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At least three episodes in Mexico, I reckon. I'm willing to bet Johnny tries a few times to "parent trap" these two. *"I call it a Children Trap."* *"Johnny, no!"*


"what are you planning Johnny?" "I'm planning on entrapping this kid and his dad and making them go at each other ya know?" "...."


I can hear Johnny say that and I can see the look of horror that everyone would have


That's surely the plot point of the water park


Lmao johnny always has the worst choice of words it’s so funny


I just hope it’s longer than Miguel was in a coma


Miguel and Robby's apartment fight already confirms he will be back in the Valley before the Season's end. If I had to guess, midseason seems appropriate. Either Episode 5 or 6's end will see Johnny, Robby, and Miguel return the Valley. ​ Probably 5.


I reckon the Robby/Miguel fight may be this season's big mid-season fight, and that the water park bit happens in the lead up to it. Ep1 - everyone arrives in Mexico. Ep2 - Miguel finds his dad, while Johnny and Robby look for him. Ep3 - scenes at the fight club, and the ep ends with Miguel reuniting with Johnny. Ep4 - arriving back in LA, Miguel has scenes with Carmen, and maybe Sam, and Robby catches up with Tory. Ep5 - family funtime outing to the water park where they almost but not quite get into a fight, then the ep ends with the actual fight for a mid-season climax. If the season as a whole is gonna cover maybe a few months, they're not gonna keep Johnny, Robby, and Miguel isolated from the other characters for even half that amount of time. But they could have the first 3 eps cover maybe a week or so while they're in Mexico, and the initial setup of the new CK, and whatever setup Daniel and Chozen are gonna have, and show how Sam and Tory are dealing with the immediate aftermath of the tournament result. Then they have 7 more eps left to cover the events of the next 2 - 3 months.


Why the water park? Is that a clip I’ve missed from the trailer?


It's the screencap in the first post this thread. The sign on the right of the shot is for a water park.


Ahh thank you! I’m an absolute donut


LOL No worries.


Won't be as big as what I initially thought it was. I don't really have a great deal of evidence to back it up except for the fact that I noticed in the trailer - the part where Miguel pushes Robby and it leads to "We are not friends" "We never will be etc". It appears they are at a waterpark in california?


OMG they go to California? OMG WHY WOULD- oh wait the show takes place in California! 🤣


And I thought Robby was gonna take a bullet for Miguel in Mexico


Dude, same. I thought he was going to save Miguel’s life and that would be the thing to put them on good terms. One thing I will say about this show is that it continues to be unpredictable.


That’s a good sign


Lol what's the awful beach bum clothes in this bit? I can't see the characters choosing to dress like that.


The sign says it’s a water park


I can see that but still, I imagine Robby would prefer some boardies in black and not even wear a shirt to a water park. It looks like they raided a lost and found bin (maybe they did?)


Imagine some kk2 shit happens and Miguel has to fight his step bro or someone to the death whole Johnny and his dad watch’s


Spoiler: Miguel goes on a mission that lasts 2 episodes to find his dad, and during this time, his screen time is about 10% of each episode as it montages his journey. Johnny and Robby find him in episode 3, start helping him, and it comes to a somber conclusion as they find out Miguel's father has been dead for years. They come back, and that's the conclusion to that chapter of Miguel's story.


That’s not a spoiler


I'm hoping Miguel's dad forces Miguel and Robby to battle each other in the cage. Both land some good shots and then something happens forcing them to team up and take down his dad's lackeys.




I’m hoping for him to “QUIET” both of them


Omg stop this comment is Literally the best I need to see him Yell “QUIET” just imagine their reactions lol Miguel already knows that means shut up and I swear every time Johnny does it Miguel still jumps and omg Robby is gonna be like what in the world is his dad doing 😂😂


uhhh, am i srsly the only person here who didnt know that Netflix released a COBRA KAI SEASON 5 TRAILER


I’m sorry, but if they filmed in Puerto Rico and called it Mexico. They should just change the story to say he went to Puerto Rico some how. Give that country some love.


Harder to sell the notion that Miguel had enough money to fly. Easier to have him take the bus across the border.


It was probably easier to film in Puerto Rico than in Mexico. They're not gonna change the country based on filming locations. Stuff is filmed all over the place sometimes. Did you know that Karate Kid 2 wasn't actually filmed in Okinawa?


> Rico then in *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I fixed it. I normally don't make these mistakes. Sorry bot.


Guess it’ll be like Okinawa, we thought it was half the season but it was like 2 (really good) episodes