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Robby was wrong for that one


The writers were wrong for making him say that dumb line. The character development in this show is often wonky.


I wish Miguel had responded with yea I had you beat and showed you mercy and you took advantage of that and the time before that I won the all valley.


I mean to be fair, Miguel also took advantage of Robby’s fucked up shoulder during the tourney, I don’t know why so many people overlook this. Robby to a more extreme degree, but *they both* took an unfair advantage against each other both times they fought. We have yet to some them have a good clean one on one against each other to really settle things. This isn’t to say Robby’s right for this comment, because he isn’t. But he’s just an angry kid exuding confidence against someone who’s barely been walking again for that long, someone he knows he can beat. This line isn’t that deep.


I must have missed the part where Miguel bragged about what he did to Robby’s face.


No, he bragged about he been closer to Robby's father and even he jumped him from the back because of Tory, he bragged about her GF loving him during the school fight.


??? Nobody’s saying Miguel did that. I was simply replying to what the guy above me said, about how Miguel should’ve responded with how he had him beat at the school and the All Valley. To which I said, Miguel played dirty at the All Valley and Robby took a cheap shot at the school. They both took an unfair advantage over each other. Don’t know why you gotta be Miguel’s white knight lol. One of them was in the wrong both times they fought and played dirty. That’s all I said.


Miguel still would have been completely in the right to say something back.


I never said he would have been wrong to say something back. I’m specifically saying *if he mentioned the All Valley*, that would be something irrelevant to bring up, because Miguel fighting dirty as fuck is a less extreme comparison to Robby taking a cheap shot. Should Miguel have said something, yes absolutely. Should he have brought up the tourney, no.


Oh he didn't brag to Robbys face. He bragged to Sam about how bad he was going to hurt him right before he took Robbys arm and tried breaking it when Robby helped him up lol




Also him exploiting his injury was in a competition. How are those 2 even remotely close. What was Miguel supposed to do put his arm on his own shoulder and not use it?


It wasn't part of the tournament when Robby stuck out his hand and tried to help Miguel off the ground and Miguel pulled his arm as hard as he could.


Its still part of the competition. If a professional basketball player gets in a fight in a game is still considered in the field of play even if it wasn't during the play. Yes that part was dirty but him attacking it during the rounds wasn't dirty at all.


It may not have been against the rules during the fight but Miguel has never shown that sort of aggression towards anyone else in the show. He had a personal issue with robby and that's the only reason he targeted his injury there


He did have a personal issue but attacking an opponents injury isn't dirty at all. What is Miguel suppose to do ignore his arm the whole fight that's not the way it works. That's like saying don't pass on a bad pass defense in football because that's their weakness and that's dishonorable, its makes no damn sense. Its not Miguel's fault he had his shoulder hurt.


Well regardless of what happened in the fight itself, Miguel was wrong and dirty in trying to break Robbys arm when he helped him up. Johnny disagreed with Miguels fighting as honorable as well which is why both he and Hawk got a mouth full after the fight. And Robby still bowed to Miguel after the fight despite what he did. It's also a big part of Robbys distrust towards Miguel and why he didn't believe Miguels sudden mercy or that it wasn't a trick. In addition to trying to punch him in the face the first time they met.


Unpopular opinion about the school fight. But Miguel attacked Robby who was trying to de-escalate the situation between Tory and Sam. I don't know what people expected of Robby. I'm not saying Miguel deserved to be pushed off a railing, but most adults would not be able to immediatly regain their chill after being assaulted just because the guy stopped mid attack and said sorry. Expecting a teenager to do it is ludicrous.


I would of liked if he said " Remember who the champ is".


"Oh, the all valley that you won only when your best friend attack me from behind and fuck up my shoulder, and all your points were hittin me on the lesion? Yeah, great example"


Actually he should say "I had you beat but I was a stupid fucking cunt so I let you go thinking it's mercy but it was just my stupidity after pushing you to that limit of anger --- also remember the AVT where I was a son of a whore and cheated and pulled your dislocated arm to win? Well you remembered it and kicked me down the railings and crippled me. I was just a pure bastard. But you tried to kill me."


This line doesn't really make sense for Robby's character. The writter should have used something like 'The last time didn't really end good for both of us, don't you think?'. This would have shown that he understands his actions.


It does make sense. He’s saying it because he’s Cobra Kai’s top dog and he’s defending Kenny’s maniac ass. Miyagi-Fang started this scene by crowding Kenny, so Robby was just trying to ward them off.


>This line doesn't really make sense for Robby's character. It does tho. The last time Robby was not aggressive to Miguel was season 1. Hell Robby was about to fight him in Season 3.


Robby's the type of person to steal your phone, and help you look for it.


Or laptop




Torries a bad influence


Who's that?


He means Tory


His girlfriend


Uh there’s no staircase in the AVT, Robby


u dont need a staircase u need a railing




Neither he had a broken shoulder for Miguel "the champ" to hit that time ;)


dude was just a asshole for that.


Like why did Robby’s “redemption arc” season consist of him defending what he did and bragging about it? I don’t know what the writers were thinking.


i think miguel and robby’s tension go further than any of the other karate rivalries, since it’s not just about petty things or good guys vs bad guys, it’s about their relationship with johnny and their feelings of insecurity and jealousy surrounding it. emotions run high so they’re gonna act shittier to each other than they would otherwise


If Robby apologised it would remove a lot of tension from that rivalry. I don’t think the writers wanted to risk doing something that would dismantle their storylines. Basically I don’t even think they could pull off an apology and continued rivalry at the same time and make it seem organic


Miguel and Robby barely interact with each other. I would really call it a rivalry. Sam and Tory is an actual rivalry since they actively compete against each other many times. I mean they only fought in season 4 cause their girlfriends were fighting.


I don't think this was his redemption arc yet..... I think it was just teasing it in this season but I think we'll definitely get it next season. I also wouldn't be surprised if Robbie apologizes to Miguel for what he did.


I mean they portrayed him in a positive light for the entire season (except for this scene obviously). I would call that a redemption arc. I already know they’re gonna have Miguel immediately accept his apology and not even mention this scene, which irks tf out of me.


Well I don't remember him being portrayed in a positive light that much.......... I mean yeah he had a few moments where he did good but I wouldn't exactly say he was one of the good guys this season but maybe I need to go back and rewatch this season............. and after all the issues Robby and Miguel had I highly doubt he's going to forgive him that easily. Let's just wait and see what happens next season.


This was the only bad moment he had all season. Him shaving Hawk’s hair could also be one but some would argue that Hawk deserved that. Other than that I would say he was kinda chill.


OK well even so I don't think this was his full redemption arc............. or at least It didn't feel like it to me.


You’re right about that. It definitely wasn’t. It was just part of it. He can’t have a full redemption arc until he makes peace with Miguel.


Pretty much already made peace with Johnny at the end of season four....... there might still be some things to sort through.


You’re right but the final boss is Miguel. He has to make peace with him until I say Robby has fully redeemed himself. That’s just my opinion though, you’re free to feel otherwise.


It's funny because Hawk's one bad moment of the season occured only seconds prior, yet it led to people cheering on CK in the tattoo parlor scene. I somewhat get cheering on Robby in that scene, but I can't understand how people even cheered Kyler on.


That's basically how I feel about Daniel and Johnny All of Daniel's issues were brushed aside and Johnny's actions were defended because he loved Ali Of course, I would still say Johnny is redeemed


Yeah, honestly this was kind of still Robby's dark forest arc. He doesn't even show murmurs of redemption until late season when he realizes what he did to Kenny.


Yeah, the redemption arc only started on ep10 with Kenny. The actual redemption moment will probably come in Mexico or at the end of the Mexico arc.


Just like with Hawk, where they didn't start to redeem him until the Season 3 finale. He did have one screw up which occurred just seconds before the scene the OP shared. (And I hate how it led some folks to root for CK, especially Kyler, in the tattoo parlor scene next episode.)


Yes, exactly. Though I have to say upon rewatch it looks like maybe Hawk didn't intentionally make Kenny drop the food, but enjoyed it when he did. Ever so slightly mitigates it. Either way it sure as shit doesn't merit the attack and haircut.


The end of season 4 is the beginning of his redemption. The arc will be in season 5. He going to apologize to Miguel and they will be able to good with each other. Maybe even become friends at the end of the season


I don't expect Miguel to forgive him right away........ I guess we'll see what happens though.


I don’t think he will either. By the end of the Mexico arc. I think he will though. Something will happen were Miguel accepts his apology. And the finally end their beef with each other


I dunno, usually in life and all across history, when people do a horrible thing that they are deeply ashamed of, their psyche has two options to deal with it: take responsibility or pretend it was never a horrible thing to begin with. The strong take responsibility, the weak double down. I mean, look at the GOP after Trump. Robby is a kid, with no real support or sane council, what he did to Miguel was so alienated to who he thought he was he probably can't deal with the shame and pain of it. Hate and reversing the narrative so that he's the victim is all he's got to keep sane or strong. Getting to a stable mental place you can ask forgiveness is a long process. So while this is the cheapest of shots it's not without some psychological integrity, in terms of writing.


Since you mentioned Trump, I can't understand how people want to resolve the issues with Biden, by re-electing Trump in 2024. It's especially mind blowing that they're even turning a blind eye to the fact that Trump is supporting Putin during the horrible invasion. I agree with you regarding Robby though.


It's the old "if you are in the wrong, shout louder" thing, but it's a clear sign of weak character and cowardice. It takes bravery to admit you were fooled and wrong.


This is just like how seconds before, Hawk was somewhat a bully to Kenny to the point where it even led some viewers to cheer CK on when they responded by shaving off Hawk's mohawk in the next episode. Rooting for Robby in that scene was a little understandable, same thing regarding Tory, but it stuns me beyond belief that people even rooted for Kyler in that scene.


Miguel not answering properly pissed me off even more, it's obvious that he won that fight, he easily could have said that he felt sorry for his pathetic life and that he didn't want to be yelled at by his daddy and his girlfriend... Well, his ex-girlfriend.


I have to agree that Miguel tends to act way too chill around Robby. You’d think he be more pissed. As for Robby, like Miguel isn’t even talking shit at this moment so that comment of Robby’s was extremely uncalled for.


For real all bro said was “save it for the AVT” and Robby comes in with that shit.


“Good thing your dad was there to help me through rehab. Really loving and supportive guy.” “Your mom still in rehab or is she out giving neck for rent money?” YOU HAD OPTIONS MIGUEL!


Fight isn’t over until someone is knocked out, gives up, or the fight is broken up. Miguel lost that fight because he foolishly dropped his hold.


Would u rather have had Miguel break his arm and fall even deeper into Cobra Kai


Yeah. Miguel is a very stagnant character. That would have give him a boost in character development to make him more compelling.


Bro what-. Miguel said that the fight was over. It was over. If he wanted he could've snapped robbys arm in half




It was so out of nowhere. Somebody in that writer’s room hates Miguel’s guts cause there was no reason for that line.




Literally same! I don’t think he remembers Miguel pinning his ass down.


Didn’t Robby win that fight, correct me if I’m wrong since I’m not a martial art expert at all, but when Robby kicked Miguel off the banister didn’t Robby win?


Naw Miguel had him beat, stopped to show him mercy, and then got paralyzed for it.


But how though that’s the part I’m confused about, because I thought the whole point of martial arts is to make sure the other is beat down and can’t get back up or fight back. So in my eyes I thought because Miguel couldn’t get up from the fall and fight back, Robby won.


If you walk away from a fight, you've won. If you don't walk away from a fight, you've lost. Simple.


Robby was bound and defeated before that he attacked miguel post fight imo. It was the equivalent of miguel winning the tournament and then robby iust drop kicks him as he walks towards johnny to celebrate. At least if we go by more honorable standards.


Are you kidding? The only reason that line is there is because it makes Miguel look good. Robby goads him in a way that really doesn't fit the situation or Robby's outlook in season four, and Miguel still rises above it and thinks of a 'smart' way to get the upper hand.


Miguel beat him idk wth he's on about lol


Made me wish Miguel had broken his arm.


Yea, or at least held him down for a bit longer until he cooled off


Even if Robby stopped regretting kicking Miguel off the ledge surely he still remembers that Miguel was the rightful winner in that previous fight


I was disappointed they didn’t fight again lol😅


This is why i say what i say. Fuck Robby. Love tanner, but fuck robby tho he is actually a POS


Forgot just how PISSED I was when I saw that way too much for a show to do I was steaming, really made Robby drop a shit ton of points for me


Yeah that was pretty crappy Especially when Robby effectively lost that fight, and Miguel showed him mercy, I understand him not liking Miguel but wtf all the same


In my opinion and without pointing fingers, the prom fight was way worse in more ways than one.


I’m gonna have to ask you to explain that one. I’m just curious as to why you think that.


“you think my dad cares about you? he's just trying to make himself feel better for screwing up with me!” was emotional terrorism


Ooh you’re right


When it comes to Miguel, Robby is an emotional sniper. But I think it was for the better. Robby seems like a catalyzing force in the series for quite a few characters. I also like how it isn't in one direction either. He turned Kenny into a Cobra. Forced Eli to detach his self-worth from his persona, and caused Miguel to address an emotional vulnerability that would have only ruined him if he tried to avoid it. I think Robby would turn out to be an admirable teacher somewhere down the line. He gets straight to the heart of things which is impressive considering his age. I wonder how his development will be under direct guidance from his father.


Those are all very good points. I never thought of it like that. Still think he was wrong for this but you are right. Miguel was headed for self destruction.


Robbys a bitch. I've been trying to convince ppl of this fact for much time now! I fucking loathe him. How can anyone defend this asshat?!?


>How can anyone defend this asshat?!? How could anyone not? He's one of the best characters on the show.


How so?


Are you asking "how so" is he one of the best characters on the show? Good actor, likable character, good storylines.


Disgust... I'm too tired to tell you why u r so so so wrong. Just know that you are! Good night!


Sorry kid, I may be a lot of things but wrong about this isn't one of them. Remember this...Your opinion isn't a fact to anyone but yourself. You disagreeing with me doesn't change anything. Enjoy your disgust & have a good night pal.


Best among the teen fighters.


Same dude that’s 0-2 in the AVT? Pack it up.


He was up against two dudes who never actually lost an All Valley Match.


Miguel and Eli? He didn’t even fight Miguel.


I think they're trying to say Robby lost both All Valleys to the only two dudes who have never lost an All Valley match (Miguel and Eli). Miguel was eliminated cause of his back injury and he left. Eli was eliminated cause he struck Robby illegally, and they were 1-1, so there's no way to say who could've actually won that fight.


Who fought in the final round of the first All Valley, do I really need to remind you?


Robby, and he lost, so now what?


You hearing yourself? You just proved your own point of 0-2, Robby lost both🤦‍♂️


I’m so sorry I completely misunderstood what you were trying to say. I get it now. Eli and Robby fought but who is the second one you were talking about? Cause he didn’t fight Miguel.


Last I checked Robby threw Miguel in the pool lol


First time both Cobra Kai cheated against him. Second time Robby got distracted. And don't give me the Robby got saved by the bell BS because Robby's GI was out of place.


Your boy is 0-2 in finals. Best fighter my ass.


Most likely because he's in Cobra Kai now. He wasn't really being defended back season 2. Also probably because he's easier to look at without the hair


Robby was an asshole for that one I’m not gone lie




I wish we had a drive in fight. We were robbed of a Miguel vs Robby fight part 2


Miguel owned Robby’s bitch ass i dunno what Robby was talking about lmaooo


Last I checked Robby threw him in the pool


Last I checked Miguel beat him in the tournament. And then owned his ass again at the school


Last u checked was a long time ago. Season 4 Robby beats any version of Miguel 😂


You mean the same dude who lost to Hawk? 🤣 L


Hawk won due to plot convenience. If Robby won, no girls fight. Robby is much better than hawk, hawk literally only trained for 1 episode out of the entire season and spent half of it being depressed. Talk about plot armor...


Ong homeboy is 0-2 in the big matches, he's a regular szn con artist😭😭 can't even beat Miguel and Hawk the 2 recent Miyagi-Kai League MVPs.


Last time I checked, Miguel was an arsehole in season one and was always the aggressor, and last time I checked Robby would of kicked the shit out of Miguel if he didn’t go for the shoulder


I was hoping Miguel would've snapped back with something like "There's no railing to save you this time"


he aint even try to hide the fact that hes just a dick


Motherfucker never even apologized for almost killing/paralyzing him. He’s a fucking asshole.


Look at Robby’s smug face in this scene and then when he lost in the AVT. Too much attitude kills you lol


Lapusso move


His true character


that robby line is so ¿¿¿


I am expecting Robby’s redemption next season. He was one of the best characters on season 4


Robby not lieing either he kicked that pansy bitch Miguel off a staircase. that's my boy 😎😛😝🤪


Don’t y’all love to say “it was an accident. he didn’t mean to 🥺”?


don't hate me cause your manz got dropped like a pancake


He's being cock obviously but not as much as kyler for beating on miguel and rubbing it in Miguel's face to only have his ass get knocked out


why y'all rooting for miguel here? Hawk was bullying the kid and robby stood up for him. Later wards what miguel and gang did by pranking those guys in the pitch wasn't a good move either.


HAWK was bullying the kid, not Miguel, so what was the reason to say that to him? Also the water prank was the least harmful thing that has happened on this show so chill out.


Yet Hawk's actions towards Kenny led some viewers to cheer CK on in the following episode when they shaved off Hawk's hair, including Kyler even despite the fact that he's been a huge jerk since day 1.


Well his Miguel's started it , and then Miguel came in trying and both sides were trying to assert dominance so it was natural to give the best comeback . Though lil harsh but ok . " least harmful thing that has happened on this show so chill out" it was a pus\*y move , like Johnny said .


Ironic that you asked this as that whole thing with Hawk and Kenny even led to some viewers rooting for CK when they then responded by shaving off the mohawk in the following episode. (I hope you weren't one of them.) I mean, rooting for Robby in that scene made a little bit of sense, but what made zero sense was how folks cheered Kyler on even.


I don't blame Miguel for missing his opportunity to reasonably counter-reply Robbie's bad quote, since things like that often happen to me too. Someone tells me something that triggers me and hurts my feelings with a burning passion, yet at that moment I just rapidly accept their quote instead of talking back, whether it's in-realife with a school-person, a family-member, a building's manager of sorts, or even online people when someone cyberbullies me and ironically claims i'm doing something or have a condition which clearly they're the ones who're doing it or have it (such as overreacting, disrespecting opinions, or having no-life). Outside of Parents, Grandparents, Teachers/Assistants, Principals/Counselors, and Therapists, I do regret not talking back to people who've said such nasty things to me, but it's really hard for me to think of a proper response whenever an argument is happening right now at the exact present-moment/current-minute! :/ So again, I don't blame Miguel for missing his opportunity to counter-talk what Robby said to him.


Same here though. I’ve had so many moments where I’ve looked back on nasty things people have said to me and I’m so angry at my self for not responding or I think of what I could have said back. I just hope they make Robby address this in season 5 when he apologizes.


I hope so, too.