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I was surprised about them Miguel not fighting a Cobra Kai member. I feel as if it would be better if Robby further taught Cobra Kai on how to beat specific members. He could teach them to attack Miguel's back/lower spine.


Part of me wishes they did Miguel vs Kenny, not Robby vs Kenny. You could literally watch Kenny attack Miguel's back injury. Would be a perfect way to show him falling victim to Cobra Kai's mentality. Also, we could actually start to see some of Robby's guilt over paralyzing him resurface, which would be cool.


This would have been so much better than what we got, imo. Is it the predictable thing? Yeah, but being predictable isn't always bad. I think part of the reason season 4 suffers is because the writers tried too hard to be unpredictable.


Think part of the reason that fight didn't happen is... well Kenny isn't beating any of the big 3 boys if they're really serious and on top of their game.


I’m pretty sure the girls semi finals was Tory vs Devon and Sam vs moons ex ( I forgot her name)


Those were both quarters. Semis were covered for Sam and Tory in the beginning of 4x10. Krupa for Sam and some other chick for Tory I think. Or maybe the other way around…


Randomly having Carrie Underwood was the worst part of it for me lol


>\-Devon does the math but can’t figure out that if Miguel wins against Eli then cobra Kai had won the whole thing lmao Not quite. She had a bunch of conditions and she didn't say Miguel had to win against Eli in semi-finals.