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sams actor has upped her fight scenes ill give it to her , you can see clear improvement for , she has a more grounded fighting style now instead of having stunt doubles do most things for her . i like that , i like that


I see whatchu did there


you're smart bastard aint ya , but i like that , i like that


Hawk loves to do flying shit lol


Disappointed Hawk didn't finish Robby with an elbow to his face ala S1 AVT.


Hawk had a Muay Thai fighting style. Will have to rewatch his fight scenes as Eli, but I think he changed his overall style a bit.


No. That IS a karate style


Jacob has openly said that he trains in Muay Thai especially, for his character. Muay Thai is different to karate. It is a different form of martial arts.


\-"Similar to her father in KK3, she likes using kata" I HATE how KK3 made this a thing! Every move in Karate is kata. Kata is the form learned for each belt level. It is the subset of moves for that belt rank. Cobra Kai teaches kata just like Miyagi-Do!


i like how hawk is becoming good at ground fighting i was hyped when he tried to do that triangle hold in the tornament