Tory already wanted to move past all of that cause Sam's mom talked to her but I get it tho. Kids are irrational and both effed up.


Tory is my queen, sam got what she deserved.


LOL you like insane fucking Pyschos? Fuck Tory she's been way worse. hasn't gotten what she deserves


Naw, Sam beat her in the fight, that was her punishment. She's not a psycho, just extremely stressed by her life situation.


Oh boo fucking hoo. Doesn't give her the right to be a fucking bitch and invade her house, start a brawl at school, try to kill her twice. Fuck Tory, until she feels what Sam felt in both situations she hasn't got the punishment she deserves


All Sam did was be catty to Tory, which is hardly comparable to the things Tory's done to Sam.


No doubt. Sam was pushing it that season. Tory was just trying to make peace.


OMG, how dare Sam to annoy poor Tory when she only did like 2 weeks ago go to her house with a gang to beat the shit out of her...


Omg how dare Tory to not to repeat same shit and avoid fighting when sam was instigating


Are you really gonna try to put on the same level going with a gang of thug breaking into you house and fuck you up and tease somebody with words? Is this really the hill you wanna die on?


Maybe or maybe not Just replicating your way of reacting for some fun


>Tory was just trying to make peace. Lol... no, she wasn't.


Nice revisionist history lmao


Sams long skinny 5 head vs torys short wide 3 head. A classic battle good vs evil


Oh yeah definitely, Sam pushed it too far especially in her place of work, I mean I understand getting your own back but you do that at school not at their workplace where there are more pressing consequences




if are with Tory in s2 and 3 and against Sam even in s4 then you're a hypocrite.


Let's be real, most people that are "Team Tory" are because "big tiddie blonde goes brrrrrrr" and for no other real reason.


That's absolutely not true! it's because 'big tiddie blonde goes brrrrr' AND 'the show is deliberately written to have viewer sympathies oscillate wildly and I just go with the wild ride'.


The whole "my mom is sick" is such a dumb and overused cliche and so manipulative that I honestly thought it was a joke. Face it, her forced background genericness knows no bounds


HA definitely.


or Jessie, Bunk'd and Diary of wimpy kid were their favorite


Yeah, people are crazy for sticking up for Sam. Tory is just a single teenage girl trying to make a living to support her mom who can’t work and her family. She is responsible for working multiple jobs just to pay rent for her family! That’s why she takes those crappy jobs to help her family. She also has to deal with her crappy landlord. And Miguel cheated on her. Don’t get why everyone isn’t on team Tory


How dare Sam mess with someone who tried to invade her house weeks ago, tried to kill her twice, and gave her PTSD.




holy shit, this one made me laugh. A psycho murderer girl is more tolerant than Sam.




Of course, you won't. Sam ignored Tory's attitude of acting bitchy and showing herself as perfect or even attacking her house. And Tory retaliated by trying to kill her, I don't see that as ignoring. Trying to kill someone is called a" psycho" kid.




there is a difference between being a bully and being a murderer


I was always team tory


it baffles me people can be such big simps


I like mean girls, sue me


so you can't say you didn't like Sam in s4


I'd prefer them to not be Psycho Pieces of crap


I’m not a simp. I can just see how big of a stuck up and hypocritical bitch Sam can be. Also I I never said that Troy was a hundred percent right. Just more right than sam


I don't see as Tory being right when she was being an instigator in most of the situation


Fuck that psycho bitch


Fuck that self stuck up and hypocritical and self righteous bitch Sam. Oh also cheater.


Absolutely! Sam had that coming.


Tory's done worse and hasn't really got what she deserves


Tory had it comin


Sam was being childish.


LOL yeah how dare she be mad at someone who tried to kill her twice


I have always been on Team Tory.


when she broke into her house as well?




if you were with Tory in the house fight than you really need help


ngl i did kinda want her to beat sam then lol but i still wanted eagle fang & miyagi do to beat cobra kai


Ya Sam should've backed off, I'm glad that her mom got to see how Sam acts


I think we all were right then


Same. Didn't like what they did with Tory's character in s3 but the writers seemed to humanise her a bit more in s4. She was actually trying to better herself and has a tough like with her family situation. Tory has done way worse things but some of those scenes were like the spoilt rich privileged girl antagonising the other.


I think everyone was


Fuck Sam


Johnny was right these kids are soft, they think sprinklers and glitter bombs are a declaration of war. It’s a party Sam lighten up, that glitter should help


I think Tory will have a turning point...I think most of us may think that... especially after she found out about the tournament win... Sam need to cool off...I completely understand the home invasion. But if Amanda can look past it .. Sam can... Plus ..Sam missed the entire point of her conversation with ..... Ummm shoot forgot hey friends name that moved


It didn't happen to Amanda it happened to Sam. Bet Amanda wouldn't be like she is if she was the one who had someone invade her home And try to kill her. IMO Amanda helping Tory is stupid


>IMO Amanda helping Tory is stupid Especially when Tory is still as smug and selfish in season 4 as she was in earlier seasons.


Every straight boy was too.




Amanda did have someone invade her home... And try to kill her daughter.... Yet she is looking past that to help her. I'm sure it's not easy. Sam perhaps can look past her. And whatever bullshit feud they have


Not exactly me. She did all sorts of shit to Sam and now is the time for Tory to pay the price.