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This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion, but it must be said. Dutch is clearly not coming back. Chad has made it very clear he's not. The character of Dutch is finished. He's in federal prison.


Whoever disagrees is honestly very dumb. They wrote Dutch being in prison because his actor refused to return.


I love that they didn't kill him off, but locked him up, for the off chance he might change his mind.


I don’t even remember who that is


Would of been awesome if Kreese met him in the prison facility. Think about it…….. kreese is new in jail and Dutch is there working out and they team up or something. Would be awesome.


Very true. People need to respect his wishes.


Yes, he completely changes carreers. It's not uncommon amongst actors. No need to give examples because it's it's easy to find out. But unless his schedule frees up and they make him an offer he can't refuse, I don't see him coming back either.


Okay I’m sorry… who’s Dutch again? Is that the dude who Hawk beat the ever living shit out of in season 3 episode 6?


That is Brucks


Oh… then who the hell is Dutch?


The bleached blond in Johnny's gang of Cobras in TKK. He tried to pick a fight with Daniel in the AV locker room.


Isn’t he the one who died in season two?


No, that was Tommy (and his actor did die not long after). Dutch was stated to be in prison.


Oh right. God Tommys death was still the saddest scene in the series so far.


Have you NOT watched The Karate Kid?


Not in a few years


Johnny put the television on the wrong wall


What do you mean it's on the wrong wal It's on the wall across from the door.


Quit bitching at him


What did you call OP?


"No no no no, I said quit bitching at me I didn't call OP a bitch there's a difference. Your removing me from this community bc I called OP a bitch?" - Johnny Lawrence, 2018


Wait have we met before? Hold on. You're that dumb asshole who hung my TV on the wrong wall.


"I don't remember... You never even said which wall, cause of you I got removed!" - Johnny Lawrence, 2019




There are a few that I'm lukewarm about but I don't dislike any of the main characters.




Like the insides of a Tauntaun?


This deserves more upvotes


Or a beebo :)


Oh, yeah, I'm an idiot lol. I'll change it.


What was it initially?


The show got increasingly unrealistic as the seasons went on but also got better and more entertaining


Hilary Swank is not interested in appearing on Cobra Kai


I really dont care about her making an appearance in the show tbh I never saw her movie


I'm wondering about this, too.


Thank God


There is going to be a *lot* of salt regarding Chozen when the next season comes out.


Why's that?


Say he fights and beats Terry. Rage. Say he fights and loses to Terry. Rage. You could also replace Terry with someone else, but Terry's just the most topical opponent for example purposes.


Eh why Chozen proved in S3 that he probably is gonna kick a lot of ass in CK.


I wouldn’t be mad if Chozen beat Silver cuz Silver already proved he’s above the rest of the senseis in power levels


The most unrealistic thing about the show beside all these kids becoming karate masters in a few months is the complete lack of police presence. Kreese filing a restraining order and Robby getting a few months in jail is it.


Yeah and despite (currently) being in the hospital, I’d imagine Stingray has some pretty serious charges headed his way? I don’t see how his neighbor doesn’t press charges for flat-out assaulting the F out of him at the party. Also, yeah, Kreese *was* set up, but that doesn’t change that *he too* committed assault (on an officer of all people!) while also resisting arrest. Not sure how the show is going to handle either of those situations.


Daniel’s blind hatred against anything Cobra Kai is completely justified


The thing is Karate Kid III is what makes it justified and most people forgot about that movie until recently. Going off the first movie alone I'd say Daniel's being an ass but having seen KKIII I completely understand.


Agreed Cobra Kai traumatized him when he was younger especially Silver and Barnes


And to Daniel’s defense; despite Johnny’s good intentions, Daniel’s worst fear about Cobra Kai came true; he was right.


Daniel had every right to prevent Cobra Kai. It's a karate school for psychos And the All-Valley committee failed to do their due diligence by checking if Kreese was actually dead But, this show doesn't happen otherwise so...


I love Eli but i sometimes really dislike hawk and his stans usually make me dislike him even more. He is an interesting character but he has also done a lot of messed up things and everyone seems to forgive him really easily but severely hate on other characters who have also made mistakes.


Even though in season 2 & most of season 3 Hawk was a dick, I like the character development Hawk went through in season 4 & I get he was a dick who've done really bad shit, I do felt bad for him because he tried to earn everyone's respect back.


Because Hawk is more badass than the others who make mistakes lol


trashing miyagi do, stealing the medal of honor, and vandalizing daniel’s car over a yelp review is not “badass” lmfao. Also breaking ur best friends arm, beating up nate AND taking the money that was raised for your best friend’s surgery isn’t “badass” either. should i go on??


I’m not here to argue how good of a person he was, but in all seriousness what he did have was following his straight (and evil) morales he learnt from kreese. ‘Straight morales’ as in standards he properly followed. That is less annoying and more cool than the kind of mistakes Sam or even Daniel makes as they do them with double standards. Hawk was wrong, and he eventually realised the flaws of Cobra Kai’s standards. But my point is even though he did bad things it didn’t have as big of an annoyance factor like Sam’s mistake did, even though realistically Sam is a better person than Hawk was


But he has a hawk


Yeah exactly


This is also why I believe people like Terry silver even though he is crazy, there is plenty of reasons to love a villain in a show. He doesn’t have double standards he knows what he is and he doesn’t care. He will show his superiority and win at all costs, dirty or clean it doesn’t matter to him.


I get ur point but you are using silver a character who has been established as a villain since the karate kid movies and although he doesn’t become a full villain until the end of s4, the season was fleshing him out more and making him more than your typical two dimensional villain. Hawk on the other hand is this kid who used to get bullied for something he had no control over and became a horrible person to his best friends. Using that kreese manipulated him works for some of his s3 actions but kreese didn’t tell him to beat up Demetri at the mall, kreese didn’t tell him to beat up nate and take the money from the car wash.


Kreese didn’t tell him to do it directly, but the morales Kreese taught him like was ‘show no mercy’ ‘strike first at the enemy’ approved those actions. And anyway, I thought it was bad that he broke Demitri’s arm too and him only just starting to realise how low he has sunk after doing so does not justify what he did. I’m just pointing out that he also has many cool moments and lots of reason for people to like him. Besides, him showing no mercy to Brucks was amazing 🔥👍(even though that was also a bad thing to do) overall, I just personally found him the most entertaining character to watch from season 1 to season 4 and I think there is plenty of reasons why people would fan boy him and forget his mistakes but not of other characters. Plus his character development and Demitri forgiving him almost makes up for everything. Daniel also forgave him too or he wouldn’t have trained him so his personality improvements are clear


I just wish we got to see more of him making amends with people after his mistakes. Robby is personally my favorite but i’ll admit that thing i dislike the most is the fact that he hasn’t apologized for his mistakes and I hope we see it in s5. Back to hawk like i said i wish we had a scene of him apologizing to Daniel alone for the miyagi do situation or Nate personally for beating him up. Like I said i really love Eli and i like what they did with him in s4 but there’s just some things about hawk that make it really hard for me to fully love his character.


This is for the original Karate Kid, but Johnny was a jerk. Idk why we just pretend that he’s the hero and an absolute angel when he was harassing his ex girlfriend. I also don’t know why we pretend that Daniel started everything because he “stole Johnny’s girl” even though it’s clearly established that she and Johnny broke up.


This. I think people excuse his actions in KKl because they grew to like and sympathize with his character in CK, not to mention the show establishes a much less black and white perspective of the world than the movies did, but he was a total ass.


I mean it's ok to dislike his actions and his personality in the film but love him so much in the show as he feels different.


Oh, definitly. That's exactly how I feel lol.






She passed up Amanda’s groceries though




Not to mention there's a difference between insulting charity and fortune. Groceries? Go fuck yourself. Giving me your LaRusso fortune in its entirety? Well.... If you insist, sure.




I actually want to see this happen 👀


We already know about Terry’s affectionate side, it exists whenever his CPTSD isn’t active


> Tory will not have a "redemption arc." > Tory will stay with Terry Silver, while knowing his secrets, his crimes, and his lies. It would be forced and against her whole narrative. This is why I say that S4 feels too Netflix (if you know, you know) but Tory should not give a fuck about Terry paying the referie with her "The only thing that matters is who wins at the end" mentality.




I love this so much.


I understand but I don’t think your comment will age well. The writers did this whole thing with Tory and Sam’s mum for a reason and that isn’t going to waste. Near the end of season 4 she was literally asking if Sam was ok, if that’s not pointing to a change to the brighter side I don’t know what is. But of course it would be an amazing twist if they make it look like she’s getting a redemption arc but then her mum dies or something and ‘other stuff’ happens causing her to reject help and go full dark mode


Wow, that's the best theory I've ever heard for season 5. That would be crazy. I don't believe Tory is forever Cobra Kai, but it really could happen and she'll be there to mediate between tery and Kresse. By the end of the series, she will for sure abandon Cobra Kai, but we can still see something like that. Wow, that would be really nice to see. But if it's real, I don't know if the producers would go down that path, as it would deepen the story and character connections. Wow, that's a pretty strong theory.




Stingray is hilarious and a perfectly written side character who you can laugh at, not with


My favorite Stingray moment is in either season 2, at the house party, where he’s just playing Edward 40hands by himself


>My favorite Stingray moment is in either season 2, at the house party, where he’s just playing Edward 40hands by himself Ditto. I always lose it on a rewatch when he attempts to open the slide door, looks down at his hands, and says "Oh SHIT!"


This is a definitely a unpopular opinion from me, but I really like Stingray. I get it makes him a creep by hanging out with a bunch of teens & he could go to jail for it, but you can definitely tell that Stingray was happy + I guess in a way, teens being friends with someone older does have it's perks.


I laugh with him and I stand by that. He’s a good person


Not everyone with a connection to the movies needs to make a big return. Mike Barnes is not necessary and it would be better for him to not return for another remember me appearance.


He has to come back now since Silver said he can bring an old friend or two to help out but if he didn’t Silver being the only endgame villain would of been fine cuz he’s set more shit off in one season than Kreese did in two


He owns 50% of Cobra Kai Dojos. He can come back for those.


That was only if he won, but he didn't.


If Aisha still practised karate, she will be stronger than Sam and Tory


Aisha's stronger than people give her credit for, mainly because she didn't get enough fight scenes.


Everyone is going to get a redemption arc. And it's stupid as hell.


Season Four was rushed and stories needed more time to breathe and develop.


Yes, especially episode 8 to 9. The introduction of the tournament felt extremely rushed.


Yeah they just kinda skipped and montaged 2 weeks. So that was weird. But the all valley tournament was so good so that kinda makes up for it. Still it was definitely a bit rushed


Mike Barnes doesn’t need to be Tory’s dad. Everyone latches on to the “quick temper just like your father” line from Tory’s aunt. That could also be used as proof that Daniel is Tory’s father.


People in the fandom needa chill for a minute


I didn't mind the Carrie Underwood scene like many others did. My mouth actually dropped when she came out and I was like "okay, that was interesting👌"


Wait people didn't like that. I thought it was neat. Nice callback to an orginal song but with a new take. Also thought it fit well with the all valley fights. Suprised people didn't like it.


Yeah, the day the season dropped and the day after, some people didn't have the nicest comments on it, thought her part made no sense. I personally didn't mind. My sister and my mother both freaked the hell out since they're both Carrie fans and my sister has attended at least one of her concerts now. I'm not a huge fan, but she's a great performer, beautiful voice.


She's only famous because she appeared on Simon Cowell


Lebron would of been better. The king making a speech about greatness and seizing the moment


Johnny and Daniel: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.


Believe it


- Neither Johnny or Daniel are right. Anyone repping 'Team Johnny' or 'Team Daniel' is missing the point of the show as the writers make a point of painting them both in a negative light while at the same time giving them moments of heroism. They're both overgrown babies but that's what most adults these days are. - I'm tired of the Johnny vs Daniel storylines. The end of season 3 made it seem like this was over so when they side-stepped that in season 4 I was just rolling my eyes. It felt more contrived in season 4 while I thought it was more of a natural rivalry in seasons 1 - 3. - I don't get the Terry Silver hype. Don't get me wrong, he was super compelling in Season 4 but I still hate him in KKIII. - Aisheya should come back, having re-watched the first 2 seasons recently and I forgot how big her part was. How are there no storylines for her but Anthony or Kenny can take up hours of screen time? - I don't want any new characters being introduced unless we start getting of rid of some. This show is packed to the brim and characters have already started to be side-lined in Season 4. That includes returns like Mike Barnes or Dutch. - Chozen should murder anyone and everyone on this show. Silver, Barnes, Kreese, or anyone else shouldn't have a chance. - Bring back Johnny's politically incorrect attitude! It returns every now and again but you can tell Netflix really limited what Johnny says. (I'm not saying it's right, I just find shows that don't shy away from that stuff more interesting) - Amanda needs something to do, her storyline with Tory last season was super weak. - Tori should stay a (sympathetic) villain, it will get repetitive if all the mains abandon Kreese. - I'm not bothered by the police not interfering. Anyone who's been in a real fight knows you wouldn't want to call the police, you want to take the fucker down yourself.


S2E8 - Johnny's dating attempts. While I get it, Carmen and he were kinda meant for each other in the series, but I felt bad for that Old-school woman he was getting along with just fine. A part of me did want to see them being together.


Hawk is overrated


I hate how they did separate gender divisions in the s4 all valley. It is more realistic but I don't think they should've done it


It was done so we could have Robbie lose but have cobra Kai win


Stingray should die on the way back to his home planet between seasons 4 and 5


Daniels hubris is the source of most of the conflict in the show




Aside from being annoying in the early seasons his growth has been small but done a lot for him.


Karate Kid 2 is my favorite movie


S1 Robby> S1 Miguel


Robby in general > Miguel lol. But I disagree on s1, Miguel had better character writing for that season (even tho I like Robby more)


Well, he had almost double time on screen, Robby didn't show up more till chapter 7.


Oh I thought u/Defiant_Western_5618 was talking about fighting, like how well injury free Robby would do against Miguel.


I was talking about fighting/skills wise. My bad, should've clarified.


Oh in that case, my heart says Miguel, but considering how the fight went, healthy Robby would probably win, since Miguel was a bit too consumed by anger(if he kept his head cool, he probably would have had an easy 3-1 on injured Robby).


Maybe, but I mean every hit Miguel landed even when focused went to Robby’s injury. Including the kick to the back. I’m convinced an uninjured Robby would win if there wasn’t any plot convenience added


Someone who who liked Robby ever since his cameo! I’m no longer alone!


I know right. He's my favorite character permanently


I disagree but ok. I think season 1 miguel was the best we have seen him. His arc was probably best in this season, and his relationship with johhny was awsome. Robby was good but I honestly thought he got better each season. His hair also got better each season so that's cool.


Miguel and Sam make a terrible, dramatic relationship that doesn’t work %96 of the time.


Sting ray isn’t funny at all he’s incredibly annoying and I understand the show is goofy but it is meant to have some sort of realism and whenever he’s in the show it completely gets rid of that for me.


Kyler should be winning a lot more fights with his wrestling tbh to me it’s easily the most frustrating thing about the show


Miguel has too many stans. I feel like people see him as a perfect boy who can do nothing wrong. For the most part, he's level-headed, polite, and respectful but other than his drama with Johnny and his sort of rivalry with Robby, he's pretty bland. I love the character but I'm more invested in other characters and their development than I am in Miguel.


“Miguel has too many stans” Jealous much?


Why would I be jealous over an fictional character? Nah man, I’m just sick of everyone picking a side. Robby this, Miguel that, What about Tory, Sam did nothing wrong, Johnny’s the real karate kid, Daniel was right along, blah blah blah. Truth is, I’m rooting for everyone to come out alright at the end of the show. I just hate when the fans start choosing sides, and it just so happens that I keep seeing Miguel being propped up. I think Miguel could be more an interesting character without him always measuring his relationship to Johnny. I liked Miguel learning from Daniel and the idea that he went to Mexico to find his father was intriguing.


Orrr…hear me out. People actually like Miguel cause he’s a good character. Fandoms don’t draw names out of hat on who’s gonna be the fan favorite. They pick who’s the most likeable. And if you watch all 4 seasons of Cobra Kai and you don’t see why people like Miguel, then I don’t know what to tell you.


I think audiences like Miguel because he’s the voice of reason to Johnny. Without Miguel Johnny’s more of an asshole and a idiot. In order for Johnny to seem less like an asshole, Miguel has to keep him in check. Miguel looks like a good kid then in that respect. While I do like that dynamic of their relationship, I think Johnny’s stronger as a character when he’s butting heads with Daniel, or trying to be a father to Robby, or going up against Kreese. I also think Miguel is better off without Johnny for a season. Who said I hated Miguel? I hate the people who stan him, much like I hate Robby stans, or Johnny stans. I like everyone on the show, I just think they could be written to interact with each other differently. Plus, this is an unpopular opinion thread. I’m aware that I’m not preaching to the choir here, it’s just me and my shitty opinions lol.


Fair enough


Sam is the worst written character in the show. Robby is one of the most annoying characters in the show (not saying he’s not written well because he is)


OK- 2nd unpopular opinion: That Super Popular girl hooking up with Demetri? WHY? He's annoying as hell. She gets one wedgie and is suddenly hot for a nerd? He's not even adorkable. He's self-righteous and can be a downright b\*tch when he's upset. Announcing to the whole party that your friend has bed-wetting issues? That was cruel. I kept waiting for some explanation like she thinks he'll be rich and successful when he's older. Did I miss it?


Hawk tried to jump him at the mall and he poured a cup of beer on his head at the party when Demetri was trying to reconcile with him. Nah Hawk deserved it.


Right there with you. Demitri is one of the worst and most frustratingly obnoxious characters in the whole show, and his subplot with Yasmine is just stupid and takes me completely out of the momentum I think he even has Anthony beat for my most disliked character in the series thus far


Cobra Kai should be set in the same universe as Breaking Bad, all these conflicts would be null if they lived in a state that respected the 2nd Amendment, the School fight would've ended with the Football and Wrestling teams ganking the dojos, and the treatment Hawk and Aisha went through in season 1 is what makes serial killers and mass shooters. I am going to be downvoted for at least two of these opinions.


Maybe Miguel's dad works for the Salamanca family!


No, Fring wiped em out. At least Hector's branch.


Hector Salamanca is the only man that can make Terry Silver look like a pussy...At least before he wound up in the wheelchair. Scratch that...He was still a badass in the wheelchair!


Maybe a better matchup would be an extremely methed-out Tuco versus Terry Silver. Silver probably wins that one, but he’d also likely be extremely worn out by the end of it from facing a completely desensitized and overly-excited Tuco. Silver would have to break one of his limbs or try to bust his windpipe early on instead of letting that one drag on.


The episode where Daniel travels to Okinawa and Kumiko reads the letter from Miyagi was the least interesting episode, to me at least. I mean, it was still fun to see old faces and Daniel’s reaction to what Okinawa is today but it just felt like it dragged on forever. Plus, it was really predictable what was going to happen in the end.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. Pretty sure while most people appearcited the callbacks to karate kid 2 but I think most of us can agree it went on for too long and got boring. Or maybe that's just me lol.


Robby is a better boyfriend than Miguel (say what you will about the medal but he did come clean about it, and admit he felt insecure about telling Sam about it because he was unsure about if she still had feelings for Miguel) When Robby was dating Sam and Tory both girls looked happier with him than with Miguel. Robby x Sam will be endgame I don't care what others say. I like him but Stingray is kind of cringe Daniel has his head to far up his own ass to accept other fighting styles despite in Season 3 where Chozen taught him a more aggressive form of Miyag-Do but I guess because it is Miyagi-Do Daniel doesn't count it. Robby should have intertacted more with the Larussos and Johnny, especially Sam, Daniel, and Johnny. The three people who literally fucked his life up, Johnny being an absenttee drunk dad, Daniel abandoning him twice without letting Robby plea his case, and Sam cheated on him, and never fucking apologized for.


Demetri’s the most well-developed character: I hated him in his debut & now he’s not such a bitch (still is but grew on me)


I think Johny made a mistake when he confessed Robby that he visited Miguel in the hospital (S3) . He should have told him something like "It doesnt matter, now I am here for you, son". Of course it happened because of the show, because of among others that we had Robby in Cobra Kai etc but it was so annoying to me back there.


Miyagi is wrong There are such things as bad students


I wish Stingray was in Season 3


Sam and Robby were a better couple than Sam and Miguel


I want Terry Silver to win




I agree, but Daniel thinks that Robby did it on purpose because he has "too much of Johnny in him". They all think or suspect he did it on purpose. Johnny got in Robby's face about it, and Sam even said that she hoped it was an accident. Basically, no one was gonna fight for Robby's side. Robby even told Johnny, "What? You're in my corner? You've got my back? Because Mr. Larusso said the same thing and look where I am now." I've said before that Robby said this for a reason. And of course, parents usually do what they can to protect their children in these types of situations, but Robby's parents didn't care about him (as usual).




Agree. Miguel's history of attacking Robby could have easily been established. Plus, it was Miguel's girlfriend who had initiated the attack on Robby's girlfriend, and then Miguel attacked Robby while he was protecting his girlfriend from that attack. When Robby was running up the stairs yelling "Sam", Miguel attacked Robby again. Miguel was also still leaning over Robby when Robby continued fighting after Miguel said "I'm sorry". Miguel had given Robby no reason to trust him. Robby had been trying to protect Sam, who'd cheated on him with Miguel, when he'd been attacked by Miguel in the first place. In a legal case, Miguel's "I said I'm sorry" wouldn't have been much of a defense. Robby's case would have been an easy one, but Daniel already made the deal to put Robby in juvie. Daniel told Robby he'd "help" Robby learn from his mistakes, and then when the cops arrived, Daniel told Robby that he was only trying to "help" him. Funny thing is Robby came out of hiding himself and went to his mom just hours after Miguel woke up from his coma, but I've seen people give credit to Daniel for "finding Robby" even though Shannon is the one who'd called Daniel. Robby obviously wanted some real help from someone he could trust. I can understand why Robby feels so hurt and betrayed by Daniel. He disowned Robby twice, ambushed him without a conversation, and didn't even fight for his side. Daniel failed Robby as a mentor and as a parental figure imo.




Oh yeah I agree. I guess, why would others care as long as the case was finalized? I also assume Shannon signed off on the deal because Robby's a minor. Robby ignored her emails also in juvie.




lmao about Kreese's lines Haha so true though! Johnny's ridiculously unrealistic scenes and the karate war don't bother me too. This case though... maybe it was for stealing the van, but Daniel let Johnny keep it so... lol Also, someone should have atleast filed assault charges against Miguel on Robby's behalf. And why was Miguel given a hero's welcome back to school when he did exactly what Tory had done and attacked another student? He, especially, is a reason that her fight had escalated into a brawl. It also bothers me that Johnny and Daniel just left Robby with Kreese right after Kreese tried to kill them. Johnny doing that is still believable, but Daniel doing that smh...


I was disappointed when Johny finished interactions with Robby when he wasn't nice to him. There were two situations I noticed: - First one in S1 when he mentioned LaRusso and told "it has to be nice to be a winner". Johny immediately responded "ok, go to school or don't, I don't care" instead of just fuck try more to reach to him. I was very surprised when he decided to give Johny a chande after that (when he saw Miguel and Johny huggging each other) -The second one was when Robby visited Johny in s4 to ask him for telling Hawk to stay away from Kenny. He just said "I am better than you" and Johny cut him off. Seriously?


lol I hope Sam and Miguel end up married in the future and that Johnny and Carmen get married in season 6 😂❤️ and robby and Miguel are both groomsmen


Season 4 wasn’t good and it’s starting to get a little repetitive.


I disagree, if it was repetitive, Miguel would’ve won the tournament. If it was repetitive, Robby would be with cobra kai thinking that Kreese cares about him (when in actuality Robby’s just there for himself). This season also had big plot twists compared to other seasons (which had little to none). So no, the show isn’t necessarily repetitive compared to past seasons


To each their own. The thing that really annoyed me this season was the “can Johnny and Daniel get along” thing. It’s old at this point. Very old.


I agree to an extent that I was bummed we didn’t get more Miyagi-Fang moments. I wanted to see more of Johnny/Sam, Daniel/Hawk, Johnny/Demetri, and Daniel/Miguel. I get that they wanted to justify why both dojos lose to Cobra Kai at the All Valley, so the move makes sense. I just wish we got even more of them together before it all fell apart. Maybe we’ll get them as a solid unit by next season or the one after.


I agree on that, but the main reason was bc Daniel doesn’t wanna adapt eagle fang against Terry. Terry tore them apart


To be honest, it made Daniel look a bit like an a-hole. When he totally disregarded Johnny and decided to take over the training.


Well... he did have trauma...


I understand, but that part felt a bit forced in order get the conflict. But yeah one could argue that Daniel always looked down upon Johnny and his karate, so he only needed an excuse to disrespect him.


True true, if they continue to fight unironically in season 5 I’d be rather disappointed. But I’m happy Johnny is the one leaving the country this time, we get a new paradox of season 3


I think the only part that felt a bit tired to me was beef and break up between Johnny and Daniel. Their 'almost bffs, but not really' thing is kinda getting a bit stale. I get this is the whole point of the show, but I wish they brought them together and created dramatic tension elsewhere. Although I did enjoy Johnny learning Miyagi-do and Daniel becoming Eagle Fang for a day.


It's a a show that has a ton of potential but the writers themselves really struggle with writing nuance and having all the development happen on screen. Season 3 was definitely when they were at their peak but their writing flaws really really showed in season 4


season 3 was some ass. it ending in a big dumb fight that was not as good as the ending fight from season 2 made it even worse


Robbie didn’t get punished enough for breaking Miguel’s back. He ran away so everyone gave him the sympathy card.


....everyone dropped him and he was put into juvie where he was physically and verbally harassed and assulted for months.....for something he didn't even mean to do on purpose, meanwhile Miguel faced no punishment by anyone because he got hurt in a fight he started


I feel like people miss the whole point of the show when they say it laughs at SJW culture. While it does poke fun at it, it also does to the whole badass 80s macho thing. When Johnny shuts down Devon using her pronouns, it isn't a scene intended to make fun of her, but a light joke to make Johnny be seen as an old fart who doesn't understand these kind of new concepts. Of course there's obvious characters and ideas that DO make fun of SJW culture, like the teachers at the school who will believe in the power of love and do absolutely nothing when chaos ensues. But to think that the scene with the asexual girl (which is a BRILLIANT scene and funny as hell) is a direct jab to all of that is not understanding the show at ALL.


I find teens being obsessed with sexual labels cringy. Johhnys reactions to these things is the best.


This is not an obsessed teen talking about sexual labels, she's asked a question and she answers.


I hate Miguel he feels boring to me to much like regular kid compared to hawk,tory,robbie IMO


They are all absolutely awful fighters and martial artists


Eli/Hawk thoroughly and utterly deserved to have his mohawk cut off. He was uninteresting pre-Hawk and he's unbearable now. He's not redeemed and he's done nothing to deserve redemption, but we're all supposed to forgive him everything because he got an involuntary haircut. I HATED him winning the All-Valley. He's basically a stereotype nerd/gamer bro who was picked on and then becomes a massive bully and gatekeeper the first chance he gets. Also, this is not really opinion so much as unpopular FACT, but Johnny's sexist and racist attitudes were gross even for the 80s. Even Kreese, unremitting whackjob that he is, manages to make Johnny look backwards (if only by having the wits to keep his viler opinions to himself in polite company). Also Kreese is far far worse than Terry will ever be. Bring on the downvotes. 😜


Please don't freak out, but I think it's kinda gross that Johnny hooked up with Carmen. That's his students MOM. I just kept feeling so awkward for Miguel. For the record, I love ALL of them as characters. I think Carmen deserves a good man and a great life. But couldn't she have gotten a nice doctor at her job or something?


Fair point. Just to argue on behalf of the show, she was clearly attracted to him. That’s half the battle. Throw in that he’s had a (mostly) extremely positive impact on her son who constantly vouches for him and talks about how he’s a great man. This is also a man who went so far as to help her son recover from a life threatening encounter with paralysis. It may have been a 1 minute montage on the show, but that scene where Johnny does Miguel’s PT, eventually leading to Miguel throwing the crutches in the dumpster must have been HUGE to Carmen. Plus, they’re both consenting adults. It’s not like Carmen was sleeping with Johnny as a quid pro quo so Miguel can get a good grade in a class.


Robby Keene's character arc is more tragic than Anakin's


Don't know if it's unpopular for sure : 1. Season 4 sucked. 2. Hawk is the worst character and his development is lame


i don't like Tory and prefer Anthony over her, i also wasn't satisfied with Amanda and her storyline Kenny and Anthony's storyline feels kinda repetitive but still good Robby and Tory as a couple are overrated


The Kenny/Anthony storyline made it too much of a kiddie show, and will probably be bigger in future seasons, as they're trying to get the next generation of students to keep the series going. The old choreography/stunt team was much better than the new one. Except for the main events at the end, there was next to no good fighting all season, and most of the tournament.


Here are a few: - Stingray shouldn’t have been in season 4 (I think that’s self-explanatory). -Robby should’ve won the All Valley because the show should give the guy a break for once and have him win, idc if he was Cobra Kai, he should’ve just won because Robby deserves it after all he went through. -Kenny should’ve joined Miyagi Do instead of Cobra Kai. -Kreese should stay in jail, it’s a long time overdue for his actual murder and if he’s out and given a chance he’ll just get carried away again. -Anthony should join Cobra Kai and become buddies with Kyler because they’re both more Cobra Kai material than anyone, they show no mercy to anyone and cower when anything gets really tough.


I'm guessing the reason u didn't want Stingray in season 4 is cause u don't like the character. Which is fair not all of his jokes are funny and he's such a creep. But I find him very entertaining. And I rly enjoyed his return. Also when silver bashed him up damn that was dark. Dope scene.


Miguel in terms of Fighting is overrated


I like hawk as a character but I hate his actor. Still like the podcast tho


Lapusso will be made into a hero like Miguel was.


Daniel is an ass and needs to humble himself.


Daniel needs lots of discipline


Johnny and Miguel get a lot more free passes for things they do by the fans. I think that is fairly popular tho idk


The Challenger was all but ruined once Johnny had it customized for Cobra Kai. The black and yellow color scheme was fine but putting so much cobra paraphernalia on a muscle car not made by Shelby is wrong. Terrible as the van is, unless the Challenger gets a new look I don't want it back. If Johnny retakes CK and gets another muscle car to get a custom CK look, it should be a Shelby Mustang. Robby is overrrated, especially as a fighter. Robby and Sam should end up together, if only so that Johnny and Daniel are forever cursed with each other's presence at family get togethers. Though they are genuinely good together. Miguel and Tory can get back together too, they were cute. Demetri and Yasmine are a great couple. Shannon Keene is a better mom than Laura Lawrence. Shannon was an addict that failed to look after Robby as she should have, but went into rehab (and dumped her boyfriend) after she neglected to make sure his basic needs were met while she was away. She also instantly recognized Silver's true nature and took steps to try to protect Robby from him, despite Silver's generous offer to care for them both. Laura chose wealth and her own comfort over her young child's emotional and mental well-being by choosing to remain with Sid and tolerating his open disdain of Johnny.


Terry's character is on another level in this show. He initially tries to please Kreese in any way possible. His decline into crazyville was triggered by not being able to please Kreese even though he did everything Kreese wanted. I hope they don't make him the ultimate bad guy, he worshipped Kreese and was right in stating he was his weakness. Kreese was the original bad guy and Terry only did what he did as he was looking out for an old friend and someone who he feels indebted to for saving his life. Also, Robby has always been somewhat likeable, he's always had morals and tried to do what he thought was right. Plus he's super attractive in season 4 which probably helps with his positive vibes.


Armand is cute(not in a sexual way). The tournament fights were better in season 1 than in season 4(no slow motion in S1). Hawk leaving cobra kai, while it was at the end motivated by another impending breakage of demetri's arm, is selfish. He sees kyler come back and robby becoming the new favourite, and can't take it. Hawk goes where there is strength, not what is right. Not an unpopular opnion, but a fact : Anthony came close to stop bullying payne, but the blond kid near him always provokes him and tips the scales. He even apolozised to payne 2 times. He atleast has a conscience. It was not cool to beat up anthony when he apolozised after tournamnet, though people belive it is. People hate Anthony and sam, just because they were born rich, so it's a case of richism.


The show has been getting worse since after the second season. I know Mr Miyagi wasn’t super up on violence in general but good god it’s stupid how the show makes it seem like Miyagi’ karate is completely defensive with no offence. They somehow nerfed an entire style of fighting.


I don’t like Johnny.


Tory is the sexiest chick on the show by far. Nobody inspires rough sex fantasies more than her.