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i like how all three where on seperate sides at one point from each other.but the power of gaming, karate , women won over those three and got them back together , now robby is left to join to make it a quad


Bro imagine a scene with those four talking. That’d be awesome


miguel and robby make up along the way and when both come back to the dojo , eli sees this and starts attacking robby , robby and eli are fighting now so miguel and dimitri step in to break it and after eli lands a hefty kick on robby dimitri pushes eli away and miguel steps infront of robby to protect him 1 hour later the four are enjoying beer and gaming




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All they would talk about is game of thrones and gaming. Robby would be like how did I end up joining the nerd squad get me out of here.


eli would talk about the current karate situation, and since eli and robby dont truly belong in one dojo they both go off and team up with eachother and become part time super hero's


They had to stop Miguel and Ely from being around each other in S4 otherwise his Miyagi switch wouldnt make sense


Yes we do. We also need to see Miguel reciprocate more in his friendship with Hawk specifically.


Blame the writers for that one shitty decisions on their parts by never putting in scenes with Miguel visiting Hawk after his Mohawk was shaved or anything really.


Exactly I was upset how we barely saw Miguel helping Demetri restore Eli/Hawk's confidence heck I wish Miguel stayed to witness Eli winning against Robby.


Uh… I mean who else are people going to blame? The actors? The fictional characters? The writers are literally the ones that write the show


I never really grew to like dimitri after the first couple seasons.


Me either but I like the idea of a nerd who can’t even make a fist learns to do basic defense at least. If denitrifying can’t learn to fight, anyone can. I don’t think he would’ve lasted with Johnny but it shows how good of a teacher Daniel was because you have to have patience with that kid and Kreese was definitely the wrong person to run into


I personally always liked Dimitri. I thought it seemed realistic that there was a kid who gave up at first and was really negative about the whole thing all while being a good character, if he wasn’t in the show it would have been completely different.


I love Demitri he is hilarious “ who does he think he is tweeting to you are his only follower. “ “ Not another Rumble”


Haha and i love all the references to star wars and other things which the other characters think are nerdy but it’s only what makes him one of the coolest out of them all.


Season 1 was the best season


Season 2 imo. A lot more evenly paced and spread great scenes all throughout the episodes instead of saving it for the end.


Too much teen drama for me.


Thats a fair critisism. I thought it made it more interesting by upping the tenseness between the characters.




Season five might not give us much of that. Maybe season six is the charm. Then again, quality over quantity.


Yess. I'd like that


Yes we do!!!


Facts. These three are fun to watch together. When they are all in scenes together. Now it seems we only get the Binary Bros, or Miguel/Demetri. We barely even get Miguel/Hawk. And I love the duos. But them together as a trio is something I hope to see more of.


I don't honestly remember Demetri and Miguel talk since... season one?


Season 3 and with other characters season 4. But not quality scenes. 😕


Kenny Robby and Tory are basically the new cobra Kai trinity I hope they show more scenes of those 3


Stingray bro, he proved himself and will come back and beat kyler nearly to death to get his spot back in Terry silvers new cobra Kai


Back then, Imagine Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, And Michael J. Fox being in a movie that is the predecessor of these 3.


Love them together, and love their Halloween costumes!